Struggles that only runners understand.

(shirt, leggings, shoes)

A peaceful morning with Jess and Emilee in our favorite canyon.  These winter mornings are so quiet.

I’m not running today so I bumped up my mileage a bit yesterday, so I can still hit 55 this week.

Of course, we hit a nail on the freeway, which gave us a flat tire VERY quickly…  So many scary things are happening to us this week.

Still, two different colored eyes, and I love them.

When Andrew brought the donuts to us, Beck took his shoes off and grabbed his glazed donut.  We are guessing he wanted to be comfortable for his donut eating experience.

They are pleased that the streets are clear for their biking.

Dream pizza for dinner, and Beck was mad at me for not letting him play with the pizza cutter.

We also made Megan’s copycat Carrabba’s dip.  Delicious.

We need each other.  We get each other.  Let’s talk about some of the struggles we have that other people will never understand;)

*When people/businesses/bosses expect us to wear something other than our running clothes or the activewear we want to change into after a run.  Don’t even get me started on the expectations of wearing any shoes that are not comfortable.

*A windy day.  Normal humans don’t understand how annoying wind truly is.  I’m glad we have each other to understand how truly terrible the wind can be.


*When shoe companies change your favorite pair of shoes even slightly.  What if we don’t want any changes?  Just leave them as they were perfectly created.

*Getting up in the middle of the night even though you are exhausted because you are hungry and need a bowl of cereal.  This only happens to me during marathon training and pregnancy, and it is hard.

*The permanent tan lines we get from our watches, sports bras, and shorts.  Andrew said jokingly once, “Janae, take off your running clothes and get in the pool,” when I had just my swimsuit on, haha.

*Being just a few seconds over your time goal… Only runners understand the pain of just being a few seconds over your time goal, and non-runners think we are crazy.  Not going to lie; I’ve thought many times about if I would have just run 1.4 seconds faster per mile at Big Bear.

*Restaurants that serve normal-sized portions… Do they not understand I have a long run tomorrow and need double the pasta they brought me?

*Shorts/leggings that don’t have 15 pockets.  Do they understand how many gels we need to bring with us?  I always feel like a pack mule for the first 20 miles of a race.


What struggles do you experience that non-runners do not relate to?

Tell me your weekend plans!

Best midnight snack in your opinion?

-Cereal.  Always cereal.

Ever had a running shoe you loved but then they changed it and you no longer loved it?

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Here’s hoping y’all have a relaxing, scare-free weekend with no stressful surprises thrown your way! Cereal is by far the best midnight (or anytime) snack. Weekend plans: Peloton ride after school + surprise party tonight for a friend’s 40th, 5.5 miles on Saturday as part of my HM training plan, and taking down the Christmas decorations (I always put this of as long as I can and my husband thinks I am nuts!) Happy Friday Janae!


Thank you! I’m hoping we got all of the scares out of the way for the year and won’t have any more. I agree, cereal is the best anytime snack. SO excited about your half-marathon training… go rock those 5.5 miles. Have a great ride today and fun at the party. I’m with your husband on this one haha… I want them down fast! Thanks Emily, you too!




It really and truly is. Hope you don’t have any to run in for a long time. Happy Friday, Allison!


If there could be at least one pocket on all shorts/leggings, that would be great! I would love a place to put a car key or a house key. I don’t like holding stuff in my hands when I run and it can feel really awkward shoving stuff in your arm band. Two normal sized pockets would be great so I can carry my car key and skittles on long runs and during races.
I totally get Beck taking his shoes off before eating his doughnut. If you’re comfortable while eating one of your favorite foods, it tastes even better.
There were two iterations of Brooks Ravenna that were awful. One gave me horrible long blisters on the inside of my foot; the other gave me peroneal tendonitis. I know one was the 8 and I think the other was the 6. Those were two terrible periods of running for me. I wasted so much money on those shoes and missed out on a lot of running.
Have a great weekend!


Pockets should truly be mandatory. I’m with you, I hate holding things while I run. I am going to channel you and bring skittles on my next long run. Beck will appreciate that everyone agrees with his method of eating haha.
Nooooo to what the Ravenna did to you. Uggg I am so sorry. Why do they feel the need to change a good thing because it ended up way worse? Happy weekend to you, Lee!


Oh NO – flat tires are the worst, especially in the winter weather. Hope everyone got warm relatively quickly. Beck’s mad face is adorable. And I read about your tree falling experience the other day, and I am so sorry that happened you and Brooke – glad to hear it had a happy and 100% safe ending, but still – so, so scary.
Your runner struggles list is awesome – the one about runners wearing activewear at the office – my goal for 2023 is to secretly switch my work-wear to mostly be running-wear in disguise because I do a lot of lunchtime runs and switching back to actual work pants after running is no fun. I am going to see if Athleta has some options to help me out!
This weekend includes a cross-country ski outing, grocery shopping, and I want to make bread in my bread-maker because I haven’t done that in a while. I should try that yummy looking dip to go with it… Happy Friday!!


Yes! We were pretty lucky with getting it fixed quickly. Thank you so much, Katie. We are feeling better each day. I love your 2023 goal and I fully support this. Athleta truly does have the best things that double into running wear and nicer wear… you’ve got this. Cross-country skiing, so fun. You will love the dip with your homemade bread… enjoy. Thanks Katie, happy weekend!


We were on the way to a college visit last fall and ran over 6 nails on the freeway. Somehow we made it 15 miles to the next town before the tire deflated. We had to put on the spare to get to the tire store but they were able to repair it. Good thing as it would have taken them 2 days to get a new tire! Crazy!

I HATE THE WIND. And I live in Iowa, where the wind is continuous.


SIX NAILS?! Oh my goodness! I am so glad you were able to make it to the next town. SO so stressful. I hope that you get a break from the wind soon… I’m sure it has made you so strong though. Happy weekend, Jackie!


Ugh, I am so sorry it’s been a week, hopefully that is all past now and you can have an amazing weekend! Are you doing anything fun?

WIND IS THE WORST, no good point to it.

My husband and I just started marathon training again do running is on the schedule for the weekend. We also have a ski day planned and a birthday for a close friend.


Yes, hoping the crazy things stop now! Nothing fun planned yet but everyone will be home so that means it is a good one. Yep, runners know that wind has nothing good to offer us ha. Your weekend sounds so fun and YAY for marathon training starting up again! Have the best time skiing too. I think we need to make a ski day happen too. Happy weekend, Beth!


I feel so many of these! I ran my first marathon this year in Indy and it was sooooo windy. I missed qualifying for Boston by 17 seconds. So many people couldn’t understand why I was so disappointed


We aren’t alone in these! Oh my goodness, I heard the wind was SO bad this year there… that is incredible you were able to run that fast in those conditions. I get it though, those 17 seconds hurt. I can’t wait to hear about your BQ at the next one. Have a beautiful day, Aubrey!


My non runner friends never understand how a long run feels “easier” than some of the simple adult responsibilities I have to do.
Agrees, cereal is the best night snack!


So many times that is the easiest part of the day. I wonder if sometimes we are both up at the same time eating our cereal haha. Happy Friday, Erica!


Oooo…. I hate when running shoe companies just randomly change their shoes! So irritating.
Oh and the tan lines, ha ha ha. And wind is the worst! Although, if I have already started a run and the wind picks up, I like to think of it as resistance training, ha.
So scary about your flat tire. Hopefully this weekend will be uneventful for you.
I’m still getting over this cold, feeling better today but not quite back to normal. Hoping to get outside today for at least a walk.
You’re not running on a Friday? Does that mean you have something fun planned?
Have a great Friday!


Right?! Just keep them the same! I will copy you on my next windy run, resistance training! I really hope you feel 100% asap! I went to a MedSpa yesterday so she told me to take today off from running but I am so looking forward to tomorrow’s run. Get feeling better and I wish that I could bring you some chicken noodle soup!


Hi Janae! I didn’t know that tires can get flat that fast that is scary! Glad you are ok.
Something my non runner friends don’t get is that I want to go to sleep early! And every time something hurts for more than a few steps I get super concerned it’s the start of a new injury!
Happy Friday! I go home tomorrow!


Wind is so annoying and I would add “Sunshine vs shade/clouds in the winter” Is the sun going to come out mid-run, will I be hot in leggings, or will it stay cloudy? Does my running route today get morning sun…are the trees going make the whole run in the shade? Just give me summer weather where I don’t have to think about what to wear, please! :) Happy Friday, Janae!


WIND IS THE WORST. OMG You have just explained my entire running life. Haha.

Also – people do not understand the extreme runners high you get after your run. Nope nope nope. And also – although I didn’t embrace this until recently – how absolutely exhilarating a winter run can be. There is nothing like it even if I freeze. Just such an accomplishment!

This weekend I am doing the Polar Dash 10k right here in St. Paul with some running friends. Again – not fast like you, just love to run and especially the social aspect ;) Oh and how it helps my mental health! :) Otherwise – my son has a basketball game, I’m sure the kids will play out in the snow, Church – and probably cleaning. Boo to that part!

Have the best weekend, Janae!


Girl, this week has been NUTS for me too! Things have been off…weird…and chaotic. I work in customer service and people have just crazy! Realized today is a FULL MOON hahaha. already told my husband that tonight is pizza and movie night and no one is allowed to leave the house!


Having breakfast, Post run breakfast and lunch all before 12 pm 😂 …. The question of “didn’t you just eat” and also eating more in one meal than one person eats all day


Haha. I loved that list. Spot on.


One of my biggest fears in life is that Mizuno will change its shoe style and after more than a decade of running in the same shoe will be forced to find a new shoe – and will never find one that fits as well.

And I live on rural Kansas so the wind is ALWAYS a factor. I’ll make the trek into town for my early morning runs to avoid some of the wind. Which takes me to your point on pockets – some of my shirt/pant combos have zero locations for me to store my vehicle key. It’s terribly frustrating.

Love the blog!


People don’t understand why I want to go to bed earlier the night before a long run, why I run in circles to get to the exact mileage on my watch, why I do so much laundry (especially in the winter with more layers for running), why I don’t walk around in my running shoes. The list could go on and on haha.


The list is great! Also need to add about running clothes that even are the teeniest bit the wrong length or tightness and then chaf like no other every step of the run. That’s my biggest pet peeve. Still searching for the perfect shorts and then I will buy them in every color possible.
Happy Friday and here’s to no more scary events!


Too many scary mishaps for you. Glad you are all safe.
The worst thing about wind…it is always in your face no matter how often you turn and go another direction!
Enjoy your weekend!


Haha I don’t know what this says about me but I immediately zoomed in to see what donuts you guys had…. Is that an enormous apple fritter?? Those are my absolute favorite and if it IS a huge one, I think that’s brilliant.

Yes, Nike Pegasus. The last 6/8 years have just been me trying to find something that makes my body as happy as I remember those. Now I will buy a second pair if I find I love what I’m wearing and routinely check Amazon and other places for it to go on sale.

The thing that really gets me as a runner is cars that won’t just move a couple feet over as they approach me. Just do it. Such a jerk move to not move or wait until I’ve already had to assume they won’t and jump into the grass. I’ve gotten soft this year though and have been on the mill since it got cold so I’ve had a reprieve the last few months :). I don’t need pockets because there is a table next to me, a fan blowing on me… I even call my kids to fill up my water once in a while haha!

Have a wonderful weekend! I hope you got good news about your other trees. Just when you think you e worried about everything a mom can worry about, a tree falls. I’m so happy that everyone was physically safe. Goodness, though.


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