Thursday Things & Where I go for…

Let’s start off by going over some pictures/screenshots from my phone that I haven’t shared yet…

*Skye had parent-teacher conferences and it was so fun to hear from her teacher all about her little personality in the classroom (and to clear up any of the stories that Skye might have shared with her teacher about us;)

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*That feeling when every single step of your run felt hard.  Every. Single. Step.

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*My goal is to complete each of these ten classes. 

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*Do you know anybody that STARTS their workout at 11:54 pm?  Now you do, Andrew.

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*The joyful look you get when your food is on its way to the table.  

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*I’m going to start recording their conversations.  

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*Running in the mud should count as strength training because it makes my shoes very heavy.

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*I came across this old picture of Brooke and it just took me back to those spiked-haired days.

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*Every single day I thank Beck’s doctor in my head for his ear tubes… his life is so much better now.  

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*My goal this month is to hit a 15-mile long run… and extra credit will be earned if it is on the trails:). 

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*The other day, Amy reminded me in the comments that I will have an automatic PR next month at my 25k race!  It will be my first time racing that distance.  Picture from when Andrew ran this race.  

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The other day Jessica asked about where I get my recipes for things that my family love and so I thought I would include them in this post…

*My list of EASY Trader Joe’s meals is HERE and they are a big hit for everyone in our house.

*My list for my favorite soups are HERE!

*Family favorite recipes (ie my mom’s recipes etc) are HERE!

*The cookbooks that I use the most often are The Pioneer Woman Cooks SUPER EASY (this cookbook is a MUST for me these days), Two Pease & Their Pod, Run Fast Eat Slow, Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow and Magnolia Table.   I’ve been eyeing the Half Baked Harvest Super Simple cookbook, does anyone have it and what do you think of it?

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*My current favorite recipe blogs:

Mels Kitchen Cafe

My Bountiful Kitchen

How Sweet Eats

D Delicious;)

Spend with Pennies

Pinch of Yum 

-I am so excited about something I am doing this year with Megan.  Each month a member of the club chooses a cookbook and we all make recipes from it and get together one night to try them all.  For 12 months we will keep trying different cookbooks and it will be so fun to branch out and try so many different recipes/meals… It will get me out of my comfort zone while getting to have a girls’ night every month where we eat and chat:)


What are your favorite cookbooks?  Favorite recipe blogs?

Have a race distance you’ve never done before that you’ve been wanting to try?

What is your run or workout today?

Have a goal for this month?  I would love to read what it is!

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Love the recipe and food blogs recommendations; thanks, Janae! :) If you haven’t read Shauna Niequist’s book Bread & WIne : A Love Letter to Life Around the Table, I really recommend it. It’s not a cookbook but there are recipes at the end of the chapters. It’s more of a food + spiritual memoir (sounds like a weird combo now that I’m typing it out) and it’s a great read! Today is rest day for me, so I’ll just do some yoga and maybe a short strength workout after school. I’m doing a half-marathon training plan from the Runkeeper app. Thanks for bringing that app to my attention; I love it and it really helps to keep me motivated. Have a great day!


I love the recipe-sharing idea! I tend to make things over and over from cookbooks–what a great way to branch out.

I strained a hamstring this week so will be taking it easy . . . such a bummer! I was really getting back into running so I am quite disappointed. Hoping it heals quickly!


Yes to Half Baked Harvest! Such a fan of hers! She has become my go-to for 30 minute meals! Try some from her blog first but the cookbook is great!


Oh, I love the idea of have a recipe exchange club! So fun, and such a great way to try new recipes. You’re definitely goit to have to share some with us ?
I really would love to get The Pioneer Woman’s book, and 2 Peas and Their Pod. I get really good recipes from Pinterest and 2 blogs – Recipe Runner and Paleo Running Mama. We don’t do Paleo, but she has some really good recipes.
I am so happy for you all that Beck is so happy!! What a difference his tubes made!
Oh, were you able to verify Skye’s stories she tells you with her teacher? So funny.
Today is just an easy few miles for me. This year a goal of mine, is to be consistent with a couple of longer runs each week, strength and core work, but really just finding my joy for running again. That feeling of , “I can’t wait to go for my run.”. I’ve somewhat lost that… Running with my friends each week is helping, thankfully we’re all back in a routine with that. Have you ever felt that way? Like you lost your love of running?
Have a good day!


Half baked harvest is the best! I have tried a lot of her recipes and every single one has been a winner!


Yes, definitely get Half Baked Harvest Super Simple!! The chicken tortilla soup from there is one of my go-to recipes. But there are so many good and easy recipes! By far my favorite cookbook besides Run Fast Eat Slow series. You are inspiring me to get the Pioneer Woman Cookbook, adding to my list.

Also, I do not understand how Andrew works out so late. Good for him! But I am ALWAYS asleep by that time at night hahaha.


Hello, Thank you for sharing your cookbook and favorite blogs for more recipes. I love your cooking club idea.
I wanted to let you know that yesterday and today your emails were in a weird format, maybe encrypted and not readable. I went to your website to read them. Is anyone else having this problem?


Is good with no hard to find ingredients. Never had anything not work from her recipes!


Which day is the 25K? I’m getting excited for you as a bystander!
I’m obsessed with Alison Roman!! Her meals are fairly easy but are restaurant worthy-or better.
And I also love Gaby Dalkin from what’s Gaby cooking blog/website. She had a chicken larb recipe that we are obsessed with.


Man, I’m SOOO hungry now ;)
I’ve had some good luck with recipes from Ambitious
Here’s a goal that is super scary to me, which makes it more intriguing: David Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge. It’s similar to the backyard ultra concept. You start with 4 miles. Every 4 hours for 48 hours, you run another 4 miles, so you end up with 48 miles. I’ve never run more than a marathon, and I’m not trained up for that distance these days. But the additional challenge with this is that you never get much sleep before it’s time to run again. Still pondering ;)
Happy almost-the-weekend!


I have both of the half baked harvest cookbooks and love them both! I am a vegetarian but the rest of my family is not and there are plenty of recipes in there that we all enjoy.


I LOVE that idea with Meg! So fun! Last winter my mom and I each tried a new slow-cooker recipe on Wednesdays and on Thursdays we gave each other some of the leftovers so neither of us had to cook dinner on Thursday :) So happy Beck is doing better! It’s a great day to have a great day! =]


I like I always make sure to read the reviews for tips before making the recipes and it usually turns out wonderfully. They have a huge selection of cooking (i.e. different ways to make dishes) and desert recipes. I am not a cook book person. And I usually experiment while cooking.

Today is a day off running – I am making sure I stay injury free this training cycle. A distance I haven’t tried but is on my list is 100 miles lol. We will see how this year goes first. Also, just as a fun fact, the race weekend that I will be running my 100km is also the weekend of Grand Fondo bike race in Whistler lol so it is going to be so insanely busy. I cannot believe I had to make a January reservation (refundable) for a September race lol but I suspect accommodations will be at a premium. But yesterday my girl friend got me out for 7 miles on a rain/snow shower afternoon post work so I am very grateful and it turned out to be a great easy run!

Hope you have an amazing day! P.S. So happy that Beck is now a much happier boy minus ear infections


I like I always make sure to read the reviews for tips before making the recipes and it usually turns out wonderfully. They have a huge selection of cooking (i.e. different ways to make dishes) and desert recipes. I am not a cook book person. And I usually experiment while cooking.

Today is a day off running – I am making sure I stay injury free this training cycle. A distance I haven’t tried but is on my list is 100 miles lol. We will see how this year goes first. Also, just as a fun fact, the race weekend that I will be running my 100km is also the weekend of Grand Fondo bike race in Whistler lol so it is going to be so insanely busy. I cannot believe I had to make a January reservation (refundable) for a September race lol but I suspect accommodations will be at a premium. But yesterday my girl friend got me out for 7 miles on a rain/snow shower afternoon post work so I am very grateful and it turned out to be a great easy run!

Hope you have an amazing day! P.S. So happy that Beck is now a much happier boy minus ear infections :). You have a beautiful family !!


Second this! I love this recipe site and the top reviews almost always contain some hint or substitution that makes the recipe much better.


no goal for the month, for the start of the year was the start 100 endurance workouts in 100 days…right now I’m 6 behind.
I just to get back to running marathons this year,,,,watching Katherine Switzer rocking NYC at 70 has inspired me, maybe
today just gotta do at least 5K……and am on the hunt for good recipes for our insta pot thing….


Baby Brooke! I remember when she was born. In some of your pictures she looks so grown up and others she still looks like a young girl. It happens too fast!

Favorite cookbook = Rosalie Serving Italian ( Rosalie’s mother was born in Sicily and her father was born in Rome so her recipes are the real deal. Her youngest son, Jeff, was in our wedding. Les said for years, “the BEST Italian food I have ever eaten was made by Rosalie Harpole.” I snatched up her cookbook as soon as it came out and have made dozens of her recipes over the years.

Today was my first rest day of the week! I rode 14 miles + walked 2 miles on Monday, ran 10 miles on Tuesday and walked 4 yesterday so my legs are happy for the break.

My goal is to run a half marathon each month (solo or at a race.) I got one in on New Year’s Day, so maybe I should try to run my half on a holiday each month? That would mean I could run it on Valentine’s Day or President’s Day. Hmm… something to think about!


I love that cookbook/book club idea! I used to do a vegan potluck once a month with friends but this sounds so fun. I’ll give it a try! I also love any cookbook by Ree- I love how she includes pictures for every step of the process. Helps my husband a ton who’s learning how to cook.

This month I’ll also be getting an automatic PR at the 15k! I’m excited to try it out :)


Good morning, Janae! So glad Beck is feeling better – he always looks so happy in the pictures you’ve been posting since his tubes went in. The recipe sharing club is such a great idea – please let us know how it’s going and if you get any “must try!” recipes :o)
My favorite cookbook is No Meat Athlete. There a lot of blogs/websites I use for vegan inspiration: Nikki Vegan, Shane & Simple, and Rainbow Plant Life are current faves.
Today is an off day, so just yoga and some core work for me.
For whatever reason, I haven’t thought of doing monthly goals – duh! I usually plan everything (not just running) for the whole year and it can get overwhelming. So, I just now made a monthly goal! February is all about consistency for running, strength training and mobility/flexibility. Thank you!!! Hope you are having an awesome day, Janae!!


Hi Janae! My friends and I used to do that for girls night! It would be a potluck and we’d have a theme, like steakhouse, Italian, instant pot, or from the same book. It was so much fun and we want to start back up again (the pandemic stopped us from meeting as much).
Utah trails are so pretty I love seeing your pics!


I almost spit out my coffee laughing at what you said about Skye’s parent teacher conference and clearing up what she says about you. I bet preschool teachers have the absolute best stories.

And I LOVE your idea for the cookbook club! I’m working through the Rise and Run cookbook (but making things for dinner instead since I don’t have a lot of time to cook in the mornings and I kinda love breakfast for dinner). I probably use Pinch of Yum website the most, but also use Half Baked Harvest a lot too, so curious about that cookbook now.

My goal for the month is to ride the bike trainer once a week in addition to one outdoor ride. We just booked a cycling trip for this summer and I need to get some baseline fitness in!


Both of HBH books are amazing! And I wouldn’t say I’m great at cooking/baking… pretty average;).


The next time Andrew does a guest post, can he please tell us HOW he achieves his insane numbers on the Peloton? I’m really impressed by him!

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