15 Simple Running Joys + All running is GOOD Running.

I have a new pregnancy update HERE.  21 weeks and talking about those first signs of labor (I need to hear yours)!


That was a rough one.  Some days running just feels natural and some days you just shuffle through the run.

My sister and her awesome stories kept me going and like usual, I felt like a new human once I was done and ready to take on the day.

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Random thing that I learned from my sister while we were out running is that if you go to google on your phone and push this button circled below…

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It will let you take a picture of a flower and then tell you exactly what it is.  Maybe I’m the only person that didn’t know this ha but I thought it was so cool. I want these French Rose bushes in my backyard asap.

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Andrew picked up Knox and when he got home he jumped right into Skye’s crib with her.

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We then packed up the car to head to Mona Pond again with Andrew’s family.  I could eat cantaloupe all day long right now.

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Skye always finds the best ways to travel…

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Andrew and his rope swings… you couldn’t pay me to jump from way up there.

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Brooke is way more brave than I am…

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Loving these summer bonding days.

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Everyone came over after and we had a bbq!

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And then the kids played in the backyard for a long time.

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I know a lot of us are missing racing and meeting up in big run groups right now so I wanted to hear from you guys about some of the simple run joys that happen to you.  Here are my top 15 running joys:)

*I LOVE running on fresh new pavement… it just feels soft and bouncy.

*When you try a new route or loop and get home at the exact mileage you were hoping it would be.  It just feels so good.

*That first run in a new pair of running shoes.

*When you can go an entire run without having to stop once at a stoplight or for cars OR when you are out and really needing a break and a red light stops you right when you need a breather.

*When you are in the middle of a really hard interval and feel like quitting and then YOUR song comes on in your headphones and gives you a pep in your step.

*When you go an entire run without once thinking about it being too hot or too cold outside… because it’s just right.

*Having your favorite shorts/top/bra/socks clean so that you can wear them all at once.

*A deep conversation about all of the things with your running buddy… I come home with my cup FULL from those runs.

*Finishing a workout faster than you did a few weeks ago… that just feels so good.

*That first run back after an injury or something you were worried might be an injury or time away because life has been crazy.

*Finishing a run on the downhill.

*A really nice tailwind (this one is a huge joy for me).

*A new podcast episode to listen to on your run with somebody that you really love hearing from (I love a new episode with Des on it).

*When a fellow runner waves/nods/smiles back at you as you pass by.

*Knowing that you have your favorite breakfast foods ready for you to just grab and eat as soon as you enter the door post-run.

PS I loved what Victoria said yesterday in the comments, “ALL RUNNING IS GOOD RUNNING.”  Whatever and wherever you choose to do it is awesome.

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PPS Mindy posted this yesterday and it made me laugh so hard…

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Just one more reminder that I have a new pregnancy update up now.


I’d love to hear some of your simple running joys!

Anyone reading injured now?  Or what was your last running injury?

Fear of heights… yay or nay?

Would you rather start a run on the uphill or finish a run on the uphill?

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I have been getting up really early to run, to beat the heat, and I love running in that grey early-morning light, when the sun is starting to come up but it’s not really risen. I feel like I got to see something so special and start my day with a breath of calm.

I am terrified of heights! So weird, that fear started when I was a teen for no reason, but it looks like it’s here to stay. I almost had a panic attack hiking down a mountain because I just kept seeing how high up we were! But I still try to go hiking and climb stuff when I can, because I don’t want to miss those views.


I am so glad you are loving those early mornings Kristin! I totally agree, there is just something so peaceful about that time. That is awesome that you still hike and climb stuff and get out of your comfort zone. You are strong! Hope you have a beautiful day and that your morning run was perfect.


Heh I had a shufflefest this morning and had to remind MYSELF that all running is good running. And then I started running better after I got warmed up!

I ALSO love a new springy pair of shoes. The best. Also I love the stillness of a run by myself before sunrise in the fall/winter.

TERRIFIED of heights. When I went to the Eiffel Tower like 15 years ago I was SO SCARED I just clung to the elevator haha.


Shufflefest run club this week! Thank you for sharing that with us all, it helps so much! Oh I bet that was scary but I definitely want to do that someday too. I hope your day is a great one Victoria.


I have 2 that are a little weird/silly, but I still love them:
1. Finding money on the ground – I don’t care what it is, a penny or a quarter, I’m picking it up!
2. Looking in the mirror when you’re done and counting up all the bugs stuck to you, they’re like little badges of honor for running in the heat & humidity. :)
I get a thrill from heights if the space is enclosed and/or you’re supposed to be up that high, like a rollercoaster or the observation deck of a tall building. Otherwise, if there’s any chance I could fall….no thanks!


Those are AWESOME ones and definitely those bugs count as badges of honor. That is hardcore. Thanks for sharing and I hope you get some thrills asap from non-chance of falling places:). Happy Thursday Amanda.


Simple running joys are: time to talk with friends, catch up on podcasts/music, enjoy the scenery, explore new places, and getting ice coffee or bagels after a weekend long run!


Oh I love all of your simple running joys. I hope you get a great run in with friends soon with gorgeous scenery and some iced coffee with bagels this weekend:). Have a great day Mariah!


I am drooling over all the yummy fruit in your pictures! Looks so tasty! Also love all your positive feel goods’ about running!!! I’ll have to keep those in mind today on my run!


I hope you get some amazing fruit asap! Thanks so much Emily, have a great day.


Injured and bitter about it now. My heel and ankle feel better ( heel stress fracture and likely heel cord strain too). I know they feel better because I have been in the Achilles boot and I need to stay in it but when it felt bad it was easier to justify not doing much!!! This Achilles boot is no joke, my foot is on a 2 inch wedge… I am doing Kira Stokes workouts everyday with adaptations. I am not even allowed to swim so yep I am super jealous of people running!!

I would rather start with uphill however we live in a hilly area and at the top of a hill. There is literally no way to avoid ending with hills!!


I cannot imagine being in that achilles boot. I am so glad that things are feeling better though and hopefully in no time you are at 100%. Our area is similar, I can’t find a way to end on the downhill! Keep me updated and I hope you have a great Kira Stokes workout. Thanks Carrie!


Simple running joy: all-out sprinting around a field with the dog :)
I’m feeling a little tweak of plantar fasciitis coming on, so I’m doing a lot of stretching and keeping runs short.
I’ve become more afraid of heights as I’ve gotten older!
Questions that start with “would you rather…” are usually very hard questions! If we can’t take away the uphills totally, I’d say 9/10 times I’d rather have the uphill at the beginning; only at the end when I know I need to train for a hilly event.


Oh that is a really great simple running joy… my goal is someday to be able to beat Beretta ha. I hope you caught that plantar in time so it only gets better from here. Keep me updated. THat is a great response and I agree… for enjoyment I want the uphill first but for training I know it would help me to end with it! Have a beautiful day Corey.


I understand mindys meme she shared – I’m injured with planter faciiitis and missing the running, especially the chance for early morning daylight that only happens in the summer! That is a joy – the summer has early morning light and I don’t have to wear a headlamp to run.
And yes I’m afraid of heights too!! Gotten worse as I get older!


Oh Mary, I am SO so sorry! Have you by chance tried sleeping with a boot like this one? It always helps mine but I know it is such a complicated injury so thought I would just share: https://amzn.to/2ArRNRy

I hope that you get some of those summer morning runs with light soon. Have a beautiful day.


I used to run a lot, but sort of fell out of love with it for a few years, but, between lockdown and having my thyroid removed earlier in the year (luckily I got the all clear a few days before lockdown started), it felt like a good time to start again. I now have just one more run to complete, and I’m really proud of myself. I am super slow, but, as you say, all running is good running! I always get a boost when a good song comes on the radio while I run.


Sarah, thank you for sharing this with me. It really made me smile and I am SO happy about you starting again! Keep me updated and yes, it’s all good running! I hope that you are doing well after having your thyroid removed and luckily you were able to get it done before the lockdown. Have a wonderful day!


my simple running joy is when I leave in a fridge a cold juice/infused water and it’s all I need after a summer run. Another one is when I start and I feel like my legs are so heavy and then it turns out the fastest and pleasurable run of the week! Running to your fav song that makes you feel like it’s a soundtrack to your life. Another one: putting a conditioner on your hair (not a huge amount, juest the right amount) before you run and then you feel like a super multitasker cause you cashed in those miles and took double care of yourself! And you don’t have to stand in the shower with a conditioner. Great run and great hair: win&win!


Oh that is a GREAT simple running joy and I am wishing I had a cold juice waiting for me today:) I love it when my legs loosen up too and end up surprising me. You are full of great ones! I am absolutely going to try the conditioner one, thank you and have a great day Hanna.


My current running joy is that NOTHING HURTS! While I don’t run with injuries (and I have had many!), I usually have some sort of niggling pain (a tight hamstring, intermittent mystery knee pain, etc.) but right now, everything feels so GOOD that I can focus on pushing my fitness! I’m gonna go knock on some wood real quick ;)


Emily, that is FABULOUS! I’m cheering for you that it stays this way and keep enjoying. Have a wonderful day.


Hi Janae! I actually go out of my way to end my runs going downhill. The way my neighborhood works it actually makes the total elevation climb more if I want to end downhill but it’s so worth it.
I love golden retrievers and if I see one on my run its a good run! I also count the dogs I see.
Happy almost weekend (I have tomorrow off!)


I love that you do that Amy! It is so fun to end on the downhill and I think it is great to have that fast/quick leg turnover to end with to make your body remember that:). That is a really great running joy and I hope you see a bunch of golden retrievers on your next run. Thanks Amy and enjoy a long weekend.


I may be injured; I may be coming back from an injury; or I may just be enjoying the cortisone shot until it wears off. I’m doing all easy runs and have incorporated a few runners’ knee exercises into my cross training workouts and am working on my form to see if that’s my problem. I’m told the big hills where i live and run are my problem so i have been walking them to see if that helps.
My simple running joys are iced tea and watermelon after a summer run; being so sweaty after a summer run that i can feel the salt on my skin; and going out early (5:30 am) when there aren’t many other people out and enjoying the light traffic and quiet. An unusual running joy that i’ve only experienced twice is running past the electronic speed signs and having it measure my speed. I’m not supposed to run fast but i did going past the sign and I got it to 8 mph. I yelled at a car sitting at the stop light and the driver didn’t seem to understand.


Lee, I am so glad you are gettin in your easy runs right now and able to do your knee exercises! You’ll have to keep me updated and I am really hoping this is your comeback. I hope that you get all of those simple running joys in soon and I LOVE running by those speed signs too… and 8 mph is awesome! Have a wonderful day.


LOVE IT: all of your favorite running gear clean and ready to go at the same time. Yep – that’s a good one :)


Glad to hear I’m not alone in that feeling so great. I hope you get that tomorrow! Have a great day Chris.


Simple running joy for me is running to be able to have uninterrupted time to myself. Exploring new trails. Some of my favourite runs have been long solo journeys and other times with friends. A run at sunrise and sunset. Post run coffee and baked goods. Post run naps. And tired legs lol.

I probably prefer finishing with a climb only because my legs are trashed at the end of a long run or race usually.

Not afraid of heights but there have been moments lol.

The outdoor day and BBQ sounded wonderful. Have a great day Janae!


Oh all of those simple running joys are just the best. I hope you get those asap Kristine! PS will your dog be able to run with you in the future? Thanks so much Kristine and I hope you do too!


LOL that running injury baby meme is me— haven’t run all year :’( just was at the DR and PT this morning and am re-committing to all of my strengthening homework so I can get back out there someday. It’s so hard to be patient when it seems like everyone else in the world is out there jogging!


So much good stuff! Same on cantaloupe but also watermelon for me! Fave summer fruits. Those perfect conversations with your best running friend…had one of those today and it literally made miles just fly by.
Wait—I’ve been meaning to follow up on the Levitate 3’s. I just couldn’t like them. I wanted to do badly, but have gone back to searching for any 2’s that are left and thinking I‘kk try something new in the fall. Is there another Brooks shoe you love?


Oh bummer that you don’t love the Levitate!! I am so sorry! I have been loving the Launch, Ghosts and Glycerin. I also really love the Ravenna (those are support though)! Good luck and please let me know what you find! Hope you get another perfect conversation with your best running friend again soon.


**Ok I definitely need to try that google picture trick! Most of my on-the-run pictures are from flowers I see along the way, the names of which I typically have no clue.
**Random Running Joys: running on my fave trails and seeing only a few people. Or sunrise/sunset pictures. Or running by a house with their sprinkler running when you are beyond hot!
**Not extremely afraid of heights, but they definitely make me nervous!!
**I would much rather start my runs on an uphill! One of my old apartments was at the top of a big hill, and sometimes I walked DOWN to the bottom so I could consider that my starting point (the run had plenty of other hills anyway).
**Mona Pond looks like a blast! Have a great Thursday!


My phone doesn’t have that google icon-should it?! Because I need that so badly!

heights are a no-go for me. HOWEVER, I do challenge myself sometimes by climbing up structures to see the views. That is all within reason (must have sturdy stairs on guardrails). I’m a single mom and when the kids and I would travel it sort of forced me to do more brave things. I don’t like heights and know my limits.

Running joy-sometimes finishing is so joyful because it means you got out the door and ran! Simple, small joys are shoes staying tied, feeling a pep in the step, finding money, and definitely the fave socks/top/shorts available all at once!!!


Hey Kelly!! See if it has the icon on the Google App? I hope it works for you! That is awesome that you challenge yourself and you are such a good mama to those kids of yours! Love your running joys. Have a beautiful rest of your day!


Looks like such an ideal summer day, really makes me wish for a bigger family!

Love the pic of Knox in Skye’s crib.

I am currently having to accept that I am injured (something on my left knee) I am fluctuating between panic and denial.


My favorites: running through a sprinkler towards the end of a summer run, having the perfect song come on at the perfect moment, and curving paths through parks (I feel like a race car, and yes, I vroom).

I totally agree with the folks above about no injuries, too! I’m coming back from posterior tibial tendonitis, which of course led to a glute thing. Bleh. But, I get five easy miles everyday. Who can complain when you get something?

No fear of heights for me. However, funny story- my husband and I decided to hike Angel’s Landing the day after St. George a few years back. We discovered that he has quite the fear of heights. The ladders did him in. Poor guy!

I hope you have an amazing weekend with your family!


Love this! Thank you for sharing!


Thanks for sharing, great article!

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