Tuesday Tangents!

(tank, shorts, shoes)

10 miles @ 8:34 average on the roads and a speed workout is happening today.

We met our friend Austin at our new favorite donut stop after my run. Austin is a big foodie and he had to try it, he agreed that they were the best glazed donuts he has ever had (his #1 donut is in Texas).

We also grabbed some for my BIL and sister’s family to try. My BIL agreed that they are actually life changing. I can’t figure out what is so different about them but I’ll be back as much as possible.

I went into full cleaning mode when we got home. Skye was happy to join for parts of the frenzy. I don’t feel like cleaning often but when I do, I go for it.

These two also went out on a bike ride together.

Brookie gets home tomorrow and Skye is counting down the seconds.

Let’s get chatting about some tangents!

*My sister had us over for dinner the other night and this salad was part of the spread. I need you to make it if you love a good salad. She also dried those cherries in an air fryer using the cherries from her tree.

*I wish these summer nights could last forever.

*Giving Beck a haircut is quite the test of patience. He doesn’t stop moving.

*We have a project we want to start on. We have a large shed in our yard and we want to turn this into a fun game room type thing for the kids and their friends to come over and use. Time to start planning and getting creative.

*These two decided to go on a walk together last week and it made me so happy. This summer back and forth stuff is hard on Skye because she wants her siblings home with her!

*Jenn started our trail race with a bag of ice in her sports bra. I’ll be copying her for my next race.

*Who wants to plan a trip to go to Keira D’Amato’s new running store together?

Share a tangent with me today?

Who is your favorite elite runner?

Favorite tip/trick for staying cool during these hot runs?

Feeling sore anywhere these days?

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Hi! Yes to ice in your sports bra. I am absolutely trying that in my run tomorrow. It’s just so hot here in Louisiana and I’ll do anything to make it bearable! Also yes to that salad—in the summer I live off of salads with all the fresh veggies and nuts and fruit—so I’m so here for that.
I’m totally loving the Grit Final with Steph Bruce. Such a champion and so full of wisdom.
Also, unrelated—Lindsey Hein has been doing a nutrition series on her I’ll Have Another podcast and it’s amazing. She did one episode with Maddie Alms on iron and REDs and it was so so good. The whole series is great!
Have a lovely day!


I hope the ice in your bra helps out tomorrow. You are my hero for running through Louisiana summers. Let me know if you try the salad and what you think of it. I’m with you, Steph Bruce is so so great. Ummm, thank you for telling me about this. I will absolutely be listening, have a great day Avery!


If you’re still feeling the cleaning bug please come over and do my house next! I have my housewarming coming up and just have so much to do it’s overwhelming! Plus my family is coming to visit during it so everything has to be spotless..ahh!

I definitely want to go to Keira’s shop! Richmond is pretty close to me and I went earlier this year. It’s a beautiful city so I have to go back. There’s a marathon there in the fall that’s super popular.

Can’t wait to see what you do with that shed! It’s going to be so fun :)


Baha the cleaning bug is officially gone but I’ll let you know if it comes back. GOOD LUCK with getting your new home all ready for the party and visitors. Meet me there for the marathon and then shopping afterward?! Have a great day, Gretchen!


Is this the shed that you used to work out in? Yours will be the best house to hang out in for all the kids and their friends!! So fun!! Can’t wait to see the transformation… I have a feeling you will be consulting your sissy haha


YES, IT IS! Great memory. Thank you. Meghan and my sister will be majorly involved, ha. That’s my goal, I want them and their friends HERE. I hope your Tuesday has been a great one so far!


Ice in a sports bra–BRILLIANT! I wish I could use that trick when I am teaching RPM, but somehow I think that would make me lose a bit of authority on the instructor bike. BUT, I might find a way to use that in a joke somewhere along the way…

In the picture of Skye by the dining room table, she looks like a teenager with her smile and her top knot. But then in the next picture with her bike helmet, she’s back to being a big girl.

As for tangents: in 1:30 I am facilitating my first session of one of my four leadership development courses that are part of the program I have been building for the last 8.5 months that I have been at this job. I’M NOT NERVOUS AT ALL. Also, if you are ever in Columbus OH (where I am for work travel), get arepas at Arepazo’s right by the German Village and Brewery District neighborhoods. And I passed my instructor training weekend for BODYPUMP with flying colors and with the most complimentary and confidence-boosting feedback from my trainer…so now it’s like I have a driver’s permit and I have to get myself to full certification by practicing teaching classes until I am ready to film myself teaching a whole class, from start to finish, and submit for review, assessment, and final certification.

I hope you have a GREAT day out there! :)


Bahaha maybe just try it once in class, it might rub off on others to try the same. I totally agree with you, some moments I feel like she is still my little toddler and then next thing I know it, she is a teen:). Stephanie, this is huge. Congratulations, you have put so much work into this program! Congrats on passing your instructor training too. You are on fire. I love how determined you are, it is inspiring. Thanks friend, you too!


PR Running is my local running store! I ran with their training group for years.

For really hot/humid runs, I freeze a bottle of sport drink overnight and hold it while I run. At about 20 minutes into the run it turns into a slushie. Can’t hate it.


NO WAY! Well, get ready for the Barons to come to visit;) Take me to all of your favorite places! Love that idea so much. And now I need a slushie. Happy Tuesday, Victoria!


Aaawww… Knox and Skye 😊
The shed project sounds awesome. Oh, are you guys done with the work you were doing on the outside of your house? How did it turn out?
We finished redoing our son’s room last night, yay. Now I just need to bring in all the accents. It turned out to be a really nice and cozy guest room. Next up is our study… That is going to require a lot of organization! But it’s always fun to do projects around the house.
I need to remember the ice in the bra thing. That’s such a good idea for hot runs.
Have a great Tuesday!


You are the best to ask! Yes, the outside is all finished beside the garage door and front door. We love how it turned out! I need to send you a pic! I am so happy you finished up the new guest room. I bet it looks amazing. Good luck with the study, I need your tips on organization. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Hi Janae! I can’t wait to see what you come up with for your shed! We are working on our backyard too! Right now we joke it’s like Jurassic Park because the plants and weeds are just going crazy.
That’s so cool your sister dried her own cherries from her tree! That’s seriously next level.
My tangent today is when I had covid last week my husband made me eggs for breakfast but he didn’t tell me it was an egg white omelette (and he put spices in so it was yellow looking) and I seriously thought my sense of taste was completely gone and I was so sad! I did lose some smell and taste but definitely not that bad!
Have an awesome summer day!


Haha Jurassic Park… good luck! I feel like ours gets that way too. You’ll have to keep me updated with your backyard. I am so glad that your taste isn’t gone, I lost mine for a few days when I had it and it was the worst! I lost my smell for almost a year! So so crazy. PS love that your husband made you breakfast. Thanks Amy, you too and glad you are feeling better!


Hey Janae! What is the bike seat you have for your kiddos? Looking for something similar for my youngest! Thank you!!


HEY TRACY! We use this and love it so so much. Have a beautiful day! https://amzn.to/3AMFJXN


We have a home between Kamas & Heber. Bizarrely my kids don’t love donuts BUT if you are ever passing through Kamas the donuts at the Chevron gas station have literally won state awards! And a ton of people LOVE Judy’s donuts in Midway!


The information you shared is very accurate, it gives me the knowledge that I need to learn. Thank you for sharing this useful information.

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