Friday Favorites!!

The Runner’s Corner group moved their speed workout to Thursday because of a big snowstorm on Wednesday morning so I decided to join them.  Nobody thought it would snow again but it did!

The 17 degree temperature was a nice ‘Welcome Back’ sign for us after coming home from St. George.

During the warm-up Emilee and I realized there was no way that speed work would be happening for us because we were slipping and sliding all over the place.  A few people did hills, a few people did speed (I DON’T KNOW HOW!!) and we did 7.58 miles @ 9:53 average.

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I definitely wore the wrong shoes because I thought that speed might be happening when I left the house… Yesterday would have been the perfect day to wear trail shoes because of the snow to help give some traction.

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Yesterday’s run required sitting by the fire for a while.  These two joined me as I stretched and defrosted.

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Beck has been loving grabbing his binky out of his mouth… He looks so proud of himself.

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Between the craziness and fighting and messes this was a really sweet moment to see.


And I had grand plans to make a new recipe until grilled cheese sandwiches (x2) with tomato soup sounded much better.

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Time for a few Friday Favorites!!

*These bracelets that Andrew gave to me for my birthday.  I love the GLDN etsy shop and these bracelets make me so happy (the lower one has our kid’s initials).

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*I’ve shared this long sleeve top before but I got another color (dark red) and it’s my favorite one so far.  $28 for a running shirt that looks/feels the exact same after you wash it a million times.  The material is the best.

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*Knox was gone for my birthday but when we picked him up he pulled out this card with money in it for my birthday and it made me smile… time to go shopping;)

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*Fatima from Stylefitfatty—> her style is my favorite.  I asked her where she got this quilted sweatshirt and then when she replied I went and bought it for myself:).  It is PURE comfort and I bought it in a small and it’s 50% off!

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*I LOVED this from Allie Kieffer.  Do not worry if you are running with people that are faster than you… I am positive that is a big part of why I had so many PRs in 2019.  Running with people that are faster than you is only going to make you faster.

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What’s a simple meal that gives you pure comfort?

Do you wear jewelry often?  What do you wear the most?

Do you ever run with people that are faster than you?  Has it made you faster?

What are you looking forward to this weekend?

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Yes, I often run with people that are faster than me! I used to get in my head about being slower, but after joining a track group where 75% of the ladies are faster, I realized that didn’t make them any less accepting or encouraging!! And they motivate me because I want to keep up as much as I can.


Hey Mariah! I love every word of what you said… your track group sounds awesome! I hope you have the most beautiful weekend.


My mom, like hers before her, was known for sending beautiful letters and cards. When she passed, so many people told us about a note she had sent them at just the right time with words that meant so much. Her cards to kids included crisp dollar bills she got special from the bank. Along with being a prolific letter writer, she was fun! She would post a riddle or trivia on Facebook and send $1 prize to the winner. Sometimes she shared her lovely words to the recipient on Facebook and they always ended with the same phrase. So, happy belated birthday Janae. “You are special. You are loved.”


Wow. Your mom. Absolutely amazing and she sure brightened the days of a lot of people. Thank you for sharing this with me and for your sweet words. I hope you have a beautiful weekend Steph and keep in touch!


Wow, Andrew is a really good gift giver! This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed it. Does he come up with these things on his own or do you have to give him hints? I’m very impressed!


He REALLY is. I am always amazed at how well he knows me. He knew I love that Etsy shop for sure but 99% of things he comes up on his own (and now I just have him do most of my clothes shopping because he is so much better than I am ha). Have a great day!


Beck’s big open mouth smile is adorable!
The snow looks so beautiful, but so cold. I was just chatting with my sister (she flew to Salt Lake yesterday) that I feel like the entire country is covered in snow and freezing temps, except for us here… Ha ha
I would love to run with faster people, but I do most of my runs by myself. It’s hard sometimes to push myself to go really fast.
I am looking forward to doing more yardwork this weekend, and another hike/run with my hubby ?
Happy Friday!


I think you are right, most places are covered in snow right now! I hope you guys have a great hike again (as much vertical gain this time?!) and good luck with the yard work… I’m excited to see our yard again haha. Thanks Wendy!


Definitely broccoli cheddar soup is comfort food for me! That with a bread bowl and I’m in soup heaven. ;)

I always have some form of stud earrings in. But, I change them out all the time.

I am looking forward to some sunshine and snow melt because Arkansas got over 20 inches of snow this past week! It’s been wild! But, some sunshine will do us all some good, I think!

Have an amazing Friday, Janae!!


NOW I NEED BROCCOLI CHEDDAR SOUP IN A BREAD BOWL. That sounds so so good. 20 inches of snow… unreal! Enjoy the sun Chelsea and thank you!


Nothing welcomes you back to winter like 17 degrees, LOL, hello winter!
Beck’s eyes are SOOOOOOOOO blue!

Seeing all the kiddos together is so sweet. I have two and they really are best friends but they have been fighting more than usual lately. I think it’s because we are stuck inside more with the weather and Covid but it makes me so happy when they are sweet to each other.

I always wear my wedding band (not always my engagement ring, I give my finger a break from that sometimes)and a necklace with my kids initials, I like the idea of always having them close. It very delicate but I got my sons initial when I was pregnant with him in 2016 and I haven’t lost a stone, it still looks new. I added my daughters initial in 2018.

Back when we lived in Denver I ran with a team and we had group runs twice a week and it FOR SURE made me faster, pushed me way more than I can push myself on my own. Now I work at night and we have kids so I haven’t found a good replacement.

I hope you are looking forward to a wonderful weekend! Will Andrew have to work a lot since he had last weekend off? If so I hope the kids are super nice and helpful for you =)


Hey Beth! Thank you so much. I agree, being inside a lot more definitely adds to the fighting but the sweet moments make it all worth it:) I love that you have that necklace… I bet it is gorgeous.
I hope you are able to find a fun group again in the future that works with your schedule. Yep, Andrew will be working a bunch now but I’m so glad we had that time together! Thank you friend and enjoy your weekend with your husband and two kiddos!


When I first started running…the run clinic had lots of fast guys. My goal was always to one day be able to run with them even for a short bit lol. The day I could keep up with them and the day one of the guys actually asked
me my name because I could keep up was my proudest lol.

For icier or snow days I like to use kahtoola microspikes over my shoes.

This weekend I will probably relax and run. We both had a busy week and I just started a new job that is busy lol so looking forward to turning my brain off for a bit.

Favorite meal…soup or dumplings! Have a great weekend Janae!


That. Is. Awesome. Way to go keeping up with those guys in your run clinic.. I bet that was such a motivating goal when you first started! I’ll have to look into those spikes! Yay for your new job… that is exciting and I hope you love it. Enjoy the relaxation, you deserve a lot of it!


I enjoy my superhero muffins with Greek yogurt and almond butter most mornings. I also had a delicious grilled cheese this week during this cold winter craziness.

I always wear earrings and have been loving some of my new necklaces.

We finally made it back to Louisiana from Colorado yesterday. Louisiana was hit with the winter storm and don’t have water and there’s still ice on the ground. I don’t know how you run in this weather often! I also have a 22 mile run this weekend. Don’t worry I’ll shower at a friends afterwards. Lol


Hey Lisa! Thank you for reminding me of the superhero muffins… that sounds good right now. I can’t believe how badly you guys were hit and you don’t have water?! Will you be running outside or on the treadmill? GOOD LUCK and I’m cheering for you!


Hi Janae! Knox is so thoughtful! And I am so impressed that you ran in those conditions with speed shoes, what a great confidence builder for the run bank. My favorite comfort food is probably noodles but anything that I don’t have to cook is pretty great too ;). Happy Friday!!


Hey Amy! Hahaha I have to agree with you, whatever I don’t have to cook or go to the store for tastes extra delicious. Happy Friday to you too!


That soup and sandwich combo sounds AMAZING. I want it now!

This weekend, I’m looking forward to celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary (yay, already made a cake for it haha), and doing a long indoor ride with my tri coach and other athletes he coaches.


FIVE YEARS! Oh that is exciting Victoria. PS we got married just a few months apart.. I love that. Enjoy the cake and your long indoor ride. Thanks Victoria!


If you like tomato soup you to try Traders Joe’s newest soup ! Calabrian chili tomato dumpling soup it is in jar , so good!


I LOVE soup so I will have to try that asap! Thank you so much Lori and I hope you have a great day!


Happy Friday! Happy Weekend!!
Nice job running with some tricky traction! Lots of running on slick surfaces here in he northeast, so we just adapt. It used to make me super nervous to run with people who were faster than I am. It still does, but not as much, and I can appreciate how it challenges me to see what I can do :o)
I almost always wear earrings. I used to wear rings a lot too (my boyfriend has gifted me some really pretty ones), however they have pretty much stayed in the jewelry box since COVID brought the endless, endless hand washing and hand lotion application.
All time favorite comfort food is homemade mac & cheese!!! Have a lovely weekend :o)


Hey Janine! YES… it challenges us to see what we can do. I love what you said! I hope you have some amazing homemade mac and cheese asap! Thanks friend, you too!


I cannot get over how much Beck looks like Brooke as a baby!!! I’m having serious flashbacks to your early blog days. Do you see it, too? He is so cute (they all are just beautiful!).
I love those dainty bracelets on you. I wish I could wear bracelets but I have very skinny, bony wrists and they are always uncomfortable on me. I wear my wedding ring, little hoop earrings, and a simple necklace nearly every day. My choice lately has my boys’ birthstones. I love it.
Have a great weekend, Janae and family! <3


hi, I never comment and don’t want to be that person, but every picture of Beck (who is adorable) I notice that he leans his head to the side. I’m not sure if he does it often in real life, but you might want to check with his doctor about the possibility of torticollis. My sweet boy had it (it’s common) and its easily fixable with PT, but left unchecked it can lead to needing a helmet to fix plagiocephaly (flat head).
Also, reading you all year has inspired me to run out side this winter, and it’s been so enjoyable!! Not sure how today is going to go with 8+ inches of snow on the ground, but we’ll see!


Thank you so much Amanda for your comment! Brooke also had this! I will totally talk to our doctor about it, we have an appointment next week. THANK YOU, I forgot all about torticollis. I am so glad you have been running outside so much. It really can be so much fun and you feel so hardcore when you do it in the winter:). Have a great weekend!


Hey!! What size top do you buy in the Amazon running top? How do they run? I have been debating buying since the last time you posted but worry about sizing. Thanks!


Hey Kelley! I have it in a small! It is true to size in my opinion! I hope you love it too. Thanks Kelley!


Agreed! My Saucony Perogrine trail shoes have super-duper treads and work great in snow/ice. I haven’t had to get my Yaktrax out all winter.

About six years ago I trained with a group of ladies much younger and a little faster than me. I had my best racing season ever that year!

Have a great weekend!

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