Convincing yourself + a question that could help everyone.

(Leggings, long-sleeve, vest, gloves, shoes, ear warmer)

I haven’t written a new Friend to Friend post in quite some time but I posted one yesterday—> The Hardest Part for ME to Overcome When Getting Remarried!


The ‘convincing yourself to get out of your warm bed to go hang outside in freezing temperatures’ is rough… But we can all do it together this winter.

I’m always glad that I get up once I’m outside, but I sometimes question my sanity as I am getting out of bed in the morning.

Another 7-mile morning, including many hills.   Those hills made me happy because the uphill is what aggravated my plantar during my race in October, but now I can run uphill with no problem.  I also did a 15-minute strength for runners workout with Becs Gentry on the Peloton app.

We’ve been spending a lot of time in the doctor’s office.  The antibiotic he started a week ago hasn’t worked so we have to try a different route… this double ear infection will not leave him alone.  I am SO looking forward to December 15th so that he can get his tubes.

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The majority of my day was trying to make Beck a bit more comfortable so I don’t have a lot of fun content today.

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I’ll just share a few more random things:

*My niece loves Robin the most too:)

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*Peppermint Bark ANYTHING is one of my top favorite treats.  I’m not sure if it is just because it is something I eat one month a year or because it is tied to so many sweet memories during this time of year, but it will be the base of my food guide pyramid until Christmas.

*I added some new items to my collection, I really do have a problem.

*I get so excited for the Fast Women’s Newsletter to come out each week.  I was happy to see a few locals mentioned this week… Summer is my last coach’s (Hawk) daughter, and Christian is his son-in-law.  A woman coaches BYU and she is amazing… I see her around often and feel completely starstruck—> Diljeet Taylor.   BYU’s Whittni Orton won the 6k NCAA cross country title.

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Another reminder for my Friend to Friend post!


John asked yesterday, “I would love to know where you and your readers go (besides here) for their daily dose of good news and positivity?  Other blogs, web pages, etc..?  I stopped watching the news months ago and only scan headlines now to keep up.  But even doing that is tough.”

@goodnews_movement is my favorite, but I would love more sources myself too!

Peppermint fan?  Favorite peppermint-flavored item?

Tell me some good news (big or little) in your life lately!

Last candy that you ate and how do you rate it on a scale from 1-10?

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Have you tried the peppermint shake from Chick Fil A? So good!

I love Half Baked Harvest’s blog for amazing food and on Sundays, she does a favorites post with favorite links, stories/podcasts, products, etc. And she always has the best pictures of her hiking spots in Colorado!

Sorry Beck isn’t feeling well :( only a few more weeks until tubes!


Right there with the “over the news” sentiments. I read news online–never watch on TV–so I can go at my own pace.
I follow a few accounts on Twitter and Instagram @weratedogs @tanksgoodnews @humansofny
I’m having trouble staying away from the peanut m&ms today, and they’re only about a 6 on my scale, LOL!
Oh! I thought of you, Janae, when I saw this sandwich on The Spruce Eats, since I know you like jam on your grilled cheese:
Have a cozy day!


Your “questioning your sanity” part about getting up early to run in the cold really resonated with me! My husband just had a schedule change with work, and with a 6 month old baby, that could mean I’ll have to get up at 3am to get my workout in…I haven’t done it yet, but I’m certainly questioning my sanity considering it! Maybe I’ll just have to give up my workout for the time being, but I’m reluctant to let my “me time/hobby” go!

The news has been really tough for me to read too; I feel like I need to take a moment to mentally prepare before reading the headlines. For some positivity, I always watch the Great British Baking Show! There are few things more comforting than that, even if you’re not really a baking person.

I don’t really like mint myself, I associate it more with toothpaste than food, but my husband loves it, so I always take note of the minty Christmas candies that you post! I’ll have to check out that hot chocolate, I know he’d absolutely love it! Thank you for the daily dose of positivity!


I feel the same way about mint! I’m glad I’m not the only one who associates it with toothpaste.


Aaawww, poor Beck! I hope his ear infections clear up very soon.
I too, do not watch news on TV anymore. I probably stopped a few years ago. So I scroll the headlines to keep up to date, bit that’s about it.
Love peppermint bark too! It’s yummy for sure, but yes, it brings back memories of Christmases.
We’re heading to Arizona today for Thanksgiving. Our oldest flies in tomorrow, then my 2 nephews are flying in Thursday morning. My 2 boys and 2 nephews together for Thanksgiving!! That hasn’t happened in a few years! It’s going to be a great few days!
I’m heading out for a quick run before our 6 hour car trip. Hopefully traffic won’t be too bad.


Good morning, Janae!! Hang in there, little Beck – relief is coming soon.
Truly, yours is the most positive blog I read! Like so many others, I gave up the news long ago. I do scroll headlines online to have some idea of what’s happening in the world and can’t wait to read others’ suggestions for good news and positivity. We all need more of that :o)
I love, love, love all things peppermint and especially if chocolate is involved!! Peppermint bark is my all time favorite and a close second is hot chocolate with a mini candy cane melted in it (just hang it off the edge of the mug into the hot chocolate). For those who drink alcohol, a wee nip of peppermint schnapps in hot chocolate is excellent as well :o)
Last candy I ate was a 70% cocoa, dark chocolate Lindor truffle and it was amazing – easy an 11 out of 10!!!
Best big news lately is that recent tests all came back benign!! Best little news is we are finally getting winter-ish weather, so the ski resort near me can start making snow!! Have an awesome day, Janae :o)


Hi Janae! My mom got me some peppermint lip balm and I love it! Great to hear about your recovery. I feel like the first few weeks after injury are touch and go for me because I’m scared of reinjury.
John I don’t have an answer for you but I want to know the answer too! Last year John Krasinski had a YouTube channel called Some Good News but looks like he stopped updating it.
Have a great day and hope Beck gets some relief!


What brand?? I am scraping the bottom of the tube I currently have because I love peppermint balm but am having a hard time finding another.


Hey other Amy! These are the eos ones from Costco. I just saw that it actually says sweet mint and not peppermint, hope that’s not a deal breaker. I also used to love the peppermint Chapsticks but I can’t find them anymore.


Chapstick has a Candy Cane one!


Almost forgot! Another positive account I follow is @jongraz (he’s on TikTok, but I follow on Instagram). He has a 13-year-old pug named Noodle, and every day when he wakes up, Jon lifts him to his feet; if Noodle supports his weight, it’s a “bones day,” and a good day to accomplish something bold. If Noodle sorta sinks back to the pillow, it’s a “no-bones day,” and totally encouraged to do something kind for yourself.


I am the same way about peppermint! Can’t get enough and then it’s gone in the New Year.

Great news: our pastor had a stroke earlier this year and he got a clean bill of health this month!

We split a Snickers yesterday which is always a 10 in my book. Eating it while at Yosemite made it a 15!


I am so sorry to hear about Beck! My two year old has been sick and it’s been a rough week. My 3 year old had tubes placed when he was Beck’s age and he did great but the only thing that would kick his ear infections prior to them were the ear drops that only the ENT would prescribe (for some reason the pediatrician doesn’t prescribe them). The ENT even explained that often with the oral rx won’t help in his case. Just wanted to throw that out there in case you all haven’t tried the ear drops yet but you likely have. Praying he feels better real soon!


Big hugs to you and Beck. Hope he’s getting some relief from another approach.

As far as positive news – I love globalpositivenews on Instagram.


This isn’t terribly big news, but I finally ordered a replacement for my dinosaur iPhone 5s that I’ve had since (I think?) 2012. It was perfectly small and compact for running and sticking in my pocket to walk the dog and listen to podcasts. I resisted replacing it for years (obviously, ha) but now there aren’t many towers in my part of the state that service it anymore, so it’s not really safe to keep using. But I’m looking forward to a long and happy life with the new one!


Tubes are amazing. Both my girls got them and if it was an elective birth surgery, I would be all in :) The amount of time I spent stressing about ear infections their first year of life rivals the time I spent worrying about everything else combined!

I also just ate a package of whoppers. I always feel like an old person eating them, but I love them so much.


I appreciate all the comments, will be adding them to my daily positivity routine.

I am so sorry about Beck, it is always the toughest with the little ones since they have no idea why they are hurting.

Peppermint? I would have to go with York’s Peppermint patties, although I have not had one in quite a while.


Try rubbing melaleuca (tea tree oil) and lavender oil behind his ears every 20 minutes when he’s awake. I know it sounds intense and maybe hokey but my toddler nephew could not kick his ear infection even with the strongest antibiotics and this finally worked. It’s also helped my little one as well. Blessings to you.

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