THAT’S where they went + proud.

(top ((<–same brand and type of baselayer)), leggings, shoes, gloves, ear warmer)

Random running tangent that brings me joy—> I love it when I am running and I can hear the music/singing from the car passing by me.  It makes me happy to see someone that is REALLY enjoying life listening/singing to their favorite songs.

Seven miles @ 8:42 average pace while listening to the Bad Broadcast’s latest episode of stories people share about their ‘crazy’ moments post-breakup.  It kept my attention the entire time!

I finished up with 20 minutes of upper body strength.  I CAN DO A FEW REAL PUSH-UPS WITH GOOD FORM NOW.  It only took me six weeks of consistent strength training, but I am so proud of myself.  Skye was there to witness it.

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She was so happy to be back to tumbling.

Her leotard took me back in time to Brookie in the same one.

For the last week or so, Andrew and I have been confused about where 80% of our silverware went.  We were just about to order some more when I opened a drawer that I never open and found a bunch of dirty silverware.  Somehow Beck must have snuck them out of the dishwasher when it was open and moved them into this drawer very quietly.

I’m impressed.

If I attempt to eat lunch when Beck is awake, I’ve learned to do it on the ground.  He feels strongly that he deserves a bite of whatever I am eating for every bite I take.

The post-lunch cookie that I enjoyed.  These are from Si (I’ve been making her recipes for years, and I LEGIT felt like I was talking to a celebrity when I was talking to her at the cookie party), and they are amazing.  They are the Swig Christmas Cookie copycat, but they are actually better than the cookie they are trying to copycat.  The peppermint bits throughout the cookie were perfect, and I want to put this frosting on every dessert I eat for the rest of the month.

Andrew took Knox to In-n-Out during lunchtime.  It had been 12 days apart!  <— With holidays, there are times that we go longer without seeing him and vis versa.

My sister came over and wrote a blog post that will be going up soon.  It’s all about the remodeling she has been doing the last few years.  You will be shocked.

Andrew knows the way to my heart, and he made Massaman Curry for me.

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Beck lays on a blanket waiting patiently for someone to pull him around.

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And then I tried out a new to me face mask to end the day off right.

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Let me know your top Christmas movie picks… I only want to watch Christmas movies for the remainder of the month, and I need to hear your favorites!

Tell me something fitness-related (big or small) that you have been proud of lately!

Ever met a celebrity or someone that felt like a celebrity to you?

Have a face mask that you love?

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I am working on my speed (I am using the TrackClub Babe’s Fast 5k plan that I purchased ) and it has been very eye opening to think about form and track my cadence. Her plan is straightforward and explains the “why” behind certain workouts. Doing strides consistently/more hill workouts has already improved my cadence from about a 160 to a 170. I am excited to see where this all goes:) Most importantly, it is fun to have simple, measurable, and reachable goals every workout. I feel pretty proud about that!!

Those peppermint frosted cookies are making my mouth drool!


Nadya! I am totally going to send Kim what you said about her plan, she is truly amazing. I am so happy to hear how much it is helping you. You should feel incredibly proud. You are incredible. Keep me updated and I cannot wait to see where you go! Happy Thursday!


Those cookies….my daughter and I swear we are making at least 2 different kinds of cookies from scratch this year…we’ll see!

Christmas movies: I love “The Holiday” (Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, Jude Law, Jack Black); “Fred Claus” (Vince Vaughn); and, of course, “Elf” w/Will Ferrell. I also still love all the little puppet-stop motion films like Rudolph, The Year Without a Santa Claus and Santa Claus is coming to town too. And, I am always down for a good Hallmark-ish Christmas movie.


You will have to let me know what two cookies you guys choose! How fun! THANK YOU for your recommendations, I can’t wait. Hallmarkish Christmas movies are just the best. I hope your day is off to a great start! Thanks Melissa.


Can’t wait to hear about your sister’s remodel. She is always so impressive with that stuff! I grabbed that copycat recipe and may attempt to make them for a Christmas party we’re going to this weekend. Wish me luck!! One of my favorite Christmas movies for just me to watch is The Holiday! Have a great day :)


Thank you Christine! She always amazes me. Let me know what you think of the cookies and have the best time at the party! I need to watch The Holiday tonight, such a good one. Thanks friend, you too!


Congrats on the push ups! Way to keep at it.

OK well now you know I’m going to have to make those cookies ASAP. They look so good, wonder if I could make a chocolate version of them. Maybe I’ll test it and let you know.

Muppet Christmas Carol is always a great go to movie, and I also love the Futurama Xmas episodes (though those, you probably need to play after the kids go to bed, heh).

I have met a bunch of “famous” people just because of where I live, I think the most famous person I’ve ever talked to is George W. Bush back when he was governor of Texas. I was working in a congressional district office and somebody put him through to the wrong line. He was confused (anybody would have been) but nice about it and then I redirected them. Very exciting story, I know. Besides that, a lot of the people who live in my neighborhood are correspondents for NBC news because their bureau is like a mile away. One guy in my complex is on the news like every night and then I randomly see him out walking or going to CVS.

Oh also I grew up 3 houses down and 1 street over from the drummer from Fall Out Boy.


Thank you Victoria! Ummmm you better try them as a chocolate version, that sounds heavenly. Tonight we will have to watch the Futuruama Xmas episodes (once they are in bed!). Wow, that is very cool that you met George W Bush! Very cool that you see famous people often where you live. FALL OUT BOY DRUMMER… I loved that band so so much in high school. Hope your day is a great one and now I need chocolate peppermint cookies.


THOSE COOKIES! I don’t eat eggs, and it can be a tricky thing to substitute in a recipe. These cookies don’t call for eggs! Your Dad could eat them (isn’t he allergic to eggs?) Maybe I’ll make them this weekend (in addition to the hot chocolate cookies!) Thanks for sharing them.


Jenny, you have the absolute best memory. THANK YOU and I will have to make them for my dad. So glad they work for you too. Let me know what you think of them. Happy Thursday!


Well I am on day 3 of not running as a precaution and I am proud about it. I have done some strength workouts but no running. Ultimately I think it is a combo of my knee not liking too many lunges and bumping up mileage too soon after a trail run fall.

Movies- Christmas Chronicles is a big hit with my kids but we also do the classics, Elf is my favorite


You are being SO SO smart, Carrie. I’m proud of you too! Way to get in the strength and no more falling on the trails (I’ve done that so many times too… it’s the worst). Elf is our favorite too! Hope your Thursday is a great one!


Okay, Skye doesn’t look nearly as impressed as she should by your push-ups. ha ha ha Glad to see she’s feeling better!!

I just printed out the recipe for those peppermint cookies!!! I LOVE ANYTHING PEPPERMINT!!!!! A friend just picked me up some of the peppermint coated almonds at Trader Joe’s (I saw you got some, too!), and I’m in heaven. I SO easily could eat the entire container in one sitting, but I’m trying to make them last. I gave some to my husband and was like, “This is how you can tell that I REALLY love you–I’m sharing these with you!” ha ha I printed your hot cocoa cookie recipe yesterday, so thank you for keeping me provided with cookie recipes for Christmas :)

Have an AWESOME day, Janae!!!!!


Ohh I’m glad you posted those cookies! You inspired me to host a cookie exchange at my run club and I think I’m going to make those :) Also looking for some new Christmas movies to watch! I either do old favorites like The Holiday and Elf or whatever newest one Netflix comes out with.


So many Hallmark movies but my favorite is Snow Bride, which im sure Hallmark is replaying at some point! This year a Kiss before Christmas is my favorite so far!


Awesome job with the push-ups! And I agree, Skye should be a little more impressed, ha ha.
Christmas movies!! In our house, we LOVE Elf, Christmas With The Kranks, A Christmas Story, and then all the old classic animated ones (Charlie Brown, Frosty, etc). I also enjoy the Hallmark ones, but no one else does.
I am really proud of the speed work I am doing on Wednesdays. They’ve been fun and I am hitting the paces I want for the 400 meter repeats. I am also proud of my consistency with core and strength work too.
I can not wait to read all about your sister’s reno’s she’s been doing. She really is talented.
Have a good day Janae ?


Thank you for the cookie recipe! I’ve been searching around ever since I saw your cookie party post on Instagram, so this is a huge relief to me :D

I can’t wait for your sister’s remodel post, those posts are always so impressive! Glad to hear she’s doing another one.

I don’t really love face masks, but Lush has a few “fresh” ones (meaning they have to stay in the fridge and be used pretty quickly–they’re usually some combination of blended fruits and other things) that I’ll buy sometimes when I feel I really need a face pick-me-up. I hope yours worked and that your face is fresh and clean this morning!


Lately I’ve been really into the Beautycounter charcoal face mask! I put it on Sunday morning before I shower since it’s easier to wash off that way.

Those cookies look and sound amazing so I have bookmarked them to make ASAP.


I keep meaning to share this link with you… this is a semi-local cookie shop that opened within the last couple of years… they have AMAZING cookies. Right now, they have a pop-tart cookie that I absolutely need to try. They deliver, so if you ever want to experience Iowa cookies… :)
I’m sentimental about Christmas movies, so I really like the ones I grew up watching – The Grinch (cartoon version), A Year without Santa, Frosty, The Santa Clause, stuff like that. Those make me feel like a kid again!
One of the workouts I am redoing on iFit is a workout program I did about 2 years ago… and I am amazed by how much easier it feels to me. I mean, it’s still HARD, but I can handle it a lot better. I worked really hard over the past 6 months to get in shape for the wedding, and it also had the benefit of improving my stamina, endurance, and strength! It’s SUCH a good feeling!
I met The Rock when I was around 13, and I met Kurt Russell a few years ago at Disney World. Both times I acted completely starstruck LOL. Very embarrassing.


Hi Janae! Awesome job on the pushups!! Did you follow a program or just do your own thing? I think I get discouraged/distracted doing strength cuz I just do what I feel like or random things instead of a program.
Have a great day!


Hey Amy! I’ve just been doing the workouts from Peloton and a lot of them include push-ups so between practicing with them and getting stronger from the classes, it’s worked! You should do the 30 day free trial of Peloton and try the strength classes, they are amazing. Have the best day!


A friend recommended “We’re No Angels” to us a few years ago. Humphrey Bogart stars in this 1955 film and it’s really cute.

This week it did my 80th strength training session of the year! I am super proud that I have stuck with it the entire year and definitely can feel a difference.

Living in LA we see celebrities a lot. We were behind a black Hummer once that had the license plate “TRMN8R” – it was Arnold Schwarzenegger!


Well, I’ve been watching Hallmark Christmas movies since October (I have no shame when it comes to Christmas movies!). But some of my other favorites… The Holiday, Elf, Charlie Brown, A Christmas Story, White Christmas, Home Alone…. I could go on and on! It’s the most wonderful time of the year :)


Sometimes we see Hein Vergeer running, he was a world allround speedskating champion in 1985 en 1986. He lives in a village near me. Haha Beck and your cutlery! I’m proud of getting back from my knee injury. I can run pain free, but driving the car is not pain free yet. Luckily I don’t have to drive very often or far. It’s hard to gain fitness again, but I’m getting there. I try to keep injury free by taking a pilates class and doing strength. Well done on your pushups! We watched our first Christmas movie on Sunday, The Christmas castle, with Brooke Shields. A romantic comedy. Have a great day!


My two favorite holiday movies I watch every year are The Twelve Dates of Christmas and Holiday in Handcuffs (not what you think -it is very clean movie with Melissa Joan Hart and Mario Lopez). I also enjoy Love Actually.


Happy Friday Eve, Janae! I don’t think I have met a Christmas Movie I don’t like, but if I’m playing favorites, a few that would be at the top of the list are: It’s a Wonderful Life, the Family Stone, Christmas Vacation, and Elf. I think most of these are not young kid friendly though.
I’m so impressed with how consistently you are getting in strength training workouts – I aspire to be like you with that!! Though it may not be exactly what comes to mind when people think of fitness, I started taking beginner ballet as a middle aged adult. I have wanted to do it since I was a child and I will tell you – it’s hard and you definitely work!
I have had the chance to meet a few celebrities. The best was that while I didn’t get to actually meet her, I was close enough to take a photo of Kathrine Switzer when she ran Boston on the 50th anniversary of her iconic 1967 race (I was on the medical team along the race course).
Not much of a face mask person, but when I actually do them, it’s usually just an inexpensive one from Target or someplace like that.
Beck’s trick with the silverware, his love of being dragged around on a blanket, and Skye’s face as your “witness” crack me up!! Have an awesome day, Janae :o)


DEFINITELY Home Alone 1&2, While you were sleeping, I’ll be Home for Christmas, & Noelle.

And if Andrew can convince you, Krampus is amazing, but it’s a scary one.


Kevin Costner and Diane Lane filmed a movie scene in my next-door neighbour’s house a few years ago. I sat on my driveway watching the filming, and at one point, I accidentally made eye contact with Diane. Whoops! Next thing I knew, an assistant asked me to sit somewhere else. ? Kevin was super nice, and took photos with anyone on the block who wanted one.


Also I’ve.gotten to meet some country music stars….I loved it!


All I have to say is I freaking love the base pace lulu for running. My bank account not so much but they’re definitely the best ???


Oh my gosh that is hilarious about the silverware! Ours disappears also, but it’s due to a lazy teenager who leaves dirty dishes in his room lol.

Nice job on the push-ups! Fitness related achievement – I recently finished as top female in our state’s largest half marathon (not nearly as much competition around here as there ha). I’ll be doing my first full next weekend and am hoping to BQ!!

My favorite celebrity encounter was getting to hang with George Clooney for a bit when he was filming a movie here like 20 years ago. He was so nice!


Arthur Christmas! ❤️

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