High Hopes + Forcing Me + People are the Best

(shorts, bra, shoes for inside and vest ((on sale)), shirt, shoes for outside)

For someone that doesn’t like to be flexible with my training, this winter is sure forcing it on me.

We all had our hopes up high because the night before, the weather apps said there was only a 10% chance of snow, so we were ready to do our workout, but it definitely snowed.

It is really nice to have your coach at your workouts because then they truly see that a workout in this weather was not a good idea and how to adjust accordingly. We had 6 mile repeats on the schedule, which I was very excited about, but it was so slippery, and there was no way it would happen for us.

Ten miles @ 8:14 pace outside.
The weirdest part of our run was that we could smell chicken noodle soup STRONGLY in different areas every few miles. We could not figure out why but it made us all crave soup.
I then took it to the treadmill, and my coach told me to do 200s (aka my weakness). So I did 4 miles of 200m fast, 200m easy. I didn’t enjoy it in the slightest because I just wanted to be outside running fast with my friends, but I did it, and these two songs helped me a lot… the beats are awesome.
I came home to see a neighbor plowing our driveway. People are the best.
And this for breakfast. So so good.

 We were able to get up to the ski resort in the afternoon.

Andrew’s mustache was frozen.
It’s okay to feel two emotions about things, right? In the morning I was SO done with snow and then in the afternoon all of the fresh powder was amazing.
It was a bit too cold for Beck so he napped and then hung out with my parents.

 Knox was gone the first night we had this Thai Coconut Curry Ramen so when we had it for leftovers, he was in heaven. I want to make more today.


Have a favorite running song right now with a fast beat?

Ever split up a run between outdoors and indoors? When was your last treadmill run?

Anything else I need to add to my avocado toast?

Something nice that somebody has done for you recently?

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I frequently split up my runs between outside and the tread, depending on the time of year. Where I live in Louisiana, it’s at least 70%+ humidity about 3/4 of the year (NO FUN!) Fun fact: when I taught science several years ago, I once had a 5h grader do a project and he tracked that our city had < 70% humidity for only 45 days out of 365. Anyway, during the warmer months, it can feel like running in a sauna, no matter how early I start my run, so I usually hop on the treadmill to finish. OK, this is the 2nd day in a row that you have me craving Thai coconut curry, so that'll be a must for my meal prep this weekend. Thanks Janae! :) Happy Thursday!


I do not know how you survive that humidity. You are so so strong. ONLY 45 days of the year is less than that?! Thank goodness for those treadmill runs. I really need you to make that curry, you are going to love it and it is so good as leftovers too. Have a beautiful day, Emily!


For the avocado toast, add some almond butter to the bread before putting the avocado on. I had it at a restaurant a few years ago and have done it at home ever since! Everything bagel seasoning from Trader Joe’s is also a nice touch.


I have never heard of doing that until now and I cannot wait to try it. YUM… all of my favorite foods combined. Thanks for sharing, Kelly! Have a beautiful day!


add a sliced up hard boiled egg to the avocado toast, and some ground black pepper:)


DROOLING. That sounds amazing. Have a beautiful day, Loribeth!


TJ’s everything bagel seasoning is so good on avocado toast!

My last treadmill run was this morning, I have not been excited about running outside in the cold, so I compromise with myself by running inside and doing a peloton workout lol.


Adding that to my next piece of toast, thanks Mariah! GOOD FOR YOU… all running is running and whatever works best for you, I support. Way to get in those hard workouts!


Beck and your Dad are the cutest!! Buddies!


I agree, it means the world to me to see them together. Hope your day is a beautiful one!


My running path was 100% cleared by the time I ran yesterday. So grateful! Hopefully your run is better today. The last time that I ran on a treadmill that wasn’t at physical therapy was 2013.
Have you started to listen to Des and Kara’s podcast? I started this week and am loving it! Their voices are so soothing and they have such wise insight.


Hallelujah for a clear running path. I’m praying for one on Saturday! I’m obsessed with their podcast and I love how relaxed they sound on there too. It’s just like a big bunch of running friends are all getting together to listen to their knowledge. Keep me updated on which ones are your favorite. Have a beautiful day, Molly!


I love avocado toast! I like to add crushed red pepper flakes to mine, and sometimes an egg. I just got some avocados yesterday from my in-laws. Can’t wait for avocado toast after the gym today!
Any song from Sia is so good for me to run to. But I haven’t been listening to music on my runs in a while. I am loving the treadmill these days, every Tuesday and Thursday. Thanks to the Peloton app for that!
I know you’re ready to be done with the snow, but it is so pretty!
Oh, and Knox looks like a teenager!!!
Have a great day Janae 😊


Oh your avocado toast is going to be so incredibly good… I didn’t know your in-laws lived close! Sia has the best songs for run and you are crushing those Peloton runs. AGREED. It’s going too fast. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Hi Janae! Sometimes I just get obsessed with a song and then I run with it on repeat. But I also like doing loops so maybe that’s just me. I haven’t run on a treadmill for so long! Can’t say I’ve ever split a run between treadmill and outside.
Have an awesome day!


You are not alone in that… I love to put a song on repeat for a run! Thanks Amy, you too!


I don’t know how you get out in the cold to run – most of my runs have been treadmill runs so far this winter, but peloton classes make it not so bad.

Random question on supergoop – Do you wear it everyday, like put it on before you run, or only after runs under makeup? I’m looking for a new everyday face lotion with SPF that will hold up on a run, too. Thanks!


It makes it so much easier to know I have people to meet… not sure I would without them. I LOVE the Peloton tread classes, I just need their treadmill! I put it on before a run and again after my shower. So twice a day. I love it so so much. Let me know what you think of it and happy Thursday, Rachel!


Definitely ran inside yesterday too. And my watch was going backwards in time – UGH! Mmmm your toast looks amazing.


Literally backwards in time. I hope you get some avocado toast soon. The best. Have a beautiful day!


Your neighbor is the best! Yes, I have definitely done split runs several times. It helps to pass the time! I kind of like it. Sometimes I will warm up on the treadmill and then go outside. One particularly snowy and cold day in New England when I was training for a marathon I ran 11 miles (long route) to the gym and hopped on the treadmill and then ran home. It was only a couple of miles home. Great job on your workout!


my fave all time run tune, Talking Heads, life during wartime…….
I had to re-read, I thought you meant you wre running 6 mile repeats, not six 1 mile repeats…yikes…


Hi Janae! Apologies that this is completely unrelated to this post, but I saw this recipe for chocolate chipless cookies and though of your sister immediately! :) https://bromabakery.com/chocolate-chipless-cookies/

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