Shower pain, speed day, because of this kiddo.

(tank, shoes, socks)

Gotta love a rainy run… Except for the fact that I should have worn a hat and put some on to prevent chafing on my legs (the shower hurt so bad after).

It poured for most of the run, which made the morning feel more adventurous.

I’ve never seen Utah so green.

3.5 mile w/u, 3 x 3 min, 4 x 2 min, 5 x 1 min, 6 x 30 sec, c/d. The recoveries between each interval were meant to be equal to the upcoming interval, but I didn’t do the recoveries perfectly. A friend needed to get to work, so we shortened them a bit, and then once that friend was gone, I took the recoveries a bit longer.  We didn’t go all out because of the race over the weekend, but it felt good to get the legs turning again.
All of my hoodie strings are chewed on because of this kiddo.

A normal afternoon at our house…

Along with a book and a blanket (in June?!).

Beck got a pedal bike so that made his life.

Remember my pacer from my ultra marathon?  He had a birthday party for his bday in October (took a few months to reschedule due to the birth of his daughter;) so we went to celebrate him. I’ve been going to his bbqs for 17 years now! He is currently trying to convince me to do a bunch of crazy trails and races so we will see if his peer pressure works.

These two got in plenty of socializing.

We left very full but somehow I still found room for a churro dipped cone from DQ…

The advertisements for these sold me. It’s delicious.

What do you use to avoid chafing?

-Dove deodorant for me but I didn’t remember to put it on my legs yesterday.

What was the highlight of your day yesterday?

Any ads recently that convinced you to try something?

What’s for breakfast today?


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Look at you back to eating ice cream without a care in the world! HA
Highlight of my day yesterday was probably hitting my speed workout and NOT chafing. hehe


It’s been a long road to get back to lactose and I couldn’t be happier about it. Enjoy your happy inner thighs, mine are so angry. Way to go on the speed, Molly!


We’ve been having cool summer weather here in East Tennessee ourselves! Is that some kind of ramp at the end of your driveway for the bikes to go over?? I can see my boys liking that.


That makes me so happy, I swear we all never get this. Yes, that is a ramp! Andrew and Knox built it and the kids love it so much. I’m sure your boys would love one. Have the best day, Mary!


Everything here is so green too! And the flowers blooming are incredible. But we still have not had hardly any sun for 2+ weeks… It’s starting to get to me.
Our youngest son finished his 1st year of college yesterday, so we took him out to dinner last night. That was really fun. He’s planning on staying out there for the summer (just 45 minutes away) so it was good to help kick off the start of his summer all together.
We’re hosting a big family get together on Sunday, so I have a lot to do to get ready. First off will be a trip to Costco, which is always fun for me, ha ha.
Have a good day Janae


We are all having quite the spring but I’m hoping you get that sunshine too! I feel the same way this week… I’m ready for some sun, please! I want to be back at the waterpark! Congrats to your youngest, that is so exciting! I bet that dinner out together was so great. Good luck at Costco today, I need to go soon too and I need your attitude:)


Hi Janae! I am extremely susceptible to food ads. Yesterday we had girls night and went to some food carts! It was a lot of fun.
I have today off from work!! I’m really excited. Right now I’m still in bed even though I’m quite thirsty.
Have an awesome day!


Hey Amy! I hope you stay in bed as long as possible this morning and enjoy your day off! That sounds like such a fun girls night, I need to try that.


I love those churro dipped cones!

I use Megababe now for chafing. I used to use KT Tape’s stick but Amazon had Megababe on my page and convinced me. I do agree that I like it better.

Highlight of my day yesterday–eating lunch with old friends ties with eating dinner with both my young adult kids.

Breakfast today was half of a ProBar meal bar and an iced coffee. Peanut butter chocolate chip has my heart:).


I couldn’t believe how good it was! I’m glad Amazon knew what you really needed:). Sounds like both meals yesterday were perfect and this morning too:). Happy Thursday, Jen!


We’ve had thunderstorms nearly every afternoon/evening, and there’s still a lot of standing water from the snow melt, so it’s been way more humid than usual. I need to remember to use the Dove deoderant as I’ve chaffed on my last couple of sweaty runs. I just keep telling myself that the humidity is good for my skin (aside from the chaffing, hah)!

I admit I’m a sucker for advertising. I recently bought those under-eye masks from an advertisement and I’m pretty sure they did nothing besides make my husband laugh while I was wearing them. But I also bought some Bombas socks off an advertisement and those are legit worth the price.

Breakfast today is an oat muffin, apple and a Perfect Bar (recently found those at Costco and am loving them).


I keep forgetting that you guys chafe lol…me, it’s Body Glide….and yeah DQ, was interesting to learn the DQ story, that swirl at the top is actually patented, and soft ice cream has a secret receipe like KFC….
ran in a down pour yesterday, learned the difference between water resistant, and water proof….my mid run pic looks like I was running in a river…


Janae I love your sunglasses in the picture of you and Andrew!! Do you have a link?! :) I appreciate your picture reading on your porch too… I’ve done reading on my iPad, iPhone, kindle, and my favorite will always always be just a nice paperback. I just love them and also love choosing one at target or Barnes – so quiet there! Hope it’s a great read :)


Thank you so much Sarah! Here is the link to the sunglasses and I hope you get some time with a good book soon!


My daughter ha been begging me to take her to DQ to get one of those. They are her favorite. She gets her license Tuesday so she will be able to drive herself soon.


Great information! I like running

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