On the road again & have you ever had this pain?

8 miles @ 8:52 average pace with Emilee to start my Wednesday morning.  It was the best to get to hear every single detail about her marathon!  I usually do speed on Wednesday but this week I needed another day of recovery because of the race and I’ll do a short speed workout today!

The BEST part of the day was picking up Knox.  It had been 2.5 weeks since we last saw him!

He told me that Beck doubled in size while he was gone.

Skye asked if Knox was coming home every single day he was gone, she was so happy to see him.

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We picked up Knox and then drove down to St. George!  The extra face below is my niece, she needed a ride back home:)

Brooke has a family reunion on her dad’s side close to St. George and so we decided that we would just drive her there.  Andrew has a few days off of work so we will just spend time in St. George while she is there and head home when she is all done.

At least Brooke and Knox had three hours in the car to hang out… after this trip, they will get a few weeks uninterrupted.  There is a lot of planning that happens between working with three different families!

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On the way down we stopped at the Creamery in Beaver and you have to go there if you ever have a chance.   I had a version of my current favorite sandwich–>  avocado, bacon, and cheese.

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Knox learned how to milk a cow while we were there.

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Random tangent today but I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what you did to help!  My left hand/wrist hurts SO SO bad.  I have never had this happen before but I’ve been reading online about something called ‘mommy wrist’ and it sounds similar to what I’m experiencing.  I always carry Beck with my left arm for many hours each day.  I might have a low pain tolerance but it is really bothering me… has anybody else experienced this?  It hurts to even type, but it hurts the most when I hold him or hold him while nursing.  Time to learn how to hold him on my right side!

Brooke left and then we went straight to swimming with cousins.

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And then we went on a short walk!

And I finished off the night with a warm tortilla with butter, cinnamon and sugar.  Beck is reaching for any and all food that comes near him.

I’ll do three runs here which means I need three different pairs of running shoes ha… They were the first things I packed!

What day of the week do you usually do your hardest workout?

Anyone else ever had this pain in their hand or tendonitis anywhere in their body?  What did you do to help it?

Having any aches or pains lately?

Do you like a lot of change when it comes to what you eat or do you stick to the same thing often?

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I totally get into food rotations and will eat the same thing non stop for days or weeks on end until I’m sick of it ha. Recently that’s been sauteed green beans with the following sauce. 1/2 tbsp brown sugar, 1/2 tbsp peanut butter, 1/2 tbsp soy sauce and then garlic (personally don’t measure this). It’s SO good!! You could definitely use different measurements since you are a family of 5, well 5 people that eat actual food since Beck doesn’t yet :), and I live alone. I need to get more soy sauce and then I want to scale it up to make a chicken marinade for grilled skewers because that just sounds delicious. Highly recommend but I will warn you it’s addicting!


My mouth actually watered as I was reading this… I have to try it. Thank you so much Maureen for sharing, I can’t wait! Hope you have the best day!


Speed is Tuesdays or Wednesdays but really whenever coach puts it on the schedule! And on that note, I’m so happy that running coaches are more of a thing these days. How did we do it on our own??


I fully agree with you! Having a coach is seriously the best, they make the biggest difference in our training. Hope your day is off to a great start!


Hi Janae,
I want to first say that you are the only other person I have known that had the same thing as me! After my 1st born, totally got the “mommy wrist” or “washer woman” pain in my left wrist! I got a referral to a sports medicine doc and he (of course) told me to try and carry on the right side or in a Baby Bjorn AND gave me a cortisone shot in my wrist. The shot worked like a charm and by the time I (maybe) needed another one, the baby was crawling and creeping (less carrying for me!)

I am usually in a food routine except for traveling ( gotta experience new things!)

Strangely my best speed work is 2 days after my long run, so usually Tuesdays.
Have a great day and good luck with your wrist!


Jenny! Thank you so so much for sharing, what would I do without you all? That cortisone shot sounds reallllllly nice right about now. I’ll have to go when I get back home! You have an awesome formula for when speed works best for you. I hope your day is a great one!


Had pain in my wrists on my thumb side due to carrying my baby, it was de quervains and a cortisone injection to each wrist made it go away within a day


I’ve had the mother’s wrist!!! Mine actually got really bad at the beginning of the pandemic when my son was suddenly home with us all day…shocking. My physical therapist said its like tendonitis so unfortunately the best thing would be rest but since you are a mom that’s hard to do. What helped me a lot was to not use my left thumb as much when picking my son up. So if you think about keeping your thumb glued to your hand and not flexing it that will give you some relief/rest! Also icing obviously!!


Thank you thank you thank you for sharing with me what helped! I’ve been trying to keep my thumb glued to my hand and it is really helping. Enjoy the rest of your day!


I had that wrist pain with my first baby. It’s called De Quervain’s tenosynovitis. It hurt so much, even to do simple things like shampoo my hair! I got occupational therapy for it and change the way I held him. It got better after about 2 months. I hope your wrist heals soon!


Thank you so much and it really is crazy how badly it hurts to do the most simple things. Thank you for sharing with me Jessica. I hope you are doing awesome!


I had bad wrist pain in both wrists with my daughter. I’m so glad I don’t have it now with my son! It definitely felt debilitating. All I did was buy some wrist braces from CVS that kept my wrist more straight and had some metal in it to give extra support. I wore them as often as I could during the day and while I was sleeping. Eventually the wrist pain went away. Using my phone hurt really badly during that too because of the thumb movements I think. I hope it doesn’t last long for you!


Hey Stephanie! I just went and bought a brace after reading these tips, and the extra support is really helping! Yep, texting hurts so bad so I have just stopped! Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it friend. Have a beautiful day!


I second the wrist brace! It’s carpal tunnel or similar. I had it with both of my kids. The brace will definitely help it to rest and give you relief. I hope this helps!


Just got one and it is already feeling better. Thank you so much for the help, I really needed this. Enjoy the rest of your day and thanks again.


Try a brace. And ice your wrist, take ibuprofen. My friend had to get a cortisone shot, hers was so bad.


HEY MARY! Doing all three things now and helping so much. I might have to get that shot too if this doesn’t resolve it. Have a beautiful day:)


Call your doctor ASAP about the wrist issues. I had this with my daughter (she was almost 10 lbs when she was born and just kept growing!) and I tried to take care of it on my own/ignored ignored it because I was a busy Mama and it got worse. Most likely you’ll do physical therapy. In my case, it was so bad that I needed tendon surgery – which was super easy AND completely took care of my problem. But for reals, call your doctor. :)


HEY SARAH! Thank you for sharing this with me because I am definitely one that would ignore it too. I am going to go see someone when I get home if it doesn’t get better. I am so sorry you had to get tendon surgery! I’m so glad it helped you. Thank you for the help!


That sandwich and fries look so good!

I used to do my hardest workouts on Wednesday’s, because that was track night. But since the pandemic, the track group has been cancelled, so hoping that comes back soon!

I like switching up food, but I’m usually pulling from a few basics. Like I don’t eat the same thing for breakfast every day, but I have a few things I’ll switch between! A balance of consistency without eating the same thing every day.


I experienced “mommy’s thumb” after having my second and it was the WORST! I went to an orthopedist who gave me a cortisone shot and it took a day but then was blissfully back to normal. I wish I had gone sooner!


I just had carpal tunnel surgery on my hands due to my job. It’s no fun! I’d try doing things different than what you’re used to before it gets worse! Wearing a brace at night and soaking hands in Epsom salt might help.


YES! I had this with my daughter (now 5). She always wanted to be carried everywhere and had to be glued to me at all times. What worked for me was carrying her on the other side and then also using a wrap or carrier any time I knew I was going to need to carry her for more than a couple of minutes. I used the Boba wrap until she was almost 1 (she’s tiny) and then used the Ergobaby after that!


I don’t have a set day for hard workouts. I’m not training for anything specific these days, so I just make it up as a I.

My arms and hands have been very painful lately, but I know it’s repetitive stress from digging and planting. We’ve put over 50 plants in the ground in the past 2 weeks with more on tap today. I’ve been wearing compression sleeves and that seems to help. But are yard is looking amazing and we are SO close to being done!

I definitely change up my foods. Some things just don’t sound appealing to me in the summer (soups, chili, etc.)


I had this pain in both wrists from holding my baby, now she is a toddler. It helped that I carried her less. It hurt me for example when I was doing push-ups, and the wrists were feeling weak. I also had back pain from the crooked position in breasfeeding, this also went away when I started breastfeeding while lying down on one side. In my case it all subside within a month or so, so good luck!


Yay!!! Knox is home! I’m sure that feels so good. It’s good for us to see him too, and I think he looks taller.
I’m sorry about your wrist, and agree about the wrist brace. My husband suffers from carpal tunnel, and the brace definitely helps. But I would call the doctor if you’re not feeling any relief after a couple of days. I also always carried the boys I my left arm, bit it’s been so long that I don’t remember if I had pain… Ha ha.
We’ve only stopped in Beaver for gas, so the next time we’re driving through, we will need to stop for that sandwich!
I usually do speed work Tuesday or Wednesday, but I have done a couple of Monday speed workouts to start the week, and that’s been a fun change up. I start official half marathon training in a couple of weeks, so I’ll do whatever is on the plan. Oh, and I always pack my running stuff 1st when I travel.
Have a wonderful few days in St. George!


I had tendinitis in my wrist with my second baby. I wore a brace on it from cvs or Walgreens and that helped.


Hi Janae! Hope your wrist feels better soon! Can’t wait to hear about your St. George runs, those are always so beautiful.
I do speed on Monday and Wednesday and then long run on Saturday. It’s always a fun feeling on my cool down on Wednesday knowing I don’t have to run so hard for the rest of the week.
Have a great day!


Happy Thursday! I see you already have lots of comments about your wrist so I’ll just echo them. I had the same issue (as someone above said, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis) but mine was from texting (that’s embarrassing to type!) cortisone shot and sleeping in a brace! Promise it will work!

I just “graduated” from PT after hurting my Achilles earlier this year trying to snag a sub 1:45 half! Super happy with my progress in PT and ready to try for the sub 1:45 in October now!


Haha sounds like a lot of us have had the mommy wrist! I had this after my second who was super chunky and I held a lot as we ran around with my older. I wore a brace for a little bit, not for the support, but because it’s uncomfortable to hold her with it on, so it forced me to swap arms and hold with the other side. I will say mine took about a month to fully go away, but it did! I’m scared of needles and knew it would go away with rest, so I didn’t go the cortisone shot route, but I have heard that helps some people.

Love the picture of Knox milking the cow! My grandpa had a large dairy farm in Wisconsin and I spent a lot of hours hooking cows up to those milkers!

I try to get my hardest workout done on Tuesday.. Because who wants to do it on a Monday, but I want to be fully recovered by Saturday morning for my long run!


Mommy wrist is the worst! I had it while I pregnant with my first and it went away on it’s own once the hormones settled down and when I was able to consistently rest my wrist … so about a year after I had him. My doc had me wear wrist braces every night and during the day if I could which seemed to help a ton.
I have tendinitis in my right ankle and when it flares I use KT tape and try to rest it. Luckily it doesn’t flare too often anymore.
Have a great day!


Jenae! So sorry about your wrist!!! I had the same thing. It hurts sooo bad!
Get this spica splint and wear it whenever you’re not running or sleeping to help protect/rest your wrist/thumb. I used the exact below splint after being in a lot of pain, due to my chubby & wiggly daughter. After a month or two of good rest, it will feel better!! (Just don’t re-injure it like I did.) And when Beck starts walking it won’t be an issue.


I had that wrist issue too! My doc at the time gave me a little brace to wear that mostly just made me rest the area. Not sure if that’s still the protocol since it was… gasp… almost 15 years ago!


I had mommy thumb as well. I did 9 weeks of PT, helped a little, but cortisone shot was the winner!


Hi Janae! I’m sorry to hear your wrist is causing you so much pain. When I read that, I immediately thought of the women behind Expecting and Empowered, Krystle Howald, PT, DPT + Amy Kiefer, NSCA-CPT. They are sisters that joined up and created Expecting and Empowered to help educate and “empower ALL women to thrive both physically and mentally from pregnancy through postpartum”. I am currently almost 6 months postpartum and am using their postpartum guide to navigate working out safely and effectively in this season of life. Their instagram is a WEALTH of information about pregnancy, preparing for labor/delivery, and postpartum as well as all of the discomforts and issues that can arise due to the amount of changes the female body goes through during that time. They specifically discuss and address “mom wrist” in one of their blog posts; you can find that here: https://www.expectingandempowered.com/blog/2019/6/14/mom-wrist?rq=mom%20wrist
Also, I believe they have some Instagram stories saved about it too! Good luck, and hope it’s feeling better soon!


Thank you for sharing the cite, Stacey! This is the GREATEST!!! Expecting and EMPOWERED all the way, baby.


Thanks for sharing this! I’m pregnant now and off to follow them!!


I had “mommy wrist” with my first! It was awful! I slept in a brace, which helped but never truly fixed it at first. When she was 1, I got a cortisone shot, which helped for a few months until it wore off. It didn’t fully heal until she was around 2-2.5 and I 1. stopped carrying her around as much and 2. wore the brace religiously every night. Now that I have another baby, I try to pay really close attention to how I hold him/pick him up because I DON’T want it to happen again! I was afraid I would have to get surgery because it just took so long to heal. There are exercises you can do online, but they always seemed to aggravate mine more. Switching the arm you hold Beck should help, but definitely start sleeping in a brace or even wearing it during the day as much as possible! Good luck girl!


I had that issue when my littles were little! I had to adjust how I carried them, keep my wrist more straight when picking them up, doing the car seats, etc. I also ended up getting cortisone injections in both wrists and that solved it for me but I still am careful with how much I use them/bend/grip. Get to an orthopedic! You’ll thank yourself:)


Hi Janae! I had “mommy wrist” with my son, too! It is so painful. I went to a sports therapist who did some active release therapy, ultrasounds and dry needling and in about 3 weeks I was pain free. Good luck!!


So reassuring to hear all the wrist chat. Mine has been sore since having my youngest 15 months ago and I get carpal tunnel symptoms at night too. Thanks to everyone giving advice!


I had “mommy wrist” too and saw a specialist, he said breast feeding hormones don’t help and to come back if it was still hurting after weening. Mine went away on its own, I hope yours does the same!

I don’t think you have a low tolerance to pain, as a mom to littles you are lifting all day and it’s hard and painful when your hands don’t work correctly!

Have fun in St. George, so glad Knox is back with the crew =)


I just had my fourth and got DeQuervain’s so bad I could barely lift my boy. My sports chiro suggested the wrist brace route, but do yourself a favor and just go into your primary and get a Cortizone shot. The wrist brace helped but it still hurt if I wasn’t wearing it. When I went to see my primary he said a colleague who once had it after she had a baby said that the minute a woman walks in and complains of wrist pain after having a baby don’t try and do any physical therapy just give her the Cortizone shot because it’s really the quickest easiest way to give relief so that would be my recommendation too. I feel completely back to normal with no pain.


I’m a hand therapist and mommy wrist pain can be common. Usually from picking up and holding babies with thumb in an outstretched position. Watch position of your wrist and thumb, apply ice and take ibuprofen. Wrist splint may help also


I had the same wrist pain and am glad to see everyone’s advice here!


Yes I had that mom wrist pain but I’m both my wrist and got worse when I went back to work and using the keyboard. I started sleeping with these (yes I ended up buying 2 because my wrists hurt so badly) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LD57697/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_W1YNB643R6E4SP7HFE11
It cleared up after a month of using it. I think my issue was from breastfeeding on a hard rocking chair arm before using a pillow. Plus carrying my baby constantly. It does get better, I was so worried.


Yes, the wrist! Oh, the pain!! Didn’t read all the comments, yet. Had to let you know about bracing the wrist, and icing for inflammation of course. As I said before, I am not trained in the medical field. I’m not a pilot, either, ha! You CAN use a rollerblading wrist guard. However, there is a health/ medical device (?) also. See what happens when you hold your forearm up from your side (stomach height), then drop the hand straight toward the floor AND bring your thumb further back toward your forearm (your arm may rotate in)…. Also try a side-to-side wave from the wrist with all fingers out. You might find the pain is coming from the base of the thumb and where it goes into the wrist. You probably caught it in time for the brace to work – no cortisone. However, you might need to brace it for a month. It could feel big improvement after 1 week. Also, keep using it when it starts to feel better, but be cognizant.


I had the wrist pain with bottle feeding my kids. I hurt so much I ended up at the doctor and get a wrist brace and some cream to help the pain. Eventually it got better and went away. Hope it feels better soon


Yes, de quervain’s tenosynovitis! My wrist pain started 4.5 years ago with my first and I still have a visible bump on the tendon. My doctor gave me a brace which wasn’t practical at all during the day but is too to wear at night.

The thing that helped most was being aware of how my wrist was positioned when picking him up and holding him for extended periods. Try to keep your wrist and thumb in straight alignment with your forearm when possible. With my second I baby wore more frequently!


Is or De Quervains that you’re suffering from? I had it and needed steroid shots in each wrist – one of them needed a second 6 months later but the other is doing okay so far. The shots helped immensely, I went from barely being able to hold a cup (let alone a growing baby!) to full, pain free use of both wrists. 16 weeks of physical therapy did nothing and constant immobilization wasn’t realistic.


*Is it

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