My biggest tips for this + my very strong opinion

(tank, shorts, shoes)

We had our biggest group yet for a Saturday long run.  It was so much fun to have everyone there.

We warmed up 4 miles to a place called Trefoil, and then we got going on the marathon workout for the day…

10 miles @ marathon pace, 1 mile easy, and 5 miles @ marathon pace (or faster if possible).

The first four miles are down of the 10-mile tempo, and then it flattens out… I didn’t feel great until it flattened out and was happy to only get faster with my pace–> finished with a 6:09 average (faster than marathon pace oops) for those miles and felt amazing

We went to the restrooms, jogged a mile, and then got started on the 5-mile tempo, and while my body felt great on this portion, my stomach killed me.  I was very happy to still get a 6:15 average (my goal marathon pace) for those 5 miles.

I now have an even stronger opinion about Maurten gels!  I made the worst mistake and forgot most of my gels in my car for this run.  My friends saved me with their extra gels because there was no way I could run 22 miles without enough fuel.  I took two maurtens in the beginning and then two other gels throughout the miles.  My stomach felt like a million bucks with the maurtens (the first ten-mile tempo) but about ten minutes after taking my first of the other gels, my stomach cramped up like never before (and I even took it with water).  It hurt so bad.

Long story short, I have found the magic solution for my gut, and I will never forget my maurtens again!

1.5-mile cool-down, and then we sat.

Time to start wearing more clothes for runs.  I was shivering at many points along the way, and I finished with blue lips and goosebumps.

1000 feet UP and 1400 ft DOWN.

80.89 miles for the week!  Time to taper.

The rest of the weekend looked like a lot of soccer:

And a lot of refueling (current favorite banana muffins):


The St. George Marathon is coming up quickly (19 days), so I thought I would share my biggest tips for this race in case you are going to be there.  This will be my 5th time doing the marathon (I’ve done the half once too) and as you know, I’m quite obsessed with this race.

I’ve run a 3:12, 3:15, 2:59 & 2:49 here and my goal this year is a 2:44 (ahhhh!).   My recaps for this race are here, here, here, here, and here if you want more info.

Just some things to think about:

*They are passing out Maurten gels at miles 7, 11, and 19 this year.  If you haven’t tried these gels out yet, try them out before the race because it is so nice to be able to grab the gels that they pass you.  They have a great fueling plan here!  Aid stations are at miles 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24.5 and 25.25.  Grab liquid at all of the aid stations!

*The first mile may feel a little congested but don’t worry; everyone will spread out, and you will have plenty of space.

*Negative splits are always a goal of mine when it comes to the marathon, ESPECIALLY on this course.  My goal is to run a 1:24 for the first half and a 1:20 for the second half this year.  The first half has some challenging hills from miles 7-12, and if you waste your energy there trying to go too fast, you will slowly die at the end.  The second half has many opportunities to make up lost time in the first half. Trust it.

*Don’t look at your watch from miles 7-12.  Just don’t.  Focus on effort and just getting through the ups.  Shorten up your stride and use those glutes to get you up.

*Don’t get carried away in the first 10k.  It’s easy to do so in every race, but because it is still a little dark and has net downhill, it’s easy to go under marathon pace effort too much.  Be careful, you’ll be so happy you didn’t during the end.

*I bring a small water bottle with me for the first few miles.  It’s so important to not get behind on your hydration because it tends to get hot there.

*You only have to take three turns during the entire race.  The last turn is .35 miles away from the finish line!  Enjoy those last few minutes as the finish line gets closer and closer!

*Wear a hat/visor or BRING sunglasses.  For the last few miles, the sun will be in your eyes and bright.  I will be using these sunglasses this year!

*They pass out bags of ice in the final miles, and if you have a sports bra on, please stuff ice in there and thank me later.

*Pour water on your head whenever you can.  It gets warm (luckily, a dry warm!), but this helps so much.

*Don’t cry too hard when you get to snow canyon, it will cost you too much energy;).  But really, soak in when you drop into snow canyon.  The views are too good to be true, and I wish this picture could show you are pretty it is…

IMG 8995

*Unlock in the final 10k.  There are a few tiny ups, and the last mile or two are flat but don’t put on the breaks on the downhill.  Lean forward, let the descent take you away, and smile as your average pace drops.

*If you are running the half, bring a headlamp!  It starts earlier than the marathon and was PITCH dark last year.  It was scary trying to run fast in complete darkness for the first 6 miles so bring some light.

*Remember, the real work is done.  It’s time to keep things sharp but relax and taper.  The physical work is done, but now it is time for the mental work.  You can find my favorite tips for this–> HERE and HERE.

My favorite eats and things to do in St. George are here and here.  Make sure to celebrate hard after the race!

Does anyone have tips to add for the St. George Marathon or half?  Who will be there in 19 days?

Have any races that you have done for more than one year?

What do you do when you have stomach cramps while running?  What causes them for you?

-I tried what has worked in the past (push on the cramp hard with my fingers), but nothing was helping on Saturday.

What was the best thing you ate over the weekend?

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As Dax and Miniature Mouse would say “ding ding ding.” I had cramping during my long run this weekend but I couldn’t figure out why. It was after I took the only non-Maurten gel.
And Madison Mini Marathon is generally my annual race. It’s blazing hot and humid and chocked full of rolling hills. Clearly I’m a glutton for punishment.


Hahaha I just heard the ding ding ding in my head;). I am so sorry you had the cramping too… it hurts SO bad. Thank goodness for Maurten gels, they save us. Ummmm you love the pain, I would die in those conditions. Have the best day, Molly!


The best thing I ate was pickles at an aid station lol. I made it to 60km of my 100 km and I called it a day. After climbing up and down both blackcomb and whistler mountain I just couldn’t bring myself mentally to climb up whistler mountain again. There was nothing physically wrong with me but it mentally bŕoke me. My first dnf lol! I will be back lol. Still happy with the almost 12 thousand feet of climbing.
It was a stunning day out there! And sunrise
And sunset in the mountains is hard to top. And lessons learned. And saw lots of community and trail friends out there. Definitely will not forget this race.

We are enjoying our last day in whistler today and I took tomorrow off as well. Definitely hobbling a little.

Hope you had a great weekend and happy Monday Janae !


60K is still awesome! Great job!


60k is AMAZING! I am so sorry it wasn’t your day mentally but the fact you did 60k of that… I am in awe. That is so incredible. 12k ft up… just wow. I don’t know how you do what you do. Kristine, you are amazing. Enjoy your last day in Whistler, we will meet you guys there next time you go!


How do you like that fairlife drink? I bought a store brand shake and it was gross. I usually make it at home with fruit etc and it tastes great but I was traveling so I bought a ready to drink shake and it was nasty.

I’m proud of everything you’ve accomplished! It’s an inspiration.


Veronica, you NEED them in your life. They are by far the best protein shake, I look forward to their taste. I work with them now but I have been drinking them for years so I just love them:). Thank you, that means a lot. Have the best day! Keep in touch!


That sounds like a tough workout! Good job!! I am doing the Baltimore half again this year, only a few weeks away!

After my 10 miles on Saturday I got the most amazing açaí bowl, it felt heavenly after my long run.


Few more weeks wahoo! I am so excited for you. And now I need that acai bowl. Maybe I’ll go get one with Beck! Have a beautiful day, Mariah!


The mountains look so pretty out there! Great job on the long run! And way to end the week with almost 81 miles! Wow!
Andrew shaved his beard!? He had that mustache for a while.
I love your tips for the St. George marathon. You know that course we’ll. I am so excited to see how you do this year. 19 days!!
I’ve run the LA marathon 5 times, and loved that course. But then they changed it a couple years ago, and it doesn’t sound as good. I’ve also run the Surf City half marathon about 10+ times, and feel like I can run that with my eyes closed… Ha ha. But that’s a fun race, mostly along the ocean (you actually run on PCH) in Huntington Beach.
I’m gearing up for a busy couple of days, but thank goodness our heatwave is over!
Have a good Monday Janae 😊


Thank you so much, I am so excited to taper. He did, he is having fun switching things up. LA 5 times, that is amazing and Surf City 10+ times… I want to do both of those. And along the ocean, that just sounds dreamy. Good luck with all of the stuff you have going on and enjoy the cooler temps. My parents were there a few days ago and couldn’t believe how hot it was. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Hi Wendy! I grew up in Huntington Beach! My parents still live there. I’ve never done a race there and now I want to go back and run the surf city half!


My tip for running cramps is to run with your arms completely straight down by your sides for a little while.


AMANDA!!!! It is so good to hear from you! I need updates! I will totally try that next time, thank you and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Stomachs and running……….ahhhhhh we do everything we can to keep them happy. Every once and a while it just does its own thing no matter what.
Best thing I had to eat this weekend was cheetos. Just salty goodness that hit the spot.


Go Janae! You’re going to have a great race, you’ve really put in the work.

*I had collagen supplements really mess up my stomach, just sharing in case you want to stop taking it a few days before running? I know that’s an individual thing, some people have zero issues.

I’ve tried bending over on the side that was having a stomach cramp, this has worked and not worked, lol.

Have a great week! :)


I’ve never done the St. George, but after reading about your love for it for so long I really want to! Maybe next year:)

The only races that I’ve done multiple times are the ones that are close to me–the BG26.2(but I’ve only done the half–twice) and I have done two Disney races(both at Disney but one was the marathon and the other was the 10 miler this past spring) and I am doing the Princess Half this spring! Love the Disney races!

Ugh–stomach cramps are the worst! I have had luck pushing on the spot, also pursing my lips and breathing in and out like that for a few minutes. I also have noticed that a bit harder effort(going up a steep hill) helps sometimes–my guess is it regulates my breathing. These only help if the cramp is caused by my breathing being off–if it is GI distress nothing really helps!

Best thing I ate this weekend was cake pops! My daughter had a birthday so we had cake and cake pops. I think there are some left in the fridge…..

Have a great day Janae!


The best thing I ate was my post long run fried egg + spinach + pickles + EVB seasoning + sriracha + fig jam sandwich post long run. I am obsessed!

Question – does anyone have Berlin Marathon experience? It is coming up fast, and I am getting nervous because I haven’t found the wealth of information that I’ve been able to find for the stateside majors. TIA!


I am the same way with gels. Hammer gel is the only thing that my stomach can handle. I think Hammer and Maurten have very similar ingredients.

Best thing I ate this weekend – Mango Chiffon pancakes! We are back in Hawaii, eating at our favorite places.


We’re heading there this Wednesday! Which island(s) are you visiting?


Good job! Were you not bothered by the smoke? St. George is my favorite! This will be my 9th year running the marathon. One thing I would add is that they have lots of good stuff at the finish. Farmstead’s kouign amann is my favorite. Also, Croshaw’s pies (banana or coconut cream).


NINTH YEAR! That is amazing. You are so so right. The best food at the end! Good luck!


Hi Janae! Hoping you can give me some advice about the Nike Vaporflys. I bought the same pair a few months back when they were on sale but haven’t worn them yet – I’m saving them for a marathon next month. My question is, how much do they need to be broken in/how much do you wear a new pair before racing a full marathon in them? I definitely want to test them out before my race, but I know they have a shorter shelf life and don’t want to put TOO many miles on them. I’d really appreciate any advice about how much to wear them and what kind of runs to test them out in (i.e. long runs/speed runs/some combo of both). Thanks!!

(Also to answer one of your Qs: best thing I ate this weekend was a giant, salty soft pretzel after an 18-mile training run. Yum!)


Re: ice in sports bra- I endorse this tip. I followed your lead on a 10k that started at 84 degrees with a dew point of 74. While I died (as expected), I died less than everyone else once I iced. It is the only time I have been glad I have to deal with a bra in a race.

Good luck in St. George! You have everything you need in you! We’re all proud of your courage and grit!


maurten is sooooo expensive. how do you afford it without a real job and 4 kids??? i never use gels except for races.


I AM SO BUMMED I AM NOT GOING TO BE AT ST GEORGE! I was supposed to run this marathon for my first marathon with a friend – but I couldn’t find childcare. BOO! I’m running Twin CIties Marathon instead that same weekend. ANYWAY = My only goal for ST. George was going to be to meet you FINALLY. I will be cheering from afar – and preparing for my own the following day!!



OH NO!!!!! I am so so bummed now. We will find a time to meet! Have the best time at Twin Cities and I am cheering for you. Let me know how it goes!

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