Silentish Saturday!

8 miles @ 8:18 pace with some hail during the last mile.

Trying to teach him how to jump.

IMG 1910

Just the rainiest day.

IMG 1924

IMG 1927

The kids brought me home cookies from school and that was a definite highlight.

IMG 1931

Had a lot I wanted to get done but decided that sitting by the fire for a while was more important.

IMG 1936

Andrew didn’t get to relax for very long…

IMG 1938

He has started to take some great naps during the day but the trade off is that he wakes up more during the night now;)

IMG 1940

Skye wasn’t excited about dinner but ended up loving it once she tried it (tastes better than it looks)…Goulash!

IMG 1950

Amelia sent me this picture because the memory popped up on her phone from running Boston two years ago… I can’t wait to get back to this kind of stuff again.

IMG 1937

Time to hit the trails, it’s been way too long since I’ve been in our mountains.

IMG 1951


Tell me 3 things that you have going on today!!

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Haha Skye’s facial expression with the goulash is amazing. Glad she liked it when she tried it because it sounds yummy!

I’m not feeling great today, head and arm hurts post-vaccine. But taking this as a good opportunity to rest and recover!


Mariah, I am SO so sorry you aren’t feeling good after your second dose of the vaccine. I’m hoping you start feeling better soon! Rest rest rest… keep me updated!


Ah we grew up with goulash! It does look rather unappetizing to kids, but it tastes delicious.

I’m getting in a run today, hitting up Walmart for some outdoor toys for the kiddos and maybe baking some pumpkin muffins.

Enjoy the mountains :). Beck is getting SO big!!!!


Hey Gillian! We grew up with goulash too and you are so right, it does not look amazing to kids ha. You’ll have to let me know at some point what your kid’s favorite toys are for outside… I’m looking for some new ones. And now I need some pumpkin muffins, that sounds delicious. Thanks friend!


Making a nice big brunch, trying to figure out if I’m *actually* in labor or this baby is faking me out AGAIN, and watching Night At The Museum with the family with takeout for dinner! Have a great weekend!


MEGHAN!!! AHHHHHH are you in labor?! I am feeling so beyond excited for you and if you get a chance, let me know:). I hope this is it!


It was false labor again…so bummed haha! Time to find some distractions until my induction on Monday!


Oh bummer! I hope that Monday comes fast! So excited for you!


Happy weekend! I wanted to let you know I took your advice about changing up speed and did a fartlek stroller run yesterday (2 miles, yay for getting it in)! I think LO enjoyed it too! Also I think you posted a few days ago about lead with your hips and I did that too and it also helped on a big hill!
Today I am working on our landscaping, playing with LO, and FaceTiming family!


Emily, this makes me SO happy! Way to go and I’m so glad you both enjoyed it. The hips tip is a winner, so glad it helped on that big hill too. You are amazing… enjoy that post-speed high!


Skye’s facial expression… ?. She’s so funny! And teaching her brother to jump, priceless.
My trail run was just what I needed yesterday, so I am hoping the same for you today in the mountains! I even turned my music way down, so that I could just listen to nature.
I am going to be taking advantage of no contractors here today and get some good cleaning done! But I am so happy with how the bathroom is coming along! So close to being done. I will get out for some sort of a run 1st though. The birds right now are amazing, so I just love being out and listening to them.
Have a really great weekend, and restful Sunday ?


Hahah her facial expressions kill me! I am so glad you were able to get in a trail run yesterday, they are just the best. I need to see new bathroom pictures! So excited for you and enjoy your weekend. Thank you Wendy!


Hi Janae! We took a small weekend getaway trip to celebrate one month of marriage (time flies) and we are in Eugene! So much running stuff here and I am so excited to go see Hayward Field!!
Happy weekend and happy trail running!


Hey Amy! Thank you for getting back to me on what CARs stood for. HAPPY ONE MONTH OF MARRIAGE. Time is rushing by. Have the best time in Eugene, that sounds like a blast. Thanks friend!


Spring cleaning this weekend and a bit of work! But I will also still enjoy the weather and make some good food . . . maybe some cookies . . . :-)

I always think about your last Boston recap, because I think you remember saying how you smiled that entire race! I love that energy, and I try to think about that when I run!


Good luck with the spring cleaning and work and I fully support the idea of making some good cookies, I’ll copy your lead. You have the best memory and you are so right, my cheeks were sore for weeks after that! Have the best day Kristin!


I ran a virtual half marathon this morning! It’s my longest run since I got my current Suunto watch (about 20 months.) It had some tough hills in the middle, but it felt good to push myself.

Now I’m on to recovery.


KATHY! AHHHH congratulations! I am so thrilled for you! Recover well, you rocked it today.


Oh I can so relate to the longer day naps but more wakes at night ;(


What kind of sunglasses do you wear? Super cute!

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