Friday Favorites + this will make me faster (and maybe you too)!!

(Shorts ((on sale)), socks, shoes, shirt)

Lauren talked me into another hill day.  I was sore from the gym, and hills didn’t sound appetizing, but I’m glad she got me on them.  My goal is to make this hill not feel like it is going to kill me and to be able to chat a bit as we are going up.

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We had a fun morning going into Runner’s Corner and having a form analysis by Golden Harper (the founder of Altra)!  He started by checking out my shoes and gathering information on where they broke down first to help understand my gait.

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Then he filmed us in the parking lot running at easy paces and at marathon pace.  We talked in the parking lot about the most significant things we needed to work on (arm swing for me), and then he had me try out his Float Run Harness.  I’m committing to wearing this for six weeks to make it a habit.   I overswing (every coach I have had has told me this), which is fine when sprinting, ha, but I do it for marathons;)   My elbow goes back correctly, but I bring my arm in front of me and overswing, my elbow goes out in front of my hips.   The harness helps keep your arms at the angle they should be and allows your elbows to swing back but stop closer to your ribs like the elites.

Screenshot from without the harness on and my normal arm swing…

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To with the harness on… I need to put together a video because the change was pretty drastic.

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He calls this harness a running technique coach that comes with you for every run until it becomes automatic.  You just put it on your back and then your thumbs through the holes.  If you are tugging on the straps when wearing it, you are not arm swinging correctly, making it easy to fix your swing again.  The goal is to keep your wrists to ribs, your elbows back, and your posture open (run proud and tall), which helps your cadence and your form and avoids overstriding.  My cadence naturally went up as soon as I put it on.  PS This is not sponsored in the slightest; I just think this simple harness can help a lot of runners and Lauren, and I can’t wait to see what it does for our PRs.  Wasting less energy with my form = I will run faster on race day.

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While there, we also tried a few laps around the building in the Alphafly 3s.  I need to try them out for speed work, but I still think I like the Vaporflies more and the adidas adios pro 3s the most (I did just get sent a pair of the Hoka Skyward X, so expect a review on them soon).

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Truly, is there a better lunch than a really good sandwich?  Does anyone else eat the crusts first and save the best for last?

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And then it was a busy afternoon full of cross-country…

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And the state fair!

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Now for just a few favorites this week:

*I finished Every Last One by Anna Quindlen and give it an A.  It was such a page-turner for me.  The story was so different than anything I have read before and told from such an interesting perspective.  I loved it so much I immediately got another book by the same author, and I’m hoping I love it just as much.

*The jacket from my dreams.  The colors are perfection.  It was love at first sight based solely on the colors.

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*I’m gearing up for four kids to be home this summer, and one of my favorite things for the summer is The Family Adventure Journal. It includes many cute and free activities and prompts for kids (especially Skye and Beck’s age), and it gets us out the door to explore and journal together.

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*I don’t remember who posted about this container on IG, but as soon as I saw it, I bought it to save us on the soccer fields.  The kids love it, making it so easy to pack for our hours of soccer games each Saturday.  I’m a big fan.  It’s also easy to clean, and the lid seals everything nicely.  I feel like Mother of the Year when I pull this out.  This reminds me of one time my brother, who is a pilot, had his wife on his flight.  Before the flight took off, he got on the loudspeaker and said he wanted to make an announcement.  The Mother of the Year award winner, for whatever year it was, was on their flight and gave my SIL’s seat number so everyone knew where she was, haha… Everyone started clapping for her:)

*I love coming across pictures on my blog when searching for a recipe or something and seeing Mer.  She was the best.

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Have any fun weekend plans?

Reading anything good right now?

Do you journal?  Have you in the past?

Long run this weekend? Anyone racing?

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I started reading Every Last One yesterday….thanks for the recommendation. Enjoying it right from the get go….

I want to write in a journal. I buy one, and pretty markers/pens. But I don’t fall into the routine. Maybe I should try again…

Running a Half in the morning. It runs through the streets of the city I grew up in and brings back SO many memories. I even run the exact spot were I ran the 100 yard dash in gym glass in 2nd grade where I fell and got a hole in my favorite jumpsuit (yep…dated myself since it was in yards not meters and that wonderful jumpsuit of the 70’s)

Happy Friday Janae!


Oh my goodness. We will need to talk. I’m just about done so please let me know what you think when you finish. I do that same thing. I used to be so good at writing in mine and then I forget… I love the idea of gratitude journals so I really need to make that a habit. Good luck tomorrow! How special that it is running through all of your spots from your childhood. Hahaha I bet that jumpsuit was SO cute. Thanks and let me know how it goes tomorrow. I’m cheering for you!


Rereading Deena Kastor’s book- I might need to reread yearly because her positivity is so contagious and inspiring!


I absolutely agree… it should be an annual read. I think I might have to start listening to it again this weekend. Have a beautiful day, Mariah!


I want to know all about Knox’s report on Hawaii!! He is changing so much lately, looking way too grown up.

We’re in the process of changing up some of our plants. After three years it’s time to move some things out and put in some fresh plants. So my weekend will include some digging and weeding.


I should have asked you for help with his project. He said that it means we need to go back together soon now that he has learned so much about it. I agree. He is growing up the fastest lately. Excited about your new plants, they are going to look so good. Enjoy, Kathy!


this is a weird weekend. There’s a race here on Sunday I should do, but, friends want me to run in a fun place with them on Sunday…I’m going to spend today thinking about fun….
i’ve always journaled, I just find it a nice day to end a day and relax…at some point I just started listing 3 good things that happened during the day, and a few other things…
running form is weird…biking, swimimng, cross country skiing, I find form makes such a difference….changing takes a lot of time and practise…


You’ll have to let me know what you decide to do.. both sound great! I love writing down three things that went good too:). Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Warren!


Hi Janae

Are you going to try Altra’s?


I’m going to a Lauren Daigle concert tonight after work and tomorrow I am taking my nephew to a fun run 5k for a local high school. He’s going to run/walk it with my husband while I cheer them on. I’m just barely weight-bearing in a boot so a 5k would be crazy! Then, we’re taking him shopping to buy a bday gift.

I’m on the last book of ACOTAR. I’m usually not a romance/fantasy person but it’s pretty good!

I currently have a prayer journal that I’m pretty good about keeping up. I also use a journal that has questions/prompts and that’s easier for me than a blank journal for some reason.

Have a beautiful weekend!


I don’t know if it’s your jam, but I just finished this book about Abraham Lincoln – it’s kind of a biography of him and several men in his cabinet, and it was SO fascinating and good. It’s called Team of Rivals, highly recommend!


My weekends are for outdoor time, workouts, and finally seeing friends. As a teacher and coach I am shattered by Friday eves. Just read, “None of this is True”, by Lisa Jewell and it was great. Also I loved, “Family Family”, by Laurie Frankel. And Adam Grant’s “Hidden Potential”, was also fantastic. Happy weekend to you and your peeps!!


I want to get that Float Run Harness! I feel like my arms are moving straight back and forth when I run, but when I see a video of myself I’m astonished that my left elbow is actually going WAY out to the side. It’s very inexpensive- I’m definitely going to try it out and see if it helps.
Glad you liked Every Last One! I think it’s an amazing book.

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