Silentish Saturday!!

Happy weekend!

A solo run with a tired body.

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I realized a few hours after I got home from my run that I had my running top on inside out the whole time… getting dressed in the dark is rough.

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Good hair day.

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Not sure why but saying goodbye yesterday was especially hard (I’m going to blame hormones!) but I’m always learning it’s okay to feel whatever I need to feel.

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Took my mom her favorite pancakes for her bday lunch.  I got my love for breakfast foods from my mom.

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It was the perfect day for the park.

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And the tramp….

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Bandaids are a really big deal again.

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Just a wild and crazy night.

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But the best part were the frozen gummy bears (they are delicious.. try it) and the hot tub.

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Off to a run that is anywhere between 8-13 miles ha… Just going to do whatever my body tells me to do.

This  is tempting…


Tell me three things you are doing today!

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Frozen gummy bears..looks good, I will have to try that!!
I can’t image how you feel when saying bye to Brooke when she goes to her Dads, parents who have to share kids are saints!!
This weekend I’ll be working during the days :( tonight I think we’ll watch “Bigfoot family” on Netflix.
Have a great day!!


Hey Ashlea, let me know what you think of the frozen gummy bears! Thank you so much, it sure is hard but I’m so glad so many people love her. I hope that your work day is going well and enjoy movie night!


1. work -Last saturday of tax season!! I’m so excited for all of the sleep I’ll get next week. sometimes the dumb nonsense the federal government does works out.
2. new running shoes – i did a virtual shamrock shuffle and got a 25% off coupon for my local running store. i’m heading there after i’m done at the office. i can decide. do I get a pair of brooks adrenalines which i know work for my peroneal tendonitis or do i get one of the other recommended shoes for peroneal tendonitis?
3. grilling for dinner. the weather is finally decent enough for that.
I’ve done the shirt on inside out thing before and I don’t get dressed in the dark. i have no excuse.
Have a good weekend! enjoy your run!!


HEY LEE!! So so happy this will be your last Saturday working for a while and please catch up on all of that sleep! You have to let me know what shoes you end up getting… if I were you I would stick with what you know works best for you already! I’m not a risk taker haha. ENJOY the grill! Thanks friend!


Recovering (my hamstring from last week marathon isn’t all rested yet, why is after a marathon so hard?!), enjoying my parents visit and hopefully a pedicure!! Brooke is looking so grown up!


HUGE HUGE HUGE congrats on your marathon last week, you are amazing and I hope that your hamstring is 100% asap! Enjoy that pedicure and time with your parents. Thanks Lisa!


12 miles: still on my endorphin high, so tempted to sign up for St. George…….ha.
making homemade sourdough bread.
walking the aisles of Target while Hope goes to dance.


Wish we could have done those 12 miles together and if you sign up then I will 100% sign up! Enjoy that sourdough bread and Target run!


Frozen gummy bears… Are they hard to chew? I love gummy bears, so I need to try them frozen.
Last night was the 1st football game for our high school and my son, who’s in the band, got to go and had such a great time! He has been so cautious about going out where there are crowds, but he went. I’m so glad! He came home and seemed like his old self again, yay! I stayed home and cleaned the house… Ha ha, big partier over here.
I did a longer, easy pace run yesterday ( it felt so good), so I don’t know what I’m running today either. Somewhere between 5-7 or whatever my body feels too.
My in-laws are coming over later today and spending the night. It will be good to have them here for a bit. We are officially on spring break here, which means bathroom demo!! I’m super excited to get going on that. It’s going to be a long 6 weeks, but so worth it.
Have a great weekend Janae ?


WENDY… they are absolutely hard to chew haha but I just love them! I am SO thrilled that your son was able to perform with the band at the game! I bet it felt sooooooo good. Hey, I LOVE having a block of time to clean… that sounds good to me right now. Way to go on your long run yesterday and I hope today felt great. Enjoy the time with your in-laws and good luck on the bathroom demo, so excited! Thank you, you too Wendy!


Omgggg YUM to the frozen gummies!! I love hard gummies to the point where I’ll leave the package open so they get stale!! Janae check your email, I sent you something.

Thanks for sharing all the emotions that go into co-parenting the lovely Brooke and Knox. So important to see that the hard parts never necessarily go away!!they are so, so loved. You’re doing amazing ⭐️


OH MY GOODNESS… I just saw your package of heaven! I’m emailing you back asap and wish I could come over and eat candy with you. Thank you friend, that means a lot… we are all going through these hard parts together!


3 things: hitting up the taco truck outside work, seeing my sister on her 25th bday, and a run in 60 degrees after work!

so many bdays this month……i have 3 sisters born on different days in march, 1 sister in law, 1 brother in law, and a friend……crazy!


Sounds like the absolute perfect day! Now I need some tacos and 60 degrees haha. You guys have a very busy month, enjoy all of the celebrating!


Hi Janae! Today I’m doing a trail run, finishing up a project for my comics class, and getting ready to move some stuff into my husband’s house. I almost typed fiance haha. I can’t believe I’m married it’s crazy everything is so exciting and new again.
Happy weekend and have fun on that mystery length run!


AMY! I hope your trail run was a blast and I LOVE hearing you say husband now instead of fiance… it made me smile so so big!!! Haha ‘mystery length run’ I love that!


Happy birthday to your Mom!! Also Skye’s hair is SO long omg!! It’s beautiful!


Thank you so much Cheryl! I hope your weekend is going great so far!


5 miles with friends this morning and donuts after! Then studying for school. And second date tonight :)

Also, how have I never tried gummy bears frozen?! Must try.


Mariah! Donuts after a run with friends= heaven! SECOND DATE… TELL ME HOW IT GOES AFTERWARDS!


The permit for my marathon was rejected, they are letting us know officially by 4/1. We can choose virtual or wait to see if it takes place at the end of May. No clue how I would extend this training cycle and if it doesn’t happen at that point it would be so sad!!

I just did 19 miles and my feet are so shot. I have no clue what happened but this training cycle I just can not find shoes that work for me and I keep getting blisters. The shoes I use for long distance are ok with inserts and my feet taped up but I don’t love them. They will do for the marathon to get me to the end but not idea. I think that I have likely tried and returned 10 shoes and my local running store has been super nice!! I am also ordering from Zappos as to not wear out their patience when I return shoes to their store… The issue is that when I can’t fully heal blisters, I have no clue if a shoe definitely works. Right now I am trying liquid bandage to heal one area and hoping it works!! So long story short, I sort of just want to get the marathon over with and take a couple weeks off to heal the feet and find the right shoes!!



Just wondering do you still take rest days from running? It seems like you run every day now. Just curious as I admire and look up to you a lot.



Hey Jen! I do take a rest day every Sunday! I also don’t have a post that goes up on sundays anymore which probably makes it seem like I run daily since I don’t have a post that day! SO thank you for reminding me about this so I can talk about it! Have a beautiful week❤️


Oh my! I told you I bought a pair of those joggers you recommended on Friday. They came today, a day early, I’ll be buying 3 more pair tomorrow through your Amazon link, they’re so comfy & silky smooth, I got a medium but I think I can wear a small too, getting both. Good thing I work for an athletic company where I don’t have to dress up ?


This makes me so so so happy! They are the best❤️❤️❤️❤️ Have a great week Amy!


Hi! Where is your neon shirt from? I hope you have a great week!


Hey! It is here:
I love it so much! Thank you friend and you too!

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