We will have FOUR winners today, so you will not want to miss out on entering this giveaway. Today’s post is sponsored by fairlife, makers of Core Power®; thank you for letting me share my passion for Core Power with you!


Sometimes I look at my training and recovery like a giant puzzle.  I work for hours putting these little pieces together, and the first half of the puzzle is always the hardest.  One piece fits into the other, and with time and hard work, the puzzle starts to come together.   Would I stop and get up and leave the board with pieces missing and the easiest part of the puzzle left undone?  No way!  I would put every piece together and then finish and sit there and enjoy the completed puzzle (as you can tell, Skye and I have been doing a lot of puzzles lately, ha).

The same goes for our training and recovery.  Why would we work so hard for hours doing the most challenging part (the blood, sweat, and tears that come with running) of the big picture of our training and then skip over the part (the recovery) that puts it all together so nicely?  

Join me and use Core Power in our training puzzle to help us recover after each workout.  

Core Power offers 26g or 42g of high-quality protein to build muscle after you workout.  Core Power’s protein comes from ultra-filtered milk without added powders (this is why it tastes so dang good).  Protein is needed to help repair, rebuild, and maintain our body tissue and muscle, and Core Power is my favorite way to get in protein.

Core Power is so incredibly convenient to grab and go.  I always stash them in my car so I can start my recovery as soon as I finish a run.

Nothing tastes better after a hot run… I look forward to this for the last few miles of every run.  

Don’t let your hard work go to waste; give your body the recovery it needs! 

Today I am giving 48 bottles of Core Power [any size/variety] to FOUR readers!

To enter, do these two things:

1- Visit the Core Power website HERE and take a look around!

2- Tell me one lesson you’ve learned from running or working out in a comment on this post.

Open to US and 18+ years only. Winners will randomly be selected on 6/26/23!

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I’ve learned that I need to refuel right after my workouts, not waiting a few hours. Core Power makes it so easy!


Taking it easy is better than risking an injury!


Whether you’re an avid runner or not, just going out on a run can be one of the best things for you not only physically but mentally!! It gives you confidence, and makes you feel like you can conquer some of life’s hardest trials!! It releases soooo much stress and at the same time brings you new perspective on life. I love running! I would love to try Core Power!!!


I’ve learned the importance of movement for my mental health – and quality over quantity!😊


I so enjoy Core Power and look forward to it after a run/workout!! Perfect to take with me on the go. Something I’ve learned from running and working out is, I am able to do more than I think! I continually limit myself with my thinking, and so often I surprise myself. So grateful for the gift of running and working out….keeps me humble!


To do what you love.


One important thing I’ve learned from running & working out is that I am so much stronger than I think… that when I dig deep & push myself, I’m amazed at what I can accomplish ❤️


KAYLA!! YOU WON!! EMAIL ME ASAP with your address and flavor preferences!


I have learned that hard work is good for the soul ! Dreaming big with running goals means hard days, sore muscles, early wake-ups, squeezing in stretches while playing with kids…all of the mental gymnastics that go into a big goal are worth it! Hard work in running has taught me so much about motherhood, marriage, and friendship. The hard things are the good things.


CanNOT run fasted! 😵‍💫🥵 This is a big revelation for me! 💪🏻


My self worth is determined by the numbers on my watch.


I’ve learned that easy runs are crucial! And I’ve also learned how to listen to my body, especially during summer running in Arizona. If I don’t feel like a workout that day, that’s okay, and see how I feel the next day. It is so hot here, so you need to learn to adapt and know it’s fine to be slower!


I have learned not to compare myself to other runners and also during a marathon I have to stop get hydration (half marathon I can get by with but not a full).
I LOVE Core Power. I like that the ingredients are simple and it tastes amazing. Even my teen likes the chocolate. I also like that they have vanilla and strawberry banana since I’m allergic to chocolate (I know it’s crazy!). Pick me pick me for free core Power!!!! Love all your content Janae!!! ❤️ from TX!


Don’t compare yourself to anyone. Not your old self, not your future self, and definitely not anyone else. Just run!!


I think I have learned to persist. And along with that over time I have also learned that it is okay to rest!


I’ve learned that exercise is super important for my mental and emotional health!


Food is fuel… and recovery! Protein being the major “recovery “ macronutrient, makes it at the top of the priority list for refueling post exercise and throughout the day for an active lifestyle. If you want to reap the benefits you desire out of the work you put in, you must refuel correctly. Core power makes that much easier (and tastier!) to accomplish!


Tried the strawberry protein and my goodness! The best flavor in my opinion! Makes me feel like a little kid and drinking strawberry milk. The one big thing I learned during my training is how important it is to fuel before, during and after. My body and runs feel so different when it is done properly. Also learned that I am capable and looking forward to my next marathon.


EEKK!!! Such an amazing giveaway! I think the biggest thing I’ve learned is that strength training is SO important! It’s crazy to think that being weak in one area of your body can lead to BIG issues in another area of your body. I’ve learned the hard way that weak hips lead to knee issues. ;)


Oh gosh I am really crossing my fingers that I win!!! After a year of recurrent bone stress injuries, I’ve learned how important post-run protein is.


Love Core Power! I have learned that lots of injuries result from glute and hip weakness. Strength is so important!


I’m stronger than I give myself credit for (in all areas of life) and I can do hard things!


Ive learned that working out is not about burning calories…and how important refueling is. You have been such a great role model for this and I have LOVED following your journey!!!


I’ve learned that working out can be really hard, especially fitting it in to my busy life as a mom of 5. But, when I work out, I feel better, I have more energy, and I know that it’ll pay off as I get older and I’m able to be healthier for my kids.


Core Power is the best!

I’ve learned that if I can do a hard thing like running, I can take on any challenge life throws at me.


You are stronger than you think! ❤️


I’ve learned that even small bits of movement are better than no movement, and it doesn’t have to be all or nothing!


I’ve learned how important it is to be kind to myself when it comes to recovery – not feeling guilty for not running or taking easy days. I’ve learned to know that taking recovery seriously makes me stronger! 💪


I’ve learned the importance of the mind and body connection. I am capable of more than I ever imagined. Thank you for your blog ☀️


I’ve learned that I’m a salty sweater! Hydrating with electrolytes before during and after (especially in the summer!) has been key. Love that core power is a natural source of electrolytes as well as a great source of protein!


I’ve learned that the discipline spills over into the rest of the day, so start early and start strong!


I’ve learned to value working out for what it does for me on the inside, not what it does for me on the outside : )


i have learned that i am no longer 30 and need a lot more recovery and self-care in my mid-40s! The chocolate core power looks so delicious.


I have learned to keep showing up and to move my brain away from automatic negative thinking after a workout (like, I should have tried harder, dug deeper, pushed more) and replace that tendency with positive thinking (like, I did this. I went out and made an effort and I ran however many miles at whatever pace. Look what I did!). The idea is to not be so hard on myself and recognize that I am doing hard things. Give myself credit, not criticism.


I’ve learned that rest days improve your fitness, not set you back.


Running has taught me that if i keep pushing through the pin and the HARD aspects of running, I can do the same in my daily life. I won’t give up right when it gets hard so I won’t give up in my day to day life when it gets hard. I learn so much about myself while running.


I’ve learned to listen to my Body.
Rest when it says rest.
Eat what it’s craving.
Move fast. Slow down.



Eating before and after my morning runs – makes a world of difference in how I feel during my run, and through out the day! AND I always make my fuel something I look forward to <3 – would LOVE to try core power! I bet it would make my morning smoothie that much more enjoyable!


I’ve learned that it’s ok to miss a day of running and even to go out with the intention to run but end up doing a walk. As long as you’re moving that’s what counts!


I’ve learned that a run can solve anything and everything. :)


External movement causes internal change! Working hard, conquering, and sometimes failing at big athletic goals has helped me get through the tough stuff that comes up in everyday life.


I’ve learned running will always be there, even if you have to take a break. And the comeback/build up is SO much fun!


I have learned that running allows the perfect opportunity to take a step back and appreciate the beauty that God has blessed us with in this world!


Something I have learned is that exercise is something to be enjoyed. I think everyone just needs to find what they love – whether it be dancing, running, walking, swimming, etc. and stick with it! Everyone has different strengths!
Love your content! Thanks for doing this giveaway.


I love core power thanks to you! Vanilla is my favorite but they are all good. I have learned that working out, while good for physical health blah blah, makes my brain so much happier. Without it, sleep, work, and everything else become more difficult.


As a new runner I’m learning that progress will come as my body allows, not as my brain or ego thinks it should. And that’s OKAY.


I have learned how important recovery is. I learned the hard way when I fractured my femur at the end of a half marathon and couldn’t run/had numerous surgeries. Refueling and getting the protein I need will be good for my bones and my energy. Core Power could do that.


I’ve learned that running is so much more than just running – the recovery, strength training, sleep and hydration/nutrition!


I’ve learned that warming up and cooling down properly is SO IMPORTANT especially as I’ve gotten older!! Also refueling afterwards with protein is key and I absolutely LOVE Corepower!!!


I’ve learned that running is crucial to my mental health! I’ve also learned that I love running on a treadmill as it helps prevent injuries and I can control my climate (lights off, LOTS of fans).


Running is such a key piece of my mental health and ensuring I’m giving everyone (and myself) the best version of myself!


One lesson I’ve learn is fueling is so important! I get so much more energy when I do during my long runs! Afterwards is so important, like you always said! Thank you for all your advice and help!


That pace does’nt matter! Just do it.


I have learned that the thoughts that run through my head while running start to sound whiny when I have not fueled well!


I am training for my first marathon and have learned that going too hard too fast does not work. I am learning to follow and enjoy the plan- from the long runs to the rest days! Also, I need to focus and learn how to fuel effectively. I think Corepower could be a great tool!

I have recently been introduced to your blog and really enjoy reading your content! Thanks!


I’ve learned I can do hard things! I’m so much more capable than I think I am. Running and working out helps my confidence.
Thanks Janae!!


Run slow runs slow and fast runs fast


We love CorePower! I’ve learned from running that I can do way more than my mind likes to tell me.


Refueling immediately makes me feel better instantaneously- otherwise I get super nauseous. Protein is so critical!


I’ve learned the value and importance of rest days! Essential for training.


I have learned being a mom hasn’t slowed me down it has given me strength and speed I never knew I had


The importance of slowly building up!


Oh my goodness I love love love Fairlife! It doesn’t hurt my tummy and tastes so yummy! I’ve been really trying to focus on weights and building muscle as I’m in my 40’s now and love the added protein is helping with recovery! It a great and easy way to get into that protein. Which kind of leads into what I’ve learned that exercise and overall health needs to change as we age. Our bodies change and so we have to also. I was really getting down on myself when I hit 40 I couldn’t run as far without getting knee pain, I wasn’t as fast anymore, I was starting to gain tummy weight where even after 4 kids (including a set of triplets) that had never been an issue before etc… my doctor kept encouraging me that I needed to shake things up and hit the weights abs also increase my protein. After some stubbornness (I was a runner after all not a weight lifter) I finally did something about it and started trying some new things. I found a lifting program I liked, and started seeing results and now gasp actually love to lift and feel so much stronger which now means when I do run or hike I am feeling better doing that. I guess that about sums it up that fitness and exercise needs to evolve and we age and change 😊


To not compare yourself to others.


As I get older, it becomes more and more important to do what I thought of as the ‘accessory’ work – the mobility, nutrition, sleep, listening to my body. The training hard part usually comes pretty easy for me so slowing down is hard. But as my five year old told me this morning, you need to slow down to go fast.


I’ve learned to listen to my body and that I’m capable of so much more than I think I am!


You will never regret a workout / you will always feel better after the workout!


I’ve learned being consistent and scheduling my workouts into my calendar help me to stay accountable.


When did they stop making Carmel core power? I didn’t ever get around to trying it. My fav is vanilla but Sams club usually only has chocolate lately so that is what I mostly get. I usually drink the 30g version saving the 42 for post long run.


Core power fights post workout fatigue!


I’ve learned that our bodies can do amazing things! Running helps me truly appreciate my body and all the fun it let’s me have while moving and reaching new milestones and goals. Our food and fuel is our most important tool as runners!! :)


Warm ups are essential and so is strength training


To go further faster requires rest and recovery. I just bought my first 2 boxes of Core Power to increase protein intake after a workout. It’s delicious and my teenagers won’t keep their hands off MY boxes!


I’ve learned how much better working out (and life!) is when I shifted the focus away from exercising to look a certain way and instead run and lift and move because I’m so grateful just to be able to!


I’ve learned to listen to my body and not overtrain. Active recovery such as a hike or walk is very beneficial as well.


I’ve learned to take my easy days really easy. It’s hard to run 10 minute miles but my legs love it.


I’ve changed my mindset around working out, especially since having kids. I work out to ensure I am happy and healthy in body and mind, and to ensure I will be around and mobile for years to come. I also workout to be an example for my kids!


I’ve learned to listen to my body and to not run through unusual pain. I’ve done it before and had to take months off for repair. Also refuel after my runs so I’m not dragging the rest of my day.


I’m capable of way more than I think and have sold myself short for years. I’ve decided that this year I’m putting “I CAN” in front of everything I used to put “I CAN’T” in front of. Moving my body daily has made me more myself than I ever have been before!


I’ve learned that movement is medicine and I’m teaching my daughters the same thing!


Hi! I’ve learned my body needs more protein than i thought especially with strength training and playing tennis.


I have learned that the confidence I get from running and challenging myself to do hard things outside of my comfort zone spills over into other areas of my life as well.


I’ve learned that sometimes you need to listen to your body and take it easy instead of pushing yourself, even if it seems “counterproductive.” It’s hard but worth it as an athlete! :)


I’ve learned that with running and working out in general that I need to fuel my body with real whole foods if I want the best results/outcome. Fast foods, processed foods, fad diets, all the above do not help at ALL.


Running has taught me that you can always overcome more than you think ❤️


In this past year, I have learned to truly LOVE strength training. Seeing how it has improved my running is a huge motivator. I just PR’d in the half, and I barely did any speed workouts beforehand — it was all because of weight lifting!


I’ve learned a better mom/employee/wife/human after I’ve run or worked out :) I’ve also learned that my workouts look different now than they used to in my 20’s and that’s okay! I am doing what’s best for me today. Can’t wait to try the chocolate!!


I’ve learned that going slow will still finish the race.


Running has taught me patience – taking things slow as a new runner, building up fitness slowly to avoid injury, and building back my fitness to avoid reinjury when coming back from injury. Patience and consistency are key.


I have learned to take my easy runs EASY. It has made a huge difference for me.


I’ve learned that my body strength is important… but my mind strength is critical. Two pieces of the puzzle. 😊


I LOVE Core Power! Working out has taught me the importance of fueling before, during, and afterwards to help me perform my best and recover. I have also learned that working out is 2 much more than looking a certain way…it helps my mental health and just helps he feel great in general!


I’ve learned that the warm up is crucial to minimizing injuries. Also, a carb load is more than just the evening before the race. I’ve recently started having core power post run and it’s been a game changer! I didn’t know they had an elite version, I’ll have to try that one next!


I’ve learned that when my knee starts talking, it’s time for new shoes! (And it started talking this morning…)


I’ve learned how strong and capable I am! And bonus – how much I appreciate my body


I’ve learned that one bad run does not define me as a runner!


That less can be more! No more exercise addiction over here and just doing miles upon miles and little to no recovery days. I feel so much stronger now that I allow my body to recover when it needs to


I learned I need to eat more to recover properly!


Keep your easy days actually easy!

Side note – my husband threw out his protein powder and is hooked on Core Power now too!


I’ve learned I need to listen to my body. Movement is to serve my body not to punish it!


SKY YOU WON!!! EMAIL ME ASAP with your address and flavor preferences!


I’ve learned that doing something, even just something little, always feels better than nothing :)


The most worthwhile lesson I have learned in my fitness journey is that the body needs to be satiated with plenty of protein and nutrients as well as adequately hydrated in order to see any progress or growth in the gym.

I used to be motivated in my fitness journey by a “goal body” and deprived my body of the nutrients it so craved! As I have continued through my journey, I am now motivated by strength and find pride in taking care of my body and her needs.

I am currently using my social media to try and spread this message to others who have been stuck in a similar fitness rut and inspire young confident individuals to put their health and wellness first.


I’ve learned that I cannot skip my pre-run mobility or post-run stretching. As soon as I do, my body falls apart!


I have learned that I run for my mental health as much as my physical health. I love having Core Power after a long run/hard workout. I just wish my Costco consistently stocked it.


I’ve learned that running is for life and it keeps life exciting. Having been a runner forever, at 62 I still feel so fortunate to be able to go out for a run anywhere I am whether that’s near home or on vacation or even go on a vacation just to run eg. I’ve traveled to Boston, Madrid, Arizona, Vancouver, Ottawa, Disney World just to run!! Running enables us to see the world from a different perspective, we can run alone, or with friends, family and fur babies. I never regret going out for a run and the more active you are the more you can do as you age. Running is one of the simple pleasures in life and post run refueling is so fun!! Love fairlife and other high protein treats post run!! We are the lucky ones – people who can run are so blessed.


To fuel during and after each workout/run! So important and I used to NEVER do it!


I’ve learned it can help a lot to slow down!


Training smart is so important. I just added in HEAVY leg day too soon post race and my IT band flared up for the first time in 5 years. Recovery is just as important as training itself!


Find the workout style that works best for you! Running, walking, Pilates, whatever it is, enjoy it and you’ll keep coming back for more.


I have learned that it’s never too late to set and accomplish goals!


I’ve learned that not every workout is going to be perfect. Some days are intensity days, some days are just about moving. Its the consistency that matters.


Strength training makes all the differece!


Listen to your body! If you’re scheduled for a speed workout but really need an easy day, then take one. Skipping one workout is better than injuring yourself.

Side note: Core Power has been my miracle worker during pregnancy with gestational diabetes. Highly recommend it for any other readers in my position!!


I’ve learned to listen to my body and take rest days as needed! I’ve also learned to properly fuel myself both before and after working out :)


I’ve learned I’m capable of doing hard things!


“Rest actually means rest!” It seems like such an easy concept but one I have never been good at!


I’ve learned that I used to run to eat and now I eat to run :)


I have learned (and am still learning!!) that there are always going to be seasons of good/bad/in the middle but that I can’t compare my current season to someone else’s or to a past season of my own! Just enjoy the ride 😉


I’ve learned that running is about so much more than just lacing up your shoes…recovery, nutrition, and mindset really determine how far I’m able to go!


I have learned that there is no such thing as too easy and not only is fueling properly during your run important but so is before and after 😁


I’ve learned that the mind is a powerful tool and we can do hard things!


I’ve learned food=fuel=better running!


I have learned that doing something is better than doing nothing! That, and getting in my protein every day!!


Patience!! And that every run is not going to be your best run yet. I’ve learned to run by feeling and it’s been so much less stressful.


I’ve learned I am a better mom, wife, friend, etc. when I exercise. It feels selfish in the moment to not do direct activities for my children or husband but I am so much kinder, patient, and joyful after I’ve exercised and pushed myself in the morning!


Like most lessons I’ve learned the hard way… I do NOT need to workout for 2 hours a day and I DO need more calories. After years of ‘abusing’ my body I’m on the other side and train and fuel much healthier now and am always looking for ways to improve.


I’ve learned as a 40+ year old I can go further and faster if I fuel myself above and beyond what I ever used to do in my 30s and 20s. Fuel+faster, better, stronger!


It’s okay to adjust your schedule! Taking an easy day or off day can prevent future burnout or injury!


Some days feel better than others! It doesn’t matter how long or how hard, movement is movement and listening to our bodies is key!


I’ve learned that the body can adapt to almost anything with proper training and nutrition.


I’ve learned that when I’m running or working out regularly, I also take better care of myself in other ways – like sleeping more and eating good quality foods. When exercise starts getting neglected, I find that I also neglect my sleep and nutrition.


I’ve learned consistency is key and I don’t have to run miles and miles to have a good workout. Glory to God for this realization!


I have learned to love my body and not every season you have to be your fittest in. Embracing the seasons!


I’ve learned that it’s okay to take time off (even if it’s 2+ years) and be slower when you come back. At least I started again!


I’ve learned to get out of my comfort zone and try new things… it has made me more confident!


I have learned that as long as I put one foot in front of the other I will get where I am aiming. Outside of the mental wisdom of running as an older runner ( been at it for 35 ish years) I am learning that I need to learn how to fuel as I am running. Because the new adventure is Utah trail running and racing:)


I have learned that I can do hard things just by being consistent, and it is important to celebrate every success, big or small. :)


Strength training and mobility are so important to be a strong runner!


I’ve learned to try and “run the mile you’re in”, and be as present as possible. Life is now. 😊


I’ve learned how important it is to fuel your body correctly before, during and after working out. I used to think I was proving something to myself by running long without fuel, but I realize it was just stupid and unsafe.


I have learned that hydration is important before the run. So much of the time I don’t prioritize this and I remember when I am tired or have a headache from the run.
Thank you for each of your posts. I truly learn from you each and every post day.


I’ve learned that my fastest days aren’t necessarily behind me! It’s so inspiring to follow other runners who are over 35, also moms, and still killing it with their running goals! Keep up the good work. And I’m glad to see you’re doing better after your pollen attack!


I’ve learned that hard doesn’t stay hard forever. In running and in life- things always get better. I’ve also learned that to be better, you gotta surround yourself with people who support and believe in you.


I’ve learned stretching after a run or workout makes a huge difference in recovery and a good injury preventative. The older you get the less flexible we get and as little as 5-10′ can make a huge difference!


I’ve learned that sometimes my body needs more sleep instead of a 5 AM workout. Thanks for the giveaway Janae!


I’ve learned it’s not worth it to push through the pain. It’s so much better to recover from injury fully before going back at it.


I love core power!!!

I’ve learned that recovery is a multi-pronged thing, but it’s NOT a mystery–protein right after my workouts (or protein and carbs if I am lifting heavy instead of teaching my spin classes or BODYPUMP) + lots of stretching + magensium + lots of just puttering around to get extra steps in and move (without “exercising”) during the day helps. A lot more than I ever would have imagined! And protein is an important important ingredient to that formula.


That carbs are not the enemy! To fuel early and often when in high training! To listen to your body and to know that progress is not always linear! With every bad day there is a good day around the corner! and to FUEL after hard sessions!!


I’ve learned that going into our unknown, be it distant/paces, is such a great example to our kids! I have three little boys and now see new races and failure as a way for them to see that taking chances and failing is a beautiful part of life.


I’ve learned how to deal with many of life’s challenges through running. I’ve learned, there’s nothing a good run and ice cream can’t fix!


Running has taught me that I am strong!!

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