I know you’ve told me to do this for a while…

(Zip-up ((mine is the Boston version)), leggings, headband, shoes ((the Novablast 2 worked so well with speed, and I had zero plantar pain during or after))

It felt so good to be with this amazing group again.

I’ve blogged for over eleven years now, and for that same amount of time I have had people tell me online that I should stick to strength training if I want to get faster…

It only took me 10.8 years to finally listen, but you were right.   Now to just listen to the people telling me less candy will help my running too;)

The weather was perfect for running, which did not feel normal in January!

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I went into this first workout back with my team (since September), thinking that I was going to shorten their workout and be way behind everyone.  We did a 2-mile w/u and then started a 2-mile interval.  Somehow I was keeping up with my friends, and my body felt so much stronger than it has in forever.  I kept looking at my watch, confused about the paces we were hitting for my effort levels, and I owe that 100% to strength training and cross-training.  I even hit a 37 second PR on the 2-mile segment that I have done a bunch since having Beck—> 5:59 average.

We did a few minutes of easy jogging and then finished with our MTC mile (mostly down, part flat) with my fastest time since 2019.  Maybe it was because I don’t have a lot of miles or speed fatigue accumulated in my legs from not doing as much as I was doing last year… but really, I am feeling how much better running goes when I do strength/cross-training consistently.

Or maybe it was my lucky day;).

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I’m also inspired by the amazing women from last Sunday at Houston.  I felt like I was getting too old for PRs, but these ladies reminded me that is a lie!

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Eight miles @ 8:28 average, and then I did a 10-minute leg/glute workout on the Peloton app when I got home.  After that, I had some time with just Knox, which was needed.

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Brooke and Knox didn’t have school so they joined Skye at gymnastics.

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They kept him entertained at the water fountain during her class.

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Our chickens are still doing well.  We still get eggs from them but not as many as we used to.

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Hawaiian Shrimp Bowls (I forgot the toasted sesame seeds and cilantro)!

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It was a hit with the kids too.

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PS those of you that want to run the Utah Valley Marathon, 1/2 Marathon or 10k…the code HRG15 will get you 15% off!  It’s on June 3rd and 4th so it is coming up!

This picture was from the time I paced Andrew to his half-marathon PR when we were dating and my dad said he knew that day that I must have really loved Andrew because I chose running with him over racing;)

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***Not pictured from yesterday—> the 400 tantrums that occurred with the younger two.  It was a rough motherhood day but that run in the morning helped me with my patience for it all!


Tell me something going on in your life… I need to hear!!

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People who tell you to eat less candy are not people you need in your life. :-) Love that strength training is paying off! I had a great run yesterday after a lot of slower ones made me feel like I didn’t have any speed, which was awesome! It felt SO good, and we also has weirdly nice weather yesterday!


Hahah I am going to agree with you on that, candy just brings me so much joy but they were definitely right about the strength. I am SO happy you had that great run after some not so great ones… we just keep holding on to the great ones. I hope that you continue to get some nice weather, it makes the biggest difference. Have a beautiful Monday, Kristin!


I started running again this week. After 6 years off while I had kids. Keira and Sara definitely inspired me. I turn 40 in March, so this seemed like as good a time as any. It was only my second day hitting the treadmill (I have to run super early during the week), and I was slow and didn’t go far, but I did it. To be honest, this second day felt like more of an achievement than the first. I’ve had many “first” days back to running, but it’s been a long time since I had a second . . . now hoping for a third!


I am SO happy you are back running. It’s beautiful that running is always there for us when we are ready. You did it. That second day was completed and I would love for you to tell me when you finish your third day (I’ll be your virtual running friend, please). Have a beautiful day, Sara!


Haha re your dad’s comment about you loving Andrew because you chose to pace him and not race. I knew J was special because I was willing to give up some of my Sundays on trails with my crew so we could have time together. I would do that for no one lol.

Something going on in my life. Work is busy lol. J ordered his wedding band and I am dreaming about a sunset beach ceremony or a mountain top one but not sure the parents are willing to hike haha..

Have a great day Janae!


Hahaha YES! That is a great indicator to know something was different about J and now you guys are getting married! You have to keep me updated with where you guys plan on getting married, it is all so exciting! Thanks friend, you too!


Oh my goodness, I totally feel you on the tantrums. My 4-year old literally takes over an hour to eat dinner. Someone told us to set a 30 minute timer and when it goes off, dinner is done, no dessert, straight to bath and then bed. We have had two nights this week where he didn’t eat and messed around and didn’t listen to the constant reminders of “hurry and eat” “you’re running out of time”. Major meltdowns. Hopefully, we will get past this. I hope you keep your sanity as well.

We have chickens too. The winters always mean far less eggs. We try to trick them with a light that stays on for 12-hours in their coop so at least we are still getting some eggs.

I have a goal of not only strength twice a week, but core work every other day, and more cross training (bike and vertical climber). I’ve been good about strength for a few years and other than the stupid plantar injuries, I have stayed injury free and able to run. Good luck on keeping up with it. Runners want to run and strength can feel like such a chore.


Michele. We’ve got this! Over an hour for dinner… that is rough! I am really sorry about this and I feel your pain. I had to hide in my closet for a few minutes yesterday to calm down ha. These kids know exactly how to push our buttons. That is brilliant with the light… I’m going to try that. I am a huge fan of your goal right now with strength and core and thanks for inspiring me with your strength training! Good luck at dinner tonight…


Sweet, some time with just Knox! I love that you and Andrew do that with the kids.
Awesome job on your speed work! Just another great reminder that strength is important! What/who are your favorite Peloton strength instructors? I’m doing a lot of the pilates right now, and so far they’ve all been great! But I want to do actual strength classes.
After almost a month “off” ( due to the holidays and Covid) today I am back at the food pantry! I loved having time off to spend with my family, but I am so happy to be back volunteering!
Oooo… And tomorrow, also after a month away, I am back running with friends!! Yay!!
Have a great day, and here’s to hoping there are far less tantrums!


Thank you so much Wendy! My number one favorite is Becs and just any of the women I have a hard time taking the men’s strength classes because I just feel like we have different needs:). I will have to try the pilates class next, who is your favorite for that. SO happy that you are able to be back at the food pantry and then running with friends tomorrow… life is getting back to normal for you wahoo! Thank you, so far so good;).


Second Becs! Jess Sims and Selena Samuela do a good amount of unilateral work in their classes so are good for runners, too. And out of the men, Adrian Williams is a good one. I try to stick with the instructors who teach both tread and strength, because I think their classes are more geared toward what runners need!


Great job!!! Happy you felt so strong during your workout with your team!! There is no age limit to being strong or hitting PRs, so keep going for it :)

I’ve been trying to find the joy in cooking again and Rise and Run has been helping a lot! Been working through the super hero muffins for breakfast. I made the Apple Cheddar ones this week, highly recommend.


Thank you so much Mariah, that is such a wonderful thing about running… we have so many years to do amazing things. Thank you for saying that. Oh I am so there with you on finding more joy cooking and I’ll make the apple cheddar muffins asap. THANK YOU and have the best day!


in our house, I’m the one that throws the tantrums. and yes, strength training, there just isn’t enough time…am digging through a book by Margaret Webb called older stronger faster, she say yes, strength training makes a huge difference, especially for women, and people like me, those getting older….


Haha I left out my tantrum;). I’ll have to check out that book! I am so happy to finally realize the importance of strength. Have a wonderful day, Warren!


I agree that strength training is so important! Of course, if you’re like me, then you fall in love with CrossFit and hardly ever run anymore. ?Your times are incredible! You’re probably feeling super motivated seeing these moms in their late 30s hit incredible PRs in Houston.


Hahaha well I am so glad you fell in love with CrossFit! All that matters is finding something that we love and CrossFit is SO so good for you! Seriously, those mamas are incredible and so inspiring. Have a beautiful day, Jen!


Yay! Strength training FTW :)
Revelation during my run yesterday: doing something well that I don’t feel like I’m “good at” feels even better than succeeding in something that typically goes well for me. Unfortunately, yesterday’s run didn’t feel as strong as I’d hoped, and I’m realizing my goal is probably too much for me at this point. Just gotta keep grinding away, though!
Dinner should always be so tasty that sesame seeds end up on your forehead (Skye), LOL!


Hahaha yep, I thought the same thing about Skye! And I loved your revelation… amen to that! Just keep showing up, we’ve got this. Thanks so much Corey, have the best day!


Hi Janae! What an awesome feeling to PR when you’re least expecting it!! Way to go!
Does pushing a stroller count as strength training? ;) I’ve been pushing my parents golden retriever around in a stroller (she’s 85 lb) cuz she’s too old to walk well now but she still likes to go outside. I definitely feel my back muscles.
Other than yoga I’ve kinda dropped off on my strength training. You inspire me! I’ll do a workout today.


OK, this is the sweetest thing. I can just picture how happy that makes the Golden. And 85 pounds, you are definitely getting a strength workout in!


Yes to strength training! I committed to it a year ago and am seeing better times than I have in years. This morning I had a second best time on a segment I have been running for a decade. My PR is from 2017! I have data in Strava going back to 2012 when I was training for my first marathon. I’m looking to crush those PRs, too ;)


I love lifting weights. I find that it helps my running as well.

I am about to buy a new Garmin. Which two are your favorites?


HEY JENNY! Yay for a new Garmin! So I only have one favorite haha (sorry) but it is the Garmin Fenix 6 Pro will be the one I use forever:). Here is my review and happy shopping:



Janae – YESSS! I’m so happy for your great 1st run back with your club and a new PR! When injury first strikes it’s so devastating, but later you can look back and realize that it’s actually a gift in that it forced you to re-evaluate and build in the strength training! If only I could get myself to deal better with the devastation stage and look for the lesson ;)

My Achilles tendonitis flared up in the beginning of December and knowing I wouldn’t be able to run or ride for a while I signed up for the Peloton app (thanks to you!). I don’t have the bike or tread, but started with the upper body and core strength classes, and am now able to do the lower body strength too and I really feel stronger than I have in so long, even with zero running. I am excited to see where this takes me when I’m able to run again! (After watching so many amazing performances in Houston this weekend – hello Sara, Keira and Roberta! – I’m so itching to get back out there. Patience, patience, patience)


Do you have any suggestions for dealing with the Achilles? Mine are killing me.


Hi Loren – for me the tendinitis is usually due to tight calves and soleus. Key stretches are eccentric calf drops off a step and the classic calf stretch of standing a foot from a wall and leaning in toward it, no bend at the hips, hold for at least a minute. Doing the alphabet with your feet helps loosen things up, I like to do that before I get out of bed so your first steps aren’t as painful. Massage to the whole calf, sides of shin, and peroneal is really helpful too. I recently went to a physical therapist and the targeted massage/soft tissue work was incredibly helpful. It’s not pleasant but it is effective. If you run in a zero drop shoe, you might consider something with a little more drop which tends to put less stress on the achilles (although you usually don’t want to make too abrupt a change all at once). But you probably need to stop running for a couple weeks to let the inflammation come down. If it’s possible to see a PT I highly recommend it. I’m sending you big healing thoughts, I know this stinks, but you’ve got this!


OK, this is the sweetest thing. I can just picture how happy that makes the Golden. And 85 pounds, you are definitely getting a strength workout in!


Quite a beautiful article and interesting to read, in addition, well-described running training with your club.

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