10k Recap & Kid’s RecapS

(Shoes, shorts, tank)

Back to some race reports again:). I woke up at 5:20 a.m. and ate two slices of bread and a squeeze apple sauce before getting up and taking a shower.  I love taking a shower before races because it actually wakes me up.

I got to the starting line, met up with some friends around 6:10, and did a 3-mile warm-up.  I wore a long sleeve for the warm-up because I was cold, which is not typical for this race because it is usually very hot by now.  I took a caffeine Maurten at 6:40, switched my shoes, drank water and did 4 x 20ish seconds stides a few minutes before the gun went off at 7 am.  It was so fun to have my niece at the starting line, and fun fact–> she is hooked on races now.

The first mile is slightly uphill for about the first .6 and then steep down for .2 and then flattens out for a while.  I did not want to die out there on the course, so I went out at a pace that felt only slightly uncomfortable and made the goal to get more uncomfortable with each mile which ended up being pretty even splits, but keeping about the same pace just hurts more with each mile.

How Andrew made it to two different spots during a 10k with three kids amazes me.  I first saw them at about mile 3 at the top of a hill and then again right before the finish line.  He has this race-spectating thing figured out.  I also had the girls I run with daily out there along the way cheering.  I felt extremely lucky.

I was 6th until about half-way through when I passed 2 girls and then I tried to catch 2nd and 3rd because they were just a few seconds ahead of me but I didn’t quite make it.  It’s so nice to have people ahead of you to try and catch at the end because it keeps you on your toes.

My niece finished in 49 minutes!  Her first official race, and she did amazing and had so much fun.

And my friend, Kassi, WON the marathon for the females.  Amazing.

A few lessons from the race:

1. Letting go of time goals is freeeeeeeeeing.  Time goals have worked for me during different running seasons of life, but lately, they haven’t been…  I’ve been so obsessed with exact race times that I end up not listening to my body and being disappointed with myself.  In the previous few races—> I go out at a pace that corresponds with my time goal rather than listening to my body and doing what it needs to have a strong race.  On Saturday, I listened so closely to where my body was at and went out a bit more conservative (feeling) than usual and not REALLY hurting until the last two miles of the race.  Running what feels right felt so good… I didn’t dig myself in a hole in the beginning because I *thought* I should be able to hit a faster pace and then die the rest of the way.  On Saturday, I was smiling and having the time of my life.  I ran pretty even splits the entire way, which felt like a huge win.  This is my hobby, and if it isn’t fun, then I don’t want to do it and letting go of time goals makes it fun for me and actually run faster (70-second course PR, wahoo).  I still gave it my all, but letting go of numbers helped me to run smart!

2.  I like training in various shoes and racing in my vaporflys.  I felt a noticeable difference when I slipped them on after my w/u on Saturday for the first time since Boston.  Previously, I did every workout in them and did not feel the extra boost on race day.  I felt the extra boost for this race because I haven’t worn them in a while.

3.  I don’t feel like I’m in a place in my life right now where I can recover well enough for super high (for me) mileage weeks.  I’ve cut back and I’ve been doing 50-55ish miles a week lately (still using my awesome coach for all of my training), along with some peloton classes and mastering my pt exercises, and it feels like such a happy combo for me.  I had zero hamstring pain which just felt amazing.  I didn’t feel my glutes working the entire race, but for most of it, I did!

4.  I was in my late luteal phase for the race (aka when I usually run my worst), but I actually felt really strong.  I decided before the race that I wouldn’t think about the phase I was in and that it wouldn’t affect me.  So while I believe hormones affect our running at points, I think it is more mental than anything for me.

5.  I need to avoid trying to start music on my watch during a race.  I wanted to turn it on during the race to get a fun beat in my head but ended up stopping my watch, then lapping it, then changing the screen ha… I finally gave up and remembered I like racing without music a lot too.

6.  Racing is a million times more fun when you aren’t thinking about your dang hamstring the whole time or worrying about making it to the next porta-potty… Boston this year hurt.  Random Q about my Boston bathroom issues… I was regular with vitamins and magnesium for months leading up to the marathon and forgot to pack them for Boston, so I went a few days without them.  Could that have also partly caused bathroom issues?

7.  In the last mile, I was really hurting.  I reminded myself over and over again that this wasn’t actually going to kill me, so I needed to turn off my brain for just a few minutes, and then I could return to being my usual dramatic self again;). It worked.

8.  I love the running community.  I feel so united with so many people at races.  Everyone is cheering each other on and doing something hard… no matter what the pace or distance is, we are all moving forward together.

And now time for the kid’s thoughts on their 1k race!

Brooke:  “I was excited to run but a little bit nervous.  I started out way too fast so I was tired.  There were so many little kids in front of me that I was worried I was going to trip.  At the end, I was ready to have a slushy.  I tried to sprint at the end, but it felt like I was running in slow motion.  Soccer is still my #1.”

Skye:  “I ran the whole time.  And I got a medal, a plastic one.  Umm, Beck got carried by dada.  I wanted to walk, but I wanted to run too.  I run with my dada.  Brooke ran with Mom.  Beck didn’t bring his binky.  I got new running shoes (she didn’t, actually;) and I ran with them on.  That I ran really far.  People took pictures of me.  I got a slushy.”

Beck:  His exact quote when I showed him his race photos–>  “I run race. Ummm I run race with dada.  I run with dada. Mom, I run with dada.  MOOOOM, I run with dada.  Uhhhh, I got that (pointing to the medal).”

He walked around like this afterward to help him recover after such a hard effort.

The free slushy and popsicles will make all the kids who ran on Saturday want to do this every year.

This race puts on quite an event for the whole family!


Who else raced this weekend?  How did it go?

Any races in your area that put together a great race for everyone?

When you put in a hard effort, and you are standing recovering, do you put your hands on your knees, standing tall with your hands on your head or on your back (like Beck)?

A question from Skye today, “Do you like animals?”

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Hi Skye, good question. Yes, I love animals!


Thanks for answering, Nancy. She is loving these!


I think I can relate far more to your kids on race day than you Janae! Lol. Brooke’s slow motion sprint: been there. Skye’s run for a slushy: I’ve been known to run for a slushy definitely. Beck’s hands on his back walk: all me, all the time.

Thanks for the great recap!

I love animals. Dogs, elephants, cats. In that order.


Bahaha your comment just made me so happy. Thank you, Belle! Hope your day is a beautiful one, Skye is going to love to read about your animal favorites.


I love their race recaps, so adorable!!! Maybe we should be more like Skye and pretend we have new things to motivate us lol.

I usually go for knees when recovering and then remember I should stand up straight and move my hands to my head. My coaches always told me that growing up and it’s not instinct for me, but I try to change when I notice.

Yes, I like animals! Favorites are probably dogs and otters. What’s your favorite, Skye?


Hahah I know Andrew would appreciate if I did that… I’ll just keep pretending I have new shoes instead of buying new ones. Thank you for answering her question, I asked her and she said today it is chickens!


Hi Janae! I just want to say thank you for sharing about letting go of your race time goals and running by feel. I did this at my marathon last week, and I had the most amazing race. For the first 20 miles I told myself over and over “stay within yourself” and then I was able to push as hard as I could the last 10k. Similar to you, I smiled more than I ever have in a race and I ran only 50 seconds of my PR (3:04 and it much hotter/hillier than the day I ran my PR too). While I still have a big time goal (sub-3), I know I run my best when I listen to my body and do what is right on the day. Hope you have a wonderful Monday, and you can tell Skye I LOVE animals!! We have two rescue dogs and are hoping to get goats soon. Animals are just the best, most fascinating creatures!


Jenny. Congratulations. You are incredible. You ran so smart and most importantly, HAPPY! What is your next marathon? That sub 3 is yours and most importantly, you are having fun getting there. I just told her…. you guys are awesome.


I love animals!! Flamingos are my favorite!


She just said they are one of hers too now:). Thanks Marianne!


I feel like point number 1 is my epiphany too this year! Let’s keep focused on effort and less focus on luteal phase (that was me too last weekend).
The slushy sounds like the hit of the race. Brilliant tactic by race director!
Your niece’s time was great!!
Also, run club menu for 16 tonight: kale salad, Alison Roman Bolognese (!!), sourdough bread. Someone volunteered to bring dessert (jackpot). I think I’m going to set out watermelon, salty chips and water for post-run while I cook off the pasta.
Hope you’re still riding high off endorphins!!


AMEN! Lets keep it up because it is sure paying off for us. Oh my gosh, I really want to come for run club. That sounds incredible. Drooling!


I loved everyone’s race recaps. I think the time thing should be my goal this year too. It is freeing when other parts of life become stressful. Don’t need to beat ourselves up on top of that. And it isnt realistic to always to always beat your best time. I remember a race I did with a slushy food truck at the end and loved it too! Haha For Skye – yes, I love animals. My favorite would have to be our two rescue kitties that make me laugh and smile daily. Favorite wild animal would be whales! 🙂 Also love birds!


I love animals, Skye. I really like dogs and cats, and I also think alligators are really neat.


Skye now wants me to get her an alligator stuffed animal from your comment:). Hahah thanks Allison, you are the best!


Awesome race recaps! Happy Monday, Janae!

Skye – I love animals! My favorite animal is an alligator! My husband’s favorite is a bear. We both love dogs, too!


Alligator.. okay, that is cool! Skye loved hearing this:). Thank you, Rachel!


Skye, we love animals so much we have 3 dogs and a cat!! We would have more if we had room!!


She just told me she is jealous. She has been begging for a cat!


Great race recaps from the kids! And great job to them for running!
Janae, awesome race for you!! And I love your approach. I am going to try that when I run my next race (whenever that might be). It definitely sounds like a fun morning for everyone. Oh, and congratulations on your huge course PR! Amazing!
Have a great start to the new week.


Thank you, Wendy! It really is so nice to just relax about it all! Hope your morning is off to a beautiful start!


Hi Janae! Love the race recap! Congrats on an awesome race with the whole family! I love that it’s something fun you can all do together.
I love animals! We have a pet cat.
Happy Monday!


Congrats on your race! And how fun to have the kids run too!!!
On Saturday I ran my first race back after my knee surgery at the end of March and I felt much better than expected. I even got to win my AG! I’m still in recovery phase with no workouts. It feels sooo good to be back and I appreciate every single step.


@Skye – I LOVE animals just like you! I grew up on a farm with all the animals! Have a great summer!


I did the Grand Tetons Half Marathon this past Saturday and it was AMAZING! Beautiful scenery, wonderfully organized race, it was the best! I was hoping for a PR but it didn’t happen (I think the altitude is what got me, because I felt the difference in my endurance compared to running at sea level), but it was still so fun. Definitely looking for my next Vacation Races half to do in the future.


Skye-Animals are the BEST!!! Sometimes I see fields of sheep and goats “mowing” and it’s so fun to see them RIGHT ALONG the running/biking path. We have a black lab dog and we think she is the cutest thing ever. Watching animal videos never gets old. Wouldn’t it be fun to live on a big piece of land with a lot of animals?!

Looks like it was a fun weekend for everyone!!!


Sounds like an epic day for all! Though I think I missed Andrew’s race recap: “Lots of little human wrangling for best Mom cheering, and carrying Bec for 1k, who then walked around like a little old man.”

To Skye: I love animals. Octopus, monkeys, and sloths are my favorites.


what’s weird…whenever I finish, my first thought is, ‘is that all there is…’ it’s almost like an anti climax of sorts…
ran a fun 8K off road Sunday…was fun….with friends and people I hadn’t seen forever…


Awwwww, I’m dying with Beck’s post race posture, so adorable, I’m right there with you Beck! What a great race for the whole fam! And love that your niece is hooked! Didn’t you run your first race with your Aunt?


First off, major congrats! So fun for you to be racing again! I’m taking the summer off from racing—too hot in Arizona! But my favorite part of this post was Brooke’s “ At the end, I was ready to have a slushy.” hahaha. Love it so much! Way to go!
From, your Boston shake out run friend :)


Awesome job and loved the kids recaps. I’m just a little unclear …Beck, did you run with Dada? Lol so cute!!

Skye – I love animals and long as they aren’t slimy or icky. My favorite is horses.


I live in a really flat area (Illinois), and that elevation map of the 10K you ran does not look very flat to me! Looks like I would fall down a hill. It’s all relative haha, and I’m so used to incredibly flat runs. Glad the race was fun and the whole family could be involved!

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