Silentish Saturday!!!

My Friday started with a run while it lightly snowed the entire time.  I was the only runner out there because I think everybody else was recovering from New Year’s Eve… the only person at our house that stayed up until midnight was Knox, ha.

I found a loop from my house that is EXACTLY 7.01 miles…. Label this as ‘weird things that make runners extremely happy.’

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My muscles were VERY happy to be able to jump in the hot tub a bit later.

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Baths for everyone.

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Skye insisted on shorts and a t-shirt like her dad.

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Of course I did a whole lot of this.

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And then my sister did my hair and added some darker highlights back in.

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The family came over a bit later to meet me at my sister’s house.

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And Cinnabon for dessert.  A pretty awesome way to start 2021.

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Tell me three things that you have going on today?!

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The workout program I follow has a partner version on Saturdays and I’m actually going to try it today. So excited!!!

My other plans are far less exciting and probably involve buying some groceries and trying to get my daughter to bed at a reasonable hour with school starting again next week.


How was the partner version, that sounds like so much fun! Hahah we attempted to get our kids to bed at a good hour too… yet we weren’t that successful. Enjoy your Sunday!


Your 7 miles running time after giving birth is faster than my usual time- you are awesome!


YOU ARE awesome! I hope you are having a great weekend so far, Bree!


Going to get donuts for breakfast, a bike ride this afternoon and my nieces for a sleepover tonight! Last weekend left with my family in AZ before I leave, so soaking in every minute.


Donuts for breakfast is the best way to start the day:). Sounds like your Arizona trip is going amazing… your nieces are so lucky to have you. Have the best day tomorrow!


I read your title “Silent-ish Saturday” and thought, it’s not Saturday…. Ha ha, still feeling that weirdness of time during winter break post Christmas ?
I’ll head out for a run in a bit, then continuing day 2 of a January daily pilates challenge. One of the things I want to work on this year (I don’t like using the word resolution) is flexibility, stability, and strength. I know that helps big time when it comes to injury prevention. The rest of the day will be spent cleaning. I got all the Christmas stuff out away on Tuesday, but now I need to really dust, vacuum, clean.
I love that you all are loving the hot tub in the snow. That was always a favorite thing to do at my parents condo in Vail during the winter. But I was never brave enough to roll in the snow like Knox, ha!
Have a good Saturday and restful Sunday Janae ?


Bahaha well I had to look it up and make sure it was Saturday when I was writing it! YAY for your pilates challenge, you will have to keep me updated on how it is going. I want to join you on those three things because I am lacking all three! I hope the cleaning went well and I am nowhere near as brave as Knox either:). Thanks Wendy, you too!


I ran 4 miles this morning, I’ll be taking Christmas decorations down and cleaning, then spending time with the people I love most :)


Nothing better than spending time with our people:) So glad you had that today and I hope you get to tomorrow too! Thanks Sloan!


I’m so jealous of your hot tub. I had to leave mine behind when we moved 6 years ago. I miss it so much.
I ran 10.5 miles and did an ab workout today. The girls are having some friends over since we’re having a half decent weather day. I’m not sure what else is going on today.
I’m sure you’ve posted the link before…..what jacket are you wearing? It’s really pretty.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Hey Lee! I hope that you are able to get a new hot tub again in the future! Way to go on an awesome workout today. I’m so glad your girls got to hang out with their friends too:). Thank you so much! I got it from Nike a few years ago… I’ll search to see if I can still find it somewhere:). Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Hi Janae! Congrats on the run and finding that loop! I love finding loops like that so I can just shut my brain off and run. It’s raining hard all day today so I got to look for the best window to get my run in. My favorite running shoes went on a really good sale at the local running store so I stocked up and am good for pretty much all of 2021! I am really happy about that. Happy weekend!


Thank you so much Amy and the loops are just the best:). I hope that there was a break in the rain for a great run and I’m so glad you are set for 2021 with your shoes. Happy weekend to you too!


I rode my bike outside for the first time since Thanksgiving. I got injured the Monday after Thanksgiving and have been sticking to the trainer in the garage. I’m not 100% but it felt so great to be outside. I also forgot how much colder it is on the bike than running.

Les is off for a bike ride but has promised to pick up Chick-fil-A for lunch, so my day is made! And now I’m trying to decide if I want to start taking down Christmas. I’m always sad to see it go, but then my house seems so much cleaner!

Happy New Year, Janae!


Kathy, I am SO happy to hear that you were able to get outside for your ride today and that you are doing so much better. I hope your Chick-fil-A was perfect and Happy New Year to you too!


I LOVE your jacket! Where is it from?


Oh thank you Abbie! I got it a few years back from Nike! I hope you are having a wonderful night!


Love that headband you are wearing in the first picture- where is it from?!


Thanks so much Shannon! It is from Lululemon a few years ago… I wish they still sold the same one! Have a beautiful rest of your weekend!


I went for a quick run this morning because we were supposed to get some snow/freezing rain this afternoon but it never came (definitely not complaining about that!), went to target for the first time in months (which my bank account thanked me for), and played with my 14 month old daughter!


Hey Tara! I’m glad that the snow/freezing rain never showed up and it was probably good motivation to get up and going thinking it was going to come! BAHAHA I laughed about your bank account thanking you for not going to Target for a while:). Tell your little girl hello from us all and have a great day tomorrow!


Love that you are back to running! Would love a post on how your body is doing with it all? And milk supply? I’m 18 months post partum and definitely still don’t feel strong enough to handle daily running! But I was not nearly as fit as you before baby either ?


SO – I am a day late but….
My husband went to the farm which was nice because the girls and I needed a testosterone break LOL. I took out lab. Nora to Camp BowWow doggy daycare and then went to visit my dad. He had a rough 2020 -is 79 years old – had COVID TWICE – thankfully no lung issues, only a horrible rash. Then, he unexpectedly had a triple bypass and then two eye surgeries for glaucoma and cataracts. He is on the mend but winter makes him lonely :-( Then had dinner with my sister in law whose husband was also playing at the farm. Hope each of you has a wonderful and blessed 2021 !!


Janae- I’d be curious if you think a hot tub could be worked into a recovery routine similar to ice baths??


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