The Jacobs’ Camping Trip

Brooke’s second camping trip was a success.  I always worry that I am not going to sleep very well when we are camping but nope, once I hit the pillow (actually we forgot pillows) I don’t move until it starts getting light in the morning.

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I know, I know, that face below is just too much.  You just want to eat those cheeks.  It’s okay to admit it.

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We ended up having about 30 friends at the campsite and we weren’t technically right on the beach but pretty darn close.

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The ocean was just on the other side of the trees.  I think I must have dropped some of my s’more on Brooke’s glove or something because she could not stop chewing on it.

The greatest part about going car camping compared to going backpacking is that the food is way better. When we go backpacking we eat oatmeal and soup.  With car camping we have a full on barbecue.   Eating food outside is awesome and eating around a camp fire just makes it that much better.

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She is clearly mine judging by her love for Sweet Baby Ray’s bbq sauce.  I am embarrassed at the rate I go through those bottles and some of the foods that I put it on is just plain old weird.

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I will be the first to admit that my marshmallow roasting skills were not the best but I was holding Brooke and roasting the marshmallow at the same time and this is the best I could do.  I feel like I need to redeem myself and retry my marshmallow roasting this week to prove that I am usually really good at making the perfect one.

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Billy and I went to bed first out of the group at 11 pm because I honestly don’t think I could force myself to stay up one minute later than that if I wanted.  Bangs Friend texted me at 5:25 to see if we were still on for our run and I am amazed that we went out and did it even though we were camping.  I guess that shows our deep love for the run, especially the Saturday morning run.

We came back and had a feast of fruit, cinnamon rolls (made in a dutch oven!) and the best egg scramble ever also made in the dutch oven.  That dutch oven produces some amazing things.

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Are you a camper? Do you enjoy going camping?  Last place you went camping?

Do you prefer sweet breakfasts or savory/egg type breakfasts?

Does it feel like summer where you are?  Parents reading:  are your kids out of school yet for the year?

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i’m usually into sweet things for breakfast, but anything that involves carbs is mine! looks like a fun camping trip… i need to buy a dutch oven so i can make those cinnamon rolls


Oh, camping is fab. We sometimes do road trips through France and Spain :) And I miss the sea – I haven’t been to the coast in ages. Short version: I wish I was camping by the sea! In th UK there are still six and a half weeks of term left! (I’m a teacher) Summer hasn’t really arrived yet :(


Wow cinnamon rolls while camping. You know how to do it gourmet style! I always have pancakes when I’m “camping” aka living on our boat. S’mores are the best. I’ve been known to make them on the gas stove. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


I’m not much of a camper, unless I have a really comfy camper to sleep in! But with the looks of your food, I just may be able to hang with you guys. I love Brooke’s little coat. It is definitely feeling like summer, here in Texas. Kids got out of school last week and we are headed to Florida tomorrow!


Looks like so much fun!! I have actually never been camping!

I’m a sweet oatmeal type of breakfast girl. But that’s also probably because I don’t like eggs. Cereal and oats FTW.

Happy Sunday, Janae!


I am not a camper. I did go a few times in college but those days are over. I think I would rather stay in a hotel and join the campers at site during the day (as my aunt does on every annual camping trip – I haven’t taken part in one in ages.)

It definitely feels like summer – hot, sunny, and beautiful. I went to my college’s commencement ceremonies yesterday as I’m on the alumni council so even though it’s felt like summer for awhile…..there’s something about commencement that just makes the feeling more real.


I like a touch of something sweet but an overall savory dish. A small baked good next to a plate of scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and sauteed veggies with insane amounts of ketchup is basically my favorite breakfast ever. Why are eggs and potatoes so satisfying???

I went camping with my parents when I was younger and had too many traumatic experiences to ever do it again. (1) a thunderstorm hit the mountains we were in and a tree was hit by lightning and fell away from our tent; it could have hit our tent if it had fallen the opposite direction! (2) camping at the Pendleton Rodeo where drunken “cowboys” kept stepping on our tent and yelling. (3) the mountains got so cold that our warm breath caused condensation and the tent started “raining” on us so we couldn’t sleep!


your camping trip looked so fun and the camping food looked amazing! I am curious how Brooke sleeps while camping? We are thinking about taking our 1 year old camping, but are nervous about her falling asleep in the tent. She sleeps in her crib, in her room every night so I don’t know if she would just go to sleep with us in a tent. Any advice?


Yes, haha. I was going to say exactly the same thing!


Hey! Brooke always sleeps in her crib too but slept fine in the tent! Just get them tired enough and they will sleep anywhere! It is so fun to take them camping! You should definitely do it!


the camp site is lovely – where did you go?


It was at half moon bay!


I like sweet breakfasts! It looks cold where you were camping! It’s finly starting to feel like summer here- even though we still have 2 weeks of school left!


Not much of a camper, but I think I would be if it were camping on the BEACH! Sounds fantastic and I nearly woke everyone up in the house AWwwwww-ing at that shot of Brooke. What a face!


We love to camp and are heade north to camp this weekend for a triathalon my husband is signed up for. I had to go gluten free recently so food will be a little bit of a challenge, but it will still be good!


I love the adventures you go on! I am now super hungry.


Last day of school yesterday !
Who was the chef of the egg scramble? Were there potatoes in there? I need that recipe.
I need sweet and savory at breakfast. If I have pancakes I have to have a piece of bacon, eggs and a piece of jelly toast.


I had literally forgotten how much fun it is to go camping with a ton of friends. Looking back, those are some of my most memorable nights from all of my college years!
Smores are my absolute favorite dessert of all time… and that’s saying some thing coming from me :)


Much of our summer will be spent camping. We have trips planned to: Causey Reservoir area, Bruneau Dunes, Plymouth WA (McNary Dam area), Canyonlands NP area, Escalante, and Zions. Oh, and Bear Lake in 2 weeks for the Bear Lake Monster ride.

We also picked up a tremendous deal on dutch ovens recently!


I used to go camping all the time when I was a kid! I seriously miss it, some of my best memories were of camping week. And 90% of the time my breakfasts are a mix of sweet and savoury.


I used to love camping when I was younger, but I’m not honestly sure how well I’d take to it now. The last time I went was something like 5 years ago, and it was super cold so it wasn’t the most pleasant experience. And speaking of cold, it’s actually not looking too much like summer around here… it’s been pretty cloudy and rainy lately, but it’s supposed to clear up soon. As for breakfast, it’s gotta be sweet – need to start the day on a good note :D


Brooke is just to adorable!!! The picture of her sitting on the ground is a cherished moment one!!! Never been beach camping …. We own a cottage or where I live we call it a camp… Looks like fun though!!!


Oh I LOVE camping and I haven’t been in SO long! So so long! I want to go RIGHT NOW! And Brooke is insanely cute. Seriously, I don’t even know how that’s legal.


I love camping!! However, I went a couple weeks ago (in a teeny tiny town in NC) and it poured down rain the whole time–I did not love that.


I am impressed with food! The last place we went camping is Yosemite. I don’t know if you’ve been but that and Sequoia are amazing.


Brooke’s little hat is too cute! I’ll have to keep an eye out for something like that for my friends who have had baby girls lately. Adorbs. I like the ease of car camping over packing everything in. It’s so much less stressful and you get to eat better food. I know some people say it’s not “real” camping, but taking the easier route can be nice, sometimes. Glad you had a great time!


Your food actually looks delicious for camp food. And Brooke and her hat and her coat are just too much.

I definitely prefer savory/egg type breakfasts, although I like a little sweet in there, too! Whenever I have just a pure sweet breakfast, though, I always feel like I’m not full.


I can’t say that I’m much of a camper..but we’ll see! haha Maybe things change??


I love camping more than anything in the whole wide world! I am a fan of more rustic camping. I haven’t been yet this summer and it’s breaking my heart.


I would love for you to do a post on what it looks like camping with a baby. And also curious as to if you are still breastfeeding and how you work around that with your running schedule and if you feel like running has effected your supply in any way.

I trained for a half marathon just a couple months post partum and timing my runs was so important with the breastfeeding factor. I made it work and ended up running my first sub 2 half ever (stronger and faster after baby, I’ll take it!) but was curious to what those longer training runs would like if I chose to run a full again. Thanks!


I love camping. Looks like you went with the right people that food looks so gourmet for camping, yum!


How fun! I do love camping. We went camping quite a bit when I was young, and those are some of my favorite childhood memories. Isn’t Dutch oven cooking the best? My stepdad has made some amazing meals in that thing! My husband and I now go camping a couple times every summer. We’ll see how it works out this summer with a new baby! ;)


I grew up camping, and we go 3-4 times a year. One of those is usually the Lagoon campground. Does that count? :) Next week I’m headed off To Flaming Gorge and camping for 3 nights with our YW. Rafting, crafts, campfires, swimming, hiking… I can’t wait! We’re even having a camp chef who used to own a restaurant & made the best food ever! She makes peanut butter bars that are to die for!


We make our s’mores with roasted peeps. Try it, you will never go back to regular marshmallows. They are easier to roast because the sugar caramelizes as the inside gets gooey. We stock up at Easter and Christmas so we have a peeps supply for the whole year =)


That is seriously so brilliant! I need to try that ASAP!


Definitely a camper but I haven’t been in so long! We’re waiting for the boys to get a bit older before we go. Hopefully next summer!


Looks like so much fun and Brooke looks adorable in every picture! We love Sweet Baby Rays at our house too. So delicious!


First breakfast = Savory Eggs.
Second breakfast = Sweet.

Problem solved.
I’d even eat a Third Breakfast (or call it lunch, I guess). I adore “breakfast” foods….


I dont think dutch oven means the same thing where you come from as it does in the UK…

And I admit it, Janae I want to eat your baby. She is TOO MUCH to handle. I think my ovaries are crying.


haha dutch oven means something really gross here in nj


I’ve been camping a few times and never liked it. I think I’d like beachside camping though – the area and the food look 10x better than any conditions I’ve camped in!

I always prefer a sweet breakfast – fruit is a must and I rarely have egg scrambles for breakfast.


You too look so cute in the matching blue jackets! That camping site looks awesome, I’ve always wanted to sleep on the beach. And s’mores are theee best dessert
I always have a sweet breakfast (I don’t eat eggs so not sure what else could be savory)

p.s. HRG I got a running coach! Your success with it really convinced me to give it a try and since I’m still relatively new at running and young I want to make sure I don’t make any missteps :) I’m so exciitteddd


That makes me so happy! Keep me updated on how it goes for you!


Camping trips could never be complete without S’mores. I remember camping as a girl scout but I wouldn’t even consider it camping because we slept in cabins. Although, there were spiders the size of my hand and I slept about 30 minutes each night. I am definitely a sweet breakfast kind of person. How can you go wrong starting the day with sugar?


Oh my goodness, your eats looked 100X better than what I just had camping! I just camped in Big Sur & Yosemite last week. Pretty amazing!


We love camping!…especially tent camping. Looks like you had some good times and great food.


I like camping but haven’t been in over a year. That camp food looks so good! I love the big group you hade too! I have never been camping with such a large bunch but seems like it’d be a great time :)


I LOVE camping but we haven’t done it in forever. We got a nice tent for our wedding… 1.5 years ago… and still need to use it. Hopefully this summer! I consider myself a pretty great mallow roaster – the only problem is I don’t actually like to eat them. I love smores but squish out the extra marshmallow and give it to my husband.


We camped quite a bit when I was a kid, but I have to admit to being more of a hotel girl now (although I do love hiking). I think it’s so great that you guys have made so many friends and have such active social lives since moving. It can be really tough moving as an adult, but you guys seem to be doing really well.


I am not really a camper because I don’t get to go often, but I love camping! The last place I went was Jellystone, which wasn’t really a “campsite” but was still fun
I like waffles and eggs, so both I guess
It feels like sumer, but I’m not out of school yet :( Just tomorrow and then I am free!


Oh, I forgot to say: your marshmallows look better than mine ever do, and Brooke is the cutest little girl ever! *Heart melting*


I have vowed to never camp. Although with 30 friends? Maybe


Yes! It definitely feels like summer where I am. Yesterday when my church friends and I went to Carmel though, it was really cool, breezy, and a tiny bit chilly at night. It didn’t really feel like the stick hot summer feeling of San Jose.


Meh, I’ll camp if I have to. I just have horrible luck with weather when I go camping and it’s almost always raining or freezing. I like camping when it’s sunny though!


Your camping looks so fun! I am scared to go because of the bathroom situation. Not the bugs but i am imagining dirty toilets and small showers where I have to touch the wall filled with hairballs. Can you please discuss the bathroom situation!!??


We are starting to get into camping too! We bought a Texas State Park pass so that it would be a cheap year-round activity for us. The last time we went we backpacked into our site–there were so many wildflowers that it was almost like magic! There was also a beautiful lake where we could swim and kayak. It was great. Also, we have the same tent as you. Isn’t it a nice one?! We love how easy it is to set up.


I LOVE camping… granted I’ve only gone once, but it was GREAT!! :)
I loved getting up with the sun and going running before anyone else was awake and out of their tents yet… so peaceful! :)


J–girl I love you! Ok, so you know we live in AR so everything is a go! We currently have our 8 person huge tent set up in front yard//////oh yeah! We sleep in it about 3 times a week. my kids LOVE it! e


We love camping & can’t wait to take our girls later this summer. I like sweet & savory for breakfast – perfect combo. And, yes, everything tastes better outside!


I just camp back from Rip van Winkle in Saugerties, NY and I love savory breakfasts! It definitely feels like summer in NJ and kids get out f school bu June 24th. I go camping twice a year with my friends, no kids, and it involves drinking, food and card games.


That is the largest ‘mallow I’ve ever seen! Love that you went with a big group, how fun! And you are right- I cannot handle that picture. Brooke is too adorable =)


I am not a camper! No way, jose! But you guys look like you’re having so much fun. Also, I keep thinking Brooke can’t get any cuter and then she does. What is her secret?!


I have never been real camping… only motorhome camping haha! You guys sure make some amazing food while camping. If I could go with people like you, count me in! Nice job on that early run :-) Brooke is officially the cutest thing in the world!


Holy photogenic baby! Brooke is a doll and I LOVE those chubby cheeks! It’s been too long since I have gone camping and EVERYTHING is better over a camp fire!


Looks like you had a wonderful weekend! The food looks delicious!


I love to camp while backpacking, but I’m not as crazy about car camping. However, we did some car camping while we were in Colorado last week, and I’m starting to come around!


I haven’t camped in ages, but it looks like so much fun especially with a large group of friends. I would definitely love to have a group of friends that enjoy doing things like that.


Yes! Love Camping! However, I grew up with a different type of camping. On campgrounds with pools and nice bathrooms, safety guards, and restaurants – my husband then introduced me to wilderness camping. Quite different! Ha!

The breakfast depends on the time of day. The earlier, the sweeter. If its a late morning breakfast, I would always go with savory/ salty.

The picture of Brook is adorable! So much cuteness!


Cutest cheeks ever. I haven’t been camping in years, basically ever since I was old enough to choose not to…but I love breakfast! Sweet and savory, a mix of both at the same time, and eggs any time of day.


So fun!
We went camping this weekend too and I love me some s’mores!


The last place we camped was somewhere near Tony Grove in the Wasatch/Cache National Forest in Utah when my hubby was in grad school out there.

I like eggs, but with pancakes or waffles on the side! Most morning I just have cereal, though.


Those cinnamon rolls looked so good they distracted me…


I wouldn’t call myself a camper…just yet. I haven’t been in years but am actually heading out to California in August and spending a few days in Yosemite!
Occasionally I have a sweeter bfast, but I usually stick to my cereal and milk routine.
It certainly feels like summer down here in Florida. Hot and humid, with afternoon rain storms. The start of hurricane season already brought our first named stormed!


Well, you officially eat better food while camping than I eat at home! LOL. Looks like a great time and I love that you still got up and ran in the morning…I would have totally done that and my friends would think I was crazy :).


I love camping but we don’t have a car right now so it’s hard to go camping. We need to figure out a time to go camping because i really love it.


I love camping, we don’t get to go as often as I would like though. Our favorite place to camp is the Santa Cruz KOA. It is dog friendly and literally a mile from my favorite beach ever.


YAY! Another person who loves Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ sauce!! :-) I discovered it while shopping one evening and added it to my turkey sloppy joe recipe… Heaven in a bun (errr well whole grain sandwich thins ;-))! So GOOD! I’d probably add it to anything too!

I’m not much of a camper but I would try it, with the right temps (i.e. not cold and not too hot) and a fun group of friends!


I’m a cottager…does that count ;)


Your camping trip looks so fun! We just bought the same tent, I am jealous of your color though. They were out of that one so ours is green. We are dying to go camping, but haven’t found a good spot yet. Where did you go? We’re in SF and always looking for good spots. Brooke is so cute in her baby Patagonia, love it!


Yay for camping! Joe and I car camped at Pearl Lake near Steamboat Springs for my birthday this weekend. But, 2 weeks ago, we did a 3 day backpacking trip through rocky mountain national park….made this weekend seem like luxury. haha


Sweet baby ray’s is the bomb! I like going camping but I’ve only been once on a girls trip and it was soo much fun. We went to the Ocala National Forest and camped on a site right next to the springs.

I definitely need to have a combination of both sweet and savory in every breakfast I have. It is totally summer here as I live in Florida and It’s been in the 80’s since March :)


Yes! My family camps at San Clemente State Beach almost every summer. I love waking up to the sound of the waves and my dad cooking pancakes. The beach is just a small walk away. Man, life is good!!!


You are missing a VERY important ingredient in your s’mores!!! Because I love you I will share and you can thank me later… PEANUT BUTTER!! Put a layer on the chocolate before adding the marshmallow. It is deeeelish! I use creamy because I feel crunchy is just wrong. I swear it will change your life!!


I want to go camping!!!!
Looks like you had a great time!!!


We went camping this weekend too! We didn’t get to enjoy the camping aspect as much as we wanted to because we spent most of our time at the Zac Brown Band concert, but we still had a great time. My friend even brought a slackline, so I got to dabble on that for a little bit too. Can’t wait to go camping again!!


I loove camping! Once I start eating smores I don’t stop. Is that half a hershey bar I see? I normally do 1/4 ;) Amazing food! I usually run while I’m camping too.


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