I do not recommend this.

(shorts, socks, shoes, bra, tank)

Thank you to Skye for being my photographer;)

Yesterday was a doozy, and I hung on for dear life. My coach told me that yesterday’s workout was the best way to simulate the end of a marathon.  He was right. I could feel the workout deep in my muscles just like I do in the final 10k of a marathon.  

I’m thrilled to check this workout off.

17.12 miles @ 7:02 average.  3 mile w/u, 3 x 3 miles a bit faster than goal marathon pace/effort—> averages per interval set—> 6:09 (flat), 6:22 (uphill), 6:03 (downhill).  About 7 minutes of easy running in between the interval sets.  

A few random thoughts from yesterday…

-I DO NOT RECOMMEND doing speed like this so close after a race like we are doing. We have taken a long time to work up to doing this type of insanity, and it would have resulted in injuries galore before I started training with this group. THIS IS NOT NORMAL TRAINING!  I’m spending a lot of time each day on recovery too (bringing my recovery tools everywhere we go, getting in my hot tub, sleeping 9 hours a night)!

-The way I got myself to do this workout was by telling myself I was just going to do ONE of the intervals. If I had told myself I would do all three before starting, I wouldn’t have left my door. It’s so much easier to keep going once you have already started, but until then, I lie to myself.

-I need to take my gels during the FAST part of the workouts, not just the recovery. There is a big difference on race day when you are used to taking gels at race pace vs. recovery paces.

-Having your coach at the workout with you is a little tricky because you can’t just lay on the ground in between recoveries, you have to keep moving, ha.

-My friend told me that for his first attempt at a sub 3, he dropped his headphones a mile away from the finish line and stopped to pick them up…. he then finished in 3:00:05.  UGGG.

-I’m thankful for Apple Pay so that a friend could use their phone to buy us all Powerade to survive the cooldown.

-I ate my graham crackers during the warm-up. My body does well digesting them, and I’m thankful for that.

Fall is popping up even though the temperatures did not feel like fall!

I also got in a little bit of strength training, and then I hung out with these two!


A much needed Trader Joe’s run happened.

We had SEOPs and so we were at the school for a while too.

We go through so many bags of this stuff each week… we cannot get enough.

Do you ever buy fuel or drinks while you are out on the run, or do you always bring everything you need?

Who lies to themselves when it comes to their running?

Ever had to stop during a race to pick something up or tie your shoe etc?

Food that you go through FAST at your house?!

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Okay I think I’m going to have to go to TJ’s just to get those gnocchi, sounds delicious and perfect for the night when I really don’t want to cook haha. You should do a post of your current favorite products from Trader Joe’s! I know I’d love it since it helps force me to try new things there.

Not a big runner right now but sometimes I lie to myself before my strength workouts and say I just have to the first circuit and not the rest. Nearly every time I do the whole workout once I get started though!


You’ll have to let me know what you think of them. My kids love them and I will absolutely do a post of my current favorites. Expect it in the next week or two! Your strength workouts have been motivating me big time to get in mine, thank you for that. Keep up the lying to keep you going haha and I’ll do the same:). Thanks Maureen!


That sounds like such a hard workout and you killed it!! I had track last night and I got moved to the fast group, meaning I am now last in all reps haha. But those ladies encourage me to be faster and I push myself a lot harder! It’s amazing what you can do with awesome running groups.

TJs gnocchi is the best! I like the sweet potato one too, good as a side with salmon.


FAST GROUP! Way to go, Mariah! Isn’t it amazing what it does for us to run with faster people? It pushes us so much faster. The sweet potato gnocchi is everything and now I need some salmon too. Have a beautiful day!


I was at Trader Joe’s yesterday too! And, also bought bananas. I swear, bananas from TJ’s are better than any other store.
On Tuesday I did a a progression run (Becs on the Peloton app) and had to lie to myself that I would just pump my speed up twice, not the 8 times that she said we were going to do. But of course I did all 8. Sometimes you do need to tell yourself a little “lie” just to get going, ha ha. Awesome job on the workout!
I just noticed yesterday, that a couple of trees are showing early signs of fall, despite the highs in the 90’s right now. It made me so happy!!
One of my favorite Starbucks is right at the end of my favorite trail so I have stopped for an iced coffee several times after a hard run. It’s perfect!
Off for a run with our borrowed dog (having so much fun with him), then to my Barre class at the gym.
Have a great day Janae!


Oh my goodness, Skye and I were talking yesterday about how their bananas are the best. That is so funny. Ummm way to go on getting in all 8! That is amazing and those lies sure get us to do crazy things ha. I bet you are so ready for some fall temps. I love that ritual of finishing at Starbucks after a hard run for an iced coffee… I hope you do that again soon. Have a great run together and go rock that Barre class!


Hi Janae, would you consider doing a post that gives more specifics on the things you do outside of the workouts themselves to optimize performance and recover? I know you’ve written a bunch of general posts about preventing injury, but maybe a day-in-the-life (marathon training style edition) that includes the when and what of your nutrition, stretching, sleep, etc? I would get injured for sure doing even half of what you do, and I’m so curious about how you seem to recover so well. So often the focus is on the workouts, because that’s the exciting part of training, but the little things that tend to get pushed to the way-side like nutrition and strength can be game-changers! Thanks!


ABSOLUTELY!!!! 1000% yes! Expect this up next week. It really is the boring part of training but so insanely important. Thank you for the idea, I really appreciate it. Have a beautiful day, Mollie!


Way to go on your workout!!! You are amazing and an inspiration–coming from the girl who ran 1×1 mile 8 seconds slower than I was “supposed” to and ditched the workout (I was supposed to do 3-4×1 mile), haha. I did run 7 miles at 10k pace so not all was lost.

We go through fruit so fast in our house. On one hand, I get irritated because it is so expensive, but on the other hand, I can’t complain that we eat too much fruit. The husband alone eats about 10 lbs of apples per week.

Agh, I love seeing the fall colors. Although, I feel like I am finally getting acclimated to the heat and humidity. It has been so fun to see my paces get faster these past few weeks and my RPE is low.

Have a fabulous Thursday, Janae!


Somedays ditching the workout is a MUST! But what you did instead sounds way harder ha! Your husband loves apples and now I think I need some in my life. I’m excited to see those paces get faster too. Thanks Beck, you too!


Hi Janae! My 5k time trial where I stopped to tie my shoe somehow ended up being my PR! So that tells me I probably don’t try a 5k enough ;)
Awesome job with getting that workout off your list!
Have a great day!


Your friend’s sub-3 attempt!! Hah, funny now eek. Though I’ve lost 3 sets of AirPods (just the left one for some reason) and am not going through that again, I’d probably stop too.

Had to comment to say YES to Apple Pay – it is seriously the best thing ever. I went out on a long-run last weekend and was able to stop at a gas station to get water when I didn’t have a bottle, life-saver if you don’t have a card on you or money which I don’t take on a run.


I stopped a ton during the Disney Princess half marathon for photo ops and ended up adding almost 45 min to my goal. But it was so fun! And now I know to not go into run disney races with a goal haha

My kids can go through a family sized bag of parm crisps in one sitting…insane!

Hope you’re having an awesome day!


You are killing it with your speed! It is so fun to see you get stronger and stronger. I feel like you’re faster than ever and I am so confused as to how you’re not on the Runner’s Corner team right now? Y’all are freaking gazelles!!!


Thank you Natalie! You are the best! I saw Hawk on Saturday and he was not happy about it either ha. Maybe I’ll start a hungry runners team! Have the best day!


Starting to see some fall here too!

Janae, do you have any tips for getting your toddler to sleep well and in their own crib? I saw the 9 hours a night and was very jealous and intrigued!! My daughter is 16 months and is in our bed every night starting around 1am…


Oh no! I want you to be able to sleep! Can she crawl out of her crib???


I pick her up… maybe that’s my mistake right there?!?

Anyway I know you’re not a sleep blogger but I’ve noticed it seems like you guys have good bedtime boundaries and would be interested in a post about it!


Okay, I thought about it a lot and decided I probably shouldn’t write a post about it because people get VERY heated on this topic haha and I hate getting mom-shamed so I thought I would just give you a long response here instead:). I really do have strict bed boundaries (which sounds mean but it helps them sleep so much better). My kids only sleep on my floor if they are very sick and I need to keep an eye on them. I don’t allow them to sleep in my bed ever so they know it isn’t even an option. I’m a great mom between 8 am to 8 pm as long as I get my nights alone ha. I definitely let them cry it out when they are crib age but they learn so quick. It took beck max 2 nights to realize he needed to comfort himself back to sleep and that we weren’t coming. It takes being mean for a night or two but the benefit is they sleep so much better. I do also think genetics plays a big role… Brooke is just like me and sleeps SO well. Knox and Skye sleep more like Andrew and Beck is also like me. Skye and Knox know to only wake me up if it is an emergency but sometimes they come to Andrew’s side of the bed and wake him up because they know he is nicer in the middle of the night ha. But overall they both sleep great too… once in a while Skye will have a rough night though. Just think of it this way… the sleep habits you establish now with your daughter will last her her whole life. Setting good hours will pay off her whole life! You are doing awesome and most importantly, you know BEST what to do for her and what she needs. Nobody knows what she needs better than you so pat yourself on the back and keep following your mama heart. Keep me updated! You’ve got this, Julie!


Haha that’s fair! People are so quick to jump on mom stuff.

Thanks for taking the time to respond! It’s actually really helpful to hear how other people approach it, and you have 4 kids so I figure you are a pretty good source :)

I hope you have a good weekend!


food..anything that has the word fruit involved…..it’s peaches and nectarines watermelon berries….season, apples, bananas ( a really fast friend told me that she eat 6 bananas a day, so now my goal)
I have to re-tie shows all the time, it drives me nuts sometimes
I don’t lie to myself often, but to those I run with, last evening’s 5K was always going to be 8K…..but we’ve done 12s that were supposed to be 4K……I almost felt bad about that one


Good morning! Curious if you’ve tried the Trader Joe’s graham crackers since you’ve started eating some as pre- and intra-run fuel. They’re very yummy and I’d definitely recommend them if you haven’t grabbed a box yet. :)


Ummmm I will have to grab them next time I am there… thank you for the recommendation! Have a wonderful weekend, Laura!

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