Friday Favorites + Feeling Helpless.

(Shirt, shorts, shoes)

I met up with Jo and Hilary for some trails.  I haven’t done trails in a while, but it felt like the right time to rip the bandaid off… maybe I’ll do that again someday with speed:)

Seven miles @ 9:54 average with 1204 ft of climbing!

It was pretty awesome to see the valley light up while we ran.

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I loved this water fountain that included a fountain for dogs.

The rest of the day was spent like this… yep, the doctor’s office.  The night before we went to the doctor for his ears AGAIN (NOTHING IS WORKING!!) and then were there again yesterday for hand, foot & mouth.  This poor boy can’t catch a break.

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We spent hours on the phone yesterday calling doctors to see if anyone can get him tubes sooner because our previous ENT won’t be able to get him in until the end of January.  No luck… hoping and praying that there is a cancellation and they are able to fit him in sooner somewhere.

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Let’s get into some Friday Favorites:

*The absolute easiest way to keep all of your wrapping paper organized, and it is only $7—> HERE!

*Yes, I am that person that has these Reindeer Antlers with a Red Nose for my car.  The kids love it.

*My brother-in-law picked these up at Costco and made them for us the other night, and they are now going to be purchased each time we go to Costco.  Add some vanilla ice cream and be prepared for the happiest taste buds.

*My favorite slippers each winter.  They keep your feet super warm, they are comfortable and only $23.

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*SUCH an interesting article about Shalane Flanagan’s mom!  I’m so grateful for how running has changed for women over the years.

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*These long sleeve tops are just the best, and so I’m going to share them one more time.  (Also with this outfit—> necklace, jeans, boots). PS everything is 20% off right now:)

*Another gift idea to add to my gift guide…. My mom gave Brooke these Watercolor Brush Pens, and she can’t put them down.

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Are you looking forward to anything this weekend?

Last chocolatey item that you ate?

Run in the dark or the light more often?

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Thank you so much for sharing that article about Shalane’s mom!! It makes me doubly grateful for all the ways my mom has supported my running/physical fitness in general. It also gave me much needed perspective about how much running/sports have progressed over the years to be more conducive to women. We have been given such a gift to be able to run during this particular time in history.


Doesn’t she just sound incredible? I love that your mom gave you so much support… your mom sounds wonderful. Thank goodness we live in this time where we are able to run and move towards our potential! I hope your day is a beautiful one. Thanks Clare!


We have the exact same style, haha. I love all your Madewell picks. What do you think of the boots you linked? I’ve been looking at them but buying shoes online can be such a risk!!


Meet me for a shopping afternoon?! How fun would that be. Soooooo I was nervous about them too but now I’m obsessed. They are a tiny bit more narrow than other boots that I have but they really dress up an outfit. They are super comfortable too which I was surprised about. I bought them to wear with my dresses but I want to wear them with jeans a bunch now too. Let me know if you get them and I hope you have the best day, Anna!


I am so sorry to hear about Beck’s ears and hand-foot-mouth. The wait is agonizing. I hoping the surgery happens sooner rather than later.

I am a Little Women and Louisa May Alcott fan and always loved this saying from her:
“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” – Louisa May Alcott

You will definitely know how to sail your ship after this season of illness!


Thank you so much Nadya! We are so ready for him to feel good again. I needed that quote big time. Reading it to my kids too when they wake up. THANK YOU and I hope your day is a beautiful one.


Oh Janae I am SO sorry about beck. Seeing your kids sick is the absolute worst part of being a parent for so many reasons!! The stress, feeling helpless seeing them sick, the lack of sleep for all, the time spent in waiting rooms, the time lost for work… etc etc. the good news is I bet when he’s a bit older he’s gonna be SO healthy cause he will have gotten all his sickness over with. At least that’s what I tell myself : D thinking of you guys today!


Thank you Andrea, you get it!!!! And you are so right, he won’t remember a thing once he is older… maybe just all of the snuggles:). Thanks friend and I hope your Friday with your two littles is a beautiful one!


Good morning, Janae! So sorry Beck is having such a struggle. Sending {{{hugs}}} and all good health vibes to you are your family today. Take good care.


Thank you Janine, you are just the best! Luckily, he slept pretty good last night so I am hoping he is happy again this morning. Hope your Friday is a great one!


Oh poor, Beck! Those tubes will make everything so much better–praying that there is a cancellation!

I run in the dark 90% of the time–except for summer;-). I already miss the longer days! The other day my daughter mentioned how funny it is that I run in the dark when other than running, I am terrified of the dark, haha.

There is the annual horse parade this year. It is magical! Earlier in the day the have Santa, craft fair and horse carriage rides.

Last chocolate thing I ate–peanut M&M’s.

Have a Fabulous Friday, Janae. Enjoy the snuggles with Beck!


Thank you thank you! I REALLLLLY hope that there is a cancellation! You inspire me so much with how you are able to get your runs in the dark before a busy day of subbing and kids. Absolutely amazing. Hahaha I’m right there with you… the dark at night especially, too scary for me. Can we come to the horse parade? That sounds incredible. Enjoy and thank you, Becky!


When my son was Becks age he also got tubes and was constantly sick and on antibiotics. We had him tested for allergies and it ends up he was allergic to milk, soy, eggs, wheat and a number of other things. Do you notice any other symptoms in Beck? My son only showed symptoms to egg(vomiting) even when I was just breast feeding him, but his infections really got worse with the introduction to solids. I just wanted to put this out there in case it’s not something you’ve checked on yet. We had to switch pediatricians to get answers instead of just pumping antibiotics into him constantly. It was a simple blood test panel that the new doctor ran and we had answers quickly. He is now 18 and has grown out of all but his egg allergy. I hope Beck improves quickly and you are able to get tubes in place to help him feel better.


THANK YOU THANK YOU! We actually have not thought deeply about allergies but this is something that could absolutely be causing the problems. It hasn’t been brought up at appointments and neither were tubes until I brought it up (and I’m wondering why they didn’t 6 ear infections before I did?!?). I am so done with antibiotics so I am very grateful for your comment because you were here! Absolutely going to have him tested. I really appreciate you, Leigh!


It’s so frustrating as a mom to know something is wrong, and not be able to get the help you need. He was my first and as a new mom I didn’t know what was normal. I took the doctors recommendations on the antibiotics and them saying he just had a fussy stomach until he had an overnight in the hospital. It was at that point I had just had enough of my sweet little boy being so sick all the time and switched pediatricians and finally got some answers. I still question what red flags the first doctor didn’t see and why they didn’t think to dig deeper to find the root of his issues. If it does end up being allergies (and hopefully it’s not!!) please reach out if you have any questions!


I would greatly appreciate the help if that is the problem. Thank you so much and that must have been so so hard as a new mom. We just know something is off in our guts as moms! Yep, questioning why the red flags haven’t been looked at too!


My little brother had multiple rounds of ear tubes, adenoids removed, etc. It turned out he is severely allergic to cow’s milk. So allergic, it was delaying his growth and development (he was hard of hearing because his ears were so backed up). Once he was off dairy, every issue resolved entirely. It may really be worth checking out his allergies!


Oh my gosh, poor Beck! I am so sorry you guys have to go through all this stuff Janae.


Thanks John! Really hoping we have a healthy little man again asap. Hope your day is a wonderful one! Andrew is out mountain biking right now, you’ll have to come visit Utah sometime and join!


Can Andrew fly here first and show me how to adjust my brakes, shifters, and front shocks? Lol, I still have some learning to do. I’ve already watched some YouTube videos and have a pretty good idea what I need to do. Now I just need to set some time aside to mess with it. And yes, some nice dry trails in Utah would be fabulous to ride on! It was the wettest November in history for the Seattle area.


I bet he could facetime with you and help!!!!!! Come to our (TOO) dry trails!


Poor Beck! We went through the same thing with my son! We couldn’t get the tubes for a month. I’m sure your doctors suggested this or maybe you are already doing it, but they put my son on antibiotics preventatively for that month. It worked!
One more hint – have them checked in sept/oct next year. One of my son’s had fallen out and by checking early we didnt need to wait forever for the second surgery. Hang in there!!


Hey! Thank you thank you thank you for sharing this with me… and my doctor did not suggest this (to be honest I’m pretty frustrated with how it has been handled there. SO glad that worked and I’ll bring this up… that would help so much. And the other tip… needed that one big time too. Hope your day is a great one!


Maybe you have looked into? My son many moons ago pretty much had ear infections every other month. What ended up happening was getting tonsils and adenoids taken out and never had an ear infection again.
Hang in there!


I have not looked into that at all! But now I will! Honestly, I’m confused why my pediatrician hasn’t told us about things like this! SO glad this was able to help your son. Thanks Tracy, I hope your Friday is a beautiful one!


Aw, poor guy!! I think there’s a good chance you could get a cancellation with the holidays coming up – I hope so, anyway.

Williams-Sonoma has Harry Potter advent calendars and a set of 4 is on major sale right now. Might be a good pick-me-up for your family right now!!


That is SO so true! I’m really hoping that we get one soon. Oh my goodness, those are amazing and a great sale! THANK YOU! Getting now, I hope your day is a beautiful one!


I’m so sorry about Beck. Seeing your kids sick/uncomfortable is the WORST. And hand foot and mouth was the most miserable my daughter has ever been. I hope it passes quickly!

Can they give you something to help him be more comfortable while you wait for the tubes? My kids didn’t have a ton of ear infections but they were always ok in between- maybe the last round of antibiotics did not do the trick?


I hope they can get Beck in sooner! Doctor’s offices are just so full right now.

This weekend we are taking my daughter for her first college visit at the University of Washington. Eek, how do I have a kid going to college so soon??

Costco has these almonds covered in coconut and chocolate and I like to freeze them, they are sooo good!

I am definitely running in the dark more often lately.


I’m coordinating a wedding this weekend – rehearsal tonight and all the festivities tomorrow!

We like to stop at this place called Bravo Farms on our way home from Fresno, which is what we did last Friday. They have amazing cheeses, chocolate covered almonds and the best chocolate malt balls. They recently added a fudge counter and their fudge was delicious! We bought four pieces – carrot cake, pralines and cream, Boston cream, and dark chocolate s’mores. Simply amazing!

I usually get out the door around 5:30-6:00, so I often start in the dark and finish in sunshine. We have thick fog this morning, less than a mile visibility which is kind of spooky to run in ;)


So sorry to hear about Beck. Similar situation and we went the chiropractor route (I believe in both eastern and western medicine routes). There was a misalignment in the neck and that really helped. Chiropractic on children is very gentle. I also agree with many of the comments to look into allergies.


Do you leave near West Jordan? My friend is an ENT there and he is amazing- Dr. Ryan Leonard. Might be worth a try!


Hi Janae, I know it will sound bizarre, but I know my chiropractor can adjust babies/kids to alleviate the way the ear tubes drain and it does relieve some pain and issues; however, I am in Ohio. Not sure if your ENT there had mentioned anything about trying this OR if you’d heard of it ….. hoping he feels better soon !


Yes! Our first had the same issues and ended up getting tubes. Unfortunately, when they fell out one of the holes didn’t close and now he needs to go back in and have it surgically patched. With our 2nd, I read about potential help from chiropractic care and started taking him to one who specialized in infants/children and he never had another issue! The adjustments were very gentle and nothing like adult chiropractic care. Hopefully Beck feels better soon but wanted to share because I wish I had known this with our first to at least give it a try!!


Oh no! Poor Beck! Seems like right now he can’t quite catch a break, huh…I really, really hope that there is a cancellation for tube insertion before the end of January!!! And I hope that Hand, Foot, Mouth settles down soon and he is feeling more comfortable.
OK with those lava cakes: since Tom and I are going to Virginia the day after Christmas to hang out with his mom’s family and we are cooking one night (we are already planning to make chili), I am going to make sure I seek out a box of that at Costco and bring with us for dessert.

What am I up to this weekend? Not too much–normal things, really. Going to barre. Teaching one of my spin classes. Completing a strength workout. I’m also getting my nails done (it’s been 6 weeks–eek! They look really ratchet right now, but since I have been working mostly from home it hasn’t been the worst thing ever I guess…but I have a work dinner in the middle of next week and then I am visiting friends next weekend, so now’s the time to clean that all up…) And now I am going to be making the butternut squash soup recipe you shared in your post the other day. Tom and I also talked about getting our (mini-sized) Christmas tree and decorating our apartment with our pretty minimal decorations. Simple things, but I kind of like it that way :)

Hope you all have a great weekend!!!!


That last picture…did Brooke draw that or trace it? Either way it’s super impressive!!


I came across this post about ear infections and thought of you. Seconds the suggestions about food allergies and chiropractic mentioned above.


Hi, chipping in on the ear infection cow milk link. Had multiple ear infections when I was a kid, they vanished when I stopped drinking and eating products with lactose. Ear infections are the absolute worst. It’s an easy non-invasive trick, hope it can help you.


As mentioned a few times, I would strongly suspect food allergies. Tubes may help his ears a bit, but the allergy will then present itself in a different symptom. Definitely worth looking into❤️


I CANNOT THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH for this help… getting him tested this week. Once again, something my pediatrician didn’t even bring up as a possibility (I am so frustrated). Hope you are having a great day!


I intensely dislike running in the dark. Running just before the sun comes up is beautiful but pitch black is not. I do not like the little cocoon of light at all! When I run, I like to see the trees and the animals and THE PEOPLE. I am so glad to be working from home now and that I am able to run when it is light. I don’t even mind the cold in the winter, just the DARK!

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