26.2 side effects of marathon training.

My next marathon is in about 3 weeks.  This will be my second marathon of the year and so it feels like this year there have been a lot of long runs and side effects from marathon training. 

My 26.2 side effects of marathon training.

1.  You take your night-before-a-long-run meal very seriously.  Thanks Megan for going with me to Which Wich for some good carbs and protein.     

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2.  You do weird things like set your alarm clock for ridiculous times so that you can fit in 20 miles into your day.

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3.  To go with above picture.. you start getting ready for bed just a tad bit early… 8:08 p.m.

4.  Your two year old gets really confused when you put on a real pair of shoes and not your running shoes.

5.  You will spend a good amount of time each week preparing an amazing playlist for your next long run.

6.  As your mileage increases each week, your need for quality couch time will also increase.  

7.  You will want to eat all of the food.

8.  You will eat all of the carbs.

9.  You begin having a new category in your budget each month for running gear—> shoes, fuel, clothing, socks, races etc.

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10.  You will bare your soul and deepest thoughts with your running partners during the hours and hours of training together.

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11.  You may experience many dreams at night about running/race day/training/injuries and anything else involving running.

12.  Your feet will be really pretty by the end of a marathon training cycle;)

13.  When you get in the shower after a long run you will quickly realize exactly where you chaffed during your long run.  

14.  Sitting in a tub (or river) of ice is recommended!?!? That is just weird:)

15.  You start saying ridiculous things like, ‘I JUST have 14 miles to run tomorrow.’  Just and 14 miles should never be in the same sentence.  

16.  You will learn very quickly that there are days that your runs will feel AMAZING and days that your runs feel anything BUT amazing.

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17.  You start to become an expert on all of the different flavors of gu and you eventually will realize that the Salted Caramel flavor is the best.

18.  You will start noticing that as you are driving around town you are thinking about how the road you are on would or would not be a good addition to your running routes.  

19.   You become an expert on every drinking fountain within a 10 mile radius of you.

20.  The tan lines.  Oh the tan lines.

21.  Your mental toughness increases 400%

22.  You realize you have muscles that you never knew existed.  You find these muscles because the morning after a long/tough run they will be incredibly sore.

23.  You choose water or gatorade over diet coke. I know, insanity.  

24.  Your phone will be full of garmin/runfie/sweaty/trail pictures.

25.  Each week you will get a little bit stronger and a little bit closer to your goals.

26.2—>  Once race day comes and you cross that finish line, all of these side effects are worth it.    

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Off to go conquer 20 miles today!!!! 

See you soon.  Hopefully.

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Go get it girl! You got this. :)


Oh yes these are absolutely true! I am going through many of these right now. I feel like I eat/sleep/dream for running these days…but I don’t mind one bit:)
Good luck on your long run! I’ll be setting my alarm for a ridiculously early hour tomorrow to get mine done.


I’m glad you enjoyed which wich! Is is not the best sandwich place ever? I’m seriously obsessed.

I’m glad you are enjoying yourself with training Janae and although I’ve only run one marathon I can completely relate to this. I try not to use just in any of my training though because you never know what someone’s best run is, ect. I think it’s important to not be little any accomplishments running or not. (Something I think the word just does period)!


Good luck on TWENTY MILES! #3, 7, and 18 are SO true for me. ;)


Love this! Currently training for my first marathon and 100% agree!


Haha, love this! All of them SO true!


HA! I love the part about chafing! Nothing will wake you up faster than showering after you’ve had chafing on a run! I’m glad I’m not the only one who says things like “Just 14 miles;” it does seem short when you compare it to other long runs!

Hope you had a great run today!


I have to combine #22 and #25 and just say that I am SHOCKED that I am going for a 20-miler this weekend. When I started marathon training in July I couldn’t imagine how I was going to get from a base of 10 miles all the way up to 20, it seemed crazy, and now I’m here! Marathon training definitely teaches us we are way more capable than we thought. I know that’s a totally cheesy thing to say but it’s true! I hope your 20-miler went perfectly this morning! :)


Have you tried the Salted Watermelon Janae??? I love the Salted Caramel but sometimes the sweetness is a bit much for 6am.

I’m glad you’re enjoying the process. I think that learning to enjoy all the little things that lead to your race is almost more important than having a good race in the end.


Good luck on your 20 miler! I’ve never trained for a marathon, but this list makes me look forward to doing so. Especially buying all the gear.


I’m running in my sleep now and my mental toughness is building, I feel it! Good luck with the run :) Awesome list.


Atta girl! You’re the greatest. Haha totally agree with all of these. Except the 2 year old one since I don’t have one of those ;) and I’ve actually never trained with friends. Blasphemy I know! That would probably make long runs seem shorter.


This list made me smile!!! Especially # 10, 13 & 16!! Have a great run!


I love this! We are crazy but it’s so worth it! I’ll add that about 6 weeks before the marathon you turn into an emotional roller coaster . Or maybe that’s just me!


So, so true! My feet are in sad, sad shape right now…and I want pizza at all times. :)

Have a great run!


LOVE this list. I completely sympathise with number 13. It’s like a lottery – where will the pain be today!!

And I wish tan lines were something to worry about, but being in NE England, it’s not such an issue. Actually, it does make for more refreshing running….

Hope the 20 miles goes well!! 2 marathons in a year = hardcore. Well done.


Love this post.
Found myself saying yes out loud to the computer.
HAPPY 20!!


Great post! I can totally relate to everyone of these! Esp the salted caramel gu – I LOVE those!!! HA
Ran my first and ONLY marathon last May and experienced everything you documented! :-)


I agree with all of those! That’s pretty much been my life the past few months. I think my husband forgot what real clothes looked like on me since I was either always running or in work clothes!
And last weekend when I ran to my kids football game and the guy asked me how far I ran and I said only 10 miles. He laughed like that was ridiculous and I was puzzled thinking that was a short run!


Good Luck! We all know you will do good. I haven’t ran a marathon before but I think almost any race distance experiences most of the things you’ve posted above.


I LOVED reading your list…it’s fun to see what it means to have running such a huge part of your life. I know I’d start dreaming running if I was waking up at 4 each morning–awesome discipline Janae! I’m glad you have awesome running buds to be with!


I’m training for my first ultra and I have realized that I *am* dreaming running lately! It’s crazy! It’s like my brain can’t think about anything else…


I hope your 20-miler is awesome!!!


Good luck with those 20 miles. All I know is my feet never look pretty with all my training but it is a great excuse to treat yourself to pedicures!


Great list…..loved so many of them and could actually relate to many of them even though I have never trained for a marathon and never plan to. 13.1 is enough for me. ;-)


Loved this! My first half is the same day as your marathon, so I’m experiencing a lot of these but to a lesser degree. It’s still exciting to see the mileage go up, and more importantly that mental toughness you mentioned. In fact, sometimes I use your line and repeat it in my head “you can do tough things” during any and all uphills. So thank you for that!


I LOVE THIS! I am training for my first marathon in November – Charlotte Thunder Road, so I understand the struggle! These points are so true and you are just so cute! Such an inspiration!!!


“Your mental toughness increases 400%.” Yes, yes, yes. (Not that I run marathons, but I think pushing a mile further than you could go a week before helps increase mental toughness, too.) You are so strong, Janae!


Ha, so true! Like this morning when I said, oh, I’ll just run ten miles this morning. As if just ten is a normal thought lol. Have a great run!


OMG I totally relate on the chafing and feeling it in the shower. I get this at CrossFit when we do a lot of sit ups on my butt. OUCH!!!


These are so true! I’ve never trained for a full marathon, but these still ring true for a half. I agree, Salted Caramel is the ONLY flavor of Gu that should exist.


What a fun post! I definitely experienced all of these training for the SF Marathon and as I ramp up in training for my upcoming ultras, they are happening again. Enjoy your 20 miles today! I only have 4 to do but I wish I had a longer run to get in. Looking forward to 16 this Saturday!


I LOOOOOVE THIS!!!! Good luck on the 20 today!!

I have definitely thought ALL of those things during a training cycle and weird that i was planning on doing a post on it next week! LOL Get out of my brain!!!! :):)


I’m running Chicago in about 4 weeks, so I am living this list! I hope you have an awesome long run!!!


There is not one thing on this list that I do not agree with. Runners are a special breed, that’s for sure!


Love this list – good luck with the long run!


Great list! You’ve got this!


YAY good luck, have fuuuun!


Nailed it. Salted Carmel is the best. Good luck with 20!


Salted Caramel is by far the best flavor EVER! Hope you have a great 20 miler!


Yes I totally 100% agree on the salted caramel gu. Nothing else is as good.


Good luck! You’ve got this! I admire you so much for being able to run this much, the thought of running 20 miles someday is crazy to me!!


Good luck on your 20 miler!! I will have to try the salted caramel gu. I don’t mind gu (usually vanilla bean) but my husband can’t stand it so we have switched over to shot blocks. I also love this list – training for our first marathon and so much of this is true, esp. #15 – found myself saying we had “just a 12 miler” on the training plan ;)


I am training for my third half and totally relate – especially number 18! I’m jealous of all your runner friends. I don’t have any training buddies and get bored of running all those miles by myself.


I believe whole-heartedly in running as a line item in the budget. That is just sound financial planning ;). As for Gu, you have to try the salted watermelon. I was a salted caramel purist until that one came along…I think it is perfect for hot summer runs. Also, #18 is my life. Basically the only time I get in my car is to drive around looking for places to run. Insane, I know.


# 16 <—- so true! Sometimes I feel like I could run for hours on end, and other days my legs feel like sandbags, and one minute feels like twenty.

I also remember the crazy thoughts of, "oh, tomorrow is JUST 15 miles!" – how insane haha! Like you said, it's all worth it in the end though. Running a single marathon was truly an accomplishment for me… I can't even imagine what it would be like to run multiple marathons!

Good luck on your 20 miles today!


Ahh I can so relate to them all except I don’t have a running partner:( have fun recovering!
I have a 15 miler this weekend planned and I’m nervous as I’ve never ran that far!
Thank you for inspiring and making me not seem crazy…like while driving and I calculate how many miles a new road is from my house lol


#13, finding chafed spots in the shower is the truest one of all!

Great list! I’ve only managed half marathon distance so far, with full marathon aspirations. To future runs!


Thanks for the laughs and daily inspiration!


These are awesome! Have a good run!


Good luck on your 20 miler! Running is such an all consuming sport!


I am so feeling this list. From the chaffing to the tan lines (I can clearly make out the outline of my garmin on my arm) and yet still I’m driving and thinking a run along this street might be a good idea. Oh the insanity!


#17… truth!

Have a wonderful 20 miler!


Love it! Hope you had a great run!


I cant believe you wak up before 5am! What’s your secret, and when does brook go to bed?


I “just” have 14 miles this Saturday! I’m on week 3 of training for the Honolulu Marathon in December – all these are great!


You kick some serious butt, you know that??? Hope your 20 miles was everything you dreamed it would be ;)

I did my first spin class two nights ago, and it was awesome!! I bet your class would be super fun!


My thoughts exactly. Especially the one about eating ALL of the food. I’m four weeks out from Chicago and there is not enough food in the world to keep me happy. And I only have 16 for my long run this week, one more 20 miler and then the glorious tapering begins.


SO TRUE!! You will definitely eat ALL of the food, and it will be nearly all carbs. One more thing I noticed happening while marathon training was somewhat related to the chaffing but I found myself being extremely aware of where every single seam and every single stitch was located in every piece of running gear. One loose stitch or bumpy seam can translate into days of pain while your painful raw chaffed spot of skin heals as slowly as possible. Oh, the joys! But you’re so right- in the end, it’s all completely worth it!


Let us know how the run went! I will be doing my 20 next weekend. You HAVE to try the salted watermelon GU – it is a special flavor and it is a little piece of heaven!


YOU GO GIRL! At this point, I know you are done, and I’m 100% sure you rocked it!!!! Go Janae, Go! You’re going to conquer your race NO problem!!


Have a great 20-miler! You’ve got it! I’m with you on the 4:35 wake-up call. I was supposed to be up at 4:30 but hit the snooze until 4:45. The only reason I would wake up that early is for a long run (and having my son… he was born around that time… haha). It’s worth it for the run. I love coming in to see my son just waking up in the morning and then I start on breakfast ASAP!



Side-effect number 27: When people reference specific upcoming weekends I reference them by my mileage number for that week. “Ohhhhh yeah, I’d love to go to your housewarming party! I may have call it an early night though because I have an 18 miler on the schedule that weekend.”


I LOVE THIS! Thanks for posting! Good luck!!! :)


All true except salted caramel is definitely NOT the best flavor. Vanilla and peanut butter for the win.


Ah, the shower sting showing you where you forgot to put the Body Glide! Know it well! Love your list.


Love it! I agree with all of them, especially since I am training for my furst marathon which will be on Nov 2!!! Good luck on your 20 miler, I have an 18 miler to do on sat in 100 degree heat, hope I survive!


I can sooo relate with #13! My family knows and loves to laugh at me when they hear me screaming in the shower! Desperately need to get some body glide, chap stick is just not the same!


I totally had a “I ONLY have 12 miles today” moment this morning. And then I realized “only” 12 miles at 5am before work in the rain makes me…well, crazy.


HAHAHA! this is great. Every single one of them. Except the Gu. I really don’t like gels. GIMME ALL THE GUMMIES!!!!! And finding where you chaffed in the shower? OUCH!! But I ALWAYS miss SOMEWHERE! :(


Love these! I completely agree with the chafing/shower one and the “just 14” one……………we should give ourselves more credit than we sometimes do!


This was a cute entry, I hope your last 20 went well


Perfect entry. Hope we get to run together soon someday :) xoxo you know I adore you!!



heard first aid kit? good running music.


Running is seriously so awesome for improving your mental toughness! I feel like ever since I started running other workouts are no where near as hard to push through as they used to seem to be. You learn to just push through and get it done!


Way to go!! What a great list.. I guess when you run 20+ miles on your long runs, you have time to think about these things! :)


Have a good run!


Number 10 is my favorite!


I totally agree with the salted caramel gu! I was going to transition to beans, but then I tried the salted caramel! Holy yum!


I so badly want to run a full marathon next year (I will be 55). I have ran several half marathons and my next one is 10-5. I almost always seem to get injured or am close to an injury the last days of training. That being said I am afraid my body won’t be able to make the marathon training. And, yes, I have a possible injury now that I keep telling myself I have to run through so that I can run in 2 weeks.
Funny thing, I soaked my feet in a cold river last weekend. Felt great but definitely needed a bathtub. I am a firm believer in ice! I just happened on your blog. Enjoying it.


In week 3 of training for my 4th marathon and although I’m still in the early mileage, you reminded me of all I have to look forward to!! I’m one of those who actually gains weight when marathon training (because of the aforementioned eating of all the things) so I’m gonna try to make healthier choices this time (In and Out Burger french fries are healthy, right?)


I love this. Good luck!!


im running my first 20 miler today and this post was exactly what I needed!


Loved your list, can’t wait to discover these for myself during training!


Great blog post! And all so true! I also find myself setting the alarm clock early to grab a cliff bar before a long run and then resetting it after fueling for a few more precious minutes of sleep. And the tan lines! Yes, I could talk about that all day! And why don’t they even disappear in the winter?

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