I have something very special to share with you today.

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I haven’t told you about my new love in life.

Altra’s INTUITION running shoe is absolutely incredible.

Besides the fact that they are the cutest running shoes I own (I know that isn’t supposed to matter but it does for me) these babies are made SPECIFICIALLY for women (don’t worry men, you can enter the giveaway for the men’s INSTINCT).

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A few of the reasons I am hooked on these babies:

1.  They are drop zero (the heel and the forefoot are the same height from the ground).  This helps to improve running technique = less running related injuries, um sign me up.   These shoes have been proven to reduce heel strike and help your posture and alignment.  (Please note that you should slowly build up your mileage in these because they are very different than your normal running shoe).

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2.  I feel cool in them.  I didn’t have to tell you that one.

3.  They have a wider toe box.  Finally, my toes are able to spread out naturally with each foot strike without having to go up to a size 34.  They are dang comfortable….be prepared to see me in these babies daily.  I wonder if my job will allow me to wear these as part of my professional dress, they would look great with a dress.  I think I counted and I have told BIlly that they are SO comfortable approximately 2,456,432 times.

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4.  They are made just for woman!  I took this from their website:

Female Specific Shoes: Ladies – Finally a shoe designed specifically for you! No more dealing with ‘shrink-it-and-pink-it’ shoes! Altra™’s Female specific lasts account for a Woman’s narrower heel, smaller instep, longer arch, and different metatarsal positioning. This unique fit allows your foot to be more girl than any other running shoe on the market.

These shoes were designed by accomplished/elite runners that really know there stuff – people that I trust and are in the business to help you become the best runner you can be!


How to ENTER giveaway for your own pair of Altra Running Shoes:  (Giveaway ends October 12th, 2011)

1. Tell me why you run.

2. Blog or tweet about this giveaway (please tell me in a separate comment if you did).

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I run for stress relief and to stay healthy!


I run because I LOVE IT! That’s the best way to describe it without using 1000+ words! ;)


I also tweeted about the giveaway! Thanks!! (@kalynn5)


I run because I have to. My friend is making me run a half in november and I’m in the middle of training. I would love these!


I run because grad school is super stressful and studying doesn’t burn enough calories!


I run because I love the runner’s high and the great support you get during races and from running buddies. I run because it helps keep me healthy and moving :)


I run because I like to eat and I don’t want to weight 1,000 pounds and running gives me time to myself.


I run for those who can’t. There are so many people out there who are disabled and cannot run. I know that some would give anything just to able to “go for a run”. I am grateful for my strong legs and healthy heart! :)


I blogged it today!


I run bc I love pizza and cheesesteaks and ice cream and froyo and hocho and choco and milkshakes and tacos and nachos and candy. Mangia mangia!


Tweet tweet!


And. Now blogged. I want these shoes!


I to run because I love pushing myself to accomplish my goals.


I run because I am a busy pre-med student and running for an hour or two a day allows me to justify daydreaming!:)


I also tweeted


I run to stay sane after teaching kindergarten all day.


I love to run as it makes me feel good about myself and I have so much energy after I do. It’s a great feeling of accomplishment.


I mentioned your giveaway on Facebook! Does that count as blog/twitter since i don’t have those! Pretty please? :)


I run because I love it – simple as that! It helps keep me sane and helps me feel strong. I love the feel of my feet pounding against the road and my heart pumping along with it. Awesome giveaway!!


Will post this giveaway on meh blog!!


I run for fitness, but once I started, I loved the feeling of just running; the focus, exhilaration, and challenge of it.


I’m blogging about it.


I run for crosscountry, and because it’s so dang fun! :) Actually, I’ve been having issues with my current pair of Asics because the toebox is too small…I have PURPLE toes!!


Hi Janae! Other than the obvious reason of leading a healthy and active life style, I run for the amazing feeling of accomplishment that comes afterwards. Running makes me feel empowered, confident, and strong! I’m running Marine Corps in 22 days and I can’t wait for that feeling of crossing the finish line!


I run because I feel like I accomplish something everytime I go out there even if it’s just a mile or so.


I run to relieve stress and enjoy the fresh air. Crunching on leaves this time of year makes it extra nice to get out and hit the pavement.


Mostly I run because it makes me better at horseback riding, but in the rare times that I’ve trained for a run, I love to see that I really can run farther and farther each time!


One word: Love!


I run to feel strong and accomplished, and for the endorphins!


I run because I can.


I run so I can eat whatever I want without worry.


I run because I truly LOVE it!!! I keeps me sane. On days where I am running around like a crazy person the only thing that keeps me going is knowing that every morning I get to get up and go have some “me time.” I have found the one thing in life that I truly can’t do without and that is running/working out. I love the way it makes me feel when I have finished a goood hard run. Seeing what my body is capable of is amazing to me. I am not a fast runner but just the fact that I can run 26.2 miles at once is kind of amazing to me. I have also met some pretty fabulous people because of running. The running community is am awesome thing!!


I posted your giveaway on Facebook!!


I run for the love of running :)


I run because I would go crazy if I didn’t. I’m truly an addict:) It’s such a good way to relieve stress and be healthy.


I run to feel accomplished! There’s nothing like the feeling you get after a run!


I run bc I love how it makes me feel and it helps me enjoy the world around me!


and I tweeted about this :)


I run for the insinstant gratification. I may not love it while I’m outside, but I love the way I feel after!


I run because I am addicted, and because my dog is addicted! I love the high I get from accomplishing something that many people don’t even dream about, like a marathon. Running is inspirational to me. It is so cool to say that I can push my body into running 26.2 miles! Running gives me a calm and peace of mind that nothing else can. It gives me time to think, pray, and meditate about my life. When you are running for 26.2 miles you start to think a lot :) Running with my dog will always be my hobbie and favorite past time.


I run for many reasons including: keeps me in good cardiovascular shape, allows me to eat more of my own baked goods, keeps my blood pressure lower (which I sadly have to deal with as a young 30 something) and bc it helps me feel balanced and keeps me from crying :)


I run because it makes me feel better and to be with my friends.


The thing I love most about running is the instant gratification. I may not enjoy every minute that I’m outside, but afterwards, I feel wonderful!


I run to stay healthy, to stay (or eventually get) skinny, to release tension and give myself “me” time and time to think! I run because I CAN!!!! & because I’m addicted!


I blogged about your giveaway!!!!


I run because I have to! Its the only way I can stay trim.


TO stay in shape, for stress relief, and for pleasure. Thanks for a chance to win


I run to escape the day for a little and have some “me” time!


I run to stay in shape and for the glorious “me” time!


I tweeted about the giveaway!


I run for the eupophia I get after races, and honestly, I love hanging out with other runners. We’re pretty nice people! :)


I run because it makes me feel like a bad ass. For realz. :)


I run because it is my time to be by myself and it makes me feel great!


Aw these shoes are super cute and I’d love to try the whole zero-drop thing but unfortunately I have super narrow feet and it looks like these don’t come in narrow =( If you want to send me some Mizuno wave rider 14’s in pink I’ll take those instead =)


I run because it is the only way I can enjoy the gorgeous Georgia weather for free! Nothing more beautiful than running trails at sunrise! Butttt I have a broken toe (due to improper footwear ironically!) so lots of hiking for now : (


I am just trying out running for the first time. I am doing it as a form of exercise and stress relief. I love that it is an activity I can do either by myself, or with friends!


Just tweeted!
My Girl Janae @hungryrunnergrl is having an awesome #giveaway – win your own pair of Altra Running Shoes!
xoxo from Trinidad


I run because no matter how hard my day has been or how much I may not want to run that day, I always feel better afterwards!


I run for the endorphins.


Oh! and I also tweeted and blogged here


I run because it gives me time to think over things, and realize that I don’t need to stress out and turn into a basketcase over every little detail of life. Most of the time it calms me down. I also run to feel empowered! And let’s be honest… I run so my legs will look pretty.


Oh! And I tweeted about it too! :)!/bikinirunner


I run for health and fitness. My husband and I are currently training for a 5k. We are almost done with the C25k program and our 5k is in less than 2 weeks! I love how good running makes you feel about yourself once your done : )


I run for my health and I run just because I think it is fun! :)


I started running because of all the running/health blogs I read DAILY. I knew I needed to lose weight somehow, and all you bloggers made it sound so rewarding and fun! So, I started to run and even started a blog of my own! I am proud to say I am signed up for 2 5k’s in Nov and am signed up for the SF half marathon in JULY EEK!


I tweeted! @running2skinny :)


I run to maintain my sanity!!! :) Ok…and to be vain…I run bc I have an “apple” tummy…and that has GOT to go! :)


just tweeted! @nikSAbrody


I run to get out of my crazy house!! After having two children (10 months apart), I decided to get healthier for them. I had gastric bypass surgery and have lost 102 pounds. I starting running to change my lifestyle and I love it.

I have not challenged myself to a marathon, yet–but it is coming. I got turned on to your blog from my great friend, Jenny Campetelli ( ) and I read it all the time. Thanks for the great tips, advice, encouragement and funny stories. I enjoy them. Hope to win the shoes and take it to the next level!!


I run for fitness, FUN, stress relief (cheaper than therapy) and I want to be a good example for my kids. I actually ran cross country in middle school and high school : )


ooo those shoes sound awesome:) I run because i want to become stronger and healthier and i know that running can change your lifestyle, mindset, goals, capabilities, and health! its exciting:)


I tweeted too! @jcnichols83


I run because I love the feeling of crossing the finish line, knowing I gave everything I had to get there.


I tweeted!


I run because I never thought I could and I’m getting better at it every day. Oh, and so I can have that cupcake…


I run for fitness, fun, stress relief and to spend time with my dog :)


Being in college I’m surrounded by unhealthy choices and a complete lack of money. Running is just that time where I can relax, not worry about school work, be healthy, and not have to pay to do something enjoyable.


I run to keep up with the 3,000+ LAUSD students who are training for the LA Marathon in March 2012.


I run because it is something I love, and because it is something that my wife and I can enjoy together, hopefully for many years to come.


I mentioned your giveaway on Facebook too. :)


I run for the feeling of it-especially the feeling AFTER it! And, if I accidentally lose my baby weight in the process, so be it! ;)


Running keeps me in shape. I am slowly learning to love it!! Lol!!


Running keeps me sane (and smiling).


Running keeps me stress free and in shape!


I hate to run but I do it so I can have a small waist;-)


I run to feel stress free, happy, and confident in my body. All that +the runners high :)


I used to run because the Army made me.

Now I run because when I’m running some ungodly distance, that distance is all that matters. Nothing else matters. Stress from work. Bullets that barely missed. Kids that are arguing with one another. All of these drift to the margins. The only thing that matters is water, pace, GU, and repeat.

It’s nature’s therapy. And I’m saner for it.


I run to keep from wanting to strangle people :)


If you need za proof, here is Za tweet.
@hungryrunnergrl Nice giveaway here. Always in need of a new pair of minimal shoes . . .


I run to challenge myself physically and mentally! I don’t mind the runner’s high either :)


I run because it makes me feel strong. I love running races too! It’s just an indescribable feeling!!!!


When I run I feel so free and happy–I guess I run for the endorphins!


I run for fun! I love the feeling of running with the wind in my hair (not that much wind; I’m not THAT fast of a runner), just me and the road.


When I run I just feel free – I can think to myself and just run – there is nothing that compares to it for me.


I run because it makes me feel good about myself. I love being able to sweat out everything that’s bothering me. Sure you can sweat other ways, but running provides that feeling that no other form of exercise can give me.


because it allows me to eat more fro-yo!!!


I run for the feeling of accomplishment. When I come in from a run I feel SO good, I feel like I accomplished something that day. When I finish a race the feeling of accomplishment stays with me for a day or two and I just LOVE that feeling! These shoes would make my feet happy, I need a shoe with a wide toe box, not to mention they are super cute!


I run because it makes me feel uhhhhmazing! Runner’s high anyone??


I run because I love the way it makes me feel: strong, capable, independent, and proud!


Running is my “drug” of choice. It keeps me happy, focused, motivated, driven. It makes me a better wife and mommy.


I recently have discovered “the runner’ s high”!


I run for my sanity and because I can.

In the last year, i’ve encountered some health issues, but I have still so far been able to run and grateful to be able to.


Running defines me – mile after mile, ups and downs, no matter what obstacles you face, you get to the finish line…. It’s motivating and empowering!


Tweeted about it! Crossing my fingers :)


I run to keep my body smoking hot and toned! And of course for health so I can live a long life and watch my babies grow old!


I run to lose weight and eat whatever I want! : )


I originally started running b/c I’ve been losing weight since last fall and I’m turning 30 in December so why not? Then earlier this year I really started LOVING to run so now I just run to run and love how my body feels afterwards. 2 weeks ago I ran my first half-marathon and it was one of the biggest days of my life! :)


I run for ME! Stress relief, health, spirit, and mind :)


I run because its flipping awesome! Just finished my first marathon (Chicago) and it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.


I run because it helps my moods. I feel best about life right after a run and I crarry that feeling with me through the day!


I started running for weight loss (and it worked), now I run to relax and to get my cardio in for the day. :)


I tweeted:!/corgipants/status/123849518730051584


I run because of the joy it gives me!


I run because it makes me feel strong and fills me with a sense of accomplishment.


I run because i had spinal fusion surgery in Dec 06. And also had a terrible time with keeping my tryglycerides in check. RUNNING has been the basic cure all for all my aches and pains and bad genes i was given at birth.


I tweeted about your give away!!!


I run because it relieves my anxiety and depression. It’s where I can be with myself and my thoughts. It’s where I!


I run because it is a part of who I am. i don’t feel like me without running in my life.


Tweeted about the giveaway!


Cause it makes my hips go away.


I started running to lose weight. I continue to run now to stay in shape and because I love it and I love how it makes me feel!


I run because it is the only time of day where I don’t have to worry about anybody else but myself … and it makes me feel less guilty about reading celebrity gossip and watching TV ;).


I run to stay healthy and for the happiness it brings me!


When I started running it was to lose weight…I run now because it keeps me sane. Never thought I would love it this much!


Wow, great giveaway! I run because that’s ‘me time’, it brings me relieve from my busy job and when i come home from running i always feel better, i can handle problems and have new energy.
I’m sorry, i don’t blog or tweet, but i still hope that i can enter this giveaway. I’m running my 5th marathon this month, and afterwards i can use some new shoes!
Love , Vicky


Put me in for this drawing, I run to keep me healthy, through years of weight gain and loss, to eating disorders I’ve realized I need to run to feel good about myself and beable to eat the things that are not so healthy for you. I know running keeps me on the straight and narrow path. I would like to try these shoes but not sure how they work with us people who have flat feet. They had no info on the website . Hope I’m able to try these shoes!!!!!


I just starting running and my shoes hurt my feet so bad! I am saving up for new ones but in the mean time, it’s very hard to stay motivated with crappy shoes. I really hope I win!!!


Why do I run:

1: Sense of accomplishment
2: Weight Control
3: The extra calories!!!! (see reason 2)
4: Me time (no phone/email/internet/Bosses/subordinates/)
5: Because the road calls to me and I have to answer.


Tweeted: @runangry


I started running back in April leading up to my first Warrior Dash. Im now hooked. The most fun I’ve ever had while running :)
I do it mostly for my health but also to get faster! :)


Tweeted: @Matix_K


I run because I CAN!!!!! =)


I run because I have 8 kids and if I didn’t then I think they would drive me CRAZY!! JK lol


oh and i blogged :)

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