Silentish Saturday… Podiatrist Version.

30 minutes of spin riding and it made me really miss my spin teaching days!  (My favorite spin workouts are HERE)

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(Tanks, bra, shorts)

DIY slant board to get in a good stretch (with one sock inside out)… super fancy

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School day.

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Podiatrist appointment (with Andrew too:)

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Definitely plantar.  Got a steroid injection (OUCH), heat/ice schedule, stretches and shoe inserts. 

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Hoping these inserts help a lot too!

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I love Costco croissants with their chicken salad and alllll of the grapes so much.

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We seem to see Cosmo often.

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The best rainy day meal ever.

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How was this already one week ago?

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Everyone, go get some miles in for me this weekend.

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Tell me three things you are doing today!?

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I got shoe inserts for my running shoes about 10 years ago and they changed my life. I battled with shin splints to the point where walking was excruciating, and it was like magic once I put them in my shoes. I haven’t had any issues since so I hope they work for you too!


What specific type of inserts did you get? I’m a chronic shin splints person too. Thanks!


Oh my goodness, your story makes me soooooo happy. Those inserts are magic. My foot is definitely feeling better.. not sure if cortisone or inserts or both haha? Have the best day!


Running my first ever 16 mile run in my first even pair of Brooks. Training for my first marathon in 63 days! Eek!


First pair of brooks yay!!! And 16 miles. I am so happy for you! Please keep me updated with your training for your first marathon. I am so thrilled for you. Recover well from such an awesome run.


Ooooooo, are those insoles customized to YOUR feet??? How excited should I be?

How Cosmo got his name: On October 15, 1953, Cosmo the Cougar made his first appearance in front of BYU fans, flying into LaVell Edwards Stadium on a parachute. The name Cosmo derives from the word “cosmopolitan” and was chosen because BYU was recently selected as a Cosmopolitan school.

Roar: 40 to 45 grams of liver glycogen are generally enough to fuel a 2-hour run for a 135 lb woman, depending on pace. Your brain alone requires roughly 60% of your body’s resting glucose utilization. p157.


He wanted me to try these first and then get customized if they don’t get better! So cool to read the cosmo sorry! Have a great weekend.


Oh my goodness, your niece is looking so much like your sister!!
We have a parade this morning. My son is a drummer in the band. Then it’s house cleaning and being lazy all weekend! Wahoo!
Have a really great weekend! Oh and watching marathons!


I totally agree, each year they look more and more similar. I bet it felt amazing to be at a parade again. So cool your son was a drummer in it! Wish we could all watch together. Such an exciting weekend. Thanks Wendy!


I’m studying for life and health insurance licensing exam, getting my hair colored and cut and getting my son ready for Homecoming.


Wow, good luck on your exam! When do you take it? Enjoy your hair appointment and I hope your son has a great time at homecoming!


Ran a solo half marathon this morning. I took zero walk breaks and had a negative split by 20 seconds a mile. The first half did have a lot of hills, but the second half had tired legs. It was 50 degrees, no wind, just the perfect morning for a long run!

My other 2 things for the day are going to be eating all the food and napping!


Okay, you rocked that 13.1 today.. negative splits by 20 seconds a mile… I need your help with that. Enjoy both the nap and the food! Happy Saturday, Kathy!


Hi Janae! I am visiting my parents next week so I’m getting ready for that. Gotta start using up all the food in the fridge! Steroid injection into the foot, that sounds intense!!!! Hope you feel better soon cuz fall running is the best.


Amy! I am thrilled to hear you are going to see your parents. The best! Thank you so much, I need more leaves while running in my life. Enjoy your weekend and emptying the fridge!


Well, I went and “got the miles for you”, like you requested! I have finally gotten into running myself after years of reading your blog and preferring to be a walker. Thanks to a coworker, I’ve learned to love running (when I have someone to run with!). Today I did my longest to date…10 miles! A highlight? Those yummy chocolate gels that taste more like cake frosting. Hahaha!


Thank you thank you for getting in miles for me! 10 miles ahhhhh. That is huge. You are on fire and I am so happy to hear you love running now. I need to try one of those gels… frosting is always a good option. Have a beautiful day Kelly!


Got miles in for you today! Ran a half marathon. It hurt and I wasn’t quite strong enough for it yet, but I was so happy to be out there, seeing people excited about running, and being encouraged by all the spectator! Races really bring people together.


You did it!!!!! Congratulations Mariah! You are incredible. Seriously, races bring everyone together so much. It’s the best community. Recover well!


I ran the Hartford Marathon! My big goal was 3:30, my middle goal was 3:35, an I ended up at 3:38:36 on a sunnier than expected morning. The big disappointment was my shoes: I have been in love with Altras for years, and my last marathon I wore the Escalante. This year I did the same, and the outside of my feet are BRUISED. Definitely what slowed me down. It’s frustrating when shoes change (or when our feet change, or both). Oh well- onward! I squeaked out a BQ for my age group, but I’ll have to see if it’s enough.

Really hope your plantar mends quickly- it’s such a bummer to not be able to walk, let alone run, comfortably.


MARGIE!! CONGRATULATIONS! You are absolutely incredible. You ran a BQ in warm weather AND with shoes that were really hurting your feet to the point of being completely bruised. You do not quit. Recover well and I hope you find the perfect shoes for your next one. Recover well with all of your favorite foods!


Hey Janae!
I struggled with what I thought was plantar fasciitis for what felt like was forever. I finally got an X-ray and I actually had a bone spur on my heel. You may want to get one just to rule anything else out! Good luck on your recovery!


Oh that must have been SO frustrating! Are you all good now? Yes, they gave me an x-ray (I really wanted to know for sure what I was dealing with)! Thank you for the help and have a great afternoon:)


Have you ever tried Goodwin socks? They are incredible! They are made with a KT tape like material, specifically to address fascia issues. I had tried everything under the moon to deal with horrendous plantar fascia (what worked best before the socks was 2-3x/week chiropractic work, daily stretching, and KT tape for years to be able to keep up with 60-70 mile weeks). Last winter I ordered the socks after seeing an advertisement for them in Runner’s World, and I have been running pain free ever since I put them on without any other interventions. I hope you are able to find something that works well for you to get back to running pain free!

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