I forget until…

(Headband, long sleeve, shorts, shoes)

Lauren and I kept the workout short, but being back with friends working hard at the track was fun.

A few things I forget about during a training break until I do speed again:

*My asthma… especially when it is cold. I was reminded quickly that I need to remember to use my inhalers again because my airways felt like they were closing off when I finished.

*All sorts of muscles that are only used during speed and at no other time in my life. They burned.

*How much my soul loves to push the pace and try to get faster.

*How hungry I feel the rest of the day, even if the speed workout is short.

Our good friend (who ran professionally with Sara Hall) had us start with drills and strides after a 3-mile warm-up. We did A skips, B skips, butt kicks, high knees, side shuffles and leg swings.

Please, please, please, from the bottom of my heart, let’s all make sure we are doing drills and adequately preparing for speed. It was so nice in the first interval to feel like my body was prepared to start what we were doing rather than starting and feeling like something was going to snap.

We also did this workout in the outside lanes and switched directions to help avoid injury.

The others did more, but Lauren and I did 3 x 600m with 200m jogs. It was a great way to rip the bandaid off again.


I currently have the Seville Marathon countdown open on my computer at all times…

And I may have already started studying the map.

A track workout, and my hair was cut and colored all before Beck woke up (he sleeps in a lot).

I went the tiniest bit darker, so it isn’t much of a change, even though a fresh cut and color feels life-changing.

We spend a lot of time waiting in the parking lot for the girls.

Skye had swim lessons.


And Andrew had a rough night. He stopped taking all of his pain meds and felt like he is withdrawing. Ugh it’s unbelievable how one weird step can affect his life so much.



This is another reminder that the best winter running vest and jacket are on a huge sale right now. I’ve never seen either of them so cheap! Both fit true to size… I have a size 6 in both. Here and here!


Does anyone else feel ready to climb into bed at 5:30 p.m. with the time change?

Are you a good swimmer?  Ever use it for cross-training?

-The BYU girls team swims a few times a week… I really should try it out but the washing my hair part discourages me.

What marathon do you think has the best course?

Ever ran a flat marathon?

-This will be my first time racing a flat marathon!

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Another beauty question: how do you get the waves in your hair?! :)


My hairdresser does it SO much better than me but here is a post where I show how I do it. Hope you have a wonderful day, Cheryl!



So sorry to hear that Andrew had a rough night. I remember a couple of years ago, my husband was on pain meds post wrist surgery. He didn’t like the meds and was on them for less than week, but coming off was still a rough few days. Praying for some comfort for Andrew! And yes, time change always makes me ready for bed by 6pm. Can’t wait to fully adjust to it. Happy Thursday, Janae!


Oh really?! Uggg that is so hard! Thank you for sharing, we didn’t think this would happen after not being on them for very long. Here’s to adjusting to the time change. Thanks Emily, you too!


I’m 100% ready for bed by 5:30 now. I need to start scheduling things to keep me up later, even if it’s watching a movie or doing a puzzle or cleaning.


I’m going to follow your lead and schedule something for this evening so I don’t crawl into bed so early. I hope you have a great day, Mariah!


I love cross training g with swim because it tells me which days to wash my hair!
I’m not swimming now and figuring out when to wash is a challenge

New York is the best. I’m biased because it’s a hometown run. But I can’t imagine anything being better better.


Bahaha good point… maybe adding it in would be good for my overall hygiene. It truly is so incredible. I need to get back there again. There is nothing like it. Hope your day is a great one, Mary!


Ugh how am I gonna survive this time change until spring! I so just want to go to bed at 5pm, feeling so tired and sluggish all day long! Hopefully I adjust. Usually I feel fine with the time change; maybe it’s that I have two littles this year that is throwing me off. Do you have any tricks to survive?
So sorry to hear that you and Andrew had a rough night. Prayers for you both. It is SO weird how just one little action can have such a huge effect.


We will probably finally adjust to it just in time for it to change again. I totally agree, I think it is having little kids that makes the adjustment so much harder because they don’t understand what is going on. My only trick is so much caffeine. Thank you so much, seriously life can change so fast. Have the best day, Courtney!


Love your hair! Bummed about Andrew!
Indy is 210 feet elevation gain. Very flat!
I was going to buy the Lulu coat this morning but the site is down for maintenance. Is this a sign from my bank account??


Well, it is back up so I think that is even more of a sign. Everyone LOVES Indy. Can I come out and run it with you one year?


Ugh sorry about Andrew’s troubles with this injury! He is in my prayers! Random question but wondered after reading the part about sitting in parking lots a lot, does sitting in the car aggravate your hamstrings and if so, what do you do about it? I’m just getting over a high hamstring flare but even short car rides make it flare up again! Just wondered if you had experience with this, it’s quite annoying ha!


Hey Taylor! BOOO to your high hamstring flares. I don’t personally experience this but I can totally ask your question in tomorrow’s blog post if you would like to see if anyone can help? Let me know!


Sorry to hear Andrew had a tough night. But, the fact that he felt ready to get off all pain meds is a good sign.
I actually would love to learn how to actually swim. It is such a good way to cross train! I need someone to teach me how to breath correctly.
Your hair looks great!
Have a great day Janae


Yes, we were so happy that he felt in a place that he could go off of them! Right?! We should all take lessons together. Thanks Wendy, you too!


The marathon will be a great birthday trip for you!!!


Katrina, you just made me smile so big. Thank you for remembering and I totally agree with you!


I did a track workout Tuesday morning and had all the same thoughts and feelings. I was dead the rest of the day and could not stop eating.

I was a dual athlete in high school and ran and swam in the same season. It was awesome. Both are aerobic workout and swimming doesn’t put the same stress on your joints. I highly recommend adding swimming to a cross-training regime, if it’s possible.

P.S. – I now find myself wearing shorts when its 40 degrees out because you have taught me that I don’t need all the layers – they just make me hot and uncomfortable.


Way to go on your track workout! I really want one of those mini pools that shoots out water to you so you can swim at home. You are my example! Well, my eyes just filled up with tears. That is just the change that makes me feel like I’m doing my job. Hope your day is a great one, KJ!


Ok, I am loving the time change because it’s forcing me to go to bed earlier and then get up earlier. I’ve typically been a work out in the evening kind of person, but always want to make the switch to becoming a morning person – so I’m giving it a go. ;) I also notice when I run/workout in the morning I’m WAY hungrier throughout the day!

Those meds are the worst, I hope it gets better quickly for Andrew (and you!).


That is so true, it is making my kids want to go to bed earlier too. Way way hungrier haha. Let me know how the morning workouts go. Thank you, Tess. This withdrawal last night was NUTS for him. He was sweating like crazy and so nauseated.


Yay for the Seville Marathon!! I entered the City Sightseeing Marathon Challenge when you posted about it. Well, actually I entered a couple of days before you posted about it, but it was still because of you. Anyway when you posted I was like, nooo, don’t add competition, haha :D

Just found out yesterday, that I wasn’t chosen, boo. I so, so badly wanted to get picked. Partly because I wanted to run through Seville (and reminisce about my study abroad days there 15 (15?!?!) years ago and partly because then I could have gotten to meet you! Can’t wait to follow your training and trip to Seville. It was so fun following along in Budapest.

I’ve only run a handful of marathons so far and it’s pretty hard to be the views of Big Sur, but it’s not flat that’s for sure haha.


OH NO! Kate, I am SO sorry!! Dang it. How amazing that you did a study abroad there?! How about you come anyways????

Big Sur… oh I must do that one someday!


The Sevilla Marathon course looks so great for spectators-it just looks like one of those routes where you don’t feel way out in no man’s land!

I love, love, love swimming. I’ve been swimming so long I don’t even remember learning how! Watch this article on this swim instructor. (she is 102 years old now) My mom thinks I may have learned from her!

Is Andrew taking ibuprofen in between or with his pain medicine? I hope if he tolerates it, that he was given a prescription for a 600 or 800mg dose. I’m so sorry he’s so uncomfortable.


Ugh, it’s so tricky coming off the pain meds, I’m so sorry for Andrew, I hope today is a better day for him!

I love swimming and it’s such a great complement to running (and I would totally plan my swim days for hair wash days). But since we got a puppy 2 years ago I haven’t swam much because I need to get him out for a run or bike ride every morning, so adding a swim on top of that doesn’t usually work with my schedule. I need to find a pool with a puppy lane so he can join in my workout, hah!

And I have both the Lulu vest and jacket, wore the jacket on my run this morning because it was 15 degrees! The vest is incredible, warm, but breathable and 1 million pockets!! I feel like the jacket isn’t quite as breathable, but still warm and A+ for pockets!


Oh I’m already dropping all the hints to my husband. Even though we just got back from a trip to Spain to visit a friend like a month ago. But that was Madrid, totally different haha :)


YES SWIM! and BIKE!!…after doing a few Ironman Triathlons years ago, life then was fun, something different every day…swims, spin classes, and running, strengths and yoga….I love the variety, and yeah, fun..also you get to buy yet more stuff…
I know, I know I should do track work…but, well….there’s always hill repeats


Thanks for tip on the lulu vest! Do you know if the green you’re wearing is the same green that is linked? Yours looks more forest green and less Kelly green, but the linked one looks very bright! Thank you!

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