PDR & A Weird Thing to Need.

A new personal distance record (well, for the last 7-8ish years) happened for my sister on Saturday!

She did 8.15 miles (I did 10 and ended the week with 49.73… wish I would have just gone another .27 ha).

In Utah we are now in ‘moderate risk’ and ‘small groups of family and friends who are also following recommendations on distancing and hygiene’ are okay to be together so my family and my sister’s family will now get to spend time with each other.

I feel very lucky that we live so close to each other more than ever now.  I have a feeling we are going to be running daily and I’m so excited that she has picked up her mileage again with a happy back.  At one point she was told she was never going to be able to run again but after a back surgery, a lot of strengthening and patience… She is doing better than ever.

She did that thing where you just lay on the sidewalk for a while after you finish to soak in your accomplishment (and because you are exhausted).  

She is the Pure Flows #1 fan!

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My absolute favorite sock and shoe combo currently.  These socks and these shoes just make me happy.

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Skye went from always wanting to have a princess dress on to wanting to wear tie-dye full-time.

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I decided Andrew and I needed a little date together on Saturday afternoon so I bought donuts to distract the kids in the backyard and picked up his favorite salads for us to eat.

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The donuts kept them distracted for about 7 minutes but I’ll take each and every one of those minutes for a date.  The rest of our Saturday included yard work and I can’t remember anything else because these days if I don’t take a picture of what happened… it all kind of blends together ha.

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On Sunday we woke up and had a low-key morning with some gorgeous weather.

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We decided to go to a canyon and explore for a while and while we were there Skye earned herself 2 new bandaids from tripping over Beretta’s leash.  She is up to 6 bandaids on her body at this point.

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I had no idea how long Beretta’s tongue was until I saw this picture.

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We made quite the lunch when we got home.  We have been going through Salmon grilled with lemon and butter like crazy lately.

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Andrew then found all of his old baseball/basketball cards and Knox was in heaven.

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Andrew and I napped when Skye napped and I think we were asleep for almost 2 hours.  I think the week just catches up to me on Sunday’s and I go into full recovery mode.

We then went to my sister’s house for her homemade pizza.  It is a proven fact that it is impossible to get sick of her pizza, I could eat this daily.   Also, random fact but she did the math and found out it only costs $4 per pizza to make!  They are SO filling and huge too.

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We dined outside in the sunshine.

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And then ate the thickest ghirardelli boxed brownies out there.

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We have officially watched every ‘Disneyland Secrets’ video on Youtube.  I am NEEDING a large crowd and lines asap which is a weird thing to need.

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What do you think… will there be fall races happening this year?

Ever had a big surgery?!  How long was the recovery time?

Who has hit a new personal distance record lately?  Give me the details!

What is something you have collected in the past or now?

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I sure hope there will be fall races! My sis is training for a marathon in November, and we ran the virtual Indy Mini on Saturday! So much fun, but we definitely would have preferred the real deal :).


Shana! That is so great that you two did the Indy Mini on Saturday! I’m planning on doing it sometime this week❤️! I sure hope that your sister’s marathon still happens ?? keep me updated! Have a beautiful day.


OMG I want your sister’s pizza! I’m glad you are able to spend some time with family beyond your own house. I haven’t seen people I know besides Jason (and a couple of people I kinda sorta know in my building who I have been able to wave to) since March 20 or something and this weekend I saw my friend Alejandro on his bike while I was running and we both waved to each other like crazy. Unfortunately we are going to be like this a bit longer here in DC but it is OK, we are managing.


Hey you! I need to fedex some of her pizza to you and you send me your monkey bread?. I bet it lifted your spirits so much to see Alejandro. Take care and hopefully it’s sooner than we think!


Random question – where did you get your entertainment center? We are looking for new furniture and I love yours. Enjoy your day!


Hey Sara! It is from http://www.rcwilley.com
We love it a lot too! Good luck with the furniture shopping and I hope you have a wonderful day!


I’m in the minority, but I don’t think fall races will happen outside of VERY small races and ultras. I just can’t wrap my head around how we could go from this to having tens of thousands of people together. :( I’ve shifted my focus recently to maybe training for a road ultra (my coach is pushing me to do it haha) and trying to get my marathon goal INSIDE of the ultra…which is a VERY big goal but it’s something to be excited about! And the worst thing that can happen is I tank after 26 miles. ;) I’ve written this year off as a building year anyway, so I’m excited for something new.
I hope you have a great week and get some more warm weather!
Also, love your denim shirt!! That’s been my weekend uniform, denim shirts and black leggings. :)


Ahhhh that is so exciting Mollie! I want to be updated on this marathon goal inside of an ultra plan. This sounds amazing and what a new and fun challenge! I agree, I think smaller races will happen probably but definitely not sure about the others. Have a wonderful day and let’s twin again soon with the denim top and black leggings ha!


I hope there will be fall races! But I wonder if they’ll need to do lots of small waves to keep people further apart? Or limit spectators at bigger races, like Boston and NYC?


That so so true! I’ve been wondering if they would do elite only for those races but you are right.. what about the crowds? I hope you have a really great day, Mariah!


I am SO happy for you getting to spend time with your sister and her family now! That’s wonderful! That picture of Beretta’s tongue made me laugh out loud. My big surgery had a long recovery time that was pretty difficult–fortunately running was never something I had to worry about returning to, and once I had enough strength back, it played a big part in my recovery. Your sister must be really amazing!

I hit a personal best this last week with my highest-ever weekly mileage AND the most runs I’ve ever done in a week. I was amazed when I looked at the numbers on Saturday!

I’m pretty hopeful about fall races, especially later fall. And my marathon is this fall so it BETTER be happening. :-)


Congrats Kristin with your AMAZING week that you had! You are rocking it and I can’t wait for your fall marathon to happen! I am so happy that running was able to help you recover during that time when you had surgery and were able to run again. You are amazing! Have a great day and keep me in the loop with your training!


YAY for your sister!!!!! I’ve never had surgery but I’ve had a lot of injuries, so I know what it feels like to finally be back to running. I’m VERY HAPPY for her! And happy for all of you, that you get to be together again.
Have a great day!


Thank you so so much Jenny! I hope you are running happy and pain free for a very very long time! Have a beautiful day!


That’s awesome your sister is running again, and hit a new distance! And I’m happy for you that you’ll be able to hang out with her and her family now. I don’t think we’ll be there for a month or so…. But that’s ok. As long as people are staying healthy, those infected are recovering, and we all feel safe again.
How are your parents? Will you be able to hang out with them too?
I am so hoping that fall races will happen. I saw from my cousin in NY, that they can now be in small groups at parks, etc, but remaining to practice social distancing. I will take that as a good sign along with you saying the same about Utah ?
Off for 5ish miles and another Monday morning zoom meeting. Have a great day Janae ?


Thank you so much Wendy! It really is so nice to be together again. I hope that you guys get good news soon and that you stay healthy. My parents are doing well but we will stick to porch visits with them. They won’t be able to come out until there is some sort of vaccine so they are prepared for a very long time. Thank you so much for asking. I am thrilled that your cousin is now able to do that too. This is all a good sign. Enjoy your run and zoom and have a great day!


I am with you on the napping!

Hard to say.. a race for mid September was just canceled but maybe October?

Also 7 minutes is 7 minutes. Glad you got a date!

I used to collect stamps but Jason likes to joke that I just collect running shoes now haha.

Have a great day Janae and glad you get to hang out with your sister now!


I hope you got in a really great nap yesterday too! Oh I sure hope October races are still on and thank you so much Kristine. I’m with you on collecting running shoes! Thanks and you too Kristine!


I ran a PDR this past weekend! 9 months postpartum and I ran double digits , 10 miles, for the first time in my life! I was training for a half in a few weeks (that has been cancelled). SO I figured why not continue to train and still do it!


GO RACHAEL GO!!!I am SO thrilled about this. You are absolutely amazing and will the race you were planning on doing still give you a medal etc? I wish I could come cheer you on for your half but I will be cheering from Utah. Have a wonderful Monday!


Bahaha, that is a long dog tongue!

I was thinking for sure that fall races would be on–but I am starting to doubt it. I was talking to my sister and she was wondering if masks would be required for races at some point. I am almost positive I would not be able to run with a mask!

I have been hitting 50+ miles/week. I have never hit that high of weekly mileage, not even during marathon training. I was hoping for a fall marathon, but I think I will wait until a week before the race before I register;-). I do have a hilly, hilly half marathon in September. I always start crash and burning around mile 10.5 (there is a massive hill). So my hope is to maintain my higher milage for a few weeks and start slowly introducing some hills…who knows, maybe I will get a half PR come fall or at the very least, not crash at mile 10.5 ;-)


Hey Becky! Oh I am with you on that, I don’t think it would be possible for me to run a race with a mask on! I sure hope that isn’t the case. You are rocking your mileage, way to go! I guarantee a half pr with the training you are doing and cannot wait to hear about it in September! Sounds like a great plan. Have a beautiful day!


I don’t think fall races will happen, except for maybe small races in areas that haven’t been as impacted by COVID spread. I’m registered for the Marine Corps Marathon in October, and I just don’t see how it will be possible to do a race with 30,000 runners, plus volunteers and spectators. But, I am really enjoying running and working toward goals right now, so I’ve decided whether MCM happens or not, I’m running a marathon on Oct. 25, even if it’s solo!


I agree with you, I’m not sure those huge races will be able to still happen. I LOVE your attitude Janice, it is absolutely contagious. Thank you for sharing and we are ALL cheering you on. Can’t wait to hear how you rock your marathon this fall.


I hope there are fall races! I’ve targeted October/November as when I *want* to get back to 5Ks, if my knee stops acting up and if I find myself with health insurance again and able to have an orthopedic doctor’s number on my contacts list for a snappy little copay. ALSO, the Peachtree Road Race was moved back to Thanksgiving Day (which means that the Thanksgiving Day half-marathon is cancelled–but the historic race takes precedence!!!), and the cooler temps can make that race a lot more enjoyable if I get back to it.

I love and have always loved the Brooks Ghost. It makes me smile BIG BIG BIG to see that you’re running in them!! Because I have been running SO LITTLE over the last year and a half, I haven’t gotten the 12s yet–I’m waiting until they’re on sale when the 13s come out–because I got my 11s not long before I seriously slowed down and MAJORLY spaced out each run. But I think the 12s are beautiful, Simply beautiful.


Hey Stephanie! I am REALLY hoping that you are able to see that dr soon (and insurance!!) to figure out this knee issue. That is interesting that Peachtree was moved to Thanksgiving and I really hope it happens! Are you still at the store right now? I hope maybe you can get a pair through them. Have a beautiful day.


Ahh I *am* still working retail (finding a new job in an entirely different career field is TOUGH!!!!! And it takes time…), but I left the running store almost a year ago. A few things–some from my own reflection and insight and some external–merged together into a perfect storm, so to speak, and had me find different work (now I am in a women’s apparel store, and while it’s really just to ‘bridge the gap’ and it often feels like annoying grunt work, it IS at least full-time and I am the assistant manager, so I am making a somewhat liveable income…could be better, could be worse, I’m sort of counting my blessings where they are and keeping my eyes and ears open for the kinds of work I want and submitting applications everywhere that’s actually hiring these days…). That was long-winded! Ack! BUT–I know by the time I am ready to plunk down money on the Ghost 12s they’ll be on sale (or if I luck out before then, I have a fit pro discount with the Brooks website on all non-markdown merchandise which is a nice thing…). So there’s hope. :)

And as for doctors–with my family medical history of big joint problems and arthritis and with my own history of joint problems, not having health insurance and a doctor to go to for orthopedic stuff makes me ridiculously careful. Maybe OVERLY so, but with so many other things being so up in the air, I know that an unexpected injury that I can’t afford to tend to would be VERY bad. So I wait. And I focus on the spin classes I teach and the other Les Mills classes I take. And in social distancing, quarantine, and gyms not open yet (and with me having ZERO desire to teach any time soon since it *doesn’t* feel particularly safe right now…), it means no spin for me. Which feels like a big loss. But when public health is in the mix, a short-term sacrifice that will contribute towards a long-term vibrancy and ability to participate is easy to allow!

Do you miss wearing balega socks or are the quarter-length ones you’re wearing these days just feel so good that you don’t miss Balega? I’m so curious! :)


I don’t think fall races are going to happen. I did a virtual race yesterday. I did the 7K distance. It was a bit challenging mentally to do it without the actual race experience and I had to set up my own water stop. But I made my goal time! So happy for your sister to be running again! Our bodies are miraculous things. Also so glad you can spend some time with your sister and her family. I am really craving some family/friend time outside of my immediate family as is my 5 year old. Hopefully soon!


I really hope there will be Fall races. We need to get back to living. I read a term on Saturday that I could totally relate to – “quarantine fatigue.” I’m done with being home! Unfortunately, we live in Ventura county just over the county line from LA county which is still really struggling.

I rode my age last Monday for my birthday – 56 kilometers (35ish miles!) I’m not sure if that’s a personal distance record, but if not it was close.

I have quite a few Precious Moments figurines that I collected when I was younger. I don’t know if they even make them anymore!


Hi Janae! I had ACL surgery two years ago, took a while to get back to running but all the PT I had to do along the way made me a stronger runner! I’m so happy that you are able to see your sister again and spend time with family, humans are meant to be social! I hope a vaccine comes out soon so we can all spend more time together. Happy Monday!


I’m not sure there will be any races happening this year, it’s strange to think that far into the future at the moment! I have signed up for a virtual challenge and have found it a good way to keep motivated to do solo miles at the moment. I am so happy for you that you get to run with you sister. I miss my sister so much and running together is number one on our to do list when restrictions are lifted here. Keep safe!


Furniture question: Where did you get your sectional? You seem to love it. Is its a microsuede fabric? Does it wear well? Thank you! Have a great week, Janae!


We are supposed to head to Disneyland in December for a family Christmas. I am hoping that this can still happen!!!!


Oh I hope SO SO bad that it does!


I wouldn’t really call it “homemade” pizza, if she’s not making her own pizza dough. Or sauce. Just sayin’.


yay skye, tie-dye forever!!
naps of any length are truly magical but >1 hour is even better :)
the salmon bowls, pizza, and brownies look insane! starving now…

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