Postponed + You Do Not Want to Miss This

(Top, shorts, shoes)

Another change in plans (which sure challenges my Type A personality traits) because of the weather.  I’m so glad we pushed it back a day though, because it only takes us one fall to get hurt!

Hoping for clear roads today 🤞🤞!

This picture from my brother’s front yard made me feel a little better about how our March is going so far…

Did I tell you that Skye has been wearing a tank top and shorts under all her outfits lately? She told me it is because she thinks one day it will be warm enough for that type of outfit, and she wants to be ready for that moment when it does happen. She will take off that winter top layer so fast.
We had over the girls in our area that are Brooke’s age for an activity. They competed in a marshmallow tower competition.
And then they made pizzas. Never have I seen mandarin oranges on a pizza, but the girls that made that one loved it.
Andrew and I went with this combo, and we all ate together. I love pizza the night before a long run.
And then you know the drill, hot tub…

And then these cocoa powder, PB, frozen banana smoothies, and vanilla core power that Andrew has been making us at night.

A new goal I have set for this blog is to share any running shoe deals I can find on shoes that I love, so here are two in addition to the Cliftons being 20% off.

*The Nike Pegasus Trail is my favorite trail shoe, and 36% off is pretty great if you ask me.

*If you want to try out a carbon-plated shoe, these ones are amazing, and 54% off is unreal. I’ve never raced in these, but I’ve done a lot of workouts in them, and they are amazing.


Question from Tiah! “How do you wash your running clothes and Andrew’s workout clothes? I have tried different ways to get the smell out of the workout clothes, but I am not successful.”

-I don’t do anything special, but I would love tips on this so that I can start!

Are you a smoothie person? What do you put in yours?

Does anybody like random pizza toppings? Have you seen any random ones?

Tell me about your run today!

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I’ve had the same problem with not getting the smell out of my running clothes. I have found that adding a tbsp or so of Lysol Laundry Sanitizer to my regular laundry detergent gets the smell out the first wash.


Hi Janae! Fingers crossed that the weather is better for your workout today. I had to put off yesterday’s speed session due to black ice and ended up doing it at 5pm, AKA not my normal running time. Oof! And this morning it’s pouring rain, so today’s easy run might get dropped.

My favorite way to clean my running gear is to rinse it in the shower. No kidding, this has made the smells go away the best. I got little drying hooks that hang from our shower rod, and I just rinse my clothes after a workout (assuming I shower, but that’s another story…) and hang them to dry. Every few weeks I wash in the washer, but they smell best when I just rinse and dry.

I’m a traditional pizza person: I love strong flavors like sun-dried tomato, olives, pesto, etc., but nothing “strange” like fruit!


Using white vinegar instead of fabric softener can help with odors. You can even spray white vinegar directly onto stinky spots and let it sit for a bit before washing.

Also, I try not to put workout clothes in the dryer – I’ve read that with technical fabrics (i.e. polyester) the dryer actually “bakes” the smell into the clothes.


I have the endorphin pro 2’s and love them! I love them so much I bought a second pair because that was when Saucony had them at 50% off. I have them in yellow and navy blue. the kids call the yellow pair my Sponge Bob shoes.
I have a pair of hot pink Nike Air Pegs. I don’t run in them. I have them because they’re hot pink. I can’t really run in Nikes. I wish I could. I would have bought several pairs. they were almost 60% off when I got them a few years ago.
I like pineapple, bacon, and green or sweet peppers on pizza. I can see where the mandarin oranges might bring something similar to the table as pineapple. I don’t like oranges so that’s a hard NO for me.
Good luck with your run today! I hope you get clear streets.
Skye is trying to will spring and warmer weather to happen. I’m with her.


Pineapple on pizza, yes please! Oranges, I don’t know about that…

We live in Florida, so our running gear gets quite sweaty and stinky in the summer. I have to wash it twice – once with Tide sport and about a cup of vinegar, followed by a wash with OxiClean and All Free and Clear. No idea why this works, but it was a lot of trial and error to figure it out. I’d love to hear what others do because I hate having to run the clothes through twice to get them clean.

Our run today was a sweat fest – 3 mi in 99% humidity at 72 degrees. Waaay to early for temps/humidity like this – it’s making me scared for summer this year…


Ha ha! Love how prepared Skye is for warm weather!
Smoothies sound yummy, but I always talk myself out of dragging out the blender and cleaning up after ;) I should just do it and let the dishwasher handle its job.
Very tempting on the Saucony shoes, though I’ve gotten used to a lower heel-toe drop. Hmm.
My run today (I follow a CrossFit programming plan, but various running workouts are common): Run for 30 minutes for distance, but every 5 minutes do 25 walking lunges (knee to ground), then resume running. Should make my quads and glutes wonder what’s going on!
Hope your roads are clear today!


I know a few people who’ve tried “stripping” their clothes. gocleanco on Instagram has a tab to show how to do it. You mix 4 ingredients together and soak your clothes in the tub, for several hours. It’s suppose to help with the smell, and get all the build up out of your clothes. I find using the downy unstoppable beads helps too with smell :)


Someone already mentioned it but I use vinegar in the fabric softener dispenser. I started using it for towels and then just started using it for everything. That plus an extra rinse has everything coming out fresh and clean.


As a Houston, Tx runners our clothes are almost always soaking wet when we are done running. My husband installed hooks in our laundry room where we hang them to dry after a run. We have a fan that blows on them over tile floor (important because they drip). The. We toss them in a workout only hamper. We wash on the weekends with Tide Sport and put in a pod of Tide Odor Rescue. If a shirt or something still stinks, we toss it. I find workout clothes hold more smells the older they are. Hope this helps!!

Also bought the hubby a pair of Clifton’s! Thanks for the tip!


I’ve raced in the Endorphin 2’s and they’re amazing!!

Sky is so funny- I love that she’s ready to go once it gets warm there :)

I’m just doing a peloton treadmill run today because my husband will be gone during nap time so I won’t be able to get out of the house unfortunately!


Oh, I am loving all these tips about how to get rid of the stink from running clothes! I know there is a product call De-Funkify(?) that was supposedly made for this purpose, but I have never tried it.
Skye cracks me up, but she is prepared! I love make your own pizza nights too. But I am a pretty traditionalist with my toppings. Mandarin oranges? Hmmm, I don’t know about that.
I’m hopping on an airplane in a bit, heading to Colorado! It’s my mom’s 89th birthday on Saturday, and all 6 of us siblings will be there. So I may get in a quick run later this afternoon. I am looking forward to a few runs at a higher altitude.
I just saw that your weather is playing along nicely so that you can get your speed work done today, yay!
Have a great day Janae


Hello. I have used Tide Sport laundry detergent for just workout clothes. I wash on cold and hang dry. It definitely helps :)


I wash all the workout clothes separate from regular clothes and dump white vinegar and baking soda directly into the washing machine (in addition to normal detergent). I swear it removes all smells!


My morning smoothie is the most nutritious meal of my day. Life hack – make your breakfast smoothie the night before and put it in the fridge. No hassle in the morning and it lets the chia seeds plump up.

My breakfast smoothie recipe:
½ frozen banana
almond milk
1 scoop collagen protein
1 scoop whey protein
¼ tsp ginger
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
3 tsp chia seeds
handful of spinach
handful of baby carrots
1 non-fat plain Greek yogurt
handful blueberries
½ – 1 golden kiwi
½ avocado


Tide sport


Wow, so much snow! Thank goodness for that hot tub at least!
Major alert for new Des and Kara podcast episdoe!! Wahoo.
What’s the countdown for Boston? I’m excited for you!


Yes one fall can make a huge difference. I fell on the ice in my driveway last Friday and fractured two of my vertebrae :( I was just building up enough strength to run again after my emergency c-section. Life is full of surprises, happy and otherwise. Glad you’re staying safe out there.


OK I have your stinky clothes solution! This comes from a hockey mom, and there is no stink like hockey gear stink. Use the same laundry detergent you normally would (but most people use more than needed, and that can cause a residue). Add Borax to the washer and let it start. Once the washer fills with water, add about a cup of white vinegar to the load and let it run. The combo of Borax and vinegar really do the trick.

Wishing you warm days ahead! Here in NC we skipped winter and are already in the 70s. Not a single snowflake this year. My kids were sad about the lack of snow, but it has made trail running a dream.


Asics SuperBlast are on sale on fleet feet for $200.
and they have a new color


For athletic clothes (and I SWEAT A LOT), I put my clothes on the ‘heavy duty’ cycle and put two spoons of this powdered Rockin’ Greens detergent in the wash, along with some of the Tide oxy clean…I swear it’s the only way for me to get the stink out of my clothes:
(NOTE: It might seem expensive for detergent, but one bag lasts me a few months…)

And smoothies–I love smoothies big time. One of my go-to smoothies is a take on black forest cake:

1/2 c frozen riced cauliflower, 3/4-1 c frozen cherries, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1 scoop of vital proteins collagen peptides, 1 heaping teaspoon of dark cocoa powder, maybe 1/4 tsp(-ish…I eyeball) almond extract, 1 c unsweetened almond milk, and some ice cubes.

One of my most favorite not-chocolate smoothies is this:

1/2 frozen banana, 1/2 c frozen riced cauliflower, 1/2 c frozen mango chunks, 1/4 c frozen blueberries, 1 tbsp raw almond butter, 1 c unsweetened almond milk, 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein, 1 scoop of vital proteins collagen peptides (though I bet that the vanilla core power could easily replace vanilla whey protein + almond milk if that’s what you prefer!!!)

…now I need to make sure I have a protein smoothie this afternoon as a snack. I taught BODYPUMP this morning and upped my weights in triceps, biceps, and shoulders, and even though I had lots of protein and carbs for breakfast (core power along with steel cut oats!) and have protein-focused meals for the rest of the day, a smoothie is ALWAYS a good idea! I want to try to be more consistent with getting over 100g protein each day…


I second the Rockin Green active wear detergent!!! A bag lasts quite a long time and it’s totally worth the money. (Also, their Funk Rock ammonia bouncer is SO AMAZING at getting rid of the funk of musty towels or loads you forgot in the washer too long…)

My method is a soak cycle in the washing machine with the Rockin Green detergent, then a normal cycle with a small amount of normal Tide OxiClean detergent. If a smell is really stubborn, I do the soak cycle set on warm water, but otherwise just cold water for all cycles! I also hang dry all my technical fabrics.


I love all the laundry tips! To go along with that, what’s everyone’s favorite deodorant? Has anyone found anything to live up to the marathon?


We’ve had a shockingly little amount of snow where I am, but I’m not complaining this year since I’m training for Boston. I have to do a 20 miler this week and have been struggling to find time to do it all at once ( I refuse to get up any earlier than 3:45 to run) so I’m splitting them. Today looks best weather-wise and my husband is around to pick up the kids, so I did 12 this morning, and then I’ll do 8 when I’m done with work.
That mandarin orange pizza made me gag a little, but I’m glad the girls like it :)


Skye has such a positive perspective! I love it! We watched videos from people in Lake Tahoe and some of them could barely get out their doors.

I wash our running/workout clothes separately and I add some Oxyclean in addition to Gain and that seems to do the trick.

If I do a smoothie, it has to be pretty hot outside :) I love spinach, frozen blueberries, and frozen bananas.

My favorite pizza toppings are bbq sauce, chicken, pineapple, and jalapenos. Weird, but delicious.

Today was a tempo-ish run with 4 two-mile repeats in the middle at 1/2 marathon pace. I ran a super hard 19.4 mi run on Sunday night (at Vegas Rock N Roll) so I’m so thankful that my body responded well today!


i like fresh pineapple on pizza, but not canned. And turkey pepperoni sometimes, but not with the pineapple.
My husband likes broccoli, but I can’t do that on pizza! I plan to attempt a spinach and green pepper pizza tomorrow so we can have a “st paddy’s day” pizza!


tide sport is the only thing that works!


I use a mix of Tide Sport and white vinegar on my particularly stinky workout clothes. Works for the most part!


Huge smoothie fan….I use the Shaklee protein and load it up with healthy fats like chia or flax and of course a tablespoon of cashew or almond butter and some fresh greens. My favorite protein powder and a delicious way to end a workout ❤️


I like Skye’s optimism. Definitely never had that combo for pizza ha! But I’m definitely a smoothie fan, just not so much in the winter.


Because I’ve received MANY inquiries into what makes my clothes smell so good (i resell a lot of mine and my toddlers clothes). I use Tide Sport, with Laundry Sanitizer and some of the Unstoppable Downy beads. Use all 3. I have a husband that works in construction and 2 teenage athletes it’s what I’ve found that finally works. Been washing this way for a few years now. Feel free to share.


I swear by Hex sport detergent for getting rid of smells. I can use it on all my clothes so I don’t have to do separate loads. And for deodorant, I only use Tom’s of Maine now. It doesn’t have antiperspirant and I don’t get those yellow pit stains anymore!


Thanks so much for this post! I’ve wanted to try the Peg Trail so might pick up a pair. I have some Speed 2s and don’t have a lot of miles on them so am really looking to get deeper into them. Two questions: can you tell me what your normal shoe size is in, say Speed 2 or Asics Novablast compared to what you got for Superblast? I want to try the Superblasts but am nervous as I can’t find any shops within 3 hours of where I live that carry them for a try-on first. Second: which Core Power flavor should I try first (overjoyed at your Friday post!)? TIA!

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