Sentence Per Picture!

(Leggings, jacket, shoes I love for speed, garmingloves, headband)

We all earned extra credit points for doing our speed workout in the cold (20 degrees so not toooooo bad but still:), my lungs felt frozen.

10 miles total with 3 intervals—> 1 mile (5:52 some downhill), 1 mile (5:31 more downhill) & 1.2 miles straight up (477 ft of climbing @ 9:08 average pace)…. that last interval had every muscle in my body shaking (picture from one of the recoveries, there is no way I could have taken a picture during an interval bc I was hurting).

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Another good luck moment—> found candy in my running jacket pocket.

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Our ping pong table is forcing people to come over to my house to hang out more which is a huge plus.

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The girls have been begging for these colored hair clip-ins and they are pretty thrilled about it.

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I need to find a tumbling class for 14-month-olds because Beck does not think it is fair that he can’t join Skye’s class.

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Rice bowls for lunch.

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And chicken rolls for dinner.

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Andrew wanted to play ping pong with my mom… and he finally won.

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The kids made brownie sundaes all by themselves to eat with my parents!

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Have a great day!

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Any games/sports that you are pretty much unbeatable with?

-Air hockey is my specialty!

What are you making for dinner tonight?

When you are including speed work in your training, what day do you typically do it on?

Would love to hear any good news in your world right now!

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My grandmother was a great ping pong player too! My grandparents had their table in their basement, more like a cellar, and we had many rousing games during family gatherings. My grandmother was a tiny little thing but boy, could she whack that ball with accuracy! Roasted veggie tacos with lime crema tonight. Yummy!


What wonderful memories! Haha that is exactly how I feel about my mom. She is so little but can really hit that ball so hard. Ummmmm your dinner sounds amazing. I’ll be over at 6? You’ll have to share the recipe with me!


Air hockey is MY specialty!! Come to VA for a tournament!


BRING IT;). And if you are ever in Utah, I expect you to come straight from the airport to the local arcade to meet me;). Hope your day is a fabulous one, Jenn!


That picture of Beck and your Dad, love!
I’m making buffalo chicken sandwiches.
This is a board game, but Catan is my specialty.


Reading about your buffalo chicken sandwiches just made me drool. Wish we could all get together for a game of Catan, I love that one too! Happy Thursday, Erica!


I love Beck’s face in that picture with your dad!! Oh, and it’s so good to see your parents are healthy and doing well.
I love games that bring family/friends over. We have corn hole for the backyard, and it is always so much fun! And, I am really pretty good at it! The boys don’t like when mom beats them though… Ha!
So I usually do speed work on the track (when there’s no school) or on the treadmill. That way I don’t have to think about what I’m doing. But yesterday, I discovered my street is exactly 400 meters!!! Perfect!! My speed workout for yesterday was 10×400! I’m sure my neighbors thought I was completely crazy, but it worked really well!
I don’t know what I’m making for dinner. I really need to get back to weekly menu planning!
Oh, awesome job on your speed work yesterday!! And those mountain views are so pretty!
Have a great day Janae!


Thank you so much, Wendy! My dad was feeling really good yesterday, it made us all so happy. Hahah I bet they aren’t too happy when you beat them. 400m street… YES! That is awesome and way to get in a hard workout (400s kill me)! Thanks friend, you too!


I would say badminton. My mom taught me to play. But a ping pong table sounds like so much fun!

Haven’t done speed work in awhile but last night I went for a run. It was beautiful and cold and when I finished I was shocked to see that the splits were the fastest I had run in a year lol. Maybe all the snowshoeing and trail time have paid off lol.

I also signed up for my first big race in 2 years. Whistler Alpine Meadows 100km in Sept. I think there is something like 19000 feet of climbing and descent ..So will be climbing a lot this spring and summer haha.

Wil probably do take out tonight.

Have an amazing day Janae!


I want to play badminton with you! I love that you used to play with your mom:) WAY TO GET IN THAT SPEEDY RUN and I am sure the trails and snowshoeing have just made you so strong. 100km <-- you are my hero! And 19k ft of up and down, you are just incredible and I really want to follow along your training. Enjoy your take out! Thanks Kristine!


Hope your dad is doing well. He looks great!


Thank you Allison! That means a lot, yesterday was a really good day for him. I hope your day is off to a great start!


Rummikub! I am obsessed. I have to bribe my family to play with me since I always win.


I have never played… off to go get it on Amazon so I can learn! Hahah I love that you have to bribe them. Have a great day, Amy!


My good news is I had my baby on the 25th!! We named him Brooks :) I’m not good at any sports or table games haha, but my husband is a natural with just about everything sporty- he loves ping pong and is pretty good! A brownie sundae sounds amazing, I think I’ll have to make that soon!


CONGRATULATIONS! Alicia, I am SO happy for you and I LOVE his name! I hope you are feeling great and getting plenty of rest and recovery. I hope you get that brownie sundae soon!


Ya know, officially/professionally it is called “Table Tennis” (not ping pong.) Oh well, we always call it ping pong too. Ha ha.


I’m going to start calling it that so Andrew takes me more seriously! Hope your day has been a beautiful one so far!


Your ping pong adventures remind me of playing with my church youth group. We use to play “Around the World.” Super fun!

I’m making blackened tilapia with rice and egg rolls tonight. (Edamame if I have any!)

My “speed work” right now is hills. 6 miles on the trail today with a headwind for the first three (all uphill) and a tailwind going down.


Oh my goodness that was so much fun to watch! I have to try some of those moves. That is the BEST type of speedwork:). Enjoy dinner tonight, that sounds amazing!


Your Dad looks so great! Doesn’t he have a birthday coming up? Maybe I’m totally wrong on that, but I thought it was close to yours (almost your birthday month!!). And yay for the ping pong table. We had one growing up and it was so much fun. Dinner is farro bowls with crispy tofu, kale, broccoli and coconut chips with a soy/sesame oil dressing.


Michelle. You are the absolute best. Thank you for remembering both of our birthdays coming up! Ummm your dinner sounds incredible. I’ll be over soon:).


I almost forgot about air hockey! I used to love playing that game. Now you have me brainstorming where I could fit an air hockey table in my (already very crowded) house!




The boy Sonic exe looks like his mother.

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