Friday Favorites!

(Tank, bra, shorts (awesome dupes of the lululemon ones I love) shoes)

It’s always harder to get out the door the day after a speed workout… but once I get moving, I am always so happy that I did.

When the mileage matches up with the pace…

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When Andrew doesn’t have work, he always makes us the best breakfasts.

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We attempted a few fun St. Patrick’s Day activities.

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Andrew was happy to get out on his bike… the trails were muddy, but he was happy.

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For lunch, I went with my friend Toby (remember her 100-miler?!) to Cravings Bistro.  There is just something so amazing about grilled cheese sandwiches, especially this one with cheddar cheese, apples, mayo, and bacon.

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Beck discovered fry sauce while we were there, which was a huge life event for him.  He could not get enough!

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Beck has also started joining in on hide-and-go-seek which was also exciting for him but now I’m worried he is going to hide from me all of the time.

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I have a short run with my sister today, and then on Saturday I will go out for 18-22 miles on a course that is similar to Boston!

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I have just a few Friday Favorites for you today!

*Okay, the last pair of pants I post for a while but I love these for spring and their frayed bottoms for a fun detail (remember you get $30 off if you take in an old pair of jeans)!  I sized down two sizes in these from my normal jean size!

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*I mentioned that I would give a better review once I knew whether or not mixhers worked for me, and it 100% did.  I didn’t cry nonstop the week leading up to my period like I normally do.  I did NOT have one cramp, and the normal bloating was nonexistent.  I raced on my period last week, and it made the biggest difference in my performance because I wasn’t cramping.  I bought packs for a few women that I know struggle with this because it made such a difference for me.  JanaeB10 can get you 10% off!

PS I have been using this every day, not just when I am on my period.  It did not help with my hormonal acne but crossing my fingers, it does over time (a few of the reviews said that it did help with theirs).

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*Loribeth’s idea that she shared yesterday… I WILL be trying this out in the summer.  PS I am all about Huma gels again, and I’ll be taking those to Boston!

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*Favorite movie/show watched this week= Premonition (from 2007 but it was a crazy movie) on Netflix.

*Favorite song from the week= ‘My Love’ from Florence + The Machine

*Favorite book that I started = ‘One True Loves’ by Taylor Jenkin Reid

*And an unfavorite for the week—> It is rare for me to find a cookie that I do not like, but I found one at Swig.  It looked beautiful, but it was just too dry (I ate it anyway because I was hungry).

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Any unfavorites for the week?

Movie/show/book/song from this week that you loved?

Have anything you are looking forward to this weekend?

Who has a long run this weekend?

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I appreciate your pants posts. I need to get out of just wearing my lulu leggings all the time. I bought a previous Madewell Jean recommendation from you and now I don’t want to buy any other brand of Jean! I had the black vintage jeans you love in my cart, but I will take a look at these too:) thanks


Oh I am so so glad! I never want to overdo them! You’ll have to let me know what you end up getting and if you love them! Have a beautiful weekend, Ashlea!


Unfavorites…………i like this idea!

This weekend my husband is (hopefully) getting a smartphone. Depends if the one he wants has been restocked. This is only a big deal because his phone is from 2007 or something and is just a phone, not a flip phone, just an old school T9 phone that freaks out if you text something with emojis. All the numbers & letters are rubbed off the keys, it cant really get online, and the case is cracked but they don’t make cases for it anymore. It is 3G, and already has service issues in some cities, but verizon sent the letter that says it will be obsolete by Dec 31. So he doesn’t want to, but has to upgrade, ha!


How in the world has your husband had the same phone since 2007! That is amazing, but I am so happy that this is the weekend he will upgrade! Make sure to text him all of the emojis hahah! Have a happy weekend, Loribeth!


I agree with Ashlea, I need to wear something other than Lulu. I liked the unfavorite, but I don’t have a lot to report except the chinese place we went to forgot my entree when I picked up the food and I had to go back. Normally I just let it go but I was really hungry and craving it, so back I went. Not really terrible in the grand scheme of things. Little kids are so flexible and yes, I think Beck is going to be hiding all the time.


Oh good! I just never want to overdo something ha, I just have an obsession with Madewell jeans. Ohhh that is a bummer, I have had that happen to me too and I (or Andrew ha) always go back to get it! Haha wish me luck, this is going to get interesting. Have a beautiful day, Nancy!


I loved that book! I want to say so much but unsure how far along you are. The book definitely made me think and still has me thinking. Of course Daisy Jones and the Six was the authors other amazing book but I also really like her book Maybe in Another Life.
I’m on a TV break since I watched The Bachelor this season. That was a big commitment!!


I loved Daisy Jones so much and I will have to read Maybe in Another Life after this one. We need a book club. Hahah The Bachelor/Bachelorette really is quite the commitment! Happy weekend, Molly!


Unfave– seeing my babe fussy from teething… and the lack of sleep that accompanies it (for me and my husband), ha!
Great song– “Baby” by Francesca Blanchard
Have a great weekend :)


Courtney… noooo! Teething is seriously the worst! I hope your baby is feeling better asap and that you three all sleep so well this weekend. I just felt tired for you reading about this! Just turned Baby on my spotify and I am loving it. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great weekend too!


Show: Yellowstone.
Song: abcdefu………you know sometimes you just need to run a little angry.

Looking forward to this weekend. All the miles, all the food. :)


Adding that song to my speed playlist right now and telling Andrew we have a new show to start together. Enjoy the miles and the food, being a runner is so fun. Have a great day, Erica!


Hi Janae! You gave me sock recommendations last week. I veered a little off course and went with the Balega Ultralight. I struggled through my whole run yesterday with an extra cushy pair of socks – I probably stopped a dozen times tightening and loosening my shoes trying to find the sweet spot between not too tight and not flopping around. I decided right then, they were dead to me!! Ran in the Balegas this morning, loooooved them. Ordered two more pairs when I got home. This hobby is too expensive!! Thanks for the advice, though!

I’m co-opting a fall half marathon course near me tomorrow for my long run. It’s a gentle downhill from the mountains along a river. My bf is coming along with his bike so I don’t have to carry anything – what luxury! I’m excited!


TRACY! Oh I am just thrilled to hear that you love the Balegas… I am all about the thin socks vs the cushy/thick socks. So glad they helped and our hobby really is pricey haha. Have the best time on your long run and I am so happy your boyfriend is joining you on the bike, that is the best! Happy Friday!


I hear you on hide and seek. When my kiddo wants to play when we are at the park, I peek because I’m so scared of where he might try to hide and being able to find him. I then pretend to look in lots of other places. In the house is a little harder, but I try to listen for the sound of the dryer closing. I’m so afraid of him trying to climb in there.

This weekend I have a 15k race Saturday on a very hilly course that we go out and back on three times. It’s fun because you get to see all your friends several times. It’s flat where I live so hills are not something I’m used to. I then have my 18-miler on Sunday. My legs will be dead on Monday. Good luck on your Boston-like long run.


Haha peaking is a must… I feel like at this point I can’t even blink when he is awake;). Oh I am terrified of the dryer too. GOOD LUCK tomorrow and on Sunday, you have a very busy weekend! Thanks Michele!


Loved that book!! Have you red The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, is amazing.


YES YES YES! I was obsessed with that book… I almost want to read it again ha. Have a great weekend, Ely!


Unfavorite for the week is commuting to work (went in 2 days this week), but favorite is that I listened to Ali on the Run International Women’s Day episode, had catch up phone calls with two friends, and somehow rediscovered old Avril Lavigne music (Let it Go and Under my Skin were great albums!).

I have a St Patty’s 5k tonight, excited for that! Have a great weekend!


I have to catch up on that episode, thanks for the reminder. AVRIL LAVIGNE… you just took me back and both of those songs are so good. Have the best time at the 5k tonight!


Hello. I’d love to try the mixhers for my daughter. Which one did u use while on your period? There are so many to choose from. My daughter struggles with cramping bad enough that she often has to miss school. I’m willing to try anything.


Hey Molly, I am sorry that your daughter struggles with this. It is so hard. I have been using the HerTime Daily so I use the same kind every day. I love the peach lemonade flavor and look forward to drinking it each day. Please keep me updated, I couldn’t believe the change I felt!


Hi Janae! I have the day off from work!! So that is my favorite. My unfavorite is that I’m out of fruits but still have quite a lot of vegetables so not sure if I should go grocery shopping.
Happy Friday!!


YAY for a day off! I support going grocery shopping for the fruit, it just tastes so so good:). Thanks Amy, you too!


Long pool run tomorrow, maybe. I am not convinced pool running is not bothering my knee. But I think I am out for my marathon which means trying to get money back for my flight ( have insurance) and switching my Moms flight and then canceling hotel rooms. Not thrilled at the moment with traveling for a race. So sad but next Sat will be 4 weeks till the race and there is no way I am doing a long run next Sat. Going to make the call at the end of the week..


Carrie. I have been wondering if you were going to be able to do your race still. I am so incredibly sorry, that is really so hard. Keep me updated and I am so glad you have insurance on your flight. Praying for a miracle!


To be honest, I wouldn’t be that upset if I wasn’t flying out to the race and bringing my Mom and meeting my sister and niece. I don’t know if I want to do the race slower and with pain which is what the PT suspects. I was doing well, my pace was decent and I don’t know that is what I want to put myself through. I have an appointment with my sports med doc’s PA on Tuesday and I will see what he has to say. It’s not that this is a very painful injury however it’s at a very low pain and obviously if it is there, running on it is going to make it worse. I still really wonder if I stopped the PT exercises and the pool running if it would go away. I have had this in the past but not while training for something and it always goes away. The PT assures me that is different and says I have about 4 areas of weakness… Agree but I also believe in knowing your body. If I wasn’t training for something I would have taken 2 to 3 weeks off.


That totally makes sense! Let me know what the sports med PA says. I’m really hoping it goes away asap!! Thanks for letting me know!


I’m answering your questions in reverse order:
My long run was this morning. 10 miles on the trail with 1500′ of climbing (1400′ in the first 5 miles.) I was passed pretty early on by 3 mountain bikers, but caught them around mile 4. That section hits about 22% grade. I was power walking at that point, passed them and never saw them again!

So I’m looking forward to being able to walk this weekend. At least I hope I can ;)

No unfavorite, but I made a favorite cookie this week (Orange Creamsicle) and they really hit the spot!


Kathy, awesome long run this morning with SO much climbing, wow! 22% grade is incredible. Your cookies look fabulous! Enjoy your weekend with Les!


Aloha from Hawaii!!! We arrived last night, and I am having a little bit of a hard time adjusting to the time difference. But I will deal with that!
This trip probably came at the perfect time. My right hip flexor is still bugging me, so I may do a couple runs down here, but definitely not going to push it. I will enjoy sleeping in, hanging out on the beach, and just taking some down time.
I love your pants posts! I’m always on the lookout for bsome good jeans ?
Beck’s face with the fry sauce… Ha ha ha
Have a really great Friday!!


HAWAII! Oh I am so so happy you are there. The trip really did come at the perfect time for you and I am hoping the R&R gets that hip flexor back to 100! Thank you so much Wendy, enjoy every single second!


I have to admit I have lost track of what you’ve been up to, so super fun to see today’s update – congratulations on the race a few days back – amazing! If you don’t mind, I may use you for some motivation to get back to my own running… I have been slacking thru a bit of a late-winter depression/laziness slump. I have a few spring races I am excited for so am going to attempt a 11 mile run this weekend – I can do it!! 11 is my favorite number, so I think that will help.
My husband’s birthday is this weekend too, so we are excited to celebrate with presents and some extra-good food and fun. Plus it is SPRING in Minnesota, so that is amazing. I love birthdays.


Hey Katie! Thank you so much and I hope you guys have the best time celebrating your husband this weekend. ELEVEN MILES… you can and you will! I hope that spring air just helps you enjoy those miles so much. Keep me updated on your training!


I have & love those jeans! I actually just ordered a second pair in tile white. So cute & so comfortable too! I always love your recs! Have a great weekend!


unfavorite from this pasted week…today, so sore and tired after yesterday’s workouts and runs, but that felt good too, so not so bad.
movies? for some reasons this week, Turning Red – where Toronto is actually Toronto, and Mix Tape on Netflix where Vancouver pretends to be Seattle…why can’t Vancouver just be Vancouver?
Song, have been playing Paul Simon’s the Boxer on YouTube, his live version, which is so good… the line, a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest…..put up a Ukrainian flag on one side of our front window, donated to the Red Cross and am praying for those people…….
Book…….Fiona Davis, the Chelsea Girls…..

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