Friday Favorites!

(tank, step up leggings, shoes)

Lunch run with Andrew!

We took the littles over to my parents’ house while we were running/riding.  Skye basically pushed us out the door to leave because she said we were talking to my mom for too long.

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It was my first time doing a ‘challenge run’ (trails the day after a speed workout) in a long time and my body could tell.

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It is a strange feeling to be running on snow with a tank top on and sweating…

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This run was hard from the very first step.

I just could not get in the groove and it was a good thing Andrew was there to keep me going.

We only got lost once and climbed 1164 ft for the 8 miles @ 9:17 pace.

I need to pick up my cadence on the trails!

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For dinner, we had Megan’s Chicken Cream Cheese Chili (we always add an extra can or two of tomato soup)!  Also, I just made it on the stove last night because I had rotisserie chicken that just needed to be warmed up!

Everyone in our family loves this soup.

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Time for a few of my favorite things:

*Sarah Sellers posted this about Keira D’Amato and it gave me goosebumps… A lot can happen in four years.  Keep dreaming!

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*The best face wipes I have ever used… I especially love them when I travel and don’t have everything with me.  They are amazing.

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*Trader Joe’s Valentine’s goodies and cards ($1 each)!  The gummy Xs & Os are my favorite.

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*A company sent me the Theragun Mini and it is SO easy to bring with me anywhere I go… especially in the car when Andrew is driving.  It is a fabulous massage gun but if you are looking to spend a bit less and you don’t care about the size, I also really love the Sharper Image massage gun.  Both are winners in my book and a tool I love for injury prevention.  I’m trying to be SO diligent with all of the recovery as I am reintroducing speed and trails… I’m not wanting to take another month off from running like last October.

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*I feel like it is my duty to share all of my favorite super soft clothing items that you will just want to live in—> especially when it is a $20 sweatshirt. (Also, these are the Senita Step Up Pants in bronze ((code JANAE for 15% off))

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*Just in case you are a newsletter fan, Nicci told me about the free running newsletter from The New York Times and it is awesome.  I look forward to the Fast Women newsletter every week too.

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What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Would you rather get flowers or chocolate or something else?

Any running newsletters/websites that you absolutely love?

Recovery tool that you use most often?

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The mountains are so pretty!! Way to take on the trails (and climbing) the day after speed!!
I would much rather get flowers than chocolate, for sure! Flowers, especially sunflower and tulips, just make me happy.
I love Mario Fraoli’s newsletter which comes out on Tuesdays, also Tina Muir’s. I have heard so many great things about FastWomen… I need to check that out.
Not a lot happening this weekend. A long run with good weather, decluttering some closets, and working in the yard.
I’m heading out for my early run with friends now… It feels so good to have this routine back again!!
Love that sweatshirt! It looks super cozy!!
Have a great Friday!!


Off to sign up for Mario and Tina’s newsletters too… thank you Wendy for sharing! Have the best long run, wish I could join you! So happy you are back with your friends running again. Thanks friend, you too!


I’m looking forward to one day of nice weather! It’s been so cold in Wisconsin that I don’t even want to go outside.
I’ll take advantage of the sunshine and 30 degree weather when we have it!


Sarah, I am SO happy you guys are going to have some good weather this weekend. You are amazing for surviving those Wisconsin winters! You’ll have to let me know what you do outside this weekend.


I’m obsessed with that bronze color in the Senita bottoms, but I’m not feeling so brave these days to wear any color on my lower half. BUT: the ‘skin’ fabric Senita uses for those super soft leggings is like game-changer amazing. I am obsessed with the vinyasa 7/8 leggings, because on me they’re full length–and they remind me of lulu aligns but 1) a bit more structure and compression so I can wear them for barre and yoga without worrying about pilling almost right away and 2) such a nicer pricepoint. I really love that you’re working with Senita these days and getting the word out there through the blog. :)

Those Valentines goodies from TJs look amazing. I haven’t gotten curious about their Vday stuff yet–(yet?!?). I have spent the month of January trying to keep excess spending to a minimum, and when I go to TJs I want to buy ALL THE THINGS–and I have a tendency to go to the ‘new arrivals’ display and get one of pretty much everything. Trying to minimize that impulse. But you are tempting me big time!!!

You asked what we are looking forward to this weekend. Tomorrow morning I am having a much overdo manicure right after barre class (I get SNS–and I am 4 weeks out from my last manicure, and the polish has popped off of two nails…and my nails are getting WAY too long). And tomorrow evening I get to take my friend Anna out to dinner at a New Orleans style restaurant that’s sort of between both of our homes–her birthday was last weekend, and we are celebrating!!! Last time we got to go out and have fun she was 6 weeks away from popping out baby #3, and now she is 6.5 months after sweet Felicity joining the world and she is FINALLY starting to venture out and do social things. And I am really happy about it. I met Anna because of Les Mills classes at a gym we both taught at pre-COVID (and I met her at a time when I had just left academia and didn’t know what the future would bring–and whether it would keep me and Tom in Atlanta or whether a position I had interviewed for in Kansas City would uproot us and take us to the midwest), and I am so happy that despite some of the problems of teaching at that gym, it gave me an amazing space to meet a new friend. She has become one of those friends who I don’t get to talk to OFTEN or see OFTEN, but my life is so much better because of her. She’s a safe space to talk to about anything and everything, even though when I first met her all of my insecurities sort of came to the surface and tried to lodge inside me a worry of “she will never want to know you…you’re too much a hot mess.” I’m glad I didn’t listen to the insecurities.

Also on Sunday I teach my weekly RPM class. We’re still in the middle of launch time, and I am so happy about it because for the first time in almost a year and a half, I am DEEPLY IN LOVE with this whole RPM release. And I love the people who have become my Sunday morning regulars–they’re so much fun to be around, and though we tend to be a smaller group (anywhere from 6-14 people), that class feels SO FULL of amazing energy. I am looking forward to teaching Sunday’s class more than I have in a while. It’s amazing what an incredibly choreographed fitness class set to the perfect music to match the movement (and in an amazingly fluid sequence) will do to re-root me in my love of Les Mills!!!

Oh–back to Senita. I know how much you love your lulu energy bras. try Senita’s lotus bra or their ‘strappy’ bra (that is my most absolute favorite Senita bra…). I’m curious what you’ll think!!!! (Plus–they’re just pretty…and sometimes that matters, right?)

Have THE BEST day!


Stephanie, I think you need the bronze! They seriously are the softest leggings ever. I’m loving working with them too… I wore their RIOs for a while and I am loving trying their other gear. I will have to try their lotus bra next, sounds amazing! And the look of the bra really does matter!! I am SO happy that you are able to get to spend time with Anna this weekend. She sounds amazing and I am so grateful you were able to gain that friendship from when you taught at that gym! Enjoy your manicure and RPM class too! Enjoy every second this weekend. Tell Tom hello!


I love your Friday Favorites posts! You mentioned a hair product that you love recently. I believe you said it makes your hair so shiny. I can’t find that post anywhere to find the product. Can you let me know the hair product? Thanks so much! Have a great weekend!


Hey Leah! Thank you so so much and my favorites are in this post if this helps!

I’m guessing it is the Olaplex, I am so obsessed with it. Have the best weekend!


Awww grandparents are the best! How wonderful to live so close to your family!

We are in MAUI, so I am ready to soak up some sun. We ended up missing a day because our flight was cancelled due to a frozen water line on the plane so after 38 hours of travel, we were very excited to get here!

Have a wonderful Friday Janae!


MAUI MAUI MAUI MAUI! Becky, I am seriously so happy you guys are there but bummer you missed a day and had such a stressful time getting there. ENJOY!


Hi Janae! Flowers and chocolates are nice, but I’d rather have the house cleaned without me asking (not sure if that’s asking too much).
How do you know what the right intensity is for coming back after injury? So many times I get a new injury when coming back from an old one.
Happy Friday!


I am totally on your team with that… the house cleaned would be my first choice too:). Uggggg I am trying to figure this out (AGAIN). It’s so hard to not just jump in full force but I am just trying so hard to listen to my body. I guess we just have to force ourselves to do a bit less than we think we should. IE I really think I’d be okay to go out and do a long run tomorrow BUT at the same time I just don’t want to overdo since I’ve already had some bigger workouts this week it so I’m going to bike instead! I guess less is more at this point? Thanks Amy and I hope that helps a bit!


I want chocolate, ALWAYS, over flowers :-)

I’m super interested in your cadence. I had never really paid attention to mine until a friend brought up how she wanted to work on her cadence. What is your cadence supposed to be? How do you increase it/work on it? Does it have to do with your height? Can you do a post on this? lol


Hey Torrie, I did some research on this a while back.
My running doc told me to try and maintain 180 cadence to avoid injury; but it is really dependent on individuals and paces. Myself for instance – without trying I run in the 165-170 range when doing slower runs like 8-11 minute miles. But, when I “race” a 5K I naturally run 180+ cadence at 6:50-7:30 pace.
Here is an article I found comparing Tarahumara barefoot runners to conventionally shod runners. As you can see by looking at Table 2 they were around 175 cadence at 3.5-3.6 m/s (7:40 pace).

I also wrote down in my notes that Kenyan runners are 160’s cadence at 8 minute pace and 180+ at 4:50 pace.


I found the article my written notes were from:


JOHN I love this article. Thank you for sharing. I am kind of a big believer in the fact that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it… does that make sense? If these runners aren’t getting injured and racing well then their cadence is right where it needs to be and that it probably greatly fluctuates depending on their speed… does that make sense? I just wonder if my plantar issues would be helped if I did increase my cadence!


Yup, that makes sense. I would think if your cadence is 165-175 for slower runs and 175-185 for faster runs then you are fine.
I personally don’t think increasing cadence would help with plantar issues, but I am certainly no expert. Unless, of course, you are way lower than mentioned above and in those articles.
For plantar issues I would definitely try all the exercises on Dr. Emily Splichal’s YouTube channel to strengthen your feet, watch her video lectures, and consider the detailed frame by frame running analysis from an expert like I mentioned before.
Here are the Dr Emily links I shared before:


Hey Torrie! Mind if I write a whole post about this next week… I have SO much to say!!! Have the best day and I hope you get


Yes!!! Please do a post on it!! I so appreciate what John sent but would love to hear your thoughts too!!


When your wearing leggings do you wear underwater or how do you find a kind that doesn’t show? If this is too personal you don’t have to say!


Never TMI with me:). I’m not an underwear with leggings kind of person! Hope you have a great day!


The theragun is the BEST! I use mine all the time. I’m loving all the mom/woman inspo after Keira and Sara Hall. It’s so fun to see women crushing it! I’m so impressed you can do all those climbing runs at your pace. Well done! Y’all have a great weekend!


Thank you so much Avery and seriously, I love that we have these amazing women to follow! Hope your weekend is a great one too!


I am late posting today so you may not see this but are those camo leggings Senita too?? Do you have a link. Thank you


Hey Jane!! Those ones are lululemon and they are another favorite, here is the link but sadly they are sold out! Have a great weekend!


I live in the Northeast so looking forward to some snow this weekend! Had a very snow 12 miler today. It wasn’t supposed to snow, was supposed to be flurries. I went to the wrong place for snow and had to finish circling a parking lot!!

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