It takes a village + Tangents!

10 miles @ 8:06 average pace with Emilee on a mostly flat road to start off my week.  There were a few tiny tiny hills over the miles and each time I arrived at one my legs hurt so bad because they are still sore from the weekend.

And the outtake from our self-timer photo experience together.

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The day started earlier with the crew in the mountains.

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I have an IG campaign I’m working on and had photos taken there and thought it would be fun to have the photographer take a family running picture while we were there.  I’m excited to see how it turns out and to make it life-size and hang it up on our wall.

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Andrew was feeling pretty drained because he had to fast for a doctor’s appointment in the afternoon.  He’s talked about his heart hypertension HERE and his appointment went really well.

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Now let’s get chatting about some tangents!

*Not sure why I was trying to get in some leaps while trail running the other day but the wild flowers everywhere on the trail were the prettiest.

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*Skye loves Target as much as I do.

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*I don’t like my baked goods/bread/toast/anything to be anything darker than light brown but when it comes to brussels… I LOVE the burnt pieces.  I could eat an entire tray of them.  Still loving Shalane’s quinoa recovery salad and adding random things to it too.

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*I’ll watch any and every documentary out there and when we were watching this one on Netflix, ‘Last Blockbuster,’ it brought back a fun running memory!  When I was in high school my sister was living in a small town in Wyoming.  During the summer I would go out and stay a few weeks with her.  She didn’t have a car there and her oldest was a baby but she had a jogging stroller and that is how we got around.  We were HOOKED on the show ‘Alias’ and for the time I was there she bought a Blockbuster membership where we could rent one DVD at a time as many times as we wanted.  Each day we would run the few miles to Blockbuster to return an Alias disk and pick up another and run back to her apartment to watch it.  I wonder how many miles we ran that summer back and forth to Blockbuster ha.

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*She is pretty thrilled to have a new pair of running shoes… the addiction starts young over here.

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*Whenever I have a card to give someone I have Andrew write it because his handwriting is so much better than mine and it is actually legible, mine is not.

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*Another reason I love Sam’s Club?  They sell the large tubs of PB m&ms.  Our Costco only offers the peanut M&Ms which don’t hold a candle to the pb variety in my educated M&M opinion.   I find myself in the pantry often for these.

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*It takes a village.  Skye is back to getting out of her crib a million times a night but we found a solution.  We FaceTime my sister and my sister talks to her and then boom, Skye goes to bed and stays in her crib.  My sister knows that I REALLY need her to answer the phone if I am Facetiming her anytime after 8 pm ha.  It’s always our last hope;)

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Give me your honest opinion… What are the best M&M’s?   

How often do you write with a pen/pencil?  I feel like I only type these days!

Give me a fun memory from your earlier running days please!  Did you used to be a Blockbuster frequent visitor?

Give me a documentary to watch, they are my favorite!

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I should NOT get a tub of peanut butter M&M’s, because they are the BEST!!!! That would be a bad idea. But now I’m jealous and might have to visit your store to get some.

I handwrite all the time! I remember things much better when I write, and I find it relaxing.

Oh gosh, I remember the first time running in the rain and thinking I would hate it, but I ended up loving it! I felt so good after. I still love running in the rain.


I think they would be a great idea for you, they just bring a lot of happiness:). I love that you love running in the rain… I do too (unless it is cold or windy:). I hope you get a rainy run soon! Have a beautiful day friend!


Ok, FAVORITE M&Ms are the Crispy. However, they do not seem to make those anymore (they went away for a long time and came back semi-recently for a bit, but now gone again). I also really like plain, but those are way too easy to eat by the handful…so…I usually will buy peanut M&Ms and eat the chocolate around the peanut. Slows the process down. And yes, I know, totally weird!

Oh I write all the time! Mostly lists and notes for work, but I much prefer having a physical list in my hands.

Here is what I have watched recently and really liked them all: The Night Stalker; Fear City: New York vs The Mafia; This is a Robbery: The World’s Biggest Art Heist. These are all documentaries, but done in a limited series format. I really liked that b/c the episodes were shorter and you could watch a couple or spread the viewing out.


I forgot all about crispy M&Ms, those ones are SO good. Hahah I love hearing how different people do things like eat the chocolate off around the peanut… I used to do that with my Kit Kats, I’d each the chocolate first! THANK YOU for sharing the documentaries you’ve watched recently, I cannot wait to check them out and I love the episode format too. Have the best day, Janelle!


Peanut Butter M&Ms are the best. No question.
I remember back when I first started running with my sisters, the guy who owns a business up the road from my parents told our dad that he sees us running every day, rain, snow, sun and that we were looking better and better at it. That felt really really good.


HEY Colleen! Oh I bet that compliment felt really really good. Love that you started running with your sisters! I hope you get some pb m&ms soon!


I write with a pen for work and pencil for school! If it’s math and I need to erase, I have to use a pencil or my paper would be a mess haha.

When I was in middle school preparing for high school, they gave us a training plan for cross country. I remember running at the same park every day around the same .75 mile loop to get those miles in! Seems crazy to me now, but back then I guess I was fine running in the same place haha. Plus my parents could just drop me off and know I was safe being in the park.


I absolutely did something similar when I was a teenager too… I was totally okay running the same loop over and over again. Thanks for sharing Mariah, I love reading these memories! So fun to see where the love for the sport started. Have a fabulous day.


Thank you for highlighting Andrew’s hypertension “novel”! I, too, am a healthy active person and my blood pressure is high but I’ve been putting off taking meds. His story is very inspiring and I want to thank him for sharing it. It was just the kick in the pants I needed to reach out to my favorite Nurse Practitioner. Wishing Andrew all the best for his classes, and wishing you all a wonderful rest of your week!


Deborah! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! You’ll have to keep me updated with how you are doing and what your NP says! Thank you friend and the same to YOU!


I can’t wait to see the family running picture, and hear all about the IG campaign! Very exciting.
Peanut butter M&Ms are absolutely the best. I can’t leave a bag/container of them sitting in my house for very long.
Blockbuster, ha ha. I loved renting movies from there. I still remember when the last store finally closed near us. It was so sad. And I love that you and your sister ran there. That is a fun memory.
I’m not really into documentaries, but I have seen previews of a few that I think would be fun. Maybe this summer I’ll watch some.
Have a good Tuesday ?


Thanks Wendy! I am really hoping they turned out good because I need a pic of us all running together:) I miss the Blockbuster days! Yes, let me know if you watch any this summer. Thanks Wendy and I hope you are just loving your new bathroom!


Oh we are loving the new bathroom! Thanks for asking :)
Ok, the real reason I’m commenting for the 2nd time today… My husband must be psychic! He came home from school with a bag of peanut butter M&Ms!!! And a bag of caramel ones too! Those are my 2nd favorite! How funny! But now I feel like the M&Ms are calling my name! Ha ha ha


PB M&M’s are my #1 favorite candy! I need to find a Sam’s Club so I can buy them in mass quantities.
I probably write more than I should. I’ll write things down before I type them. It’s easier for me to think of what I want to write and make changes even through it’s probably more actual work. I’m sure it takes more time to write it and then type it. I guess I’m old school.
That’s a fun memory about the BlockBuster. We had a Block Buster. It took a while for us to get one. We would rent videos from Sheetz (a 7-11 type convenience store in MD/PA/VA). One summer, my mom stopped on her way home from work every morning (she was a night shift nurse) and would rent the Sound of Music for us. It’s me and my sisters’ favorite movie.
Have a great day! How are the chickens doing with the weeds?


I need to just ship you one of these containers from Sam’s:) Your mom sounds amazing and now I need to watch that with my kids again… we love that movie too! So, our chickens must be a bit lazy because they aren’t doing their job so I guess that means I need to get to work;) Have a beautiful day Lee!


Sadly we don’t have PB m&m’s in Belgium! I have been to the US / Canada / some international airports a handful of times and each time I STOCK UP, buying several big bags of PB m&m’s to last me a few months… It’s a hard life :p




My M&Ms power rankings:
Peanut Butter

I LOVE peanut butter, but I think I’d rather have Reese Pieces than Peanut Butter M&Ms. (Please don’t hate me! ? ) Have a happy day!


Power rankings haha this made me so happy! I do not hate you and have to agree with you that Reese’s Pieces are just the best! I need to find some almond M&Ms yum. Have the best day Nicole!


Hi Janae! Peanut m&Ms are my favorite, peanut butter is pretty good too. Sometimes I’ll just go to YouTube and search ultrarunning documentaries to watch. They’re all so good! My favorites are anything with Courtney dauwalter in.
Happy Tuesday!


I hope you get some peanut m&ms soon! I LOVE those documentaries too, they are the best and I’m a huge fan of Courtney too. Thanks friend and I hope your day is a great one too!


PB M&Ms are the best, hands down!! I might have to make a friend that has a membership so I can get a tub!!

I write with pen and pencil a bit at work but mostly type.

My earliest and funniest/sad running memory is when I was in highschool, our cross country team was very small, (now it is huge). There was only one girl on the team, so the coach recruited my friend to run and she in turn talked me into going, now there was a total of three girls on the team. A little background history on me, I HATED TO RUN back then!! But I thought, what the heck I’ll go and see how this turns out. There were about 6 boys on the team and it was a meet in Northern Utah. The course start was marked by flags in the grass on a field. The race started and I was dead last, after only a few minutes in I couldn’t even see any runners ahead of me. Eventually I saw the finish line and headed toward it. I was disqualified because I cut the course but I was the first finisher!! So for my very first race I was disqualified. So very funny!! I’m sure any of my highschool classmates that know I run now are quite literally shocked although, I am nowhere near fast. It is funny to look back on that experience! I did get a very yummy pancake breakfast after though!!


I think you need to go get one of the tubs asap, just the best. I LOVED hearing about what got you into running and your first race… you were first haha! That pancake bfast after is the best way to finish up a race. I’m sure that was the only race you were disqualified from ha. Have a beautiful day, Shirley!


I love M&Ms and I don’t discriminate hahaha. I eat any kind!! I buy them at the store every week, but I should definitely look into the tubs haha.

I just bought a Thule running stroller and have been getting my morning runs in with my 10 month old son. It’s kind of the best. I’m definitely going to miss it when I go back to school in the fall! And the weather is so nice here in NH this week! Attempting a solo beach afternoon (or half hour who knows haha) with my little one today. He’s never been in the sand and I want to see what he does before we are there for a week this summer. Have a great Tuesday, Janae!!!


Emily, I think you need one of the tubs too! YAY for your new running stroller and running with your son… I have the best memories of doing that with Brooke and it makes you so strong. I hope you have the best time with him at the beach and I hope that he loves the sand! Thanks friend, you too.


It’s almost worth it to me to get a Sam’s membership to get those peanut butter M&M’s! They are the best! Except for maybe the crunchy mint variety, but those are increasingly hard to find.

I love to write lists and things by hand, but if I write anything longer like a journal entry or even as long as a thank you note, my hand starts to cramp because I am so out of practice.

Early running memory: when I was in Jr high, every Friday we had to run the mile in gym class. I hated it because I would arrive to my next class red-faced and sweaty and in junior high everything is embarrassing so I basically hated life. To remedy this situation, I started pushing myself to run faster and faster to get it over with so I would have plenty of time to freshen up before my next class. I remember one time my teacher calling out my mile time as 7:30, and it was my fastest ever at that time and feeling so proud and getting my first runners high, and from then on I was hooked.


I am absolutely encouraging you to get the Sam’s membership ha. I must find the crunchy mint ones, those sound way too good. I LOVED hearing your running memory from jr. high. THAT is some good motivation at that age to get faster and 7:30… BOOM! Have a beautiful rest of your day, Karin (and get the pb m&ms).


Your photos with that beautiful mountain background will be amazing! Beautiful views where you live!

I like the PB M&Ms too because peanut butter and chocolate ANYthing is just the best.

I try to write notes/lists out so my handwriting doesn’t get any worse. I used to have great handwriting! I would love to get into writing more handwritten notes to mail to friends and fam.

A running memory from the past… I had a friend that lived by our high school & on longer-distance days for track sometimes a couple of us would stop over by her house on our run for an ice cream treat. We got our run in, but definitely had more fun than any serious training happening!


Hey Katie! Come visit Utah and I’ll take you to these trails:). Getting a handwritten note is the best, that’s a great idea. I love that running memory from high school… I’ll make sure that my kids do that with their friends over here too if they do track or cross-country! Have the best day!


I love the mini m&ms, their extra thin coating is just perfect! I put them in our trail mix baggies I make for snacks and hiking.

I’ve been really trying to work on lettering and journaling, but try as I might I can’t get those faux-calligraphy things down – I am just not artistic! But I’ll keep trying, because I really stay on top of things better when I write things down physically.


I forgot about the mini m&ms! Those would be perfect for trail mix. I’m not artistic either but you are sure inspiring me to work on it… that is awesome that you are working on calligraphy, it is so beautiful. Have a great day Karen!


I love a good documentary, too! Here are a few… Not sure if you’ve seen all of these.

Maiden Voyage (14 year old sailed solo around the world!)
Free Solo (rock climbing)
Lorena: light-footed woman
Finding Traction
National Parks Adventure
The Last Dance


I cannot thank you enough for sharing these with me! I’ve only seen two of them (Free Solo makes my hands sweat just thinking about it ha). Can’t wait to watch the rest, thanks Mel and I hope your day is off to a great start.


Oh my, I should’ve put “Maidentrip” (on Amazon), not “Maiden Voyage”. Sorry! ( I think my title sounds better, but whatever!)


PB M&M’s used to be my favorite until I met Brownie and Caramel M&M’s :) :)


Hypertension is rough. :( I went from having perfect BP readings (110s/60s) to developing gestational hypertension and then postpartum preeclampsia while pregnant, and then it never returned to normal. The doctors assure me it’s genetic and there’s only so much lifestyle can do (I’m already very active, eat a health diet, etc), but it’s hard not to get down on myself when the constant social message is that hypertension is what people get when they’re sitting around like slobs. I’m glad there are meds to keep it normal, but yes, it was mentally rough to have to go on them in my 30s. If it helps, Andrew’s definitely not the only one!


Your sister has lived in some interesting places, I remember you said she lived in Albuquerque as well.

I used to have a blockbuster account in college but quickly moved to Netflix when they would actually send you DVDs (remember that?!? LOL).

PB m&ms are FAR superior in my opinion as well.

Hope you are having a wonderful day! When are your kids off for summer? We get out next week!


PB M&Ms probably my favorite as well. I never liked peanut M&Ms, but peanut butter, absolutely. My favorite are the seasonal Easter PB egg M&Ms. I feel like I get more PB with the egg shape lol. I do love trying new M&M flavors when I find them. Have you had the fudge brownie ones? Those are pretty good. Recently I enjoyed a pack of the pretzel ones while on a road trip.


Ok, so you always seem to post something that brings back a memory! I did the SAME thing with Blockbuster when my daughter was born. (she is 13 now) I had a subscription that sent 2 DVDs in the mail at a time, and I could return to the actual store to get new ones. Now stay with me on this one…because the store scanned the return…the online subscription would send the next DVD in my queue. So I had 4 DVDs at at time…no lie. I watched the entire season of The West Wing as I fed my daughter. I believe I watched whatever was available for Grey’s Anatomy at that time. I don’t watch it anymore, but I still can’t believe it is STILL on TV!!!!
Ok, I feel like I should respond to one question. I think I am just old school…plain M&Ms for me! Classic.


So funny about the PB m&ms. My husband works for a company that sends him to the EU and UK. His coworkers have him bring over bags of PB m&ms because they can’t get them anywhere! If you haven’t already, try Take 5s, soooo good.


I hope you are mixing those peanut butter m&ms with the stuff in that purple bag behind it ;) It’s a winning combo. So are peanuts with the caramel m&ms.
I write every day with a pen or pencil cause I’m old like that.
Can’t wait to see your family running pics!


Ha! I love that running story. Oh the Blockbuster days…

I first started running in graduate school, which was in a “party town”. Each Saturday night I would drive 3 miles to my best friend’s house and ride with him to go out , since he rarely drank alcohol. He’d drop me at home at the end of the night, so I’d be forced to run to his house to pick up my car the next day. It was great to sweat out the previous night’s indulgences. :)


omg I can’t believe you said that about peanut m&ms! lol! they are the best in my opinion!! but pb ones come second. Can you direct me to one of your old posts about running always being there for me?? I am 35 weeks preggo and am feeling sad that I used to be able to run a marathon and now can hardly make it a mile!! ahhh.


Hey Erika! 35 weeks wahooo… you are almost there! I totally understand what you are feeling, I am so sorry. I am always amazed by the body and how it can come back even stronger and faster than before whenever we are ready! And coming back to the baby snuggles is just the best after a run. Here is the post I think you are talking about!


thank you so much! exactly what I needed to hear.


Peanut M &Ms are absolutely the best!! I’m a behavior analyst and work with kids – suggestion for you with Skye coming out of her crib. If you know talking to your sister works, try doing that proactively so that you can reduce her climbing out of her crib! That way you can prevent the behavior you don’t want instead of rewarding Skye for climbing out of her crib by getting to talk to her cool aunt. Although as a cool aunt, I’m down with that!

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