Random thought of the day + fartleks + new tradition

(top, shorts, shoes, socks)

A fartlek type workout on a Tuesday because we are racing on Saturday.

The canyon was chilly, which was exciting because I didn’t drown from my sweat, but it was also very cruel because it means summer is almost over, and I am not ready for that.

We did a 5-mile warm-up and then did 1, 3, 5, 3, 1 —-> 1 minute fast, 1-minute easy, 3 minutes fast, 3 minutes easy, 5 minutes fast, 3 minutes easy, 3 minutes fast, 1 minute easy, 1 minute fast.

Ten miles total at 7:07 average.

This group keeps me motivated.

I went with the Alphaflys! My coach told me to try them for a bit longer run before the race to make sure I loved them, so I listened. They are amazing, and I felt like I was flying during the intervals. My only complaint is they are louder than any other shoe that I wear when my foot hits the ground… but maybe my steps will be like white noise during the raise and keep me calm;)

I made it back before he was awake. He wakes up in the best mood.

The highlight of their day was seeing a firetruck.

We started a new tradition where we take each kid individually to school clothes shopping.

He wanted salty.

She wanted sweet.

**Random thought of the day: Why you should not stress over what other people think about your race times/not hitting your running goals—> The people who don’t run usually don’t even pay attention to the numbers, they are just AMAZED that you are out there running. The runners in your life realize that everyone has good and bad days. So if you don’t hit your goal time, we all know that we have off days and that you will keep working until you get it. Long story short, nobody cares about our times! Keep doing what makes you happy and go after what you want without the pressure!

Any back-to-school traditions that you have?

Are chilly mornings happening for anybody else?

Tell me something you are thankful for today!

Where do you think the best French fry is from?

-McDonalds and I have very strong feelings about this.  Chic-fil-A comes in 2nd place with their sauce being a must if eaten!

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McDonalds fries dipped in sweet n sour sauce……….yum!!!!! Takes me back to my college days when my sister and I would go there for lunch on Fridays for the fries. Second is Wendy’s fries. Since they changed their formula or the way they do things, they are delicious! I usually pass on the chic-fil-a fries. When I get them, they need to be dipped in chic-fil-a sauce.
I’ll be taking my girls school clothes shopping on Saturday. The older one will be practicing driving to college and we are going to stop and do some shopping while we’re out. It’s not really a tradition. I usually take every Friday off in August to get the kids ready for school but with Dad’s illness this year, I spend every Friday with him.
What I’m thankful for…………the kid that’s going to college is going to college. Her anxiety was so bad in 2020 we had to pull her out of school. She has worked hard the last couple of years. She graduated on time, with really good grades and is majoring in nursing.
Have a great Wednesday!


Well, now I must try the fries dipped in sweet n sour sauce. Drooling just reading about it. I really need to try some of Wendy’s soon. I hope you have a great time with your girls shopping and driving to college… wow! I am so sorry about your dad, Lee.
I am so happy with how your daughter is doing, she is a fighter and has worked SO hard to get where she is. Thank you, you too!


I dream of chilly mornings hahah. It’s been SO dang hot here in Philly that I basically just take the dog to our morning park hang in the morning and we don’t do any other walks since the feels like has been high 90s or in the 100s the past 1.5 weeks or so. It’s finally cooling off this weekend and I can’t wait for those mid 80 temps hahah.

Okay love that tradition for back to school shopping. I want to do that when I have kids. Brooke and Knox probably loved the solo shopping out too! Have a great Wednesday!


You deserve some chilly days asap. I hope they come soon! They really had so much fun and loved all of the attention. Skye is so excited for next week to do the same! Have a beautiful day, Maureen!


Yes! – to your random thought. I’m a slow runner, and it would be easy to get down on myself while reading about others paces. But, I know that I am doing this for myself, my physical and mental health, and for fun! People could run 2 marathons in the time it’ll take me to run 1, but that’s okay! It’s my journey to the start and finish lines!


YES YES YES! And all runners get that, I love it. There is always going to be someone better and it’s exhausting and depressing to compare, doing it for ourselves and our own personal goals makes it fun and fulfilling. Love this thought, thank you for sharing it. Have a beautiful day, Terese!


So smart to take each kid shopping individually! I try taking all 3 at the same time and I am ready to pull my hair out by the end! It turns out more stressful than fun.

I am looking forward to those chilly mornings! Last week it was 50 degrees and it was wonderful. I am not enjoying the 80+degree and humidity on my morning runs in Florida this week.

Today I am thankful for being able to take this short trip with 2 of my kids. It is not lost on me on how lucky and fortunate we are to be able to do this.

Don’t worry about loud shoes during my first marathon, a man told me “you have loud footsteps” I wasn’t sure how to respond so I said “ok” ;-).

Have a fabulous Wednesday Janae!


Hahaha we have done that too and it was just too much for us to handle. We need another week before we take Brooke to decompress after so much time at the mall;) FIFTY degrees, wow! I am so happy you were able to get away with two of your kids. Memories that all of you will remember forever.
Hahaha ‘ok’! Seriously, how else do you respond to that statement?!
Thanks Becky, you too!


Good morning, Janae! I love the very determined power walker captured in the background of your first pic!!
Chilly mornings returned today after a crazy hot stretch and that is exactly what I am thankful for today!!!!! Glad to hear they have returned for you as well.
I always thought Wendy’s had the best fries, but I haven’t had them in such a long time, that I’m not sure if that’s still the case. I choose to believe it is haha :o) Have an awesome Wednesday, Janae!


Oh I didn’t even notice that until you said something! The canyon has so many people out working out, it makes me so happy. Hallelujah for a cooler morning today! Lee also said that Wendy’s fries are amazing so I think you are right. I need some to dip into a frosty asap. I hope your day is a wonderful one, Janine!


I am SO ready for cooler mornings! I feel like it’s around the corner for us- next week there are no days with highs in the 90s so I’m excited about that! One good thing about warmer mornings though- I’ve been going swimming before work as much as possible and the water feels like the perfect temperature :)

I’m thankful that I’ve been able to train for this triathlon with Dan. He’s not a runner so I usually don’t get to do any kind of workouts with him, but this time around we’ve been swimming and biking together and it’s been such a nice change! He works in an office now so I don’t get to see him that much during the week and it’s been a great way to connect and also do something active together. Plus- it keeps me motivated to train hard for the race!


Excited for your next week, that will feel so refreshing! I would have to wear a wetsuit to get myself in the pool when the temperatures drop;). I love that you are able to train with Dan for this triathlon. There is something so bonding about doing hard things together. That time together is everything and I am cheering for both of you. Happy Wednesday, Gretchen!


It’s too bad more people don’t care about times; maybe they would notice the cheating and corruption. And then feel better about their slower times!
Also, back to school shopping is overrated and creates the consumerism that is fuelling all of the cheating.
Have a great day!


Thanks Wendell, I hope you have a great day too!


I am beyond ready for cooler mornings! But I get that that means summer is winding down… No!
I love that random thought! And it’s so true!! I had not such a great finish time for my last half marathon, but I ran the whole darn thing happy!! And, I didn’t look at my watch. All my non running friends are always amazed at running, especially anything over 5 miles, and my running friends loved that I ran happy the whole time! You are so right!
Today I am thankful for having our new study/den space basically done, so I can start organizing and getting everything pulled together. And I am so thankful for a gym with AC and fans, because I have been running later in the morning, and it is way to hot and humid outside!
Have a great day Janae 😊


Right?! The people that don’t run are just clapping for runners that do anything at all! And our running friends GET IT with the good, the bad and the ugly of running ha. I LOVE that you ran that half happy and without looking at your watch. That is awesome. Excited about your new study. How fun! Hallelujah for being able to go to the gym again and the amazing cooler air in there, so happy you have that. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Hi Janae! I gotta agree about McDonald’s fries! In college I used to get in n out burgers and then McDonald’s fries, best of both worlds!
Can’t wait for the chilly mornings here!
Have a great day!


Amy. That is pure brilliance in your college years… bring together the two bests. I’ll tell Andrew to try this:). I need to try McDonalds fries with Chic-fil-A sauce… thanks for the idea of combining the best of both worlds. I hope you get some chilly mornings soon. Thanks friend, you too!


I love those fruit punch shorts!
True cheerleaders only hope for your success, and keep it in the right perspective of life importance for an unmet athletic goal/performance.
If anyone who is any different speaks loudly about some areas of relationship or life growth.


Yes. Yes. Yes. You have always been that type of cheerleader for me and I’ll always be grateful for that!


Thank you for reading through all my typos and confusing sentences and still get the point.


Thanks for sharing your random thought about not stressing about your race time…..it’s so true. Have a great race saturday!


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