What I tell my excuses and an EASY way to get in what YOU need!

Good morning!  This post is sponsored by Care/of .  I’ve got some really helpful things to share with you that I am doing to help me accomplish all of the little things that keep me running strong and healthy!


It is SO incredibly easy at this point of life to say that I don’t have enough time for all of the little things that I need to do to keep my body healthy and strong as I am training for races.  I’m sure the majority of you feel the same way, life is busy!  It’s easy to tell myself that I’m too tired to stretch after a run or that I don’t have time to fit in some strength training each day.  It’s easy to tell myself I don’t have time to do all the things that contribute to a successful recovery— like prioritizing nutrition and vitamins.  It’s easy for me to go out and do the fun part of training and skip the not so fun parts of training that will keep my body healthy and strong.  When the excuses start popping up in my head telling me why I can’t do the little things each day to take care of myself, I say:

If you are too tired to strength train then you are too tired to train for races.  If you are too busy to take time each day to stretch then you are too busy to run.  If you have too many things to do right after a run and skip out on refueling your body with some amazing nutrients and vitamins then you have too many things going on to be able to go out and get X amount of miles each day.

I think I came up with these above replies to my excuses based on something I tell the kids, ha… “If you are too tired to clean your room then you are surely too tired to go to the park later;)”

Turns out the same type of thinking works for both me and the five year olds.

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If I can’t take care of myself so I can be healthy and injury free, then I shouldn’t be running as much as I do.  I really don’t want to be injured.  I’m going to control what I can so I can keep on training.  I have a few things that I do each day to fit these important aspects of my training into my day successfully.

*I have a yogurt and some toast or a protein smoothie first thing when I come in from a run.  It is usually eaten while I am breastfeeding Skye but I’m getting it in.

*A lot of days the only time I can really get in a quality stretching session is at night while I am watching something on Netflix with Andrew. I also get in some glute/core work while we are watching Netflix.  The kids are all asleep and taking 15 minutes (even though I’m tired) to do those things makes it possible to keep running.

*I make the kids a part of it… we stretch together on my yoga mats.  There are many times that Skye joins me while I am doing strength/stretching routines.  I talk to her the whole time and try to make her smile.


*I now have a very easy and convenient way to get in the vitamins my body needs!  The first time I talked with my new coach on the phone she told me how important it is right now that I get in the vitamins that I need in order to sustain both training and breastfeeding.  Both of these activities require a lot from my body.  It is CRUCIAL that I give my body what it needs in order to continue to do both of these things healthily!


Care/of is the perfect way for me to take my vitamins each day!  Care/of is personalized just for me and includes just what I need.  Their packs are so convenient and easy to grab each day!  I love that each pack has a quote, fact or challenge.  It keeps things interesting!

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All you have to do is take a five-minute quiz (HERE) to customize YOUR vitamin pack!  Your customized pack of vitamins follows your specific diet, your health goals, the nutrients you need, whether or not you need a prenatal, your energy needs, etc.  Here are two examples of questions from my quiz to find out what sort of things my body needs!

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Not only are all of the vitamins personalized for me but I love the Care/of packaging.  The cute packaging just sits right on my countertop (the packs are childproof) so it’s easy to remember to take my vitamins each day.  I also put a few of my packages in my diaper bag so it’s super simple to take when I’m out and about!  Care/of makes all of their vitamins and supplements using the best ingredients out there… for example their fish oil supplement is made from Wild Alaskan salmon.

Another amazing thing about this company is that a portion of every sale goes toward the Good+ Foundation.  This foundation helps mothers in need receive prenatal vitamins to make sure that their child can get these important nutrients throughout pregnancy and the first few months of the child’s life!


Care/of makes sure I am taking the right vitamins for me each day, no excuses!

Next time you find yourself skipping out on doing the little things that will help you with your running and staying healthy, remind yourself that if you don’t have time for those things then you probably don’t have time for running:)  It’s working for me and this is probably the most consistent I’ve ever been with taking preventative steps to help me stay healthy and injury free!


Take the quiz from Care/of to see what vitamins you need, and get 25% off your first month using the code RUNNER.



How do you fit stretching and strength training into your day to help you stay healthy and injury free?

How much longer until your next race if you have one on the schedule?  

-38 days for me!

What shows have you been watching on Netflix lately?  I need some new good ones to stretch to!

What do you tell yourself to overcome any of your work out excuses that you may have had lately?

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This is such a great concept! I’m heading over to take the quiz now!

I have a 6.5 month old and just went back to work full time- it’s so easy to tell myself “I’ll just do xyz workout next week, or when it’s warmer out, or when the baby naps…”. To motivate myself to do it NOW, I remind myself that there are people w much less time, many more kids, tougher situations, etc that are getting it done, so I need to seize my opportunity and do what I can in that moment.


Oh Jessica, YOU ARE BUSY!! I love what you remind yourself when the excuses start coming in. You are doing amazing, keep up all of your hard work and I hope you are getting lots of sleep:)


OMG, that last pic of Skye is just too precious!! I’m going to take that quiz! I normally take a bunch of chewy vitamins in the morning. It’s like a breakfast of candy :)

I’ve been watching Last Man Standing on Hulu lately, and it is seriously so funny!


THANK YOU for the new show recommendation! I am always looking for something new. Have a wonderful day Natalie!!!


Janae I am excited to try this! I am the worst at figuring out and taking vitamins. Maybe this will help. I also agree with telling myself to do the stuff I don’t like to do as much. I actually read this blog to get the motivation to even run! Ha! Thanks for all of your tips!


Oh Lynn, thank you for what you said! I’m glad the blog can help you a little bit. Keep me updated with how you are doing and have a beautiful day!


Needed this post. I have had more injuries since Hope than I have in my entire life. Some of it could be age, but I think you nailed it that I just want to do the part I love, THE RUNNING.
I often do body weight exercises during a show that Hope watches. Lots of focus on glutes, core, and my pelvic floor. Her favorite show right now has 20 minute episodes, so that is perfect.


Too bad we don’t just get to do the part we absolutely love! I love the combo of doing the exercises while Hope watches a show:) I did mine last night while Brooke watched Balto ha! Have a beautiful day Erica!


I’m the worst at remembering to stretch and foam roll. I do really great if I run at night because I don’t feel so rushed. But in the morning by the time I get back from my run I feel like I can’t stretch or I will start running behind so I put it off until kids are where they need to be and then I forget haha. You see why I’ve been injured.


YES… mornings are so so crazy!! You should set an alarm on your phone that says ‘foam roll time’ ha for when the kids are where they need to be:) Have a great day Jenny!! SO happy you are good to run again and YOUR MEAL PLANNING POST TODAY IS JUST WHAT I NEED!! THANK YOU for writing that! I’m going to get that app you talked about too!


Thanks for reading that, I’m glad it helped!

Ok, I’m going to t an alarm on my phone to remind me.


Hi Janae, I’ve been reading your blog for a long time as it grabbed my attention when I started running! Congrats on your wedding and your beautiful family, I enjoy reading each day! :) I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while, but it seems like you run on an empty stomach each morning aside from race mornings. Is that true? I always run on an empty stomach if my run takes place in the morning (not for any reason – I just am not hungry first thing in the morning), but I have been wondering if I need to change that. I am only running about 4-8 miles on any given day, with my longest so far is 13.1 miles. I actually am running my first official half marathon on April 7th (my nephew’s birthday!) and I am laying in bed at night SO excited for it already! Would love your feedback/input. Thank you! :)


SARA!!! Thank you so so much for your comment! I really appreciate you reading over the years:) Right now with breastfeeding it would be really hard for me to run on an empty stomach… I wake up feeling really hungry and as soon as I eat a banana or a little cereal (even dry sometimes) or a piece of bread I can get out and run and then I have a normal breakfast afterwards. BUT outside of pregnancy/breastfeeding runs I did a lot of my runs on an empty stomach except for the long runs/hard workouts. I think you should DEFINITELY play around with things. Maybe try eating before your runs and see how you feel and if your pace/endurance is effected by it. Experiment around with it and see how your body responds (DON’T TRY ANYTHING NEW ON RACE DAY THOUGH)! You are going to rock your first half marathon and I can’t wait to hear how it goes for you! Thanks Sara and have an awesome day!


Ok, thanks for the input!! I’ll let you know how I do! :)


Anytime and I’m so excited for you!!


Love this concept to get vites in;)
I need Netflix reccs for the rare weekend where I can actually watch a show (that’s pretty much the only time I can fit shows in right now.) SO I will be watching and reading for those;)

Love all your podcast reccs and certain episodes you post about, bc I do have time for podcasts when I am at the gym every morning;)


Oh I am so glad you are loving the podcast recommendations! How did I go so long without podcasts, they are my favorite now! I hope you are having a great morning Amanda!


I make foam rolling and stretching a part of any workout. If I don’t, I will just put it off and most likely it will never get done. It doesn’t matter if its a strength/weight session or a run, but I always dedicate a few minutes afterwards to doing my ‘pre-hab’.
Given that I just ran a marathon on March 4, I don’t have any races on the calendar until late July. I am part of a mini-triathlon relay team and I am doing the running leg of the event. Other than that nothing-its somewhat freeing not to have anything on the calendar in the near future. It allows me to focus on doing whatever I feel like doing (barre, weights, spin class, run, etc.).


You are a really good example for me Rosie… LOVE the pre-hab you are doing! Huge congrats on your marathon earlier this month! I did a triathlon relay one time and it was so fun. Enjoy your time doing all of the different classes and workouts that you feel like doing each day! Thanks Rosie and I hope your Wednesday is a great one:)


i don’t do a run without stretching post-run, even the easy runs. i didn’t do that before and it cost me. for a long bout of training, it seems really essential. should i be strength training more often too? i’ve been doing so 1x-2x a week. i also cross train regulary so i kind of thought it was sufficient. maybe that’s not enough though…!

59 days til the next race – the Brooklyn half!

the last show i liked on Netflix was the Good Place. but i don’t watch all that much so i don’t know what the latest is.

What do you tell yourself to overcome any of your work out excuses that you may have had lately? This is a really poignant question. i don’t tell myself anything anymore b/c once i do, i’m full of excuses. i’ve found that with cycling, i just go do it and it soon becomes habit. i’ve now started to do that with my running. i never feel like working out but i get out the door and see what happens. i usually follow the plan as scheduled, but occasionally i don’t, but at least i go get something done. it’s better than doing nothing. also i have been practicing meditation (not regularly) but at the NYC Half Scott Fauble came in 5th and posted this: https://twitter.com/scottfaubs/status/975056147559444480 which links to his “interview” and he said something that really resonated with me:

I’ve been practicing mindfulness for like 8 or 9 months now, and I think this past month, I have been able to bring some of the skills that I have learned through that process into training in meaningful way. I think that I’ve gotten better recently about not telling myself stories about how I’m feeling that eventually go on to dictate my workout. So, like, in the past I’ve had a tendency to think something like, “man, I feel bad today.” early in a workout. And while that may be true at that moment, I would let that thought dictate the rest of my session. But, this block I have done a better job of embracing the impermanence of how my legs feel and I think that’s been really helpful because sometimes you can go from feeling like a hot plie of garbage to feeling half way decent to feeling great within a few miles or even a few minutes. So, I have done a better job not letting one bad patch dictate the entire workout and, relatedly, I think, I have been making an effort to not label the feelings I experience in workouts. So, if I check in with my legs, my natural tendency is to make a judgment about what those sensations mean. But those sensations are usually negative because doing workouts hurts. But, when I don’t indulge that urge to label everything going on in my body, I don’t create those story lines like “this hurts, I don’t feel good, I don’t know if I can do this.” I’ve just kinda been noticing my feelings without letting them take control of the workout.


I want to come do the Brooklyn half with you… I bet that race is amazing! It sounds like you are doing an amazing job with your strength/cross-training/stretching! THANK YOU for the quote (I’m going to read the entire interview next) that you did… it was seriously just what I needed. I love what he said about not creating story lines… I do that all of the time! I swear I come up with things that aren’t even happening with my body or at least think they are worse than they are and then letting them take over the miles! Thanks for this, you are the best!


BK half – it is quite the race, and it is quite amazing – i recommend it for sure. however after leaving the park, ocean parkway is lonnnnggg and as my first half marathon last year it was a little too stagnant for miles 6-12 (i kept thinking, this looks JUST like what i’ve been running for the last 3 miles, where’s the end?). the race atmosphere totally helps though and the coney island finish is like no other.

i started doing the stretching after each workout this year after getting injured. i asked a colleague what training advice he had after going thru his first marathon in 2017 (i will be running my first end of this year) and he said no matter what take care of yourself after each workout, including easy runs, do a checkover on the body to make sure all feels good before the next workout b/c he trained while injured and said it was torture. so that’s my motivation!!!

i’m so glad it was helpful – as i read it i was like omg i do that all the time and never thought to bring mindfulness into the equation. so i will try what he’s doing – notice whatever thoughts i might have during the workout and let them pass – and see if it helps me out. b/c i have cut off hard workouts more times than i can count b/c of stories i tell myself. and when you asked that question, i was like, ok i need to share this.

thank you for this post by the way, it is a reminder that i need to continue to make time for putting health first and the way you put it – no excuses – makes it very clear what i need to do.


Such cute pics of Skye!
I know my excuses don’t make me feel awesome like running does! My brain has a weird way of trying to convince me to be lazy.
What really helps me get in my stretching though is knowing that I go to hot yoga on the days I don’t run. So if I stretch for 5-10 mins after a run.. well tomorrow is an hour of intense stretching. I like that once I go to yoga, I just have to show up. :)


I think all of our brains do that and I love what you said about our excuses not making us feel as good as running does (I’m going to use that for me too)! Good for you to get to hot yoga… you are inspiring me:) Have a beautiful day Emma!


Hi Janae,

I am a new reader from the Philippines. I started reading your blog since last week and I am still reading through your tons of posts but I can’t help it. You have a very lovely family by the way. I came here to get inspiration for running. Last year was my worst. I weighed my heaviest and I felt unfit. People around me kept commenting on my increasing weight and that I am “fat”. I want to change that.
So, I changed my eating habits by eating just enough for me and mostly includes fruits and vegetables. Then I began exercising like dancing, yoga, etc. until I tried running. I couldn’t believe that I can run 7K now. I remember running 3k before and felt that it was my limit. I thought I was dying.
I want to continue with this lifestyle and make running part of my workout routine not only for me to lose weight but to become healthy. You inspired me to do it. Thank you and please continue posting!



HELLO!! Your comment made me so happy, thank you so much for sharing! You are doing an amazing job with your running… huge congrats to you! Keep on enjoying your running and healthy eating and PLEASE keep in touch Ira!


Have you watch the cable girls? It’s a Spanish soap opera I’m obsessed with!


I’ve been looking for vitamins to support my marathon training so this post couldn’t have come at a more perfect time – thank you thank you thank you!
As far as stretching and strength training, I stretch after EVERY run and I’m trying to maintain strength 2x/week but its getting more challenging as miles increase and I work + have kiddos. I think i need to try your approach of doing things with them – at least they’ll get a good laugh at me if nothing else! ha!


I think I just got so tired of being sore or injured so much, I make it a priority to stretch after a run. Even if it’s only 5 minutes – it helps! I also allow myself to take a day of “cross training” for something easier on my body like a yoga day. It’s helped me immensely. I am under a lot of stress at work right now and this is helpful for both my body and my mind/spirit.
April 29th is my race! Seems much closer than I anticipated it being.
PS – I splurged on some Levitates and ran in them for the first time yesterday and I REALLY like them! I felt like I struggled at first, like I didn’t know how to run in them, but after the first mile I was used to them and they felt great!


OH YAY… I am so happy you got the Levitates. They are the best! Your race is in about a month ahhhh! I hope you are having a great day Rhiannon!


SUCH great advice on getting those stretches/strength training in… Def going to start telling myself the same, thanks!!

Does the Care/Of tell you which vitamins are in each pack, and which are which??

Have a happy day! Snow day up here… Another Nor’easter Dx! (Got my run in before the snow tho! :p)


HEY YOU! Yes, you get a list of what pills and what they look like on the website after you take the quiz and before you decide to purchase! STAY WARM and drink some hot chocolate tonight!


I love seeing all your pictures you post and your hair looks amazing!

I’ve been told that Shameless is a great show to watch on Netflix. I haven’t watched it yet, but my co-workers have begged me to watch it! Maybe we can start watching it at the same time! :)

I’m running a 5K on April 7th – it benefits police officer’s families who are killed in the line of duty.

I have a great idea that I think you should do – write a training book for runner’s! You have so many great work-outs and advice!


AHHH YOUR 5k is so soon! I am so excited for you Kristel and please let me know how it goes. I am going to have to check out Shameless, thank you! That is a great idea… you’ve got me thinking now:) Have a great night!


Hi Janae and crew!!!! First of all……and most importantly ;) I somehow missed your moms birthday…so HAPPY BIRTHDAY HRG MOM!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it was amazing!

Also…your pics of waffles reminded me of something that I grew up with as a treat.Please please please please tell me you’ve made waffle ice cream sandwiches?!?!? Toast two waffles. When they are ready, put ice cream between them to make a sandwich…eat your heart out. The kids will be in heaven!!

I love this idea of vitamin packs. Seems so much easier. I recently came off many of my supplements per my GI and saw HUGE improvements in my gut health. I take iron, calcium and a probiotic. Please don’t take this to be smart-alecky or know-it-all…but the body isn’t designed to digest nutrients in vitamin form so it’s best to get what you can from your diet and only supplement what you are lacking.

So amazing to see your running (and speed, strength and endurance!!!) improve so quickly! Go, lady, go!!!!
I have two halves coming up! San Francisco in July and the Lululemon SeaWheeze in Vancouver in September!!!!

Happy Wednesday!


I am so terrible about stretching/foam rolling everyday. Seriously I maybe do it once or twice a week. I need to get better about it!
My next race is in a few weeks! Just a fun one though :)
Gilmore Girls forever on Netflix!!
When I think about putting something off, I convince myself that I have time right now and I might not have time later. That usually works!


Okay, I am loving this whole Careof program. I took the quiz and am very intrigued!!!!!!!!!!

I fit stretching/rolling in during the evenings. Sometimes it makes for a late bedtime for me, but it’s totally my fault because I waste too much time on my phone in the evenings. I need to start working on the little things, like PHONE OFF AT 8-9:00 and sticking to that.

I have a 5 mile race as part of a 14 mile day NEXT SATURDAY. I’m excited! Then I have a 1/2 April 22nd :)

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