Some of my favorite things lately!  

-The fact that Brooke has decided that I am her couch while she watches her cartoons.  I should take this as a sign that I need to keep strengthening my glutes…  she is a little too comfortable;)

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-Loved seeing this sign the other day.  Eventually you can look back on life and it all makes sense.  

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-Having our own place.  Living at my parents’ house for a year was exactly what I needed at that time and they are the greatest humans ever for letting us live there… BUT living on our own has been so good for the two of us.  It has forced me to slow down (I used to always go places when Brooke was napping or when she was down for the night because my parents were there) and I really like that.  

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-My new running gloves from Costco.  My hands were FREEZING during my long run on Thursday (the rest of my body was hot, my weird fingers just love to freeze off) and so I am stoked to have these gloves now.   Added bonus—>  you don’t have to take off your gloves to use your phone.

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-All of your amazing tips on my post about Disneyland!   I already went to the Disney Store to get the souvenirs and clothing to save money by buying it here!

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-Eating (first) dinner at 4:30 pm last night.  You gotta do what you gotta do when you are hungry.

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-I’m running part of the Big Cottonwood Marathon on Saturday with Candice!  Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!  

It is going to be a pretty one.

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-This is very true.  I was cut from the 7th grade b-ball team tryouts.  My biggest goal for the St. George Marathon is to make 50% of my cups into the trash cans. 

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-Saw this on instagram (I think…) and I kind of really want to go and I think we all should… a weekend running retreat?! Yes please.

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-My most favorite thing is that this weekend is going to fly by so so so so so so fast and we will be out riding ponies together again before ya know it.  

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-Watching Shark Tank.  SO many good ideas on this show and watching it makes me want to invent something…  Did you know that my dad is an inventor?  He’s pretty incredible.

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-Turkey burgers.  I have been craving these lovelies like crazy.

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What are your favorite things lately?

Anything you have been craving?

 Three things you are doing this weekend!

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That retreat looks so awesome. I honestly wish we had more running type of retreats on the east coast. I agree that there is nothing like having your own place. After having housemates, then living by myself, then living with my parents for a couple of months, I was so happy to have my own place with T.


Good luck at the race! Will be great energy and lots of fun.
Loving my daily yoga practice. I keep thinking of my upcoming retreat in Mexico next February and it gives me so much joy! Looking forward to long bike ride & yoga, college football game (go CSU) and getting ready for our final camping trip (next weekend). Fall is in the air here in Colorado.


Favorite thing today, this video:

I have a race this weekend in Pennsylvania! And I am injury free which I’m sure all runners know is the best thing in the entire world =).


Bah – I also totally failed basketball try-outs in middle school. Made the track team at least!


things I’ve been craving: hot pretzels, butternut squash soup, pumpkin beer and candy corn! <- mostly "fall" foods I suppose

Also since there is currently snow blowing around in the air here in Colorado, I most likely will be staying inside, cuddled up in a blanket with the pups and watch Netflix.


I’m running Big Cottonwood Marathon tomorrow – I am so unbelievably antsy and ready to run already, this tapering stuff is for the birds! This is my 3rd time doing the full, it’s such a beautiful course and time of year to run the canyon!

My favorite thing lately is reading chapter books with my seven year old son at bedtime. After crazy busy days, it’s nice to curl up in bed with him and a good book.

Always, always, always craving Cafe Rio. I have a sickness. The cure is their salad. It’s my reward for days I run long. :)


My favorite things: Just saw that Gilmore Girls is going to be streaming on Netflix on Oct. 1. I believe I have a date with my computer that day. Love that show!

Craving chocolate. Gave up sugar for September so now all I can think about it chocolate. Go figure!

Three things this weekend – sleeping, running, eating.

I am terrible at basketball. I always try tossing things into my trash can at work and I miss about 90% of the time. And I sit all of 4 feet away from it. Fail.


This weekend will go by so fast! That minnie outfit is so adorable! My daughter was a little older than Brooke when we went to Disney and she loved wearing her princess outfits to the park!
This weekend my three-year-old has her first dance class! I think I’m more excited than she is. My son (7) has a soccer game and my older daughter (11) has her first Middle School dance. YIKES!


Three things this weekend – Running 6 miles tomorrow, hosting a wedding shower for a good friend, and making Mama Pea’s Mmm Sauce.. recently heard about that on another blog. Have you ever tried/heard of it?


Ok, buying stuff at the Disney store before going is an amazing idea and one that I will remember for sure! My favorite things lately are the fall candles from Bath and Body works.


That’s sooo neato that your dad is an inventor! what did he invent?


3 weekend things:
Saturday 20 miler
Baking pumpkin cookies
To take to my gran to celebrate her birthday!!!


Costco has some good stuff sometimes…those gloves look warm. Bend is already freezing! I need those gloves. This weekend we will be clinging to the last last stretch of semi warm weather.


I got those exact same running clothes from Costco, too!! It was like 100 degrees that day, but of course I was like I NEED these. My fingers could not move all last winter with doubled up cheapo cotton gloves.


Five pound bag of chocolate chips from Costco arrive today. They are about 1/3 the price of other brands, so I’m hoping they’re good. This, and laundry, will be the focuses of my weekend.


How insane is it that it’s already time to start thinking about running with GLOVES?! Crazy!

Now I want Mickey Mouse shaped nuggets for lunch. Thanks Brooke :)


I am alllll about eating dinner early. I have learned to eat early with my son and it totally works best for me. We used to buy those chicken nuggets too! I am not ready for gloves and winter running just yet. The thought of it makes me cringe alittle inside lol…Three things this weekend – long run, my mom’s birthday dinner and a really good Red Mango parfait.


Love that your dad is and inventor!
I just tried these amazing ice cream sandwiches by Ciao Bella. Key lime gelato sandwiched by graham cracker cookies. Delicious.
I’m also loving this the 65-75 degree temps today. Fall is finally coming. :)
Have a good weekend.


Favorite thing lately is dark chocolate covered coconut mango bites from Trader Joe’s. Yes, they put everything amazing together in one little bite and I can’t stop.

This weekend I’m going to a pose running seminar, which is supposed to be the most efficient and least painful way to run. Do you have any experience with pose running?


I’ve been loving the thought that fall is just around the corner (still in the 90s here) and buying decorations for our home! My three things for the weekend are: long run with friends, more friends coming to spend the night, and my husband’s 2 mile charity swim on Sunday. I hope you have a great and quick weekend!


3 things I’m doing this weekend: having dinner out with friends tonight and tomorrow night, packing up our house (last weekend before moving!), and going for a run or two.


That picture of Brooke laying on you is so adorable! Been craving pizza a lot lately! Tomorrow I’m catching up with one friend for a little coffee date and then another friend that evening for dinner, where I can finally get my pizza:) Sunday is going to be a homework/chill out day, the first week at school is always SO exhausting! Have a super great weekend :)


I somehow manage to lose my running gloves all the time! Last winter I would go out with two and come home with one more often than not. I started buying cheap ones because I lost at least three. They were all left gloves too so I couldn’t even turn the leftovers into a mismatched pair.

I am curious about your dad being an “inventor” – that’s so broad! What field is he involved in? Science? Engineering? As-seen-on-TV products?


Cashew butter on celery with craisens. Homemade nut/seed granola in greek yogurt. They are like candy to me lately.
Although I crave cookies.
This weekend I am working. It will be amazing!


I always feel SO BAD in a race when I drop a cup outside of the trash can … but not quite bad enough to go back and put it in lol. Race volunteers are THE BEST!! :)


Those chicken nuggets are sooooo cute! And I’m really happy that you and Brooke are enjoying the new place <3


I’m running Cootonwood Canyon Marathon on a whim also! What is your goal? You should organize a few meet ups along the way!


Me too! Signed up last week on a whim. I hope the downhills and altitude won’t affect me too much. I am coming from San Francisco, so it will be interesting… The meetups is a great idea!


I bought the same gloves at Costco. They are pretty fantastic.


I have those gloves from Costco too! Love them. My favorite things: island way sorbet from Costco-especially the coconut flavor, the fact that fall (my favorite season) is just about here, and my first half marathon since having my baby is in October. So excited!


I don’t know what it is with my hands either but my fingers always freeze and it doesn’t even have to be very cold. When it is winter, I have to put those heat packs in my gloves otherwise my fingers do freeze and it takes forever for them to thaw. This weekend I’m trying acupuncture for the first time and meeting up with bloggers. Yay!


I’m loving having NCIS Season 11 on DVD this week so I can catch up before the new season starts at the end of the month. EEEKKK! Can’t wait for NCIS New Orleans to start!

I’m going to be doing laundry, having dinner with a friend and relaxing this weekend. It’s much needed!


You MUST come to Blend next year and lead another run! It’s a MUST!


My favorite thing lately has been snuggling on the couch with my kiddo watching Doctor Who. I love that she’s gotten into a TV show that I actually like:-)


I love shark tank! This weekend we have boys soccer games…favorite things lately: honey nut chex, storytime at our local library with 3 year old and fall leaves febreeze.
Enjoy pacing your friend!! Enjoy your time worrying is a complete waste of time. (Not that u do) just a mommy reminder to me as well.


I have a Paso doble class this Saturday! Wish me fun :)


I’m running big cottonwood- my first full marathon! Should be fun!


I’ve been craving homemade doughnuts!!! I think I’m going to attempt them this weekend. I also have a xc race tomorrow, and I’m playing piano for church on Sunday!


Favorite things lately: Apples fresh from a local orchard, Disney movies, and NCIS on dvd!

I have been craving candy corn……………..maybe I will be buying some this weekend!


my favorite thing lately has been my bed.. it’s getting colder and I have been sooo tired lately!

well now that we are approaching fall (rapidly), I am craving cider donuts and kettle corn of which I will be picking up this weekend at the local craft fair! wahoo! I also have to work and I would love to squeeze in a little fun time with ella and brady!


My favorite things lately are Grey’s Anatomy reruns on Lifetime, my baby’s giggles, and getting some extra sleep in!

I have been craving Chia Pods…I am addicted!

Three things I’m doing this weekend are: going to a wedding reception, visiting with old friends and our (newish) babies, and getting all dressed up!


My favorite thing right now is House of Cards on Netflix. HOLY MOLY what a great show!!

3 things that will be done this weekend:
Eating lots of food at nice restaurants due to restaurant week in Charleston!
Hanging out with my dad, who is flying in from Texas!
Trying not to give in the halloween candy this early. Operative word: TRY.

Here’s to hoping this weekend flies for you and Brooke will be back before you know it!


Look at you all…powering through the weekend with positivity. Nice job! Even if you’re faking it. Gotta fake it to make it.

I’m recarpeting so this weekend…I’m putting the house back together.

My husband is home finally in three days. THREE DAYS.
Shoot. Four days. Darnit.

Learn to count. Totally on my list this weekend.


oooh love those gloves! i lost my cool texting gloves last year :( boooo. hmmm this weekend i have NO idea what’s on the schedule… and im pretty excited about that! probably hanging out outside before it gets super cold and starts snowing soon! haha


So excited for Big Cottonwood tomorrow. I’m doing the half–so I know it’ll be a great day!

Running with gloves is a must when the temp drops below 70 degrees. My hands are always freezing and my nose runs like a faucet. So, gloves serve a dual purpose . . .


Good luck tomorrow! I am running the half and it looks like a beautiful course. You are going to need your new gloves for the start as it will be a balmy 43 degrees.


Oh my gosh I think I have seen every single Shark Tank by now, my bf is obsessed with it which means I have learned a lot about inventions…some cool, some not so cool.

This weekend I am excited about: Hot yoga first thing tomorrow morning, a wedding tomorrow night, and getting a new dining room table on Sunday! It’ll be a busy one but I’m looking forward to it big time.


Ahhh so fun that you’re taking Brooke to Disneyland!!!! I’m jealous ;) This weekend I’m relaxing with my family, going to a birthday dinner for my cousin and getting some YOGA in!



i lived alone for five yrs before my husband moved in. DUring that time i REALLY grew up and got to know myself…It was a good time in my life!! :)

I have ALWAYS wanted to run the big cottonwood marathon, have a BLAST!!!!!


You two are just too adorable together. #meanttobe


OMG, that running retreat is in my backyard! How could I have not known about it? I’m guessing it wouldn’t be a good idea to do that the weekend before my next marathon though.

Brooke is going to look adorable in her Minnie gear!

I looked at those gloves the last time I was at Costco and ultimately decided against them. It just doesn’t get cold enough here, so I just buy those cheap stretchy ones because I usually end up taking them off during the run and ultimately end up losing one.

Have a great time at Cottonwood! Sending great running mojo jojo vibes to your friend.


ok, so… those are the cutest chicken nuggets i’ve ever seen. ha. :)


I’ve been loving Shark Tank too lately! Some of the ideas are so clever… others, not so much haha.

I’ve been craving peanut butter and ice cream like crazy, though, I don’t know if I can even call them “cravings” because I simply want these things every single day.

And finally, it’s my birthday tomorrow, so I plan on spending time with my family, eating copious amounts of Dairy Queen cake – my absolute favorite, and baking lots of goodies. :)


My Dad is an inventor, too! He has a patent on a piece of farm equipment called the Lazy Lift. :)


I haven’t had a turkey burger in ages and seeing that photo makes me want to run to Costco right now and buy a whole bag of ’em. So add that to the list of things I’ll do this weekend. Also on that list: run 8 miles tomorrow; go to a Katy Perry concert tomorrow night with my daughter; and go to the Washington State Fair on Sunday to eat my weight in elephant ears (yum!). Busy busy!


You just reminded me that I should find my gloves from last winter haha


That running retreat looks so so amazing! Turkey burgers are so good! Craving than now and a donut. Tbh I’m constantly craving donuts :)


I need those gloves!

I’m running a half marathon, carb-loading with girls and celebrating some September birthdays!


Have so much fun in Disney! I love her little Minnie Mouse costume!


I am kind of worried about how obsessed I have become with HRG over the last two years. I stumbled upon your blog while I was pregnant with my now nearly two-year-old, as I Googled “running and pregnancy” and your gorgeous photo with beautiful belly of Brooke popped up. Well, I’ve been HOOKED–big time–ever since. Just wanted to express my thanks for being such an incredible inspiration and a positive light and something fun, easy, enjoyable, motivational and happy to brighten up my days. I so look forward to your new posts and I love when you do twice a day! I have read other blogs but nothing comes even a little bit close to yours! Thanks Janae :)


The weather is supposed to be rainy and yucky so the weekend plans are tentative…I will probably end up spending most of it at home. Weather dependent I’m supposed to run but if not then some hard core cardio at the gym! Have a great race and trip!


I’m running Big Cottonwood tomorrow too! My second full marathon. Which section are you running? Will you be there at the finish? I’d love to meet you!


Good luck this weekend Janae!!!! I’ll be cheering for you! xoxo


three things I’m doing-
1- body pump
2- ikea
3- church


shark tank is starting here in 4 minutes…love the new place


Something I can’t get enough of lately….cilantro! I put it on and in everything. I could make a salad out of it.

3 things I’ll be doing this weekend: closing up at the lake for the summer, wine by the campfire and getting a long bike ride in.


I have been craving jalapeños like crazy lately.

3 things: running a 5k in the morning, shopping for some work clothes, and judging a dance audition (random)


Look for team run4Lori’s60. I am running the full with 20 of my family members. I saw you last year and wanted to wave hello. I love reading about your running adventures and darling daughter Brooke!


50% come on Shaq, you can do better than that!!;)


Lately I have been craving Cafe Rio, so I finally fulfilled this craving on Wednesday! Sadly (or happily) I have this craving again and must fill it ;) Good luck with your run, and you will have your sweet girl back before you know it!


Omg, that basketball Instagram is HI-Larious! Definitely sharing that with my running buds. Three things I’m excited for this weekend: 1) sushi date night! I lived in Japan for two years and I looooove me some sushi. Finally getting to try some in North Park. 2) there’s a huge clearance at the road runner in town and I need running shoes like whoa! Excited to get some. 3) it’s my berfday! I’m old-ish, 31 on Sunday, but I’m going to celebrate like a college kid with the many loved people I already have in My new home of San Diego. Much to be grateful for.


Brooke’s expression trying on your new glove is adorable!

Why is it that runners are hopeless at throwing cups into a garbage can?? (Myself included)

This weekend I am running a 1/2 marathon and am really excited about it!

That’s so awesome that you 2 are so happy together in your new pad.


I am moving house this weekend!


I love that quote about things making sense to us one day. I hope that day comes soon for me : )


Excellent post. I was checking constantly this blog and I’m impressed!
Very useful info particularly the last part :) I care for such information a lot.
I was looking for this certain info for a very long time.
Thank you and good luck.


Just sent that quote to someone who really needed it this week. Going to have to start thinking about cold weather running gear if I am going to keep up running through the winter. Love Turkey Burgers. Will be posting an excellent recipe for some Italian turkey burgers with apples next weekend.


What kind of turkey burgers do y buy? I usually just make our own because I don’t like the pre made ones too much but I’ve been looking for. Good premafe store bought one so would love your suggestns! :)


I LOVE Shark Tank — hands down, one of my favorite shows!


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