Silentish Saturday!!

Mismatched PJs and running clothes until noon kind of a day… but 7 miles @ 8:38 average pace first thing in the morning.

Hung out on the couch with Beck for his nap…

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And then Andrew joined in the napping action for another one of his naps.

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The weather called for a park day.

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A very intense game of lava monster (Andrew being the lava monster).

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Stayed on the grass for a while.

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A TJ’s pizza dough/sauce kind of night with mini cucumbers on the side.

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Whenever I make cookies I leave cookie dough in the fridge for Andrew because he would much rather eat cookie dough than the actual cookie.

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When I asked Skye why she had tape on her she replied that it was because she didn’t want to fall off the stool.

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Excited to give the Hyperion Tempos a try soon… But not today because we will be on some muddy trails:)

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Tell me three things that you have going on today!!

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So jealous of your spring weather. It’s still -15 here and we have lots of snow. My kids love playing lava monster too. Is your jacket a recent purchase? It looks like a nice light weight spring jacket. Do you have a link?
I’m working all weekend and we are renting the new Tom and Jerry movie tonight on the tv and watching it with the kids. Looks like a movie Knox and Brooke would like too.
Have a great weeekend


Hey Ashley! I REALLY hope that you get some spring weather soon! It’s a jacket from about 7 years ago… a Columbia one! I wish I could find the link!
I hope work goes well this weekend and we loved the Tom and Jerry movie!


Andrew would love visiting us here, I often make a batch of cookie dough and never bake it.


Plan on us coming to visit someday… we would have the best time all together eating cookie dough.


OMG… Skye!! Ahahahaha. She cracks me up! But very smart of her to tape herself to the stool.
Your day looked fun and somewhat spring like! We have really been having some great weather here too. So anything and everything I can do outside is my goal each day. We are supposed to get more rain next week, which we need, so I am going to soak in all the sun this weekend.
Hope you had fun on the muddy trails! I have an easy 6ish miles in mind for today.
Enjoy your weekend Janae ?


Hey Wendy! I am SO glad you guys are having great weather too! Thank you so much friend and I hope your 6 miles were great:). Maybe another hike with the husband this weekend?!


Tip for cookie dough: make tiny balls and put them in the freezer, then add them to a bowl of vanilla ice cream. Best cookie dough ice cream on the planet!

Recovery day (with some resistance training) for me – I ran 10 miles yesterday! 2021 is turning into a great comeback year.


HEY KATHY! Ummm that is brilliant, we will have to do that! You are rocking 2021, way to go on those 10 miles!


Bhahaha, she didn’t want to fall off the stool! :-) Too cute!

1. long run, done.
2. drop off daughters 2 friends from b-day sleepover.
3. shop w/the birthday girl (11 years old) and enjoy the quiet evening while the younger 2 kids are at the grandparents, yahoo!

Happy Saturday Janae!


Way to go on your long run, sure wish we could do one together someday! HAPPIEST birthday to your daughter and I hope you have the best time shopping together. Thanks Becky, you too!


Hi Janae! Today is long run day and I’m going to switch it up and run somewhere different than usual. And then I have to finish some homework for the Comics class I’m taking at the community college so I shouldn’t even call it homework because it is so fun. And then I am going to drop my friends puppy off at daycare and it’s always fun when I get to see him. Have an awesome weekend!


Amy, I hope your long run was amazing and that you loved the new scenery! Your homework does sound fun and enjoying seeing that puppy. Thanks Amy, you too!


Ran 4 miles and got coffee this morning, homework time now, then game night!


GOOD LUCK with the homework and you’ll have to let me know sometime what your favorite games are! Way to go on the 4 miles too, you are incredible. Have a happy weekend friend!


Today would have been the 5k and tomorrow the half/full marathon for my favorite race………….I have run it every year since it started in 2016. It got moved to November bc the city wasn’t ready to host a race. Kinda sucks because last year it was the last normal weekend in Chattanooga before stuff started cancelling, so we went out with a great weekend and I hit a half marathon PR! I was so looking forward to it, but at least they will do it in November. I am going to run in all my gear today and tomorrow in honor of it.

PS, I can’t find them where I am at, but if you see the Funfetti oreo cake mix and frosting, BUY IT! My sister in law made homemade oreos with them…she used the funfetti cookie recipe, and put 2 cookies together with the frosting in the middle. OH. MY. so freakin delicious!


Funfetti oreo cake mix and frosting?! SAY WHAT?? My kids will love those and I can’t wait to try making homemade oreos with it, thanks for sharing Loribeth. I am so bummed about your weekend of racing being postponed. That is really hard but you are sure making the best of it all!


My first week back to running after my hip stress/injury! Well, if you can call it that, 1 minute of running/1 minute of walking for 30 minutes on grass. Whatever, I’ll take it! With the added bonus my 20 year old daughter has been joining me as she’s distance learning college classes now and is home.


Making cookies – thanks for the idea!


Tracy. YOU ARE BACK. I am so so happy for you and I bet those 30 minutes out on the grass with your daughter was heaven. I am so happy you are coming back from that injury. Enjoy the cookies!


That tape is the best. So cute and smart!

Went to the school gym with my kiddo and he felt fancy helping me.
Bike ride (with a coffee and cake stop halfway to refuel and warm up)
Walked the pup which turned into a run….then the kiddo wanted to play catch. The energy of my house exceeded mine but it was fun! momlife for sure.


HEY KELLY! Sounds like the perfect day and I love the idea to stop along the way on your bike ride for coffee and cake! Your kids are so lucky to have such an incredible mom! Have a great rest of your weekend.


Running, eating, resting and repeating. I am doing the David Goggins 4x4x48 challenge this weekend. Heard about it the other week and decided to give it a shot….so far I am 4 runs in and survived the first night runs….only 8 more runs to go ??


WOW!! You are incredible. I am cheering for you big time… 8 more runs to go. Please let me know how it all goes!


Oh my heart! Beck could not be any cuter in his little plaid shirt! I keep up with the weather here on the east coast by checking out what you are experiencing. We are about 2-3 days behind you in temperatures and precipitation!! HA!


Oh thank you Melvie! Hahaha well you are seriously going to enjoy the weather in about 2 days… it has been amazing!


I ran 18 miles, my longest yet! Blisters are still causing me issues and I am so frustrated. I have literally tried EVERYTHING and every stupid shoe and sock combo I feel like. The running store insisted it was that my shoes were too big and the shoes they put me in destroyed my feet on that run. I have been back but the shoes they swapped out also resulted in blisters. And it doesn’t matter the mileage, one could pop up on mile 1 and another on mile 15… Little ones are not a big deal but the huge one under my toe, that HURTS!! I now tape my feet with KT tape in the two hot spots and it’s like my feet said “ cool we will now blister on your toes and in spots that you can not tape”… This is so crazy, all started in August and prior to that I have barely ever had a blister.


Ah beck is so cute!!!
Good on Andrew for having the energy for lava monster…I honestly get so tired from chasing my 3 lol. They are much more agile than me when it comes to chasing them down slides etc…

I took the kids to a hotel for the night. We have restrictions in effect still but the hotel pools are open for one Guest room per booking. So gonna take them swimming and then out for dinner :)!


Hi Janae! Long time reader over here with a very random question–we are building a house, and I love the paint color on your walls. Do you know what color/brand it is?? Who knew there were SO many paints to have to pick from!

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