A really horrible day.

Andrew got called into work at around noon yesterday and then they didn’t need him anymore so he met us at the park. He was playing soccer with the kids and sprinting after a ball on wet grass when his foot got caught on something but his body kept moving forward. He heard a snap and dropped to the ground. I got him to the ER (luckily my sister was with us so she took our kids) as quickly as possible.

I’ve never seen someone in so much pain. It was horrible. He broke his fibula pretty bad and will be getting surgery tomorrow morning. It’s going to be a long road but we will take the very best care of him.

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Oh NOOOOOOOOO! This sucks so, so bad. I feel terrible for Andrew. Good luck with the surgery and recovery- yes it will be a long road but he’ll get there. Sending hugs.


I am SO very sorry to hear this. I will be praying hard for Andrew.


Oh. No. That is just the WORST! I am so sorry. My daughter broke her wrist on one side and her humerus on the other side in one calendar year. It is absolutely the worst to be the person with the break AND the person who is just sad.


Oh crap, so sorry to hear about this! You got this Andrew! Hang in there.


Oh no, I’m so sorry! Prayers for Andrew during surgery and as he recovers, and prayers for you as you care for him. What a crappy thing to have happen.


So horrible! Poor Andrew! Sending lots of quick healing energy!


That is awful. Wishing Andrew as quick a recovery as possible.


Andrew! All my prayers are with you. Janae, will be a great nurse! What a blessing!


Sending love and well wishes to Andrew and you and your whole family.


Oh I’m so sorry to hear this about Andrew!!!! That’s awful! Several years ago my son slipped on wet grass while playing kickball and snapped his fibula also! Thankfully he did not need surgery but did start kindergarten in a cast. :( hope Andrew’s recovery is quick and smooth!


Oh no! I’m so relieved for both of you that this didn’t happen *BEFORE* Budapest! Hope he heals quickly.


A little extreme just to get out of running the Seville Marathon.
But seriously, wishing the speediest recovering. And wishing you a little peace to get through worrying about him.


Oh no. Poor Andrew. He’s lucky to have you, I know you will do a great job taking care of him.


So sorry to hear this. Get well soon, Andrew!


I’m so sorry. I hope the surgery goes well and he’s on the road to recovery soon.


Hang in there Andrew!
I fell in August and snapped my hubris and suffered nerve damage.
It sucks but you will get better.
I’m so sorry


Poor Andrew! That does sound horribly painful! Keeping him, and all of you, in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping the surgery goes well and recovery is quick!!


I’m so sorry to hear this! My hubby broke both his tibia and fibula two years ago and it was rough- a long long recovery after emergency surgery. But we made it and he is happily walking again! I will say though after a few miles running he cannot keep going- unfortunately lasting effects of the break. Prayers for a speedy recovery!


Praying for a speedy recovery for Andrew !


Ugh, this is so heartbreaking. You two are so active and this is going to be hard on you both. But tell him that he’s lucky it didn’t happen before your international marathon and that it was great you two were able to run together. It’s so crazy how life changes so quickly. Praying for a speedy recovery and for you and your whole family. Hugs!


Oh no!!! Feel better soon, Andrew!


Oh no! How horrible! Thank goodness for painkillers for sure!! That has to be soooo painful, poor guy.
Hoping the surgery goes well and he is on the road to recovery soon.
Sending extra good energy your way as you care for him!!


I am SO SORRY to hear this! This is an active person’s worst nightmare and my heart goes out to Andrew😥 Thank goodness they are getting him into surgery quickly so he can start the healing process. You seem to have a lot of support, so that is such such blessing (and definitely much needed)! 🙏 for a speedy recovery!


Oh no!!! Hoping surgery goes well and healing is smooth. Thinking of all of you and making sure you take care of yourself as well as Andrew


Oh no, so sorry to hear this!! Prayers for a speedy recovery.


Oh no!!! Praying for a smooth surgery and recovery and that you take care of yourself as well as andrew


I’m so sorry to hear this! I hope his surgery goes smoothly and luckily he’s such a healthy guy—a marathoner!—that hopefully he heals quickly!


What?! Praying for a safe and successful surgery and sending love to you and your family. 🙏🏼 Andrew is super tough and he’ll heal fast. ❤️ I know this will be hard for you too—take care of yourself. ❤️❤️


I am so sorry, Janae! When he’s feeling a little better tell him if he really didn’t want to run the Seville marathon he could have just said so, he didn’t have to take such drastic measures. On a serious note, you’re both in my prayers.


That’s terrible! Hope the surgery goes very smoothly and he heals well and quickly.


So sorry to hear this! Get well soon Andrew


Oh no!! Poor Andrew! Wishing you the speediest recovery 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Sending healing vibes and prayers!! I feel your pain… my 16 yr old broke his foot in gym class on Monday and the pain he was in was hard to watch. He is a starting O-lineman , wrestler and baseball player yet gym class got him! His pain post-op is SO much better though!


I’m so sorry their this and wish hima speedy recovery!


Sorry to hear that! At least Andrew is in good shape so he will recover fast. I am a little older than Andrew but have broke 2 bones in the last 4 years and while the recovery seems to take long, it goes by quickly. It is amazing what some physical therapy can do and what Doctors can do!


Get him a knee scooter.


Oh no! Prayers for a speedy recovery and lots of treats too!


Oh nooooo! My husband has broken his twice, once playing soccer and once a tib/fib fracture skiing that needed surgery. He did ultimately make a full recovery (including marathon training!) so just wanted to share that while it will be hard hopefully he will be back to full strength before he knows it!


Oh so sorry! Here’s to a speedy recovery! Thinking of you both!❤️


Praying for a speedy recovery for poor Andrew! Thinking of all of you. Hang in there. That is horrible :(


October has been quite the month for you and your family. Sending good thoughts that Andrew heals quickly.


this just sucks for Andrew…so sorry. Dang it!!! Hope the surgery goes well!


Im so sorry! My son broke his tibia two years ago and it was terrible. The only consolation is surgery will help him get moving quicker. For kids they try to have them heal on their own which takes forever. My neighbor has a rod for a tibia and he’s super active and plays basketball! Best wishes for quick healing


Oh no!!!! I’m so sorry for Andrew and you all. Praying for a succesful surgery this morning and smooth recovery. I’m glad you both have Budapest together to treasure in the next months.


That must have been so scary for everyone! My thoughts are with you, good luck with surgery!
ps. and dont be afraid to take a break from the blog if you feel like you need one


Nooooo….that is horrible news! Prayers for Andrew’s recovery are on its way. Take good care – of him and yourself.


Hi Janae!

So sorry to hear about Andrew… I hope he is doing okay! How timely and a blessing something like this happened after you both were able to go on your trip… which looked like an absolute dream by the way! Thanks for sharing all of the fun and more challenging moments.

Two questions for you! I know you’ve been super busy… but I reached out a few weeks ago for advice or sharing more of your story with your eating disorder recovery. You had said you’d email but unless it went to spam I haven’t gotten anything.. but no worries at all if now’s not a good time, I know you’ve got a lot on your plate! Just in need of some encouragement :)

The second thing, where do you get your cute dainty necklaces? I see them in just about all of your photos and think they are so cute! Are they sweatproof/do they wear well? Let me know!

Hope you’re having a great day!

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