Weekending Details + Top 10!

We had plans to do a specific trail on Saturday but then last second we decided we needed to do a peak that we have talked about doing together for two years.  Andrew hadn’t gone over 5 miles for a few months so this was a jump up for him and I’m proud of him for taking the risk and going for it with me… Even if he had what he called his ‘resting I’m going to die face’ on the entire time;)

This one is a tough one.  In just 3.5 miles you climb up 2,700 ft.  I did a bit of hiking and took plenty of breaks to catch my breath and to make sure my calves weren’t going to fall off but my goal is to eventually work towards not stopping the whole way up.   We started at 8:30 but next time I would start at 6:30!

Andrew realized after yesterday’s run that he really needs some trail shoes with rock plates in them, they make the biggest difference in how your feet feel over the miles on trails.

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Mission accomplished.  Brooke sent me a text (she was with her dad this weekend) when we were at the top and I sent her this picture.  She told me she wants to hike this with me when she gets back… yes please.

PS it looks like we are on a dangerous ledge but we weren’t!

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I always bring some sort of candy when I do tough trails that need fuel.  Dots were an excellent choice.

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The thing I kept thinking about when I wanted to quit and turn around was to just soak up every step even if it was painful because I’m not going to be able to do this kind of thing forever (I mean, hopefully I can but who knows).  There is so much world to see and I really think running is the best way to do it (Andrew argues that biking is truly the best way;).


Here were the splits for the day!  I was talking to Hawk the other day and telling him about some of my trail plans this summer and he gave me some great advice.  He told me that the trails make us stronger but they also slow us down so he told me to try to finish up my trail runs with something fast.  This helps your body to remember a fast leg turnover again= you get the strength from the trail and then get your body used to turning your legs quick again!  I finished with a fast downhill mile right out of the trailhead and that 5:47 was work because my legs were so sore from the climbing.

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Back to the kids and some delicious refueling.

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The hot tub was necessary for our muscles during Beck’s nap.

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The chickens wanted to join in with us too (one seriously tried to jump in)!

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Usually Brooke and Knox are playing nonstop so when Brooke is gone it is really sweet to see Knox and Skye bonding so much.  These two also fight (because they are so similar) but they play really well too.

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It was a pretty normal Sunday for us!

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Beck was so happy to see Brooke when she got home.

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And then we got together with my family for a bit!

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Utah friends (or anyone that visits Utah)… this is for you!

A friend came into town and was asking for the best trails in the area and so I recruited Jenn (on the left) to give me a few of her favorites.   She sent ten awesome ones!  She has been running the trails in the area for 20 years now and knows them better than anyone I know so just in case you are ever in Utah County… here is an awesome list of trails for you to do!

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1. Timp ? 15 miles, 4400′ elevation gain.  Go HERE for all of the details.

2. Grove creek to battle creek loop. 8.2 miles, 2600′ elevation gain.  HERE for more details!

3. Big Baldy via rock pile 14 miles, 3400′ elevation.  (Search Big Baldy Summit on the AllTrails app)

4. Double Bonneville starting at Provo canyon. 12.5 miles, 1300′ elevation. This is a good one for trails, not tons of climbing.  More information here!  Start at the Provo Canyon Entrance Trailhead, head up the canyon until the end of the trail and cross over to the other side of the canyon and jump on at the Bridal Veil Falls Trailhead!

5. Three falls. There are tons of loops and trails you can go on here. The rollers on this trail are amazing. You don’t even really notice you’re climbing as much as you do because it just goes up and down and is so so fun.  HERE has more details.

6. Deer creek trail out and back. 15 miles, 1300′ elevation gain.  Go HERE for more.

7.  Ridge trail. You can follow trails out here for forever. Not a crazy climb. Beautiful views of Timp.  HERE for more info!

8. Cascade saddle (or however long you want to go). 10 miles, 4000′ elevation gain (mostly in the last 2 miles). 360° views of Timp, Provo peak, cascade peak, squaw peak.  More details HERE!

9.  Trail 51 loop. Start at the water tower above the Orem Cemetary, go to dry canyon, up dry canyon to trail 51, come down by the rock pile.  7.5 miles, 1500′ elevation.  You can add middle earth to this to make it a 12 mile loop. Love that so much.  This post is from a mountain biker but can give you all of the details.

10. The peak  that we did on Saturday that I’m chatting about… 7.5 miles, 2700′ elevation gain. Tough one.  HERE for details!


Who has eaten candy while running or during breaks while on a run?  What kind was it?

Are you afraid of heights?  Has it changed over the years at all?

Tell me about the last run or workout that made you really sore?

-I tried using my R8 recovery roller and had a few tears come out because my quads are so sore!

Tell me the best part of your weekend!

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I’ve definitely eaten candy as fuel for a run! Swedish fish or gummy bears/worms usually work best for me.

I went to a baseball game yesterday with some friends from school- it was so nice to see them again! I haven’t seen some of them since the pandemic started. Plus the Orioles beat the Yankees, so that was rare haha.


Mariah! It sounds like you had the best weekend! That reunion must have felt so good and Andrew will be jealous about the baseball game. I agree, Swedish fish are soo good during a run. Have a wonderful day!


I’m sore from my run this weekend! My FIRST race since 2019, for Girls on the Run . . . my buddy runner and I walked a bit, but went WAY faster than I usually run at the end! It was so much fun and great to be doing an organized run again!

I am terrified of heights–I wasn’t at all until I was a teenager, and then it just started and I’m not sure why! I hoped that I’d grow out of it, but that hasn’t happened! I am actually planning on hiking Mt. Timp this summer–a bit intimidated but very excited!


KRISTEN! I’m so happy about about your first race back since 2019! Normalcy is returning! I love that you did it with Girls on the Run too. Timpanogos! Please keep me updated on when you are doing it. It is insanely gorgeous, you are going to love it. I was worried about freaking out over the heights before and it wasn’t too bad. You’ve got this!


That view is amazing. I would love to visit Utah sometime. We certainly do not have trails or views like that where I am.
Our family has been stuck in isolation all weekend, and this week too. There was a positive case at my daughters high school and she was considered a close contact so we have to isolate. It hasn’t been too bad though as we have been having amazing weather, but it’s hard when you can’t leave your house lol. I didn’t realize how often I need to go to the grocery store.
I have a wedding and graduation next month and I’m wondering if you have any dress recommendations? You always have the nicest dresses!!


Ashlea, please come visit! I am so sorry you guys have had to be in isolation! The good weather definitely makes a big difference when stuck at home. I get pretty much all of my dresses from Target, https://roolee.com/collections/dresses and https://calledtosurf.com/collections/dresses?gclid=CjwKCAjwqIiFBhAHEiwANg9szjfre4_CIC1IYJ5m8qFKW89EIEb7NDaN8I6jAAYID7BRppYI7tNa7BoCe74QAvD_BwE

Yay for a wedding and a graduation! I hope this week goes by quickly for you!


I like Skittles as my run fuel. i have a bag on my dresser. I pop a handful before a run; two handfuls before a long run. I need to get some of the small fun size bags since racing will be starting up again. I’m torn. There’s an in-person race here on 6/5 but I’m scared the cicadas will be really bad and I’ll get covered in them or they’ll land in my hair or hit me in the face. It’s a ten miler which I’m ready for but I don’t know if I can handle the cicadas. They haven’t hatched at my house yet but they have in northern VA which is only two hours away.
I’m scared of heights. I can’t do ladders.
I was a little sore after my run last saturday. I tried to beat the rain. I didn’t beat the rain but my average time was 8:45/mile. I was very pleased with myself.
Have a great week! Today is the tax deadline so I’m going to sit in the office and do nothing until someone needs an e-file rejection cleared or a client needs a payment amount changed.


Skittles really do make excellent running fuel! You’ll have to let me know if you do the race in June! Ummm I just googled cicadas and those look freaky.. I really hope that they leave you alone this summer! Way to go on your run on Saturday… it is kind of fun to end in the rain though:). SO happy that things will slow down for you after today… I bet this has been a stressful month! Enjoy the rest of your day, Lee!


A friend of mine and I did a virtual half marathon relay and ended up running 6.5 miles together. It was slow and steady, we mostly chatted and caught up on life after not seeing each other for a few months. It was the longest she had run in a year after having her baby, so I was very proud of her! We have both run half marathons in the past and are planning on running one together in the fall.

My hips are super sore from the run, which I was not expecting.

Way to go on your trail run (and Andrew too lol)! Those views are amazing!


Terese!! You are amazing.. I love that you were able to have 6.5 miles together! Congrats to your friend on her longest postpartum run wahoo. Keep me updated with what half you are doing in the fall and your draining! Thank you so much friend! Enjoy the rest of your day!


I had to laugh that you like DOTS. I love sweets, but I think DOTS are the worst thing ever! ha ha My husband loves them, and we have a running joke about how awful they are. One good thing about DOTS though is that they remind me of my grandma. My fav candy to eat during long runs has been these chewy Valentine hearts. I don’t even remember who made them, but I liked them, so I bought like 4 bags of them on sale after Valentines 2 years ago, and they have lasted forever.

I AM afraid of heights, and it has gotten worse as I’ve gotten older! My husband and oldest daughter aren’t at all, so when we travel, they’re always up for the heights adventures—-Space Needle in Seattle, KW lighthouse in KW, rollercoasters, the incline in Pittsburgh!

I’ve been running but focusing more on strength this spring, so “Leg Day” has made me sore. I feel so brute saying, “LEG DAY”! ha ha

Boy, that Hawk is full of great wisdom. I always enjoy it when you included little tid-bits of advice from him! And, YOUR adice is golden, too. I’ve been doing more things on grass and gravel when I can just to mix up the surfaces that I run on lately.

I hope you have THE BEST WEEK!!!!!!


Jen, send me any DOTS that you get (I guess your husband would get first pick though ha). They are definitely an older person candy favorite and I love that they remind you of your grandma. Now I must find those heart candies. YOU ARE hardcore saying Leg Day! He really is so smart and I love learning from him. That makes me so happy to hear that you are switching things up. Thanks Jen, YOU TOO!


Yes to candy! Fuzzy peaches and jubjubes for the win..especially during ultras.

The weather was a stunner so we made the most of it. Saturday morning I ran my half marathon for a virtual race series then we biked to a local beach for the afternoon

Sunday he wanted a longer bike ride so we did a 50km bike day with River in tow. We rode to a different beach ate at the farmers market and then on our way back we stopped for pizza and cokes. All three of us River included were happy and wiped when we got home – she got to romp at 2 different beaches, go into the water and have strangers dote on her lol.

It is awesome that you and Andrew got to do trails together! If we ever get ourselves to Utah we are going to try that list your friend put together.

Happy Monday Janae!


I had to google fuzzy peaches and now I NEED to try them too! Congrats on your half marathon Kristine and I am so happy to hear that the weather was so great! 50km bike ride together, you guys are amazing and stopping for pizza and cokes sounds like heaven. So glad you guys had a great weekend and PLEASE let me know if and when you come to Utah:).
Thanks Kristine, you too!


I’m bookmarking this post so I can use the trail guide as a reference. I can’t wait to run all.the.trails in Utah once we get settled.


YAY YAY YAY!! You will have to let me know which ones you love the most. Keep me updated and it would be so fun to join you!


That trail looks amazing! And so does the list of trails. Thanks for sharing!
My husband will be in Utah (Salt Lake I believe) over Father’s day weekend for a big water polo thing. He won’t have time to hike or run any of them, but if I end up tagging along, I definitely will look into some trails.
Last week, I did a lot of lifting (boxes, cases of food), and although I was really good at making sure I was lifting with my legs, my lower back is still so sore! I haven’t felt soreness like this in a really long time! But does that count as a workout? Ha ha. We’ll see how this week goes for the running side of things. One day at a time.
Best part of the weekend… Movies on the patio, and my husband made the BEST beef dip sandwiches yesterday for dinner. The beef cooks all day, so the house smelled amazing!
Here’s to a good new week ?


AHHHHH PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU TAG ALONG! I hope your back is feeling 100% soon and that absolutely counts for a workout… way to go on strength training last week:). Movies on the patio… how fun and now I need a beef dip sandwich asap! Thanks Wendy and happy Monday!


Mini chuckles work great for running fuel! Another favorite are Annie’s mini sour bunnies.

Best part about my weekend was the long run………and being reminded that all the food tastes just amazing after that.

Love the family picture.


I need to try both of those for fuel. I totally agree, food and drinks just taste a million times better after a good run. So what marathon are you training for? I’m crossing my fingers it is in Utah;)


Hi Janae! Saturday I joined my run club for 10 miles! It was great to see everyone again. It was an out and back and at various points (2.5 miles, 3.5 miles, etc) people would turn around if they wanted to do less. So by the 5 mile turnaround I was left with the fast people I don’t generally run with! They were really nice and waited for me at the top of the big hill on the way back and at intersections and trying to keep close to them and not let them out of my sight was an awesome fast finish for the last half for me.
Happy Monday and I wish I could come to Utah and do those trails!


GO AMY GO! 10 miles… that is awesome and to be with everyone, nothing better! Runners are just the best and way to go on that fast finish! Thank you Amy and hopefully you come to Utah one day!


I do like candy on a run, but I have to keep away from chewy stuff, too many dentist visits! I like the kids gummy snacks. They’re not too chewy and they come already portioned out!

I am not afraid of heights myself, but I get nervous watching someone else up high. Also, I don’t really like being up on a jungle gym or monkey bars…..not sure why but I always get weird trying to climb up, like I will fall thru or something. who knows??

I did a practice run of my (SUPER) hilly Memorial day 8k (2 weeks baby, so pumped!!) and I thought I was gonna puke (exact quote in my head was from “Just Friends” and goes “I’m gonna freakin puke”) on the uphill and immediately on the downhill I loved every second of it! The next day I thought, hmmmmm not sore at all, so 2 days later I ran the route again and realized my glutes were so tight on the downhills, ha! I must’ve been clenching! gotta work on that! ***side note***while running on said downhills with my rear end all tense and feeling like I spoke too soon about not being sore….The Band Perry’s song “Done” came on my ipod…….yes, the line “all I wanna be is done” was 100% true in that moment, ha!!!!

My weekend starts tonight, so I am pumped for 2 days of 85 degrees and my running group meetup on Wednesday! And this year our parks turned the fountains on again, so i will end my run by dashing thru those and getting a popsicle. Perfect for the 90 degrees headed our way this week. Weekend planned!!


What a fun time to get out on the trails with Andrew! Looks like the view was worth the effort =)

When training for ultra’s I often eat candy, cheeper than sports nutrition and with slow speeds I find it doesn’t upset my stomach (In the summer I just make sure to also take slat tabs).

I used to not be afraid of heights, but now with kids running around like little beasts I get really nervous!

We visited the Great Sand Dunes National Park this weekend and had fun camping and playing in nature, I am so excited it’s almost summer =)


Honestly have never tried candy on a run – always Gus or clementines for me!

I graduated from medical school this weekend! Time to start residency and try to keep running!


My teeth feel sticky just looking at the Dots ??
I have done 6 of those 10 trails and now I think I need to make it a goal to do all 10 before school starts again. Only I’m a hike up and then run down kind of person. I better start training to run the whole thing!
I’m definitely afraid of heights, but I do okay when it’s not a straight cliff on one side. So the last mile of timp gets me every time ?‍♀️


What is a good trail shoe?


Gosh you truly live in the most beautiful part of the world!!! I’m going to have to put it on my bucket list but looks like it will take 3 + months to explore everything there!

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