Friday Favorites & My Mom’s Application

(pants, long-sleeve, shoes ((still 20% off but almost out… I’m going to miss the 8s so so much)), socks)

The previous two days of training almost felt like I was back in ultra training with back-to-back double-digit runs. I’m pretty sure if I didn’t have friends to meet, I would have just gone back to bed and waited until I could get a babysitter to go out because I woke up so tired.

I carry a loaf of Great Harvest bread around with me at all times lately.

We played restaurant.

We are going through our house for spring cleaning, and I came across something from my single days. My mom made an application (as a joke… as far as I know;) for my dating. She would not mess around with who she was okay with me dating;).

Andrew told me he didn’t have to fill out the application, so I guess that means she instantly liked him, ha.
These two got to go skiing!
And I got in some one-on-one time with Brooke at the place that we spent a lot of time together when she was little.

Favorites time!

*These pants! I am positive I had the same pants in 8th grade, and I still love them just as much as I did then. I bought them true to size, and you get 20% off on your first Vuori purchase. These will be the best spring pants because they are lightweight, and life is better with a drawstring. They go perfectly with the cheap Amazon 2-pack (for $16).  PS here is a list of my other favorite t-shirts again–> The Outdoor Voices ones.  These ones from Madewell.  My favorite t-shirts to wear with biker shorts. And this Scooped neck from Old Navy ($12!)! Also, Andrew bought me these Birkenstocks for my birthday. I wear them all. of. the. time.

*This $13 phone case. I saw it on Courtney’s IG, and so I grabbed one. It’s unique and comes in a bunch of different colors and options.

*Two of our absolute favorite outdoor toys. This go-kart and this electric bike. Anytime friends come over; they want to be on these two things. We spend a lot of time outside together, so these items are very important to us. Both charge great and withstand A LOT of use.

*These little glass cups that come with straws. They are perfect for my current favorite vanilla core power and chai combo.

Looking forward to anything this weekend?

Have a drink you have been loving lately?

What shoes (outside of running) have you been wearing a lot lately?

Who has a long run this weekend… details please!

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I love that your mom made an application for men that wanted to date you. So cute!

I’ve been very into this mocktail lately: Muddle 5 blackberries with the juice of lime and a little simple syrup. Add ice to the glass and top with seltzer. So refreshing and yummy! Pretty sure I’ve had at least one everyday for the past week and a half


My mom is the best! Ummmm that sounds amazing! I need to try that asap. Hope your day is off to a beautiful start, Maureen!


Great Harvest is a necessity during training (and really all year round). If you haven’t had the farmhouse white rolls, you MUST get them. Literally one of the best things I’ve ever eaten in my entire life. If anyone reading has trouble carb-loading before a race, buy these rolls and carb loading will feel like the easiest thing you’ve ever done.

Long run tomorrow .. 16-18 miles. I’m not training for a spring marathon this year (focused on a spring half instead but have really enjoyed building up my mileage in addition to speed). I also kind of want to do something crazy and sign up for a 50 miler this November. Stay tuned. If not this year, definitely sometime in the future!

Have the best weekend, Janae!!


Off to go get those rolls, that sounds absolutely amazing. I’ll bring a bag with me to Boston. OH MY GOODNESS. I am so so excited about what is up ahead for you this year and you’ll have to keep me updated on it all! Have an amazing long run, Arthi!


Thanks for the reminder on your favorite tees. I need to save these links for potential purchases when I’m not prego! After years of contemplating, I finally bought a pair of Birkenstock Boston yesterday! I look forward to their arrival! A purchase of those glass cups is tempting. Gotta love a good cup!


How far along are you, Alyssa? So happy for you! YAY for the Bostons, I wear them all of the time. The cups are such a good deal and everyone in our family loves them. Hope your day is off to a great start!


I love the application form your mom made! So glad you found Andrew :)
I love all of your Friday favourites, especially the pants and cell phone case. Do the pants fit the same as the vuori joggers? So many styles are coming back..I should have kept all my clothes from my junior high/high school days lol


Hahaha right?!? I should have kept it all! But somehow they have made everything a little cuter than what I had;). Size wise I wear a small in both the joggers and these. I hope you love them! Let me know and have a great day!


I am so ready for this weekend… Lately I’ve been squeezing my Sat. long runs in before going to my kids’ soccer practice/baseball game Sat. morning combo which starts at 8am… so probably an early and hilly 11 miles for me… I say probably but you know I already have the course and the playlist mapped out ;-). So excited for the run and the kids’ sports and also

You got me hooked on the Core Power, which really does taste so good I can’t believe it’s not some sort of trick ala the Kälteen bars in Mean Girls… like how is it so creamy and so good for you? But also, after. like 2 years of mocking my husband for drinking La Croix (I pretty much only ever drink coffee and water and I hate soda), I tried the Key Lime flavor and *ugh* it’s SO GOOD. So I guess I’ll eating (drinking?) my words and having some more of that.

Shoes: I used to really like rocking heels all the time but with two young boys and all the running I’m in sneakers 90% of the time now, but I do like ones that look cute with skirts. Big fan of the Adidas Pure Motion in white- they’re sort of slip on and have some old school tennis shoe vibes and looks cute with everything. Now if I could figure out how to keep them white… Any shoe cleaning tips?


Arianna, you are amazing for fitting that all in before your kids’ activities on Saturday mornings. Go have the best time on your hilly 11 miler. Hahah runners love to be prepared. RIGHT? Sometimes I truly cannot believe how good it is. Off to get the Key Lime La Croix. I love La Croix and Andrew feels the way you used to feel about it! Just looked up the Adidas you mentioned, they are so cute, I am going to copy you. I just throw mine in the wash and it always cleans them so well! Hope your day is off to a beautiful start!


Def. tell me what you think of the La Croix! I’m drinking one as I type…


Chai is my current favorite morning drink on my drive to work – it smells so good too!! Carrying bread around with you during high-mileage training is genius.
We are going to a spaghetti dinner at church on Saturday, doing a little baby gender reveal with family on Sunday, and kicking off my husband’s birthday with a big pan of lasagna for the week (his birthday is on Monday, so it’ll be way easier for me to make lasagna on the weekend). I’m hoping to get a couple workouts in too, since I have been choosing a little bit of extra sleep over working out, on pretty much every workday this week. I’ll blame it on the time change for the week!
I picked up some turquoise ankle boots on clearance at Aldi last fall for like $10, and have surprisingly worn them almost every day this winter. They’re perfect for icy parking lots. Never thought I’d find great shoes at Aldi!


Chai is just so so cozy. So glad you are loving it. Your weekend sounds amazing! Can I come for the lasagna. You have to let me know what you are having, I am so excited for you! Good for you for choosing sleep, this time change has been the hardest one yet for me! Ummmm $10 ankle boots, I am so jealous! Have the best day, Katie!


That application idea is so cute and now I want to do that for my niece lol
Thank you so much for the t-shirt recommendations bc I have a s major shortage going on over here. Last year, after you recommended those Target ribbed tanks I went and tried one and immediately bought every color. I wear them constantly! You now have my absolute trust 😉
That being said, do you have any long-sleeve tees that you really like? I have been searching and searching.

Still waiting for MRI approval over here, but I was able to do an hour on the elliptical yesterday, so I am feeling hopeful 😊

Have a great weekend, Janae!


My half marathon is on Sunday. It’s my favorite event to run and I’m looking forward to it!


CHEERING FOR YOU, CYNTHIA!!! Let me know how it goes, please!


Oh, happy weekend!

I’m going to put a big thumbs up in for those Vuori pants. I have the black ones(if they still have that color), wore them for a ten day trip to Europe and they are amazing. Dressed them up and down w different shoes and sneakers . They roll up small and dont wrinkle. Walked miles in them too.


This is so good to hear! Seriously the best and I want to grab some black ones, thanks Kate. Have the best weekend!


So we don’t have a great harvest in Chattanooga (Nashville has one), sad I know, buuuuut…………we have a local bakery that started on Signal Mountain and now has like 5 locations in the area, including one 2 miles from me that I can run or bike to. They make these massive sourdough cream cheese muffins that are to die for! I eat one as a meal, ha! not super healthy, but delish! They also make regular breads, but their sourdough is what they are known for. it is soft & sweeter than most sourdough breads, and it needs NOTHING on it. Ok, I am drooling!

I wear my converse (red hightops or tie dye low tops) a lot to work, and also today I have on my brooks st patricks day shoes from last year. I wear them to run, then retire them for everyday wear. I love how festive they are each year!

I am always in a cold brew black coffee mood, regardless of the weather! And tomorrow is a 14 miler in the buildup for rock & roll Nashville next month. But the high is 46, and 2 weeks ago we had 76 degree weather………i am not excited about the cold again.

Have a great st patricks day & hope you wore green!


I must have one of those muffins someday. They sound amazing! I hope you have one soon. Oh those are the best brooks! Have the best long run tomorrow, I hope it is a bit warmer than what they say tomorrow. Thanks Loribeth, happy weekend!


love Vuori….I said a little expensive we they arrive dat our store, but, seriously I shop a not an issue..
Iove my Hokas…..the Arahi…..
this has been a great week, so looking toward an active weekend….lotsa a running, and hopefully a visit into the pool, there’s a a couple of triathlons on my schedule….so it’s time!
and yeah, just retired for a second time, so I do have a lot of time, and every day is a weekend!


My hubby got me some Vuori pants for Christmas and I LOVE THEM! They are so soft and comfy. I also love birkenstocks – I currently have some gold ones that I love to wear in the summer. My other favorite shoe is the Hoka slides. They are basically my house shoes. My daughter got them for me two years ago for Mother’s Day and I asked for them again this Mother’s Day :)


Love the idea of chai/core power! What chai do you like?

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