(shoes, top, shorts)

I felt a little emotional that it was our last workout of the training block! A few of our friends are going in different directions after this marathon, and I want us to keep training together forever. Feeling two emotions at once has become my specialty… missing training already but also so excited for some time off, ha.

I cannot wait to see what everyone does on Saturday.

 I’m sure they will miss me making sure they start refueling the second we finish the workout.

I brought out my race shoes for this short workout. While I was pretty sure I could get away with saving them completely for race day, I didn’t want to realize during the marathon that there was something wrong with them!

They are ready to go.

Seven miles @ 7:45 average with 2 miles a little faster than marathon pace (my goal marathon pace is 6:15) + 4 x 30-second strides with the happiest hamstrings (THEY TURNED A CORNER)!

FullSizeRender 10

The featured carbohydrate for yesterday was this churro bread that my friend brought over.

The rest of the day was spent celebrating Knox! He and Andrew went to in-n-out for lunch; we took treats to his class and then played with his new toys for the rest of the day.

Brooke’s card to him made me so happy. Best friends since they were 3.

Four more things before I say goodbye for today…

I’ve been rereading Meb’s book about the lessons he learned from his 26 Marathons. This is another must-read, in my opinion! I’m going to be so patient on Saturday.

Good news… the temperatures have dropped a few degrees for Saturday! EVERY degree counts, ha.

I think all of my time at Plunj in the last few weeks is going to help me out with running in the warmer weather! PS has anyone ever done a cold plunge somewhere amazing? Andrew and I want to travel somewhere cool to plunge.
Every night we see people out front looking at Andrew’s Halloween decorations. Andrew is so much fun.

What is your run or workout today?!

-4-5 miles

Is anyone feeling two very different emotions about the same thing lately?

What shoes did you wear for your last race?

What temperature is your absolute favorite for racing?


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Churro bread sounds amazing!! Recipe?

Run today is a track workout! It’s the last session of the season so we are running a mile to see how our times improved this summer.


Oh I wish I had a recipe! It was from Kneaders and I’ve almost eaten the whole thing haha. SO excited about your track workout! You are going to rock it after all of the hard work you have put it. Go Mariah!


We took our 4 kids to Iceland this summer! And EVERY town has a small pool with some sort of sauna, hot tub, cold tub, and slide combination. It was heaven! We went swimming every other day and spent lots of time hopping between the hot and cold, in addition to all the fun in the pool and slides. Iceland is absolutely magical…and the pools were an extra bonus that kept us all happy in the midst of our hiking and adventuring!


We cold plunged in Iceland.

2 feelings at once. I can identify. :)


That is our dream. We should have come with you guys:). And sometimes it’s even three feelings at once haha. Have a beautiful day, Erica!


I have a race on Saturday, also. There’s a 90% chance of rain………hurricane Ian is supposed to come through. Luckily I’m in MD, so it should only be rain.
Saturday will be all of the emotions. My dad died last Tuesday, he always watched me in this race. I won female masters last year (not as impressive as it sounds) but Dad didn’t care. He talks like I’m faster than Usain Bolt.
I wore the Saucony Endorphin Pro in my last race (thank you for the coupon code!). I love them so much I bought a second pair while there on sale. I’ll be wearing them Saturday. I got them in yellow. My kids call them my SpongeBob shoes.
Happy Birthday, Knox!!! I hope it was great!


Lee. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. My heart is broken for you. I love reading about the amazing support your dad was for you and how proud he was of what you did. Good luck on Saturday and go run for your dad! I’m always here if you need to talk!


Janae I am so excited for you for Saturday!! Sending all the positive vibes for an amazing race- you’ve got this!


THANK YOU, BLAIRE! I cannot wait! Hope your day is off to a great start!


Yes, I absolutely loved that Meb book!!! So much wisdom.
My workout for today is… staying inside eating pumpkin waffles. We’re getting hit by Ian (luckily I’m on the east coast of Florida so not getting the worst of it) but school is canceled and we’re all staying home.
Happy Birthday to Knox! I love that he and Brooke are best friends- he looks like an incredible person.


I basically want to highlight the entire book. I hope everyone is okay and that Ian passes by quickly! Thinking about you and enjoy those pumpkin waffles. Thank you, Jenny!


LOL Janae – when I first read your answer to what temp is your favorite to run in I thought yours said -45 degrees and I’m like, darn, that is really cold. Ha ha! My fave temp to race in is probably around 40-45.

Last shoes I raced in – for marathon it was the Endorphin Speeds, for a half-marathon and 10K it was the Endorphin Pros. The Pros are just a little too stiff for me for marathon distance. I get the same nice springy feeling from the Speeds with a softer ride that is just nicer to my body over long distances.

Feeling two different emotions – YES! I’m 18 days out from my marathon and I’m excited but also starting to feel a little of the post-marathon blues (already?). Also – I GET TO RUN BOSTON 2023!!! I qualified for the first time ever and just *barely* made it (8 seconds under my qualifying time) and I’m so excited to get to run it but also the timing is weird being this close to another marathon that I’ve trained my butt off for…..like I won’t be able to fully absorb the idea of actually getting to run Boston until my October marathon is in the books.

My run today – 10K time trial, 2.5 weeks out from marathon day and I CRUSHED IT! Set a 10K PR, ran 5 seconds faster per mile than the Labor Day 10K I ran, and 15 seconds faster per mile than my spring marathon training cycle that netted me a marathon PR. So. Ready. For. This. Race.

I’m loving your training updates since I’m only a couple weeks behind you in my training cycle and will be cheering like mad (virtually) for you as you run this Saturday. GO OWN THAT COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!


Bahaha I would have never noticed that ha… yeah, -45 would kill me! That is exactly what some of my friends say with the pros vs the speeds. They really are amazing shoes! AHHHH CONGRATS on Boston 2023! I just got my email and I better get to meet you there. I am so happy for you! HUGE PR. You are on fire and I better get to hear all about your marathon. Thank you so much… I cannot wait!


So…..just this morning I ordered myself a pair of Vaporflys for race day. My husband raves about his and I know you love yours and I always told myself if I was in great shape for a goal race I’d spring for a really good pair of shoes. They’re supposed to arrive about 10 days before race day. I’ve never even tried them on before, don’t know if I’m crazy or what. But I’m going to give them a whirl!


Hi Janae! I needed to hear that about patience today, thank you! I agree mid 40s is great racing weather. I hope it keeps dropping!
No run for me today, I’m slowly working my way back.
Happy hump day!


Patience patience patience… it rewards us so much:). Happy Wednesday to you too! Thanks Amy!


I don’t think I could run 1 mile at 6:15- you are amazing and will rock it! Would you be willing to share how you found your workout/running group and coach? Also, I would love to see Andrew’s decorations!


HEY LAURA!! So I found my group through my neighbor, Emilee! She had connected with them through our running store and once she invited me to go with them all… I was hooked! And now my coach is one of the friends I’ve been running with since 2019! He has only been running for 3 years now but has brought his marathon time down to 2:30! It’s incredible to see the progress he has made! I need to post more pics of the decorations, I haven’t done a ton yet (besides the 12 ft skeleton ha) because it shows a bit too much of our house but I’ll try some new angles. Have a beautiful day, Laura!


You’re gonna do so well, Janae!!!! Can’t wait to see you crush your goals!!!

10000% feeling two emotions at once right now and it is exhausting lol. My husband and I are talking about maybe trying for our first kid soon and it’s exciting and absolutely terrifying at the same time. I’ve been running marathons consecutively for 10 years (Marathon #16 for me is the Chicago Marathon in 11 days!!) and I know I’ll have to step back from training which is really sad but also could maybe be a nice break :)

Eat all the carbs this week and rest up!!!


AHHHHHHH Arthi! This is HUGE! Oh my goodness, I am so excited for you! I couldn’t agree more, it really is a nice break that our body needs. And running pregnant is an incredible experience too that strengthened me in so many ways. GOOD LUCK in Chicago! You are going to do amazing. I’m so excited for all of these big things in your life.


I like +25C, and maybe -25C, but fall and spring are my fave running and biking time…..love seasons.
we did 8K last night that was pretty quick, tonight, will involve a lot more hills, but about the same
but, just had 2 cubic yards of top soil delivered so the day will be about landscaping…


Great job on your run last night and go rock those hills! Good luck with the landscaping! Have a great day, Warren!


Aaawww… Knox looks so happy! What a fun day.
My workout today was 5 miles with lots of hills! Now doing some good stretching before getting on with the rest of the day, which includes grocery shopping, Target, and finally getting out my fall decorations. I feel so behind this year. Ha ha
Favorite temps to run in would be anything in the 50’s to low 60’s. And right now that sounds so dreamy!! Can’t wait for cooler temps.
Just a few more days and then it’s race day! I am so excited for you!
Have a great Wednesday!


Way to get in those hills today, Wendy! You’ve been all over the place this year so don’t feel bad about being behind! Thanks friend, have a beautiful day!


Can we see your Halloween decorations?!
Two or more emotions ALL the time! Right now it’s excitement to meet our twin girls in 9 (!!) days…but also terrified since it’s our first babies!
Good luck on your marathon!! I know you’ll do incredible. Whether you hit your goals or not you are amazing either way :)


Norway for sauna and dipping into their natural waters! Or Iceland! Also, Germany has gobs of spa hotels in the mountains with saunas and cold pools.

Happy last few days of emotional crazies! In our family, anyone who has a race coming up is not allowed to use any kitchen knives-noone needs to be marathon antsy and chop veggies. That is a disaster waiting to happen!

Glad Knox had a great day!


If you ever get the chance please visit the Halcyon Hot Springs in BC near Revelstoke. Not only is the ferry ride there epic, the scenery is beautiful, and you can stay in little cabin like rooms in the trees. The hot spring pools overlook the mountains and there is a cold plunge pool right next to the hot ones so you can go back and forth. Once of the best weekends ever. :-)

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