The Two Littles and I… undoing all the good and school update!!

Hey everyone!!  As you all know, Janae is in California getting some sun, and it is just the littles (Skye and Beck), and I am manning the fort, and I am writing a post for you all! 

Yesterday we dropped Janae and Brooke off at the airport, and then we went to my parents to help them with their latest project, finishing their basement….

I had all these grandiose plans to write a behind-the-scenes post about all the races/training/traveling with some good outtake photos, but it’s been a wild day. I promise one of these days I’ll get some good content out there for you all to enjoy!!! I just wanted to share what a day without the Hungry Runner Girl looks like, all the good I undo when I’m soloing it at home with the kiddos, and a quick update for school.

This is how the day started:

After a full week of work, trying to figure out how to frame a basement with my dad the day before, I knew I was in trouble. So here is where I introduce my unofficial sponsor:

I know, I know, I know… Red Bull is so bad for me, but I love it, and I’m not changing. This is my absolute FAVORITE flavor. On the back of the can is says this: “The Wings of Red Bull. Red Bull is appreciated worldwide by top athletes, busy professionals, college students and travelers on long journeys.” I think they need to put in wiped-out parents in there, do you?

I took Beck and Skye to the local aquarium. They both love animals and sea creatures, so it was fun to see them scream and see every little animal in that place. I didn’t plan well, I think half of Utah was there too.

We might have gone to two different Home Depots looking for more AWESOME Halloween decorations. I can’t believe they already have Christmas out!!!

Janae doesn’t leave much, but when she does, I tend to forget some things, undo some good, and secretly influence the kids.

Janae doesn’t love something dear to my heart. This should also be one of my unofficial sponsers, do you know what this is?:

For those who don’t know… It is In-n-out. I grew up on it, and I absolutely LOVE IT. Janae doesn’t and it is a stressor to our marriage, but we all can’t be perfect, right? Our kids are starting to like it more and more. So here is some more of that goodness:

I forget how hard it is to do the girls hair. I grew up with basically all brothers; my only sister is ten years older than me, so we didn’t cross paths much growing up. Janae is so bomb at doing hair that I usually, almost always, default to her abilities. I need to Youtube more styles tomorrow.

I forget that you have to schedule a nap into your schedule for your almost two-year-old. He was all sunshine and rainbows this morning, but 2 pm hit, and I remembered that I wasn’t where we needed to be, in his bed. But let’s just remember it this way:
Although we did have fun for 90% of the day, Skye and I got to work on the yard while Beck napped. She absolutely loved it, it makes me rethink that even the littlest things make these little kids happy!!

All right, let’s jump to a school update. For those who are new or might not
know, I am currently an ICU nurse and going to school to become a Nurse
Practitioner. I do not like school, not because I don’t want to learn; rather,
it is difficult for me to sit still or do what I’m told. To paint a better
picture for you, we had to go to back-to-school night for our kids a few weeks
ago. Our kids and we were so excited to meet their new teachers. One of our
kid’s teachers had us come in and sit at desks as she went over expectations,
curriculum, you know, all the stuff you need to know at the beginning of the
year. I don’t think we were 15 minutes into it when I felt Janae put her hand
on my leg-I guess I was shaking and fidgeting like a kid at school the day
after Halloween. I know I have a problem – I used to work alongside a bunch of
therapists that would always tell me my ADD was showing.

Anyways… I got distracted. I am a year and a half into my program. I
really like what I am learning, and to be honest, it is VERY daunting that
after this program, I will transition into a medical provider. I have no idea
what kind of Nurse Practitioner I want to be, so those who are in the field
reading this, let me know what you do and if you like it! I have about a year
and a half left to go.

Anyways I hope a few of you read my novel. I hope you are all having a
fantastic day!!!!

QUESTIONS for the comments:


To my Nurse Practitioners out there, what do you do, and do you love it?

What are you looking forward to most this weekend?


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Good morning Andrew! Way to hold down the fort with Janae gets some time away. I was an ER nurse for 12 years before finishing up my FNP. I now work in a rural primary care/ urgent care. It was a huge transition because I’m use to the fast pace, getting imaging and labs back almost immediately. In primary care you worry about prior authorizations, labs don’t come back until next day, you also worry about blood pressure metrics as well as diabetic metrics and so forth. I don’t love it, but it’s flexible and I make my own hours which come in handy with 5 kids and husband who is a pilot. So for now I stay. My advice for you is really lol at what you’re passionate about. As a FNP you can go anywhere, the ER, hospitalist, an intensivist even at smaller hospitals (especially with your ICU experience). I think you may enjoy something more faster paced than primary care but sky is the limit when it comes to jobs. There are so many avenues, you just have to find the right one.


Taryn — I just read your comment because it’s first. I’m also a former ED nurse, now FNP and my husband is a pilot. What a funny coincidence!!


Thanks so much for the advice!!! Passions… man I don’t know what those are yet and I’m an adult. The nice thing is that there are SO many different avenues, but I just gotta find that avenue that I love! Have an awesome day!!!


Enjoyed your post! I am an FNP and I am SO glad I went that route because you aren’t locked into one specialty. Considering your ADHD, you might appreciate the flexibility of job choice :) I worked in family practice for a few years and learned a lot but it about killed me. I work in pediatrics and also teach now and I love it! You’ll figure it out. Hang in there because it is worth it!


Hi Andrew! Great post. And you’re doing a great job juggling everything. I can’t imagine going to school, working, and having to take care of kids, etc., etc. No wonder Red Bull is your favorite. :)

I love seeing all the Halloween decoration updates! Everyone in your neighborhood must love going by your house.


Red Bull is life for sure!! Thank you, I think my neighbors will be happy when it is November 1!


Thanks for sharing today. So fun to have a post from HRG hubby.
Looking forward to the husband’s b-day tomorrow.


Thanks Erica!! Have an awesome day!!


Hang in there! I am a FNP (graduated in 2020) and a Palliative care Nurse Practitioner. I love it- I can spend up to an hour with a patient versus 15 minutes in a primary care office. I do home visits so the job does involve driving but worth it to be in a career I love.


Colleen! I have thought about that. I really liked doing palliative/hospice rotations. It is so hard and I feel like families need so much help and support during those times. I have a couple friends in that right now. Have an awesome day!!!


Great job! I always love when a Dad has to hold down the fort, usually comical stories happen. And the kids always love it because it seems they get to get away with way more, haha. I have no experience in the medical field, except my Mom was a nurse for a general family doctor. No matter what avenue of a Nurse Practitioner you choose, you’ll be making a difference. How exciting to have made it this far in your schooling. I hope you enjoy your one on one time with the littles and I hope Janae enjoys her kid free time away.


Hello Michele!! Yes, the best stories happen when moms away. I remember when we snuck a dog home for a week and half when my mom was on a work trip. It was crazy! Haven a great weekend!!


Hi! Love the guest post! I am a Women’s Health and Adult Primary Care NP. I went through a direct-entry program and began work as an NP 6 years ago. I work in an outpatient community health center on the OBGYN team. I love working outpatient because it allows for a *fairly* good work life balance. Work-life balance has felt a bit tougher over the past year given the current strain the entire healthcare industry is facing, but I’m optimistic things will improve.


Alix I hope you are right! Things have been quite crazy the last couple of years. I think my focus on the transition to NP is work/life balance. So I’m hoping not to only find a good job, but a good lifestyle too! That sounds like an awesome program!!! Good job working to be a NP!


Hi Andrew! So fun to hear from you, and way to go managing everything with Janae away having fun.
We are a huge In n Out family (we live in OC) so I totally recognized those socks. My youngest son has a few pairs.
Good luck with your school and work. It’s a long tough road, but will be so worth it when you’re done.
Have a great day!


Someone that gets it!! My family lived in the city of Orange for so long. I have so many fond memories of OC. Thanks so much for commenting!!


Andrew, this was a joy to read. I was thinking in the car this morning that I am most looking forward to the fact that I don’t have to do a long run tomorrow. Have fun this weekend!


Hey Maddie! Surprised we didn’t see you guys at ALS today. I’m also happy I don’t have a long run too! haha


OMG In-N-Out! Former Los Angeles girl here and I used to get them everyday at lunch back in high school. 1 double double with cheese and a chocolate shake please! Now in New York, Shack Shake is the rage, but well…… not quite it. Have one on me!


YESSSSSS. That’s what I usually get too! I like the animal fry too! To be honest, I don’t get the Shake Shack rage!! Have an awesome day.


I, for one, think that a behind-the-scenes post for races with outtake photos would be highly entertaining!!! I hope you can drink enough Red Bull to make it happen one day!


Great job holding down the fort, Andrew! I’m a California native but I agree with Janae, not an In-N-Out fan. Not when I can get Five Guys or Habit.


Kathy… I’m disappointed haha – No I agree Five guys is an awesome burger. But I gotta stick with my roots on In-n-out!


Hi Andrew! I’m an NP, and I currently work full time in Sleep Medicine, and have a part time position in a drug/alcohol detox facility. I really like it, but agree, being a medical provider is daunting. The benefit of being an NP versus an MD, though, is you always have those MDs to refer to.
My biggest piece of advice for when you get ready to look for a job is try to find a place that seems very supportive, no matter the specialty. I can’t say I’m super passionate about Sleep Med, but I work with a phenomenal group of physicians who are there to support me and teach me new things all the time. I started here about four years ago and doubt I’ll stay forever, but for now, it works well. My RN background was in adult ED and NICU — so, a huge variety!
Feel free to email me if you have any specific questions! I love talking NP stuff.


Stacey you are sooo nice! Thank you so much for offering that, I might take you up on that. I will have to save your email! That is super awesome advice. I think that is so vital to having a good experience in the transition to a provider. I have seen some of my friends go to a unhealthy position and they hate their job. So I’ll have to make sure I make the right choice of colleagues/position.


Dad weekends are so fun for the kids. Skye is such a helpful and busy productive kiddo! I think she could tackle the basement project, too!!!

Nurse here and I can’t imagine how busy and tired you must be-probably you operate on autopilot a lot! I think you might like ER or Urgent Care for the action. I worked in an OB/GYN office for awhile and the NP there loved the hours and minimal call. Will you get to shadow a NP in a few different settings? I think working at a college would be fun, too.

TGIF and have a great weekend!


Kelly, I hope my kids agree with you!! I think everyone is dead tired from yesterday and today. I agree with you, I think i would like the ER or Urgent care. Yes I have quite a bit of hours/internship coming up. So I think that will help me a ton to decide what route to go to. Have an awesome weekend!!


Aww they look like they had so much fun at the aquarium!!

Looking forward to my half marathon tomorrow! Have a great weekend!


Have an AWESOME race tomorrow. You will have to let us know how you did!!!


Wow, what an unkind comment! Why are you judging what they decide is best for their lives? You aren’t seeing everything that’s involved in their lives.


Hi Andrew! Not a NP, but a PA here. I worked in EM before transitioning to UC. I think both avenues provides good work/life balance because I prefer 12 hour shifts to a Mon-Fri schedule. I really like UC because you don’t have to worry about working nights & it’s generally lower stress/acuity. However, if you’re an adrenaline junkie, EM would likely be a better fit :) My best advice is the first year out of school will likely be rough no matter where you work (lol) but you WILL learn and become more confident! This is especially true if your first job has good supervision/support. Good luck, you got this!


Hi Andrew! I’m an FNP in InstaCare and there’s a lot to like about it and also some frustrations. I like the twelve hour shifts and schedule flexibility. But I get tired of working weekends and holidays. I like that when I am not at work I don’t have to do anything work-related. I like the variety of things I see – lots and lots of colds but also fun procedures and injuries. I love not having to manage chronic conditions but sometimes it’s hard not knowing if the treatments I implemented worked. It was a great job as a new NP because I was functioning autonomously but was always working with another provider, usually a physician, so I had someone available to ask questions. Dealing with the decisions of upper management at such a large company is really frustrating a lot of the time, but that’s kind of hard to discover until you’re actually working somewhere. Best of luck! I’m sure you’ll be fantastic!


What a fun weekend for all of you!! I’m in the same boat as you! ER nurse here, but I’m in the PMHNP program. I just started, and I cannot decide if this is the route I want. I LOVE the ER and the fast pace. I also think mental health needs a lot of attention, and I want to help! If I change programs to FNP, I have to go through a DNP program, and I’m not sure I’m up for that. Yet, I want to have flexibility in where I can work. So…I’m just as undecided!


Just wanted to take a minute to say, thank you for choosing this profession!! We need you!


Thank you very much for providing me with very useful information.


Good post!


Great! Get ready for great games on Tiny Fishing

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