Things I am terrible at…

(hat/ear warmer, top and leggings ((code JANAE for 15% off))

Happy 2sday—> 2/22/22

My Monday started with 10 miles @ 8:41 pace in the snow.  It was a very uneventful run, but it happened!

It was cold enough for Andrew to wear pants but not Knox;)

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We planned on staying at the public pool for 3-4 hours and lasted 1.5…

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Beretta worked hard to try and convince Andrew not to do a Peloton ride.

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And ping pong was a great snowy day activity.

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The kids also did some sledding (down the stairs) in our backyard.

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I have very strong feelings for fried rice these days, so we made a huge batch of this recipe.

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Still completely obsessed with Paw Patrol.

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Camille Herron is incredible!

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I randomly felt like sharing a few of the not super serious things I am terrible about (it feels a little too raw to share the serious ones online haha)…  I am sure I could figure out a way to learn and be better at these things, but weirdly, I am just okay being terrible at them.

*Gardening or keeping any plant alive.  In 2020 I spent a bunch of money on all of the gardening things and some fruit trees… I even read a book about it.   Did any of the things I planted survive?  Nope.  I think we got a few snap peas and two tomatoes—worth the $100+ I spent on it all;)

*50% of my job.  My mom always jokes that I would be in prison if it weren’t for her (before I met Andrew), Andrew, and an accountant.  I have no desire to do anything tax-related (hence my mother’s prison joke) or technology-related.  I just want to share what we are up to every day, my every running thought, things I love and to talk with my friends in the comments of each post!  The rest is just fluff;)

*Taking a shower before 2 pm.  I don’t remember the last time I managed to take one before lunch.

*Playing pretend/dolls etc.  I am great at taking my kids to do things, building legos, being active together, doing art or talking with them but the clock stops the second I am asked to play pretend/dolls.  Also, add crafts to this because those will never be something I will be good at.

*Sharing my water bottle.  Nope, not going to happen… with anyone. I am always prepared with multiple water bottles for my kids because I just cannot share this one thing.

*Keeping drawers organized.  Clutter on the counters drives me crazy, so I somehow manage to sweep all clutter into the drawer and feel okay about that.  It drives my nieces CRAZY when they are over.


Anything that you are terrible at but you are totally okay that you are terrible at it?

Does a 100 miler ultra sound exciting to you, or no way? Has anyone done one?

What are you having for lunch today?

Did anyone else get snow recently?

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Oh my gosh janae I am SO BAD AT PLAYING PRETEND!! I dislike it so much. I actually felt really really guilty about it for a long time (since allie was an only for almost 6 years and had no one else to play with but her parents) but my therapist helped normalize it … she said the vast majority of adults are NOT good at playing pretend and that’s it’s completely normal!! It just helped me see it doesn’t make me a bad parent or bad mom, it’s just a normal adult thing to not enjoy it. And it’s completely OK to set boundaries with your kids around the things that you don’t like. Easier said than done!!

10 miles in the snow!! Wow – you are incredible.

I’ve been rocking Tabata workouts 3 times a week as well as treadmill walks for the last month!! Feels so good after a year of not exercising!

Hmmmm what else am I bad at – GARDENING 100%, and house cleaning – I just really can’t be bothered! I’m okay with dirt! My husband is not so if he feels like cleaning he can go right ahead, otherwise I have a cleaning person :p


I absolutely love what your therapist said… we are not bad moms at all! I don’t know any friends of mine that do love it! Thank you for sharing and you are rocking your workouts, that is awesome. I hope your two littles are doing great and I need to get a cleaner again (it really is life-changing). Thanks Andrea and have the best day!


Good morning Janae!
Loved your list, I can relate 100% regarding taxes…My CPA receives quarterly gifts from me in addition to being handsomely paid to put up with me! I am beyond grateful for him though. I am also not a fan of housework so I also appreciate businesses that will do it for me.
I am headed off island to Orlando for the rest of the week and am so excited! Oahu has not lifted its mandates now in over two years and I find myself hopping off the island any chance I can get. Its truly exhausting and I am seriously contemplating a move. I wonder if any of your readers live in Costa Rica or Puerto Rico? I am up for anywhere that has freedom, surf and solid internet, as I work from home.
I used to work in the running industry and was always in awe of our customers who ran 100 milers. They truly are a different type of person and have such an indomitable spirit. Meeting customers and hearing their stories/aspirations is something I really miss.
Have you or Andrew tried the Peloton LaneBreak? I am such a creature of habit with my favorite instructors that I haven’t tried it yet.

have an amazing day!


Amanda, I have been meaning to ask you about how you are doing with the restrictions. That must be really hard and I think you need to move to Utah (minus our lack of surfing). I could totally ask if any readers do! I bet that was such an amazing part of your previous job and I can see why you loved that. Neither of us have yet and we are the same… hard to commit to something when you already love the normal classes. Let me know if you do though. Thanks friend, you too.


Camille is amazing!!
I am also bad at playing pretend. When I was little, I loved it, but as an adult with kids… Nope! Thank goodness my boys did not play pretend when they were little.
What a fun snow day you had. We’re supposed to get rain, but nothing yet. I could use a good rainy day.
I have my big monthly district meeting this morning, and we’re doing a big breakfast ( for PTA”s 125th birthday and 2-22-22!), so I probably won’t be hungry for lunch, ha ha
Since yesterday was a holiday, today sure feels like a Monday! Have a great day!


It really is so crazy how hard playing pretend gets as an adult… you lucked out with your boys not wanting to play pretend haha. I hope that rain comes soon and I bet that breakfast was amazing (happy 125th to your PTA). Happy (feels like ha) Monday;). Thanks Wendy!


Taxes…always taxes! Why are they the worst? I’m so grateful for my husband for always taking care of them. And I hate to shower/get ready, but I love taking a bath after a run and then immediately putting on fresh running clothes or joggers as my day outfit. Unless I’m going to work..

Also, cannot believe you were running in the snow. It’s currently 70 degrees with 96% humidity here in New Orleans. I just love your blog so much and you’re so gracious about what you share.

Happy Tuesday! NO idea what I’m having for lunch, but currently coffee. :)


Thank you for making me feel less alone with the taxes thing… I hope we never ever have to do them. Nothing like wearing fresh running clothes/joggers all day (we are quite alike besides our weather haha). I hope your coffee was perfect this morning and that you found the perfect lunch for the day! Thanks Avery!


Umm the clutter. It makes the other half crazy!

I haven’t done 100’s a huge training commitment but I would do one lol. For the bucket list.

Not sure what is for lunch yet but I got new road running shoes over the long weekend so want to test them out.

Have a great day Janae!


Isn’t it funny how clutter affects everyone so differently?! I can’t wait to hear about your 100 miler someday, you are SO strong and adventerous. Enjoy those new shoes, love the bounce in the first run out. Happy Tuesday, Kristine!


I have a terrible black thumb, as did my late mom. My coworkers gave me a plant when she passed and I had to rehome it before I completely killed it. I felt bad, but it also made me feel closer to my mom <3


I bet you miss your mom so much. I am so sorry that you lost her, Steph and I hope you feel close to her as often as possible. Thanks for sharing this with us!


Bhahaha, I can relate to playing pretend, taxes and gardening! I am horrible at folding clothes–I usually throw them in a drawer and stick them in the dryer if they get too wrinkly. My kids riffle through their drawers all the time so it seems a little pointless to take all the time to fold the clothes. Also, any kind of yard work. I never notice if the grass is long.

We got 10 inches of snow yesterday, 3 inches overnight and are supposed to get another 3-5 inches today. Plus it is -22 (with windchill). Winter can be over anytime now!

Have a fabulous Tuesday Janae!


Becky, thank you for adding something else to my list… folding clothes. I just can’t! Yep, I don’t do the yard work either. We are so alike. You guys are getting pounded, I hope that you have had some good shows for the treadmill. Thanks Becky, you too!


I can relate to all of this, especially taxes! I totally have the same mindset that the rest is just fluff—I like to save my energy for the fun stuff:) One of my fears actually is that if something were to happen to my husband I would be homeless or in jail because I don’t do finances. Morbid but true?


KRISTEN… I have that exact same fear. I would have ZERO idea about anything which got me in some trouble the first time around ha;). I hope your day is a great one and that neither of us ever have to do taxes!


Good morning, Janae! Well done you with the 10 miler in the snow!! I love your list – thanks for sharing :o)
Things I am terrible at (and OK with that!): whistling, bowling, and math. Whistling I just flat out CANNOT do. I have so much fun bowling, but wish they didn’t have big, lighted score boards for all to see LOL! And math…would avoid it completely except that adulting requires it sometimes :o(
It takes a special breed of person to do a 100 mile ultra. I am not of that breed. A marathon is my solo limit, but would entertain longer distances as a relay. Maybe someday?
Lunch today is lentil vegetable soup, whole wheat bread and raw veggies with hummus. I only know this, because I had to pack it for work this morning lol. I am totally going to try the fried rice recipe very soon!
This weather – ugh. A LOT of rain today and tomorrow, but maaaaaaaybe 6-10″ of snow Thursday/Friday. I’ll believe it when I see it – the last big “snowstorm” gave us ice. Grrrrrr.
Have an awesome day, Janae!!


Thank you Janine! Haha you just made me try to whistle and turns out that I can’t do it either. Thanks for helping me add to my list. Oh I totally agree, a relay type of 100 miler would be so fun. Can I come over for your lunch… that sounds so good. STAY WARM! You too, Janine!


Your list confirms how similar we are wired.
Something I am bad at or maybe the better phrase is bad at wanting to do is all the sports prep. I want to do all the activities, but pumping up a bike tire, getting a paddle board/kayak on the car, adjusting the straps of a day pack, etc……..I do not want to do.
Lunch is leftover pizza and a side salad.


Thank goodness we have husbands that will do all of the sports prep for us haha. Sounds like the perfect lunch, enjoy!


Hi Janae! So my dad has always done my taxes. Now that I’m married this year I’m hoping my husband will just do them. I’ll let you know how this strategy works!
I can’t believe people run multiple ultras. I understand one for the bucket list but more is just crazy.
Have a great day!


You will have to keep me updated with what happens this year haha! I just never ever want to do taxes and I hope you won’t have to either. I don’t understand multiple ultras either but I’m so amazed by those that do! Thanks friend, you too and I bet it feels so good to be home!


You are amazing for all you do with your kids! I live in Alberta and it is -30 here today and I am NOT good at dealing with this type of cold. I also suck at keeping plants and flowers alive, being patient, parallel parking and driving slow.

Camille is a legend. I would love to do a 50 miler this summer.

Lunch is cereal with a bunch of added berries and pantry morsels.

Have a super week!


Katie, how in the world do you survive those temperatures? Do you have a treadmill? Oh I think the 50 miler this summer is an amazing idea and that you should do it. Ummm I need your lunch right now. Thanks Katie, you too!


I am terrible at cooking, which is okay because the only person for whom I (never) cook is myself!


Gisele, thanks for sharing! I definitely am not the cook that I always hoped I would be ha. Hope your day is a beautiful one and includes some good take out!


I’m terrible at identifying cars. I have no idea I have no idea what type of car anyone around me drives. We’re lucky if I know what color car they drive. My husband can see a random car in a parking lot and know who is there and I’ve got nothing. Then he tries to tell me about a particular type of car and I have no idea what he’s talking about. Or my favorite is when he’ll start talking about some car that we rented one time four years ago and he is shocked that I have no idea what he’s talking about. He’s lucky that I know what kind of truck he drives…


I’m terrible at anything technology related – I can’t turn on our TV, stereo or Zwift for the indoor bike without my husband’s help. But I swear he makes the instructions extra complicated so I won’t attempt it on my own and break something (kinda clutsy too, oops). I’m also terrible at all things artsy (I was the kid in art class who just wished we could go back to math problems). And doing my hair!! I feel bad that my hair dresser always tries to teach me how to blow out and curl my hair when I know I’m going to walk out and have it in a pony tail 5 minutes. I guess it all balances out though because I can do taxes!

We got about 10 inches of snow overnight and it feels weird to be back to winter after so many weeks that felt like spring! And a 100 mile ultra sounds super exciting… to watch Camille or Courtney or Sally do ;)


So glad you said this out loud. I hate pretend. Loathe it. I will do all the things you said and take you to the pool, (mom of 4 here) and play with you and throw a ball to you as you jump in and try and catch it for hours, or race across the pool, create an obstacle course but don’t ask me to play pretend anything.


There was an episode of Work Play Love where Jesse Thomas was asked what his least favorite game to play with his kids was. His answer- “imagination.” I felt seen.

I’m so with you on hating pretend. I have played My Little Pony family so many times in the past months that I cringe every time my daughter walks towards me with Fluttershy.


I also do not like playing pretend! Even when I was younger and my friends wanted to play house or school. I always disliked it! And then when I babysat If the kids ever wanted to play pretend the time would go by soooo slowly. I think it is so mind numbingly boring! I have no idea what that says about us :-) but I appreciate that you are the same way!

I am terrible at a lot of things. The main one is waiting for a reply on anything. I want an instant response!


I’m terrible at…
remembering to take my vitamins
dusting all the places I should
understanding my kids’ math homework
folding and putting away towels
snacking before supper while telling my kids not to
staying awake to watch a movie
keeping indoor plants alive

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