The reason that hill work is speed work in disguise.

The reason that hill work is speed work in disguise….

because it makes your whole body hurt, you feel a little dizzy at the end of each interval and you question why you are putting yourself through torture…  all very similar things to speed work.  

You gotta do what you gotta do to get faster right?  And for some reason we always feel really good when we finish.  

I haven’t done hill repeats in months and this morning I found a good hill that had zero ice on it so I went for it.

5 minute warm-up

Sprint up the hill (each hill repeat took about 50 seconds to get up) and then I jogged down…. 10 times.

I didn’t have my garmin with me so I based everything off of effort but it was a great workout and my buns are already sore.  My garmin was out of batteries but I am glad it was because sometimes it is really good to just push yourself based on how you feel rather than on numbers.  

After the hills I ran around town at an easy pace for a total of 70 minutes of running.

Another way that I knew that I pushed it for the hills portion was…

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It was 18 degrees and I had to take off my coat and gloves and leave them at the bottom of the hill until I finished my repeats because I was so hot.

We ventured out to go get some lunch at THE KNEADERS (they just had to build a store double the size of their last one because so many people want to eat there and the line is always crazy long).

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Some of my very favorites:  Mom, Mer and turkey/bacon/avocado salad.  

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And Brooke.  She is currently in the ‘climbing everything and anything even if it isn’t stable or remotely safe’ stage.

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And she also currently thinks that the monitor is a phone.  I don’t dare break the news to her that it isn’t.

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Love your top. And Brooke’s headband. Phone date soon please!


That salad is seriously making me jealously hungry. Yum. I think it’s time for my afternoon snack.


Ahhhh, Brooke’s headband is so cute!! I’m looking for Christmas gifts for my little cousins who are about her age – mind sharing where you got hers from?


Hey! The headband is from here:


Love your outfit! Also that salad sounds like heaven. Best part of my day was when my boss told me I could work from home, and my chilly workout was done, so I got to crawl back into bed for a few minutes!


That is awesome!


LOVE hill repeats!! I shaved a full minute off my average pace this summer doing hills.

Best part of my day was today that my agency had our winter luncheon today. Free, delicious lunch, the afternoon off, and year end stipends!


ummm….The climbing photo of Brooke and her headband made my day. My children are driving me bonkers, so your child just reminded me that mine will be cute and adorable in a few minutes….or an hour…yes, lets go with an hour. Or two….


Sometimes it takes about three hours;)


I LOVE Brooke’s headband!! SO cute!

Hills are so tough!! I really need to do more of them!


I took my last college finals today before I graduate! It felt SO good!


Ahhhhhhhh huge congrats! That is so awesome!


How cute is this little peanut! I can’t take it.
I know I need to work on speed work but I hate it so I always find a way to talk myself out of it ;) but you’re right. We gotta just do it.

Best part of my day is waking up my one year old and seeing her all sleepy face with bed head. She’s so excited to see me it melts my heart, every single morning!


That headband is the best. If I could convince my daughter to wear anything other than a crown I would have to get one!

Best part of my day: wrapping presents and eating Christmas chocolate with my kids.


Brooke in a headband is the cutest thing I’ve seen all day!

The best part of my day was that my mom came by and walked Bungee today so I didn’t have to slip and slide around on the ice and go out in the cold!


So happy that Kneaders is in a bigger location now!! Can’t wait to get some French toast when I’m in UT again! You’re my hero…running on a hill because there’s no ice on it. I ran today and it was 65 degrees out! Best part of my day so far was happy kids at the park eating jelly beans :)


Brookes headband! Oh man, so cute!!

I have been working on some last minute Christmas cards this morning and I’m heading for a run soon because it’s a gorgeous sunny day out today.


Great workout! Sounds like a killer, I am always comparing hills to speed. Both super painful! Brooke’s headband is sooo cute! The most amazing thing today was seeing Frozen! LOVED it!!


Best. Movie. Ever.


A. Brooke’s outfit is the cutest thing ever and I need to get Annabelle one ASAP.

B. Love your cardigan…J Crew?

C. Your mom and Mer are so cute. :)

Best part of my day is yet to come….leaving work in an hour!


You are almost done with work wahooo!! The cardigan is from Soel Boutique… come visit me and I’ll take you there:)


Well, hubby took the day off so we could get our shopping done…80% done! WooHoo!!

But, what made me smile just now???? OMGoodness that headband on Brooke is simply too lovely! She is becoming a mini HRG before our very eyes!


That is awesome… you are almost done shopping. I admit it… I try to dress her to look like me:)


You both are so fashionable! Cute cute cute!
I love kneaders so much. I had to go there as much as possible while I was there. I even made my friend go out to lunch with me at the st george location on my way home to ca. She loved it but her parents didn’t and then tried to tell me that other places were so much better. Um ok, how about next time you order what I suggest? Oh well. All the kneaders are always so busy that having another location to choose from sounds like heaven. Now if only they will come to ca.
Best part of my day so far is listening to my baby sing in the shower and watching the other kids play.

Great job on your hill work today. :)


WHAT DID THEY ORDER!?!?! I am appalled that they didn’t love Kneaders.
Hearing the baby sing in the shower…. AWESOME! Have a great day Amy!


The tuna sandwich. I tried to tell them the salad was amazing. (I love the turkey avocado and bacon.) My friend got the tbc on focaccia and loved it. She told me later that her mom was already grumpy before she came in and wasnt going to be happy no matter what.
If the food was no bueno then the line would not be out the door everyday.
My oldest daughter just finished her leftovers from kneaders and wanted to know if she should keep the bag it came in “or would that make u miss kneaders too much mom?” Yes, yes it would.
Happy evening to you :)


Brooke’s headband!! Are you serious?? SOO adorable, I can’t get over it.

Hill workouts are my nemesis :)


My run this morning and lunch with my work team — definitely high lights :) And when the weather gets better, I am going to be ALL ABOUT hill repeats!


Brooke looks EXACTLY like curly in that last pic!!!


That makes me happy!


I’m meeting a bunch of girls tonight for hill repeats. It’s our standard Wednesday date! A few of us will also be running a non-competitive Jingle Jog just before our date with Campanile Hill. I only hope I can walk tomorrow!

I think both of these things will be the best part of my day.


GOOD LUCK!! I wish I could join your Wednesday night date! Enjoy:)


Love your cardigan! My physical therapist told me that hills are really good for building muscle so I should probably start doing them more (or at all). Best part of my day was the company holiday lunchon. They had Boston Market cater it and they have the best mac and cheese. Ever.


I love your sweater!
I also love the ‘everything’ is a phone’ phase…the remote, a spoon, you name it!


Best part of my day was a fun fartlek session! didn’t get to see the hubby much today because he was working on a project but man did running a little faster feel good and make up for it :) I need to start adding more hills for sure, all the running coaches say it’s the best way to get faster without injuring yourself!

It’s been said a million times already but Brooke in that headband is just the cutest thing ever!


The best part of my day so far was my delicious lunch. I had a flatbread pizza with brussels sprouts and butternut squash on top. Delish!!!


oh my gosh i’m obsessed with Brooke’s headband. I can’t believe you’re braving the 18 degree weather. I live in Chicago and its been in the 20’s but still can’t make myself go outside and run.


The best part of my day today…running 5 mile I think. Other than that, my day has been pretty bad. :(


I’m sorry that you haven’t had a good day! I hope it gets better and great job on your 5 miles!


I didn’t really want to run outside today because we got some snow yesterday, and I knew the roads would be sloppy, but I went and had a GREAT run! The roads weren’t as bad as I anticipated, I enjoyed a beautiful sunset, felt really good the whole time, and even ran further than I had planned! :)


Headband-total cuteness right there! I should do hills. But I don’t.


My day has been pretty standard so far other than a delicious starbucks cookie, yesterday I had a really great run. It was only 4 miles but it was 4 really solid ones and I was super happy afterwards especially because I ended right near a bar where my friends had a drink waiting. Classy.


Hill repeats are no joke! I have this terrible hill about a mile from my house… It’s “perfect”… a mile warm up, run up and down a few times, then run back for a cool down.


Best part was lunch at Panera and I forgot how much I love that place. Also ran for the first time in 5 days and I forgot how amazing I feel after!


OMG… hill work is amazingly tough. My running group did a rolling hill simulation once. On a long trail, we’d run up 0.25 mile, then turn around and run down 0.13 mile, then up for 0.25 mile again, and down 0.13 mile again. Repeat until we’re at the top (which was almost seven times for us), and then reverse… 0.25 mile down and 0.13 mile up. Eventually, you end up back where you started. The elevation chart looks super cool when you upload it ;)


First off – luv the headband Brookers is sporting! Best part of my day – spending it with my little guy and the hubs!


Her headband kills me!! So adorable!!!! They are building a Kneader’s here in AZ- I’m excited to try it out!!!


Hi Kim,
I know they are building a few in AZ but they actually already have a Kneaders open on Higley and Baseline in Gilbert, AZ… not sure if that’s close to you though. LOVE their food!!


Love Brooke’s outfit!


I won a gift basket full of goodies from Whole Foods and picked it up today! It was awesome.


Oh my goodness, her headband is just way too adorable <3 I just finished a 9.5 mile run and I'm feeling goooooood!


Cute headband on brooke!!

Best part of my day–flying home with my little one. Everyone loves her already <3


The husband and I FINALLY got about 70% of our shopping done! We have a few more things to do but I’ve been really stressed since originally we had bought NOTHING!


So stinkin’ cute is that little girl of yours. Nice job on doing hills. You rock. I never do hill work or speed work. I just run :) Best parts of my day: another outdoor run this morning (without hand warmers as it was 41 degrees!!), acupuncture session this afternoon and right now, drinking hot chocolate, eating peanut butter toast while reading your blog! Quite a perfect day!


Nice job with the hills! I have a feeling when I am at my parents next week I will be finding some and going to town. I hate the roads around there (icy, slanted, ect) so I will need to do something and not skip my entire week of training!


This probably sounds nuts, but this made me want to do hill repeats so badly!!! I need to stay flat through Saturday, my last 20 miler before my first full marathon in January. I’m excited to get back to some of those crazy workouts again though!



1. Super jealous that you had the patience to run the hill 10x!! i would have gotten bored after 5 times. a good inspiration :)
2. love the lunch with 4 generations of your fam!! just super cute
3. the best part of my day is GETTING AN A IN MY CLASS!!! ahhh!! i hadn’t done as well on the assignments and REALLY worked hard on this last essay. I’m a senior and they don’t give a lot of a’s at my school (johns hopkins is not known for people getting 4.0s…) so i’m just PUMPED because i worked my tail off and made something great happen. we CAN do hard things!!! thanks for the inspiration this semester :)

ps. have you made these cookies before? delicious!


I know just what you mean about the blog being an outlet. Thanks for pipnopg in on mine. I’m swamped by teacher stuff this week, finding time to browse and read but probably not post. Congratulations on number 100. I love how artistic each of your posts is and the fabulous photography. I need to work on that. I’d love to win a headband just for myself! A tidbit about me: I’ve been to London, Paris and Alaska, but not California or New York City. Tourists from other countries have probably seen more of the USA than I have! Oh, and I have a phobia of gum–chewing it in front of people, watching other people chew it and especially seeing a discarded, chewed up piece. Wackadoodle, I know.


Brooke’s headband is adorable! My highlight today was definitely the fact that my husband and I were both off of work today. That hasn’t happened in way too long.


I’ve had three great moments. 1. Watching my Kindergarten students be so proud that they performed in front of the whole school. 2. Seeing my little boys come home from daycare today so happy and 3. Dinner with my BFF, her husband and my ‘nephew’. It was a great day. The 4th best part – Going to bed by 9:30!


LOVE her headband! You seriously dress her in the cutest clothes! Where do you shop for her?


I LOVE hills. And hill repeats. They really let me know what I am made of! You had an AWESOME run lady! Congrats!
Ps..I just adore brooks lil cute face!!:)


Brooke* sorry!!!!!!!!


Which Brooks shoe are you wearing?


That headband!!

Best part of my day: finishing up my Christmas shopping (and getting a couple tops from The Loft for myself ;) Feels good to be done and now I can relax for the rest of the Holiday season!


All the gals whose blogs I read that live in Utah have ALL talked at Kneaders at some point! If I’m ever in Utah that is the FIRST place that I’m going!!


The best part of my day was my 2 1/2 year old laying down next to me on the floor while I was doing my leg lifts, turning her head towards me and saying, “I love you Mommy”. Then she did 45 leg lifts with me.


Oh em gee that thread band — too cute!


Oops *headband*


Navy is Brooke’s color! Hooray for great workouts.


Love this post! Brooke is adorable. I have been eating more salads lately thanks to u :).
Best part of my day was dropping my kid off at preschool for his PJ Christmas party. He was so excited :). And we decorated Christmas cookies all morning. Worst part of my day is staring at my disaster of a kitchen knowing no one else will clean the mess up but me :(.


that headband is adorable!


MMMM…Kneaders French Toast!!!
I am impressed that you did 10 sets of a 50 second hill. That is hard to do.
Sometimes it is just nice to go run naked (without technology type of naked). Most of the time I don’t leave the house without my 3 pounds of running gear, but when I do, it makes my run entirely different. I see things that I swear have never been there before, I push myself differently, I pay more attention to my body, it is just a different run. I think that sometimes it is good to have…well, a different run.


Thank you for a little Brooke in a headband today. This was a long miserable day that I tried to save with a good attitude and failed. I think at this little age when they are tiny and perfect and wearing awesome headbands and climbing…they can only bring happiness.

We won’t think about sixteen… ;)


I CANNOT get over Brooke in her headband. Would it be creepy to screenshot it on my phone so I can look at it when I need a smile? Yes? Definitely? Ok, I won’t…but she is seriously THE CUTEST blogger baby out there. Especially when she wears that headband (hint hint you should post more pics of her wearing it)


I’ve only been running about 2 years and I’ve never done hill repeats but thinking I should. My problem is not so much to run up but I’m so clumsy running down. Any suggestions on how to run down a hill? Or is that a silly question:)
Mer is adorable and makes me miss my grandma.
I see the generation resemblance all beauties!!
Best part of my day park with my 3 awesome kids. I am so blessed!


I feel in pretty good shape, but there is just something about those hills that make me give up. Any tricks to it, or just training over and over again?


I need that headband in my size…just like most of Brooke’s wardrobe. Best part of my day? My gym Christmas party :)


my husband does hills repeats 2x week for that very reason! well done lady! p.s Dying of cuteness with Brooke’s headband!


Hill workouts are my favorite! They’re such a a great/tough workout.


I love Brooke’s headband!! Hills are the best! The best part of my day was getting my daughter back! She was in TX with her dad for almost 3 weeks and it was awful!


Brooke’s headband is DARLING! I love how you dress her.


It’s 18 degrees and you and brooke have no coats on outside?!!! You girls are brave!
Favorite part of my day was coming home after a crappy day at work to see my dog looking out for me from the dining room window. I posted a pic of it on my instagram @sweatoutthesmallstuff


Brooke’s headband is to die for. She is a mini-you :)


being home with my family at last!!


Love Brooke’s headband! Best part of my day was going to the new gym by my house. It’s huge and has tons of equipment. Can’t wait to go back.


I love that headband, so cute!

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