Friday Favorites!

(Shorts, shirt, shoes, pack)

You know that nightmare that all runners have about sleeping through their alarm clocks for a big run or race?  It happened to me in real life yesterday.  Andrew and I SLEPT THROUGH FOUR ALARMS.  I woke up on my own 5 minutes before my friends were all getting to my house to carpool up to the trails. Luckily, I had everything set out from the night before so I could still be on time but I was really stressed when I first woke up.

I would have been very bummed if I had slept through this…

I was very happy that the only other living thing that we came across were these massive caterpillars.

I am now pretty terrified of coming across another rattlesnake. I’ll take the caterpillar.
The girls from the group. We all love Jo so much.
We were all pretty tired from doing a workout the day before which meant we stopped often along the way for pictures.

Have I convinced you to come out to Utah yet?

12 miles total @ 10:12 average with 2100 ft of climbing and only two falls in the group along the way… ouch.

 The rest of the day was spent outside too, just the way we like it.

I have a few Friday Favorites:

*My new daily sunglasses for every hour until sundown after the run. I love them so much. Even if it is cloudy and basically dark outside, I have sunglasses on.

*Another really great amazon find. The best shower brush. It is hygienic, cheap and it provides a great scrub. I bought one for each person in the family.

*Liz shared this movie with me and it made me cry… so incredible. GOALS.

*The current best candy on the market.

*A super simple game to take to the park.  The circle Brooke is holding is like a mini trampoline and you hit the ball back and forth. It is so much fun and easy for anyone to play.

IMG 1262

*This iPhone tip from Lauren!

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Any favorites from this week?

Who has come across a snake on the run? Did it freak you out?

Have a long run or race this weekend?

Ever sleep through your alarm?

-Normally I don’t but we must have been very tired.

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Those shorts are so cute! I think I may get them in violet! And those views are amazing. You are definitely convincing me to go to Utah!

I have never seen a snake on my runs (we only really have garden snakes here) but I haven’t been running outside because there’s a bear in our neighborhood right now! It ripped down our bird feeder earlier this week!

Have a great weekend!


I want them in violet so so bad. Come to Utah and we will wear our matching shorts ha. THERE IS A BEAR IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD? Ummmm I am terrified for you! Keep me updated and I hope you are able to get outside again soon. Thanks Meghan, you too!


I am not sure about this weekends run but last weekend I ran a 23 mile trail run with a fair bit of climbing so runs were definitely slower paced this week lol.

I am glad you made it to the trail run!

Have a great weekend Janae!


Hey Kristine! 23 mile trail run… okay, you are incredible. I am amazed by the trails and climbing you do, it is definitely inspiring. Thanks friend, happy weekend!


A favorite this week is my biker shorts from Shop Ambitionist. SO GOOD! They don’t move during workouts and are comfortable for every day. Bonus points for being a small business founded by a woman who makes and ships everything in the US! All of her products are amazing but the biker shorts have been my go to this week. Hope you have a great Friday and didn’t sleep through any alarms today :)


I had never heard of shop ambitionist, I just looked it up and it all is so cute. Time to do some shopping:). Thank you for sharing! Luckily, I woke up on time haha. Have a beautiful weekend, Maureen!


Utah is gorgeous! Did I tell you that I am going to Park City in October–it is to celebrate my 40th birthday (which is in August). My mom, sister and aunt are all going too. My sister loves Park City and has been there at least 4 times in the past 2 years.

That mini trampoline game is going to be bought today! My kids will love that!

A favorite this week has been getting rid of the majority of my MIL’s items. It was taking up 2 sheds and a lot of our house for the past 6 months…the clutter was overwhelming.

I have Grandma’s tomorrow!!!! I still have a few nagging injuries so we will see how it goes. The weather looks perfect–high of 58 and a 10 mph TAILWIND! The only bummer is my sister has COVID so she won’t be doing the half and none of my family members can go and cheer (we stay with my sister). I am hiding out/sleeping in her unfinished basement for the night. Plus, from our small town, we usually have 10+ people going and this year we are down to only 2!

Oh my gosh, sleeping through an alarm is my worse fear. I will set 6 alarms for tomorrow;-) My husband has slept through his alarm twice for work. After the first time, I set my alarm for 4:10 a.m. for mornings he works.

Happy Friday Janae! Have a fabulous day!


TOMORROW AHHHHH! So excited for you! I really hope your body feels amazing and the weather sounds absolutely perfect. I am so bummed about your sister and that your family members won’t be able to be there. I am cheering for you and I want to hear all about how it goes. 10 down to 2?! Noooo! That was smart to set your alarm too, ha.

SO excited for you to come to Utah, you will have to tell me all of your favorite things while you are here. 40 in October, that is so exciting. So glad you were able to get through the yard sale and now you are clutter free! Have the best weekend!




Do you think we can get them to make a bag of just the turtles?!?!


Yes, we did Utah for four days in St. George and it was amazing! You were spot on with your recommendations of Roc Taco (my husband is still dreaming about the deep fried avocado taco and is trying to convince me to make it) and the place that sold the Greek wraps was one of my favorites! They (Husband and three kids) didn’t like Pasta Factory as much but my fettucine alfredo was amazing. Snow Canyon was gorgeous but Zion was INCREDIBLE! I would hike the Narrows again in a heartbeat.


Oh. My. Goodness. This makes me so happy! Seriously, there is nothing like those avocado tacos! You seriously hit the best places and bummer about Pasta Factory for your husband and three kiddos. So happy you guys had the best time and saw the prettiest places in the world in my opinion:). Come back soon, Tracy!


I just bought a pair of those shower body scrubbers! I’m in Ohio and the humidity has been nuts lately and my skin just feels dirty even an hour after I shower. I can’t wait to try them.

I wear sunglasses all of the time, too. I’m so sensitive to the light that I generally also wear a baseball hat outside to keep sun away from my eyes as well as sunglasses. I have boxes of Goodr glasses all over haha! Anytime I’m near the running store I seem to pick up a pair.

I feel you on the alarm situation. Generally if I have to be up I set several alarms and wake up before any of them though and then have to rush to turn one off because it goes off while I’m brushing my teeth or something. It legitimately sounds like it may be as loud as a fire alarm when it goes off in the otherwise quiet house while my kids are asleep ha!

We have that game with the ball thing and I’m just here to say that those disks have gotten way more use as frisbees while camping in our family. They are soft to catch and the rim also makes them a little easy to catch unlike plastic frisbees so my kids love them!

Have a Good Friday! I’m off to do some grocery shopping – which will leave me as sweaty as an hour run ahhhhhhh!


Let me know what you think of the body scrubbers! I am just so done with the sponge type shower items, they get so gross ha. That is so smart to always have a baseball hat on too, I need to copy you. Bahaha I need to make my alarm sound like a fire alarm to wake me up these days. Good to know they make great frisbees:). Good luck with the grocery shopping… I relate. Happy weekend, Jenny!


So glad you liked North Shore Betty! It made me cry too, but was also a lift during a hard time. Have a great weekend!


Thank you for sharing, I feel so lucky to have this internet group:). My whole family loved it! Happy weekend, Liz!


Good morning, Janae!!
We had to cancel our trip to Park City in March and your pictures are making me want a trip to Utah more and more!! Just beautiful!! Also, Beck even has cool pool hair :o)
I fell on my hike Wednesday night and have a monster bruise on my left hip/thigh – makes sitting and sleeping quite uncomfortable. Hope those who fell on your run only had minor injuries.
I used to live in the Catskill mountains of NY and ran a lot then. It wasn’t unusual to encounter a copperhead while running in the trails. Always startling, but never an issue. I think I would feel differently about a rattle snake!
Worst sleeping through my alarm story was the first year I was on the medical team for Boston! It worked out OK and I made it to the briefing meeting and my spot on the course on time, but geez – what a way to start the day :o(
My current fave is only indirectly run related, but it’s the CSA (community supported agriculture) farm we joined this year. We have gotten the most amazing produce already and we are only in week 2 of pick ups!! Run related in that all the amazing veggies make for good nutrition :o) Happy Weekend, Janae!!


Oh I hope you are able to reschedule flights to Utah soon! Hahaha his hair has a personality of its own:). I am so sorry you fell on the hike, I hope you heal up fast! A copperhead… oh that would definitely still freak me out but you are right, the rattle snake is even more terrifying! That morning you slept through the alarm sounds like it was very stressful but I’m so glad you were still on time. I want to join and get those amazing fruits and veggies. I am so jealous! Hope your day is off to a great start!


My family and I are flying out today after an amazing week in Salt Lake City, mainly because your photos always look so amazing. We had the best time in Utah!


OH MY GOODNESS!! I am so so happy you loved SLC! Come back soon and I’ll take you on some trails. Happy weekend, Kristin!


3-foot gopher snake yesterday on the Provo River trail. 😳




That size of snake belongs in a jungle.


Oh my goodness Utah is so beautiful! We need to take a trip up there soon. My husband will occasionally go to the Salt Lake area to officiate water polo, so you can count on me tagging along the next time he does!
Swedish Fish and Friends… I need to find these.
A few years ago, my husband and I were flying out to Denver, early morning flight, and we slept through 2 alarms!! Missed our flight, but thankfully got on another one just a couple hours later. That was such a stressful morning!!
Certain times of year, I cross paths with coyotes on the trail and sometimes even in the big park in our neighborhood. Every time I do, it makes me startle, but they’re usually more afraid of me.
Have a really great Friday!


You better let me know when you come, that would be so fun. I’ll give you a bag of the Swedish Fish and Friends! You missed your flight ahhh… Oh that must have been so stressful! I’m glad the coyotes aren’t out to get humans! Thanks Wendy, you too!


I would come to Utah just for the low humidity!
And thanks for discussing missing a race alarm clock. We are currently on our way to Minnesota for Grandma’s (half for me). Hoping to spy Kara Goucher or Sarah Sellers.

I have a similar shower scrub and love it. It’s held up for so many years.

Have a great weekend!


You would THRIVE here in the dryness! Good luck tomorrow, I am so excited for you and I hope you find Kara and Sarah! You’ve got this Molly, cheering so loud for you!


A rattle snake would make me nervous, but the only ones I encounter are rat snakes…………harmless but very impressive in length. Technically we could have rattlesnakes or copperheads where I am, but being near the river is mostly non venomous stuff. I work at the aquarium and see them daily there, but I love seeing the snakes in the wild! I am up to 4 rat snakes for the year so far, and I always get a stick and move them off the path bc I hate to think a biker would run them over. they aren’t fast movers and don’t always get out of the way.


Teach me how to love seeing snakes in the wild haha. That is so nice of you to move them!! Have a great weekend, Loribeth!


I like to run on trails in the foothills in NM, and there have been a couple times when a rattlesnake was stretched across the trail. I’m not always that observant, so I’m not sure how I haven’t ever stepped on one! Usually when they’re stretched across the trail, it’s a hot day and they are sun bathing, so they didn’t even react to me. I just took the long way around them and warned everyone I passed on the trail coming towards me. Another time, I was biking down a long hill and thought there was a thin piece of cardboard on the road ahead of me. Turns out it was a snake, and I rolled right over it! My friend behind me said it immediately curled up into a ball.

I did oversleep the day of the Kauai Marathon ten years ago. I was jetlagged, and slept right through all my alarms, which never happens. My mom thought I was in my room getting ready, and woke me up when she opened by door to see if I was ready to go. Fortunately, we planned to get there early anyway, so it all worked out. It sure is a stressful way to start the day, though!


Oh Michelle, I bet that was so scary each time you spotted a rattlesnake! So smart to warn everyone else and I cannot believe you went right over it ahhhh! So happy you guys were still able to get to the starting line on time but definitely not the way I like to start race morning ha. I hope your day is off to a great start!


One of my kiddos and I want to mountain bike and run in Utah.

Snakes are a big no-go for me. I read the other day of them being called “nope ropes.” That made me laugh!!

I don’t know how you got ready, like *ready* in 5 min!!!

Have a great weekend!


I hope you guys come out to Utah soon to get in the riding and running! Nope ropes hahaah I will start calling them that too! It was a very stressful 5 minutes, that is for sure. Thank you Kelly, you too!


Do you like the water bottles in your running vest? I have a vest with the bottles that have the straw type tube out the top and they are constantly hitting my face :) I signed up for the St George marathon and I’m doing the New York marathon too so it’s early runs for me till November. We moved to St George a few months ago and I see rattlesnakes every single day. (We live on the border of Snow Canyon). I know you love it here but honestly I’m struggling. We moved from New York City and it’s soo hot in the summer and freezing in the winter and no nice restaurants. I used to live in Park City so for everyone out there Utah (north and south) really is beautiful and a great place to visit. Also for anyone out there looking for a destination half marathon I highly recommend the Snow Canyon Half – it’s downhill and runs the length of the canyon and the views are amazing!


I used to live in an area where rattlesnakes were around – we’ve heard stories of rattlesnake balls rolling down the side of a mountain, now that would be scary…..I’ve crossed paths with snakes and bears, they usually run? away…not sure if I can say snakes run?
not a bad week, have a few runs and a swim planned for the weekend…just received my books that i need to start working my way to become a certified fitness instructor….so that’s kind of cool….I now know what I’m doing this summer

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