Weekend Happenings, REALLY Good News & Just in Case

With each week that my belly grows, the more stares I get directly at my belly while I’m running:).

The other day in the comments Brittany told me about how she tripped on an uneven sidewalk at 7 months pregnant (her baby was totally fine luckily) so I’m running purely on the asphalt.  Those cracks/uneven sidewalks are out to get runners!

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43.26 miles for my week!  I did fartleks this last week (8 miles @ 8:16 average wahoo) but other than that all of my runs for the week were pretty much around the same pace.

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After my run the girls and I left to go to the farmers market.  On our way there we saw an Einsteins Bagels and decided that needed to happen first.

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Skye insisted on bringing her backpack and she tells everyone that she is going to high school (somehow she thinks pre-school and high-school are the same thing).  We are going to do her pre-school at home and Brooke asked if she could be the Teacher’s Aid so Skye is really excited about that.

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They have a splash pad at the farmers market so we went to that next.

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The best part of the day happened that evening when we went to a place called Just Add Chocolate in Lehi.  I wanted to find a fun activity that night that didn’t involve being outside in the heat and that did involve eating chocolate.  Success.

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The workshop was set up so that you weren’t near anybody else (also, there were only two other people there) and after 15 minutes of instruction, we had about an hour to make whatever chocolates we wanted!

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I highly recommend doing this if you live in Utah!  It was about $40 for all of our chocolates, our instruction and our time to be in the chocolate lab.  We will definitely do this again with Knox.

My favorite was the marshmallow and caramel one that I dipped into milk chocolate.

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Our Sunday started out with a walk and then we went over to my parents’ house….

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Time for the best news.  We can be with my parents again!  They both had Covid-19 and are doing extremely well now!  My mom must have gotten it while at a doctor’s appointment for something else because that was the only place they had been during the last few months.  They are both still dealing with fatigue but neither of them had to go to the hospital which is a huge blessing because they are part of the high risk group!  My mom said she missed the grandkids way more than she missed me haha so it was a very sweet reunion when they were all able to hug her and Skye didn’t leave her lap.

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One day a week during the school year our big kids will be able to go to their house for ‘school’ now.  My dad will be teaching math and my mom will be helping with whatever else they need that day (along with starting a Spanish class with my mom:).   The kids have never been so excited for school to start now!

My dad started math lessons yesterday with money ha!

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PS while I was there my mom had out their RECEPTION NAPKINS FROM 1971?!  I definitely am not as good as she is at keeping things like this!

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A few more bagel sandwiches happened on Sunday because those are clearly my thing right now.

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Just in case you need a podcast for your run this morning, I loved listening to the Hurdle Podcast with Des Linden.

Just in case you need to have something really delicious after your run today, I recommend a bagel egg sandwich with watermelon.

Just in case you need to laugh about running… I am definitely the chinupper at the end of a hard workout.


The different types of runners. ##running ##comedy

♬ original sound – daniel.labelle

PS the bike version is awesome too:) I’m the ‘easily startled.’

Just in case you need some motivation to include a little speed work with intervals this week (like I do:)….

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Do you know anyone personally that has had Covid?  How did it go for them?

Has an uneven sidewalk or cracks in the sidewalk ever caused you to trip while on a run?

Are you good at hanging on to keepsake items like my mom?

Can you relate with any of the runners or people on the bike path in the above movies?

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Really scary about your parents but so glad to hear they are better! My biggest fear in all of this is my parents getting COVID but I’m so glad to hear your parents got it and are doing good.


So glad to hear your parents are healthy ❤️


Thank you so much Crystal and I hope you have had a great day so far!


So glad your parents are okay now and you all can spend more time with them. ❤️?


Thank you so so much Jessica! That was definitely ours too. Thinking about you and I hope your parents stay healthy and happy. Keep in touch and have a beautiful day!


So glad your parents are okay and recovered!! That must have been scary. When is the kids first day of school? So nice of them to take the kids once a week :)
I definitely don’t hang onto things like your parents. My parents in law do haha. They keep everything!


I have fallen on uneven sidewalks…once at 7 months pregnant, righ in my belly (I joke with my son each time he has a crazy day that it is payback for when I tried to squish him!)

July 4 I fell tripping in an uneven sidewalk and broke the fall with my chin…plastic surgeon put some stitches in and I sprained my jaw. Recovery hasnt been fun (except for the ice cream I had to eat as part of a soft foods diet)…but I can eat again now. I am nervous to run now (I wasnt running when I fell!) because I am so nervous about falling again. the good news is that I I went out today and had my strongest run since the fall though!

Anyone I know that has has covid has recovered! So, that is great news ?


HEY MICHELLE! I am so so glad he was okay when you were pregnant but your July 4th fall… I am SO so sorry. I would also be incredibly nervous to fall again too but you already got back out there and rocked it. You are amazing! I am so glad that the people you know and love have all recovered too. Have a beautiful day!


Hey Ashlea! So I am actually not sure what day they will be starting now because we haven’t heard back from the schools. It will be so good for my parents and the kids. Does your husband keep everything like his parents do? I hope you have a beautiful day!


Oh my goodness, I am so glad your parents are ok! What a scary time that must have been for all of you. I personally don’t know anyone that has had covid 19. Apparently my area is experiencing a spike in cases. Yikes! Such an unprecedented time we’re in. Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!


Thank you SO much! I hope you. are able to stay well and keep me updated. Thanks Kimberly, you too!


Ummmm so you guys went to heaven this weekend. That chocolate place looks awesome.

I’m sorry to hear your parents both had COVID, but am glad they seem to be doing OK now. I think I told you my parents both had it on that cruise they were stranded on in March, but they didn’t know at the time, just tested positive for antibodies in May. My dad has definite heart damage and probably kidney and lung damage, somehow my mom is absolutely fine and is donating plasma to help out the sickest patients. Supposedly my dad will be OK after a procedure he is having for his heart in a couple of weeks. He’s still very tired; before this, he would do 90-150 minute power walks regularly, and now struggles to do 30 minutes around the neighborhood. He naps all the time now.

I know several other people who have had it, one of my college classmates had respiratory issues for about a month but is OK now. A good friend of mine had it in March and still can’t work (not even from home) because she is so exhausted. And one of the executives at my company was in the hospital for it for over a week. Definitely something that can get quite severe, I am really anxious to get that vaccine.


This is my fear for myself and others . The chronic damage. I couldn’t handle being compromised for life with lung or heart damage.


Victoria. What your parents went through was so so scary. I can’t imagine going through what they did and I am so so sorry that your dad has had all of these long lasting effects. Please let me know how the procedure goes and that is amazing that your mom is doing that. I hope your dad starts to feel more and more energy. I am so glad that everyone you know has survived but wow, that is a lot to go through for all of them. I wonder when that vaccine will be available?! Hope you are having a beautiful day Victoria. PS I ate swedish fish this morning before my run in honor of you!


Oh my goodness that video made me laugh. I’ve actually seen a “diver” once–I was running in a group and we said “on your left/right/whatever” and he dove into the bushes!!
I’m SOOOO, SOOOO glad your parents are healthy and can see you guys now! <3 It's so scary for those that are high risk. Wishing them continued recovery!


Ok, the different types of runners was hilarious!! The spaghetti noodles…. Ahahahaha. I think I’m a combination of chin up and flappy hands, but it definitely depends on the run. Sometimes I think I look like the elite, bit maybe not so much in reality.
So, so glad to hear your parents are ok! Shocking that they got Covid while being so careful. I’m sure that was very scary. My nephew, who has been living and working in Tahoe for the last 2 months, had Covid. He was pretty sick and in bed for about 3 weeks. Thankfully he has recovered and just getting back to work. Scary virus for sure!
The chocolate lab/factory looks so fun! What a great thing to do.
A couple of years ago, a sidewalk crack got me, and I ended up with bloody hands and knees! Luckily I was at the end of my run with less than a half mile to go. You’re being smart by sticking to the asphalt.
Have a good Monday Janae ?


I think we definitely all feel like the ‘elite’ on those runs where we just cruise! Thank you so much Wendy, we were all very shocked too!I am SO glad that your nephew is okay and back to doing his thing. I hope that you never ever fall again while running! Thanks so much Wendy and I hope your day is a great one!


Hey Mollie! You actually saw a diver in real life.. I bet that was interesting! Thank you so much and I hope you are having a great Monday so far Mollie!


I’m so glad your parents are OK. That had to be scary for everyone. I don’t personally know anyone who has/had COVID-19. We have just been hermits in our home trying not to get it. I don’t think any of us have had it because i’ve had two unexplained fevers and was tested for it both times and both time the tests came back negative. I hope to keep it that way. I’m soooo happy that your parents are feeling better. My parents, MIL, and grandmother are all high risk so we haven’t seen them since Christmas. I hate it.

Sidewalk cracks are the worst. I tripped over one a few years ago where the trees had grown so big the roots messed up the sidewalks. I was running through neighborhoods in my hometown where deceased family members lived reminiscing about seeing them growing up and got tripped up. I have a small tear in a really cool pair of tights and I busted up my knee pretty good but there was no major damage to me or the sidewalk.


Lee, I bet you are missing your people so so much. I am so sorry and I really hope that things are able to change soon so you can hug them all. Keep me updated with how you are all doing. Oh that fall sounds terrible and I know those types of sidewalks you are talking about from the roots. I hope none of us ever trip again while running. I hope you have a beautiful day!


Oh my goodness I am so glad your parents are ok! I am very nervous about my mom – she is a teacher and is supposed to be heading back next week. Honestly, worried about my brother who is a teacher too even though he is not as “high risk” as my mom. That’s awesome your parents are going to help out with the at home teaching too!

Oh cyclists…I wish all the bikers that passed me were that cordial and traveling at a slower speed. I run on a trail sometimes that bikers think is a speedway. Often they do not notify of passing and then they continue at their breakneck speed. Ha, sorry, kind of a sore spot for me. But I am with you on the runner types – definitely chin-upper.

Have a great Monday!


That is really hard Janelle. I really hope that your brother and mom are able to stay healthy and well. Please keep me updated with how you are all doing. I totally agree with you, the bikers that are going crazy fast (and faster than the speed limit on the trails) by me freak me out big time. Chin-uppers unite! Thanks Janelle, you too!


Oh, so glad to hear that your parents are recovering well–that must have been stressful for everyone as they went through it. They look so very happy with you all being able to visit now :)
Yes, the sidewalk has tripped me, and I still have the scrape-shaped scar on my knee 8 years later.
Most of the time, my “on your left” results in the startled response, and it cracks me up.
Hope your week is off to a good start!


I’m so sorry about your parents but so glad they’re doing better! It seems like you guys are constantly out and about, at indoor places especially and in a state with rising case numbers. Isn’t it probably more likely they got it from you guys vs a single trip to a doctors office where there are rigid cleaning protocols? I’m a mom of 4 young kids, my oldest is a few days younger than Brooke. I get the desire to go places, resume normalcy and get their energy out…but this is a pandemic. We havent even done take out since mid March and our state is still well below the 10% positivity threshold. We haven’t seen my mom without masks and 6ft apart either, despite both us and her being very cautious. To each their own! Id just worry with you being pregnant and your parents health you’d be extra vigilant….and if you’re going to continue to see them, and have your kids there once a week inside for several hours unmasked, perhaps stop going to 43 public places every day so you can keep them, and yourselves, safe….


AMEN! There is no credible science that says that you can not be reinfected. This whole blog just seems so careless with human life–especially since you have a husband that works in hospitals and you are pregnant?!


AMEN! There is no scientific evidence that states that once someone has had COVID-19 that they are immune. It is so reckless to put them at risk–as well as your family with all the places you visit all day everyday! You are pregnant and your husband works at a hospital?


Hey Lana! My parents could not have gotten it from us because we never once were near them. The only time we saw them during this time was from their grass while they were on their porch. We do not go to indoor playplaces and we follow each and every guideline for our area! Don’t worry about us, we follow everything that my OBGYN tells me, my brother that is a doctor tells our entire family and every rule/recommendation for our area. Have a beautiful day and I hope your four little ones are having a beautiful day with you!


Oh! Thats great to hear. I swore I recalled you guys at trampoline or gymnastics places inside, countless indoor restaurants, a massage and mall…I’m so glad that I was wrong! Glad to know you’re doing your part then :)


The gymnastics gym was our family ONLY the entire time (nobody else has been in there since March but because my BIL works there we went). We social distance and wear masks at restaurants and anywhere else we go:).


I want a gymnastics gym for my kids!! I have been thinking indoor play places should have a raffle and let one family win a trip there (they’ve been closed here since March). That would be so cool!


That is the BEST idea ever!!!!!


I’ve been following this blog on and off for seven years because I find it pretty much resets any crappy day I might be having, whether I’m reading about staying the course through something hard or just pure entertainment. I’m not a mormon. I’m not training for a race. I don’t even have kids. But Covid is affecting us all, and I thank Janae for keeping something on the internet that I can turn to, while I’m social distancing, that doesn’t make me want curl up in the fetal position. In other words, while this blog doesn’t avoid Covid, it also doesn’t mirror the anxiety we are all feeling around it. The idea that she would put her family at risk is absurd. She’s not hanging out in nightclubs or hosting neighbourhood BBQs. And I’m pretty sure if I bumped into her on the street she wouldn’t make me feel like I’m overreacting for wearing a mask. I agree that schooling and family get-togethers are hot zones, but this is also not a tell-all blog. To suggest that she isn’t worried or mindful or taking precautions? I just don’t buy that.


I cannot thank you enough for your comment and for everything you said:). I’m definitely wearing a mask with you:). I am so glad this blog can be a bit of an escape because that is how I feel when I’m writing it! Everything seems so heavy in our world right now and I’m glad we can hang out online together and escape for a minute!


I’m glad you can see your parents now but I can’t believe they got sick after being so careful all this time. Thank goodness they are ok though. I haven’t had a close person I know with it but it’s rampant in our town right now.
My mom holds on to so much and a few years ago they moved after living in their home for 30 years so that helped them go through some of it but when
She has things of mine as a kid that my kids can use, I like that now! Just can’t imagine hanging on to stuff that long.


I’m glad your parents are ok! I’ve known a few people who’ve gotten COVID-19 and the severity really differs, which makes it so scary! Some were fatigued, but others had more intense symptoms and were in the hospital.

I want all the chocolate you made! That looks amazing.


Those chocolates look amazing!

We are pretty sure my husband and kids had it in March before testing was available. They had all the symptoms including loss of taste. We are doing antibody testing soon! Thankfully they are doing very well, no lasting effects.


I’m so glad that your parents are both OK! That had to have been scary when they were diagnosed.


We have known several people that have gotten it, some asymptomatic and some very ill. My friend lost her aunt to it. What everyone has found is that there are lingering issues, some you don’t find out about until later. It is still thought that you can likely get it again. I really think my youngest had it just as we went into quarantine for a week, fever, respiratory stuff and said nothing tasted ok.
It’s tricky because Covid is a big gamble, you might be fine or… I worry for teachers and kids going back to school.


Glad your parents are ok! That’s so scary! Sidewalk cracks get me all the time ? The worst though was when I was running with my nephew & there was a small manhole in the middle of the sidewalk. Being the hilarious aunt I am I made a big deal of putting my foot on it. Well,it wasn’t on all the way & flipped! Thankfully I didn’t break anything! ? And yes it was very funny after we figured out I was fine!


I work in healthcare and other than patients (lots), I’ve had 3 coworkers get covid. Luckily they are all doing fine now but they all said the fatigue was the worst part!

(Brace yourself for this one lol). About 12 years ago I was out running at night and it started to rain, slippery city right? I tripped over an uneven sidewalk and fell face first into a curb. Three new teeth later and 7 stitches in my lip and I was as good as new!

I’m not really sentimental with anything except my son’s stuff :).

I’m indecisive for sure, but the diver was hilarious. Have a great Monday!!


So glad your parents are okay! And that’s awesome they’re going to be helping with teaching your kids. We’ve homeschooled for four years (about to start our fifth!) and my parents have taken turns teaching my kids things too, which is the best! Learning from a grandparent is so fun for them, and it builds so many lasting memories. Here’s hoping and praying your parents fully recover all their energy, and more, soon!


I’m so happy your parents are ok! My aunt died from
Covid and we have 4 other family friends that have died, including 30 and 41 year olds with no pre existing conditions. As a result we’ve been extra careful and chose virtual school for our kids. That chocolate activity looks so fun and I’ll have to remember that when we feel comfortable doing that again!


I am sorry that your parents were sick, but so glad that they are feeling better. It is all so very scary!


I have a couple of friends that have had Covid 19. One has asthma so it took awhile to recover.

I take a bif on sidewalks at least once a year and trip all of the time. Even when I am paying attention it happens. I drag my left foot a little and I think that is the culprit. Last time I fell, I got my knee and my hands. Sigh.


That chocolate workshop sounds amazing! I will need to check around to see if there is a place like that near me, or I’ll be planning a trip to Lehi solely for that (once safe of course).

So scary your parents were both sick but I’m so happy to hear they seemed to have mild cases. At least I assume no hospital visit means it was mild. That is a huge blessing the big kids will be getting some lessons from their grandparents!

I can trip on air so basically no surface is safe for me ha. But I’m very cautious when I run in old parts of Philly that have brick side walks. Pretty sure I stare at my feet during those portions which I’m sure does wonders for my posture. Happy Monday!


I’m so glad your parents are on the mend! That must have been so scary for everyone!


I am so, so happy your parents are doing well!!!

How fun for your older kids to go there for school! My mom already said that if cases get worse and we have to do distance learning she will take my younger 2 kids (she was a 1st and kindergarten teacher for 30+ years). My dad doesn’t know it yet, but he will helping my oldest with math.

I am not good at keeping keepsakes…unless I stuff them in a closet and forget they are there;-) I don’t like when my mom drops off all my old school stuff/keepsakes that she kept so I have tendency to throw (most) of my kids stuff away too.

Have a wonderful Monday Janae!


I’m so glad your parents are doing well and can see their grandkids again, and they have a BIG wedding anniversary coming up next year, how cool! That is so great that the kids will be able to do school with them once a week. We got to spend a lot of time with my Mom’s parents and I have such fond memories. Also, Skye looks so much like Curly in that pic on your Mom’s lap, she is looking like such a big girl these days. I have a feeling she is going to be so good for you once this new baby comes. Have a great day!


So glad your parents are doing well and you get to see them again!! That’s my biggest worry is that my parents will get it. My dad likely wouldn’t make it as he has major heart issues as it is.


I am so grateful that your parents are well.
My Extended family in Houston has been hit hard by Covid-19 and my cousin passed last week.
It has been such a hard time and my heart swells for compassion for the suffering in our world.
I am so glad you can be with your parents again- it must feel so so good. And grandparents school sounds awesome!
Hugs to you, Janae!


I am so sorry about your cousin passing from this Nadya. That is absolutely heartbreaking. Sending hugs back and I hope you are doing well back at home again!


Wow! Goes out once and contracts Rona and all the while in Utah. Glad they are doing better!
I work at a hospital and see how differently cases can play out.


I am so happy to hear that your parents are doing well now!!
I tend to keep the most random things so I definitely have keepsakes. Wedding napkins, no. But I did find a couple of the wedding favors from my first marriage when I moved out of that house. ( they didn’t have food or anything!) I’m pretty sure I threw them away but I did still keep one of the centerpieces. I don’t regret that time and I want my daughter to have something from my wedding to her dad. Plus it’s pretty!


I’m SO glad your parents are okay! We’ve had several friends get COVID, some were hospitalized, but all have recovered.

I’ve lost track of the times I’ve tripped on a sidewalk. I also tripped on cracked asphalt once, so stay safe!

I have a wedding keepsake book, but not much else. My mom wrote in my baby book and I didn’t even know it existed until she passed away. It’s a treasure! I’m the youngest of 4 (that she had in 5 years) so I am blown away at the details she kept. She would have been an outstanding blogger ;)

The bike path movie was hilarious! This happens all the time to me when I’m riding. Especially the headphones people.


Oh my gosh, I’m so glad your parents are okay! That is so scary! Is there a rise of cases in your area? I feel like there is a rise everywhere but our area is pretty bad. We’ve known a few people who had it and a family friend passed away from it :-( Stay safe when you guys are out!

I haven’t tripped (knock on wood, now I’ll probably trip every day for a week lol) but a friend of mine recently banged up her knees pretty bad from a sidewalk fall! Didn’t you fall down from sidewalk cracks when you were early pregnant with Skye?? I feel like I remember that.

The biker video was so funny!! Thanks for sharing!


So happy to hear your parents are okay! I haven’t hugged mine since February, which is hard for me and really awful for my kids. My MIL lives with us and is high risk, so we have been extremely careful. I know a couple of people who have had it, one pretty severely. Thankfully I haven’t lost anyone yet.

I am a grandpa runner. I was horrified and highly amused when I immediately recognized my style and that it was the perfect name for it. I do live in an area popular with retired folks, so I guess I go with the flow…


Bahahahaha I’m the daydreamer …

Super glad your parents are better!


Wow. Glad your parents are ok. I know of someone who did have it..they are ok but it definitely took a lot out of them. You can never be too careful!


AMEN! There is no credible science that says that you can not be reinfected. This whole blog just seems so careless with human life–especially since you have a husband that works in hospitals and you are pregnant?!


Hey L! I am so sorry you feel this way. We follow each and every guideline that has been placed for our area… I much prefer following the specialist where I live:). The decisions we make and the things we do all go hand in hand with what Andrew’s hospital recommends, what my OBGYN has told me to do and what my brother who is a doctor recommends. Thank you so much and have a great day!


Hello HRG! Would you please share your parents experience with COVID? Where were their symptoms and treatments that seemed helpful? Thank you so much for considering sharing!!


Hey!! Thanks Laurie for the question! I will have my mom write something up for our Wednesday post. Thanks so much and I hope you have a wonderful evening!


Oh my goodness, send your parents my well wishes! I’m so sad I didn’t know this to send virtual healing juju!!! That must have been scary-did you and your mom text all that time?

Sidewalks eat runners. I tripped on one of those cracks from splitting asphalt (maybe from a tree root splitting it). It caught my toe and I landed on my face, shoulder, knee, then hands. It was terrible (I was visiting the states for summer). My mom and I had to walk/run back 3 miles and people looked at me a bit freaked out. Finally after we got home I showered and noticed that my knee was not stopping bleeding so we went to the ER to get it cleaned out (Ouch) of course that day I had to take my son AND my daughter to separate places so they could meet up with friends and I kept my hand over my mouth for DAYS. The look of pity I got that week was crazy, as I kept “forgetting” how horrible I looked!

That school situation with your parents sounds really fun!!!


Hey Janae!
I want to preface this by saying that this comment is not an attack on you or your sweet family. I would just love to understand your thought process, because I’m still so nervous about everything. So glad to hear your parents are feeling better, but I’m confused about the kids interacting with them now.. All the stuff I’ve read says that they still aren’t sure how long immunity lasts and that antibody tests are not accurate. I also think most articles say that immunity is predominately T-cell mediated and not antibody. I know you guys are being careful and that Andrew is a very good nurse, but I’m wondering why it feels safer now. Totally fine if Andrew wants to chime in on this one with what he’s seeing/hearing at his hospital.
Thanks and love you guys!


HEY AMANDA!! Thank you so much for writing me! I totally understand that nervous feeling! SO…. my parents go by what my brother recommends for them (he is an ER doctor that is studying everything that is happening daily) and they do as he says:). I’m going to ask him to write up something to explain where he is coming from with this! I wish I could share any knowledge on this but I definitely do not have any on what is all happening. I hope you are having a great night!!


Thank goodness your parents are OK! I know that had to be such a stressful time for your family. God is so good! Enjoy your family time :)


Happy to hear that your parents are okay!!


I am pretty sure it would be easier to answer the question, is there any pavement cracks i haven’t fallen over!!

A close friend of my husband and I did have covid 19 and was admitted to hospital for 7 days, luckily he did not have to be put on a ventilator and has made a good recovery. Still some minor side affects but 90% all recovered. Very scary times


I’m so glad to hear that your parents are OK and recovered/recovering! It’s a bit scary to hear that they were infected when they were so very careful. I know a couple of friends who have gotten COVID-19 and for most it hasn’t been too terrible, but for one, it lasted a while. It’s amazing how prevalent it seems to be in our communities even when the numbers seem low. I’m really grateful that I am going to be able to teach online (college) in the fall. I never imagined I’d say that I’d rather teach online, but thinking about in-person teaching was giving me major anxiety.

As for the sidewalk cracks, they are definitely a hazard for a running klutz like me. However, I’m not sure if I can blame a crack on my “superwoman” spill earlier this summer, though it was on the sidewalk. Scraped up my knees and hands, but all is healed and back to normal.


I am not attacking anyones choices but am wondering why you now feel safe to see your parents now. It seems like it is unclear if antibodies protect people or for how long. I am just wondering, not saying they are making the wrong choice. Also, it terrifies me that they contracted it at the doctors office. Were masks being worn by all patients at that time? Do they know if there was an outbreak/other cases associated with that office? Again, I am just wondering, not judging. This seems like helpful information if people decide to attend non emergency medical appointments. Thank you for sharing. I think many of our families have not had people with Covid so hearing about people who are careful and get sick is a helpful reminder how contagious it is. And of course, so glad they are doing ok now.


i’m so so happy you got to see your parents!! and i’m beyond happy they are ok and healthy and on the up and up. lots of hugs and prayers to you all <3


I’m normal. I understand the other types exist.

You shared a dark/ light story today. Your parents went in to the darkness and came through to the light. So happy no hospitalization was needed!! Way to go.


Oh, relationships – motherhood is a relationship with children…. I have relationships with the other types.

Is it cooler at 3am? If so, it’s a little reward. Possibly easier than 3am in winter.


Oh I’m so glad your parents are doing ok and recovered even though they were more high risk to begin with! That must have been scary! My parents both got it in April and were very sick for 2 weeks and then several more weeks of fatigue. They are in florida though – here in Utah I still don’t know anyone personally who has had Covid. I guess that’s a good thing!

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