Quite messed up + a speed workout!

(Top, leggings, ((<–both sold out but maybe they are in the stores)) my favorite speed shoes right now)

It’s that time of year when I realize how messed up my perception is when it comes to running temperatures now…

25 degrees in February = Just one layer over my sports bra and I felt like I was overheating the whole time.

28 degrees in October=  four layers over my sports bra and I felt like I was turning into an ice cube with each step.

2 mile w/u, 2-mile tempo (6:09 average which was 10 seconds slower per mile than a few weeks ago but the ups and downs in training are normal.. just gotta focus on the effort), .5 mile recovery, 1 mile @ 5:47, c/d for a total of 10.05 miles.

PS this was my first speed workout with Emilee in MONTHS.

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Brooke had crazy hair day so she requested we add in a bunch of different colored hair clips and a bottle of sparkles:)

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I love doing leg day after a speed workout.  My legs are already going to be sore from the speed workout so I might as well do a leg strength workout on the same day.  Doing it this way also makes sure that I have plenty of days to recover with easy runs before I need to go fast again.  I don’t care if my upper body or core is sore during a speed workout but I don’t love having sore legs while trying to run fast.

Skye joined me which made it very fun.

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Gymnastics happened.

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In our area, I just started working with the girls Brooke’s age and we have activities twice a month together.   I made a bunch of sugar cookies yesterday for them to decorate and deliver to some widows in our area.  It’s really fun to be able to get to know the girls that Brooke is around often!

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General Mills sent these on over yesterday.  I will give you a full review of the chocolate strawberry Cheerios.

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Brooke got a new veterinarian (what she wants to be) book and she couldn’t put it down last night.

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Skye was basically flying she was so excited to have Knox home.

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Every time I forget to close the pantry door…

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Thoughts on these?  

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-No thank you but Brooke, Knox and Skye love them!

If you strength train with your running, how do you schedule it?

What profession did you want to do when you were a child?

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That looks like a great book. My 8 year old daughter wants to be a vet too, or a teacher. I wanted to be a vet when I was the same age!
Curious, do you get valentines gifts for your kids?
Cute idea on the sugar cookies. That will be a fun activity to do this weekend for Valentine’s Day!


Hey Ashlea! Brookie also says she wants to be a teacher if she isn’t a vet. So I pick them up little treats at TJ’s (their Vday stuff is adorable) and a stuffed animal (in my kid’s opinions there is never enough stuffed animals in their lives ha) but that’s it. What about you? Enjoy the cookies and have a great day!


Yes please give a review of the chocolate strawberry cheerios because they sound good but I could also see them not being good. So basically I need to know lol.

I’ll eat one or two of the candy hearts but that’s all I need or want for the year.

Pretty sure I wanted to be a hairdresser at one point when I was younger. Which is funny because I low key dread getting my hair cut after a bad one 10+ years ago lol


Haha I could see it going one way or the other too… having a bowl when the kids go to bed tonight and I’ll let you know. Oh it’s VERY hard to recover from a really bad hair salon day. I hope your day is a beautiful one!


Conversation hearts are on my Top 5 favorite candy list! I love them, and I know that is an unpopular opinion!
And I really want to try those Choc Strawberry Cheerios.


I will tell my kids today that you love them too, it will make them so happy. I hope you get a box of them soon, even the box is just so cute and worth buying it ha. Happy Thursday, Nikki!


I’m going to come over for cookie decorating, looks like so much fun!

OK I like almost all candy but sweathearts are blah. I don’t think I’d even be able to use them as bike/run fuel if I were bonking. That’s how unappealing they are. They kind of remind me of tums.

That is great that Brooke wants to be a veterinarian. Jason’s first wife was a vet, it’s very demanding and I think in the USA it’s harder to get into vet school than medical school, which is crazy. It’s a rewarding career for those who find the right specialty!


I wanted to be a PE teacher! I think because I was the only kid in my class that could pass the Presidential Fitness Test without retaking any of the tests every year. Story of my life. Not great at anything but OK at a lot of things…

I go to the gym M/W/F. It is a new gym to me. The workout is split into 6 stations – agility, endurance, boxing, power blocks (dumbells), and racks. Yes, that is only 5 stations but the year is split into 6 seasons that focus on a different component. So during strength season, you do the racks twice for a total of 6 stations. Right now we are in agility season so we do team agility and individual agility. For most of the athletes, this is the hardest season. My calves hurt all of the time from the jumping/quick movement.

I don’t run very far so I take Mondays off and double up running and the gym on Wednesdays and Fridays. I usually run first which makes the gym challenging. Totally the point! Yesterday I went to a later class than normal. I was complaining and the coach said that was OK, I could just run. “Ha! I already did that today,” I fired back. He gave me one of those, “your are insane” looks as the workout was HARD. But what is the point of going if you aren’t sweating?


Strengthening legs on the same day as speed workouts is so smart! I did my leg workout yesterday on my biking day, and today is speed work. I may regret this…

My niece wants to be a vet too! I might need to get her that book. I wanted to be a teacher as a kid, I loved school and my teachers!


I love your idea for baking cookies for widows. And what a great way to teach your kids the importance or helping others.

I always do strength training the same day as a hard workout. I read that hard days should be hard and easy days should be easy so I do not do strength on recovery days.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a catcher for the Dodgers. While I was active playing softball, the big leagues didn’t quite work out. I love that Brooke wants to be a vet. My 4-year says he is going to be a kid’s baking champion when he grows up.


Hey Janae!
Happy Early Valentine’s Day!!!!
I absolutely love sweets, but I’m a hard NO on those candy hearts, too!!! The larger (not mini) Brachs ones are good, but they have become SO hard to find!!!!

I wanted to be an artist when I was a kid. I still kinda do :) Sometimes I think I should have been an art teacher instead of an English teacher. So, I just make my English students do lots of artsy projects. ha ha.

So, right now I’m on week 2 of a running break! For the most part self-imposed for a few reasons—I had a couple of niggles that could use the rest from running , IT’S COLD AND I HATE WINTER RUNNING, and I’ve always wanted to do Madeline’s Moves 4 week Tighter Together challenge—it’s 4 weeks/6 days a week intense strength with little cardio. So now my shoulders are sore instead of my legs. ha ha. I told myself I’d take 2 weeks completely off running, and for the last two weeks of the program I could do running for the cardio part if I choose to/feel like it. I’m so curious as to what compositional changes I’ll see/how I’ll feel on 4 weeks of strength training/eating 90% clean (aint no one taking away my dessert at night!!!! ha ha) It’s good to mix things up!

Hope you guys have a fun day!!!


Brooke’s hair looks so cute! I miss having all those fun theme days for the boys at school. They really were fun!
I did lower body strength after my intervals too yesterday. My legs felt really tired last night, but so far they’re feeling ok this morning. We’ll see how they are when I go run. Awesome job on your speed work!
Conversation hearts, no thanks. But kids seem to like them. They taste like chalk to me.
Oooo…. Ali has her “Love on the run” week all this week. Such great couples. She started with the D’Amato’s, they were so sweet and so hilarious!!
Have a great Thursday ?


I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was 9, and that’s what I did. I’ve been in general practice my whole career, but I have classmates in all areas of the veterinary world. Tell Brooke she’ll never be bored!


I am having her read your comment when she gets home! Thanks Angela and I hope your day is a great one!


My author friend just started a kids book series called The Pet Vet series. 2 books are out so far (on Amazon, author is Cindy Prince). I’ve read them to my kids while editing them and they are super fun…based on her own experiences growing up with a father who was a vet. Might be up her alley.


Ordering these two books for Brooke right now, she is going to love them. Thank you and so great that you were able to help your friend by editing the books (apologizing now for all of the errors you probably see in each post here haha). Have a great day, Chelsea!


Leg day is Tuesday, but I am not currently doing a ton of speed. I mostly want them fresh for Saturday long run.
Strength definitely humbles me as to sometimes it is 4 days later I am still feeling those squats and lunges. Woah.

I love what you are doing with Brooke and those aged girls.


Your cookies look delicious! Brooke’s hair looks awesome!

I have switched to making my hard days hard and easy days easy. I lift on days of hard running. It has made a world of difference in my ability to recover! I used to do my lifting on easy running days, but I ended up being tired/depleted all the time. Now I feel like I am adequately recovering and able to push harder on my hard days.

I only wanted to be a mom when I grew up and that still hasn’t changed. I still have no idea what I want to do with my life, haha. A stay-at-home mom is/was perfect, but I am still trying to figure out what I want to do long term. I am happy that I have a 4 year degree so I can sub/teach, etc.

Have a fabulous Thursday Janae!


Good morning, Janae! You do such fun activities with your kids :o) I think I’m going to partially steal your idea and make cookie baking a Valentine’s date night. I have to work until 10pm on Valentine’s Day, so cookies may happen on Sunday.
The Sweetheart conversation hearts make me feel nostalgic :o) Not so nostalgic that I could eat them again though LOL. If I can find the ones the are similar and made by Sweet Tarts, I will eat a handful of those.
How do I schedule running and strength training? Any way I can make it all fit into my schedule!! Sometimes, it’s both back to back, sometimes separated by a few hours, or scattered all over the week. I admire people who are better than I am at scheduling it all!
My dream career when I was a kid was to be an animator for Disney!! I don’t think you mentioned what yours was as a kid…do tell!
Have an excellent day, Janae :o)


Fitting in strength and running is tricky. I do strength mon, tues, wed, and friday mornings (I do 45 – 60 minutes of strength). Running happens in the evenings on the days that I do strength in the mornings and I run early on the days I don’t do strength. It does get tricky when my mileage gets high, I usually combine strength workouts when my mileage is at its highest, i.e. one upper body day, one lower body day, and one total body day. Of course, with two teenagers, I feel like I am always trying to find the balance between my activities and my kids activities.

Growing up I wanted to be so many things, in Junior High I thought I would be a pediatrician. I do have a medical career and work with children at times. I love my career and am happy that I found it.


Hi Janae! I gotta agree with everyone else, candy hearts are gross and hard days should be hard! I used to do speed workout in the morning then lift at night. I think that was just enough time to recover a bit.
Have a great day!


I also wanted to be a vet for a while! Didn’t end up happening but I do volunteer walking dogs at a shelter so that’s all I really wanted out of it anyway :)

I’m not great about doing actual strength training but incorporate a lot of yoga! I usually do a long class on Mondays and Fridays, then do a shorter class that’s more stretchy on days when I run.


The chocolate strawberry cheerios are ok, but not my favorite. I prefer multigrain or frosted cheerios:)
I like the sweet tarts brand conversation hearts, but not the regular kind. but if you eat too many sweet tarts you can kinda burn your tongue.

Oh, and be on the lookout for Brach’s late night taco truck flavored jellybeans…………I have not tried them yet, but took them to my running group last night and they liked most of the flavors (even ground beef) but said the salsa flavor was horrible and couldn’t get it out of their mouth, ha!

Pretty sure I just wanted to be a famous singer and dancer………..that would not have panned out bc I can’t carry a tune & am always off beat!


I wanted to be an interior decorator when I was younger. I have no design sense so it’s probably good that I didn’t end up going into that!! Right now my kids want to be a teacher (5 year old) and a taxidermist (10 year old).

No to the Conversation Hearts but my kids like them too. My absolute favorite candy ever is Brachs JuJu Hearts and they only come out at Valentines time so I have to stock up.


I do not like the conversation hearts, yet I remember trying them each year if I got them for valentine’s candy. Still no. Just give me chocolate HAHA. My husband and I usually make our own chocolate covered strawberries for valentine’s day. Last year my husband found a heart shaped steak at the store so I told him if he sees that again, buy it for our Valentine’s day dinner.


When I was Small I wanted to be a teacher. I ended up becoming a doctor!! But I still teach in that role sometimes.

Conversation hearts are fun but there are like 1000 other candies I’d rather have.

For Allies birthday yesterday ( SOMEHOW SHE IS SIX!!) I took her to the bulk food store and we picked out so many candies!! Giant gummy Coke bottles are delicious as well as chocolate covered jujubes…. Yummmm


So many better options than sweethearts out there. I would not want to ruin a good holiday. Lol
I would freeze right now in 20 degree weather. My morning run here in Phoenix was 55 and windy, and yes I start off with a pair of light gloves on hy hands. Funny how we acclimate to our climates.
I’m still trying to figure out the best strength schedule. Typically a couple days before my long run.
I wanted so much to Bea farmer. I wanted to raise cattle, horses and have orchards. I liked being outside working in our orchards and doing yard work, and taking care of our animals.
Not a farmer but outside is my favorite place to be.


Have you had the peanut butter and chocolate cheerios? So good!!! I had two bowls yesterday!!


I also wanted to be a vet, until I got to high school! Then I ended up teaching middle school for 5 years, before going back to school to get my PhD in animal science. I’m hoping to teach at a college/university after graduation. :)
Good news though, if Brooke wants to go to vet school in state – USU is planning on making their vet program 4-year in the next five years! Currently, students spend two years in Logan and the last two up in Pullman, WA at WSU. Here’s an article about it if you (or Brooke) are interested: https://www.deseret.com/utah/2022/1/14/22880904/utah-state-university-making-case-for-college-veterinary-medicine-covid-comfort-pets

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