Weekending + Tried Something New.

A few random things from my run on Saturday:

Beck is now just waking up one time a night which is making it easier to get up early and run when I get the chance to.

It was 34 degrees outside which felt warm enough to hang out on my porch afterwards for a few minutes.

We don’t have the inversion in Utah that we normally do in January which made for some pretty views along the way.

Toast with jam before a run is still my favorite.  A banana comes in 2nd place.

Running is feeling good these days.  Maybe it’s because pregnancy running made me stronger—> I carried Beck with me on each run and I felt nauseated all of the time so now to just be running on my own and not feeling sick at all is the answer to why it feels so good now.

The Ghost 13s feel like a dream on my feet.  I think I need 10 pairs of them.


We went over to hang out with my sister for a bit and she officially knows more about me than I know about me… I always thought I was 5’7.75” but she was positive that I am 5’7.5” and she was right.

I was excited to make it onto her family wall height chart.  PS I am going to miss the carpet in her basement when she remodels.

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Beck had his first piano lesson from my sister.

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Each day I find more and more similarities with Skye and Knox.  It makes me happy because I met Knox when he was 3 so Skye is reminding me a lot of that time.

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Brooke spent the day with my mom and once Andrew was done with his run we went out on a walk.

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And then at night we jumped in the hot tub!

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Our Sunday was spent at home doing some of our favorite things…

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More time outside because who knows how long this good weather will last.

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I tried out a new cake.  I used the chocolate cake and peanut butter frosting recipe from Neurotic Mom Bakes and it was so so good.  I’ve been watching all of her tutorials non-stop!  This cake took me a few hours but it was definitely worth it!

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The inside!

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We had family over for dinner and my nephew made homemade tortillas for our tacos and now I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to eat them any other way!

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PS I love adding roasted sweet potatoes to tacos:)

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I hope you have a beautiful day. I hope that we can all honor Martin Luther King Jr today by doing things to improve our communities and loving others!

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What was the highlight of your weekend?  Best thing that you ate this weekend?

What have you been eating before your runs lately?  Do you ever do any runs without eating before?

Who plays the piano?  When did you start taking lessons?  (I’m thinking of starting Brooke soon).

Is the weather where you are at normal for this time of year right now or is it being crazy like Utah?

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You did so well with that cake! It’s gorgeous!

The weather in Maryland has been warmer than usual. It snowed earlier than it usually does in December, then got warm and I think it’s about to snow again next week. Can’t make up its mind!

I had buffalo chicken mac & cheese this weekend when catching up with a friend. The food and company were highlights of the weekend!


Thank you so much Mariah! It was fun making it. What is going on with your weather too?! Ummm now I must have buffalo chicken mac and cheese, that sounds amazing. Sounds like a great weekend and I hope your week is a great one too!


Oh that cake looks amazing!! i love baking might have to try that recipe.

Highlight of the weekend.. I got out for 9 + solo miles which is the longest I have run in more than 6 months. It was a chaotic week so felt so good to get out and run it out . That and family naps on the couch. We are all about low key weekends.

I used to play the piano…I took lessons for years. I can’t remember how old I was when I started but I haven’t played in a long time.

Sometimes I don’t eat before runs…just coffee but also a dry bagel when I do.

The photo of Brooke and Beck is soo cute! Have an amazing day Janae!


Yesss homemade tortillas are SO GOOD! Oh man I used to make those all the time! I need to bring those back.
That cake is gorgeous. I’m super impressed.
I was thinking the same thing about the ghosts, I need another pair to make sure they stay bouncy and amazing haha. My ravenna’s came yesterday (Sunday deliveries always surprise me, I swear they used to not do any mail on Sundays right?? When did that change??). I have a small tempo workout this weekend that I’m going to use them on and I’m so excited!! :)
Our weather is always crazy, so I guess that’s normal lol. It was really cold (high 20’s-30’s) yesterday but it’s gotten to almost SIXTY a few days in the past couple of weeks!
Have a great week and I LOVE your message. Improving our communities and loving others is key.


STAY BOUNCY… yes, that’s how I feel! Let me know what you think of the ravenna! Wish I could join you for your tempo this week. Hahah you made me laugh about the Sunday deliveries… when did that change? 60 degrees?! CRAZY! Have the best day, Mollie.


Best thing I ate was coconut braised chicken thighs from Alison Roman’s Nothing Fancy. Big AR fan.
Also, I read that you were listening to Dave Matthews Band. That will always make me think of the skating rink on The Office when Andy makes a DJ request. “Dave Matthews Band. No hits…just deep cuts.” Cue Ants Marching.


Bahahahah I love that episode so much! I need those coconut chicken thighs ASAP, that sounds so good. I’ll have to check her out! Have a great week Molly!


Your cake looks fantastic! Have you watched the Great British Baking Show on Netflix? I binged it all last year! Lots of baking inspiration… I started piano lessons at Brooke’s age. It wasn’t my favorite but it was a great way to learn the basics of music which led me to playing other instruments and singing, which was a big part of my life in middle and high school. I think I would have enjoyed piano more if my parents had framed it as “this is how you start with music.”


I LOVE THAT SHOW… it is so so fun. Good to know about what you did growing up and I hope you are still singing and playing other instruments whenever you get a chance. Have a beautiful day, Lindsay!


My entire weekend was best parts…. you know those weekends where you just keep smiling and thinking “is this really my life?” And “ok, this is why I had to go through so many hard things”. If I had to narrow it down it would be 2 moments: laughing around the table with my daughter, her friend, and my boyfriend. And being at the flea market and doing my usual glance around to make sure we didn’t lose track of/leave my mom behind (she walks very slow and can get lost) but every time my boyfriend was right beside her.
And the weather here in Florida is below average cold! I just ordered a new sweater because I’ve worn and worn my couple nice looking warm outfits. It’ll probably heat up before it gets here but that’s ok- I’ll have it for next year!


I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR MORE DETAILS! Hearing how happy you are right now is making me so happy. Those moments sound beautiful. Keep enjoying these moments together and you deserve all of the happiness!


I started piano when I was 9. It was my idea and I loved it. I still play and I’m…not anywhere near 9 anymore. I got my daughter started when she was 6. I taught her at first. She still plays and is almost 17. I’ve taught off and on and I think if they can read and show interest and have access to a piano, go for it. I don’t recommend using a keyboard instead of piano. It’s just not the same and I found the students who did that didn’t take it as seriously. She’s at a perfect age. The first book is boring and kids can have a hard time getting into it but if she can stick with it till she gets to playing with both hands, it will get more fun. The biggest part is actually learning to read the notes and not just the fingering numbers. I’d have her go for it.


Emily, that is so great that you still play and that your daughter does too. That is a great tip because I was wondering about the keyboard…. that makes sense. Thank you for the help, I really appreciate it and I hope you have a beautiful day!


Wow that cake looks incredible! Nice work, your family is extremely lucky! Best thing I ate this weekend was TJs sweet potato fries so I am jealous :)

And this is random, but today is a holiday I get these thoughts whenever I have a day off with extra time to think so I’m just going to ask for your thoughts if thats okay! First of all I want to thank you for your positive contribution to the internet. Sincerely. I am a long time blog reader and I look forward to scrolling through your posts at the after a stressful day/week. You remind me of the bigger, most important goals I have for my life: to be a wife and mother. I will be 31 at the end of the month and I am honestly so scared that I will never reach those goals. I’m currently single, living in a new city and feeling pretty hopeless when it comes to dating. It has been a minute since I was in a serious relationship and even though I know it is what I want, it is so hard to force myself to try. How did you stay hopeful when you started dating again? Any advice (or men haha?) you have would be so so appreciated. Just for context I’m LDS. Ok wow sorry I didn’t mean to write such a long comment! I hope you have a wonderful week :) Thank you for being you!


Rachel. My heart goes out to you. I wish I could give you a big hug right now and I really wish that I could make it so that you could get EVERYTHING that you wanted right now. I can’t imagine how hard dating must be when you are in a new city and with everything going on with Covid etc. You are not alone in those hopeless days. I remember feeling hopeless often and I know all of my friends did too. I think my biggest advice (that worked for me and then somehow Andrew popped into my life right after) was finding happiness just the way I was and letting go of what I thought my plan should be and relying on God’s plan. This post from Megan might really help you (she got married last year when she was 35) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFxzt4_pqZH/ . You are doing amazing and if you are ever in Utah… let’s set you up with some people we know (I am a big believer in blind dates!!!). I want you to know I am ALWAYS here if you need to talk. The dating world is so hard but trust in God’s plan for you… I look back and see what happened to me (divorce, lonely dating years etc) and think it was all so worth it to meet Andrew and I’d do it all over again if I had to. You’ve got this and it might be easier to talk about this ha so let me know if you want to chat on the phone!


Hi Janae, Thank you thank you thank you for your reply! I really needed to hear every word you said (typed?) today. You really made me feel so calm. I think you’re right, letting go is key. Trusting the process is so challenging because I love to control everything (ha) but I’m learning to love my present life, even when it feels like there are giant holes in it. I have so many amazing opportunities and beautiful people in my life. I moved here to accept a new job, which I am incredibly grateful for considering all of the people who have lost theirs this year. But yup, COVID has not made meeting people easy. I’m living in AZ so not too far from Utah! I am also a big fan of blind dates (my parents met on one :)) so I’ll risk sounding desperate, haha but I am completely open to facetime blind dates if you know anyone who is willing to date out of state! Also, thank you for saying you would do it all over again if you had to :) I forget how it is usually the hardest things that lead to the best things.

I would absolutely love to chat sometime if you are open to it! It hasn’t been easy to make new girlfriends here either. Thank you again for being such a kind and compassionate human :) I hope you had a great holiday and that the rest of your week is fantastic!


Hey Rachel! I am just catching up on Janae’s posts from the week and stumbled on this comment and wanted to let you know… man, did it ever resonate. I’m 32, also single, also more than anything want a meaningful relationship and to be a mom. I’m not LDS but everything else? I see you, I feel what you feel. Another blog I love to read is Cup of Jo and they published a post a while back that restored in me so much HOPE. Check the comments section out if you’re looking for a hefty dose of that, too: https://cupofjo.com/2020/08/will-i-be-single-forever/.

Love from Toronto!


Hey Maeve!

Thank you so so much! I love Cup of Jo but I totally missed that post so thank you for sharing! I loved reading all of the comments. It helps so much just to know that SO many other women feel this way.
Also, guess what, I’m Canadian too haha I grew up in Calgary, AB :)
Sending lots of love and thank you again for replying!


Good Morning! Super impressed with your cake baking and decorating – that cake looks amazing!! The best thing I ate this weekend was buffalo chicken lasagna, courtesy of my boyfriend – every now and then, he wants to cook and I absolutely let him!
I rarely eat for runs of 5 or less miles. After that, it depends on the distance; toast with PB has always been a fave.
There was a piano in a house I lived in for a few years and I attempted to teach myself (as an adult). It was challenging, but fun. Playing the piano is one of those things I will forever wish I learned as a kid.
Weather in he northeast has been weird – cold & snow, followed by unusual warmth and huge amounts of rain. It looks like we’re headed into a cold streak now. Who knows how long it will last… Have a Magical Monday!


That cake is amazing!!
We are having very warm weather, in the 80’s! It’s been feeling like summer, which means I’ve been running in shorts. Sadly, the Santa Ana winds are supposed to kick in for a couple of days, but then rain by the end of the week. Very strange for sure!
Best part of the weekend was yesterday. We spent the day at my in-laws with most of the family. It’s been quite a while since we’ve done that (our family is being very cautious with the high Covid numbers again). It was so good for my heart to be with family! A perfect way to start the new week.
Ooooooo… Did you see that Alaphine had her baby on the 13th? So precious! All these babies coming into the world right now is such a wonderful sign of hope ❤️
Have a great Monday Janae!


Your cake is beautiful and now I want tacos. ? I just ordered the Ghost 13 for both me and my 16 year old son who is a runner. We are excited to get them. Where did you get your mittens? I’ve been searching for about a month now for running mittens in a size small. Can’t find them anywhere! Have a great day!


Hey Colleen! You better get some tacos asap and I am SO happy you are getting the Ghost 13s, they are the best. The mittens I got from Runner’s Corner and I’m not finding any of them online (Nathan convertible glove/mitten) but I will totally pick them up for you and mail them to you if you want! They are the best and I’ll keep searching for them in a size small online!


Thank you! I found them online! So happy.


I typically don’t eat before I run, my stomach usually ends up unhappy. If I’m doing a long run, I stick to Hammer Gel, one of the few gels that doesn’t have any sugar alcohols (a HUGE GI trigger for me.)

I started learning the piano in my 20s. It was after Les and I were married. The church I grew up in had several talented pianists, but my new church only had one. It was fine until she was away for a weekend. I started learning and eventually played quite a bit for our church. I’m semi-retired now because we have a whole group of younger musicians that love playing and I’m happy doing what I really love – singing!

We’re having crazy weather, but it’s not that unusual. Santa Ana winds are blowing and they are suppose to get worse in the next few hours and last until about Wednesday. 30-50 mph winds with gusts up to 70! We’re under fire watch which makes me a little nervous.


Currently eating my favorite meal, ha! A salad from a local grocery store with greens, black beans, chickpeas, bell peppers, tortilla strips, corn, tomatoes, and jalapenos! Soooooo good!

We tried the Papa Johns stuffed crust…………..verdict: one slice is great, then there’s too much cheese!

I tried to make a layer cake but they always stick to the pan then I mess them up trying to frost them! Any tips?


I love to grab a handful of the peanut butter-filled pretzels from Costco before a run. It’s the perfect fuel!


That cake looks professional – and delicious!! Great job decorating!
I think the best part of my weekend was running a half marathon and then because my husband is so sweet, he cleaned house because he knew how tired I was after!
I just started eating bananas before runs again but I’ve also started getting side stitches so I might go back to running on empty again. Well, not empty, I drink coffee or nuun energy before my runs. Not ideal but it works for short runs.
I’ve never learned to play but I had friends who played in middle school and I would watch them practice because I wanted to learn so bad! We just couldn’t swing it though because sports took all my time.
Our weather is normal-ish for PNW! A lot of low land rain and mountain snow with am freezing temps reaching high 40’s by the end of the day. I just realized how acclimated I am now when I wanted to peal off layers and gloves running in the 30’s!
Have a great day!


Hi Janae! That cake looks professional! The layers inside are all even looking too!! I started piano when I was four. It was pretty early but I had begged my parents for lessons. They finally said I could take lessons if I would practice for an hour a day and I signed a contract too which they put on the wall to remind me. An hour a day is a lot when you’re that young but at the same time it made sure that I was taking lessons because I really wanted it. Lots of kids end up hating lessons because their parents made them do it, so I think that ended up being a good idea.
Happy MLK day and thanks for the reminder of his message!


Your cake looks professional, I am so so impressed!

In fact all that food looks amazing. We are having some pretty mild weather here in Colorado. It’s pretty nice but I fear we will have a drought if we don’t get some more snow. So we are doing snow dances for the mountains.


OMG! You really did make that cake!! Amazing! When I commented on your IG story, I honestly thought you were joking in your “it took me all day comment” and were trying to pass off store bought for your own. I think I’ve been around my husband for too long – he does that ALL. THE. TIME. And thinks he’s soooo funny! Now I feel so petty for showing you my cake like I was trying to one-up you!! Ah!!!! Fabulous job on the cake. It looks delicious!!!!!


Your cake look so yummy and I’m sure my kids would love if I made that right now! I’ve read your blog for years and I think it’s awesome that you shared a link about MLK. As a mom of three, with two African American boys, the impact of racism is huge in our family. Our kids are about the same age and friends have asked us how we talk to our boys about the topic. Anyway, I thought I would share the following blog site with you- I did not write it but I share it with friends often.. http://www.amusingmaralee.com/2015/12/to-the-white-parents-of-my-black-sons-friends/


Gina, thank you so so much for sharing this article with me. Wow. It was just what I needed to read as I continue to teach my children about racism. It means a lot that you helped me with this and I hope you and your three kiddos are having a beautiful evening. Wish you guys could come over and eat this cake with me!


Thanks girl. If you all are ever in Phoenix, please reach out!


That cake. Wow!!

I love that your tacos look more like salad lol. You load them with so much goodness it makes my mouth water.

I like to stick to bagels and bananas and PB for my runs. It sits so well!

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