My Parents’ Symptoms + I Haven’t Talked about This.

We leave today on our little road trip and since we will be gone for a good chunk of time, my sister decided to run Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with me this week which I gladly welcomed.

PS whenever I wear the above tank top it takes me back to my ultra last year.   This picture was during a stop where I sat and cried for a good chunk of time before starting up again.  This was also when my pacer gave me that handkerchief with ginger essential oils to tie around my neck and the smell of ginger helped my nausea during the race big time!

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Okay, back to yesterday’s run.  I just love seeing hot air balloons while I am out running.  I don’t think I will ever get in one because of my new found fear of heights that increases with each year of life that I experience but they sure are beautiful.

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Random running thought:  I meant to share this quote with you from this podcast with Des the other day, “Relax and let the run come out of you… you are not going to force really good performances.  If the body says back off then back off.  It takes a lot of confidence to do that as well, to realize you aren’t going to lose everything you’ve built over all of the years because you took a little bit of a break.  Shalane and I had our big breakthroughs off of these breaks… We do like the ‘keep showing up’ mantra to help get us out the door and sometimes showing up is allowing yourself time to rest and recover and regroup.  Take confidence in the years and years of work that you’ve done before.”

I’ve got quite a running break coming up ahead of me!  Between not being sure I will be able to run throughout this entire pregnancy and then the time I will take off after having the baby to recover… but I’m going to take confidence in the years of work that I’ve done before and see what happens after a good break.  I’m telling myself that another breakthrough will be the result:)

This was their outfits of choice to take Beretta on a walk.

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My sister’s little boys came over for a little while and had a football game.  Our kids have only been around cousins as far as kids go the last few months and they have sure bonded with each other.

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It was one of those afternoons where you need a drive-thru chocolate shake while you sit in your car by yourself for a few minutes and listen to Taylor Swift’s Folklore album.

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And then we spent a few hours packing and getting everything ready.  We are off to Yellowstone for some time in nature.  We packed most of our food and we can’t wait to see all of the wildlife and sights.  This will be everyone’s first time there!

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Packing breaks were included too.

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Laurie asked on Monday about my parents’ experience with COVID and what their symptoms and treatment was.  My mom wrote up a few paragraphs to answer.  This was THEIR personal experience with it and I completely understand that each situation is different and we do not have all of the answers.  Each move they have made (including now too!!) is closely monitored by their team of doctors that they work with and my brother that is an ER doctor.


“Hello Everyone,

This is our experience with Covid 19 and apparently everyone’s experience is a little different.  My husband has stage 4 cancer (he is doing well) and I have asthma, heart rhythm problems and a hyper immune system so we were considered high risk people.  We started sheltering in place in March.  Until this past week no one has been in our house since then.  We only saw our kids, grandkids and friends through “porch visits”.  Our kids are very protective of us and were actually 10 feet or more away from us.  It was very hard to be so isolated but necessary.  I did have a doctor’s appointment that I had to go to and we drove through Chick Fil A one time.  My husband had to go to the hospital once for testing but I got it first so that wasn’t where we got it.  In June I started having a runny nose and headache which turned into body aches and a sore throat.  My husband started to have the same symptoms.  Other symptoms that I experienced were having chills, exhaustion, congestion, intestinal problems and a light cough.  Dean had all of the same symptoms except he completely lost his sense of taste for a few weeks and had trouble breathing one night.  He had a harder time getting over covid so his symptoms lasted for weeks.  I had symptoms for 10 days.  Exhaustion is still a problem but it takes awhile to recover.
I am one to always use zinc when I feel a cold or flu coming on so we decided if we got covid that we would use zinc.  We immediately started Zicam and used it until the symptoms were pretty much gone.  We feel like it saved us from going to the hospital but no way to prove that.  Our son, ER doctor, called us several times a day to make sure that we were up and walking around every couple of hours.  He wanted us to walk at least 10k steps each day.  He was concerned about pneumonia and blood clots.  It was so hard to walk that much but he was pretty convincing that we would be much better if we did it.  I used Janae’s mantra, (I can do hard things) to get through it!  After we were doing better our son wanted us to stay in quarantine for a few more weeks because he didn’t want us to catch something else when we were in such a weakened state.  Just this week we started to be able to be around our family as long as no one is sick.  We are so grateful that we made it through Covid 19 pretty lightly in comparison to lots of people.  Take care of yourselves!”

We are so grateful they are okay now and they will constantly be watched over as they make their decisions on what they do each week!  I haven’t talked about my dad’s cancer online because my parents’ decided to keep the information within our family and close friends but my mom shared it above so I guess that means she thinks you are her close friends too:).  My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in February of 2017.  The last few years have been incredibly tough for my parents and our family but my dad has been so strong, has had incredible treatment and fought so hard.  He is currently doing very well with his doctors saying he has years of life up ahead of him!


Would you like me to write a Friend to Friend post about my experience with my dad’s cancer?  

I’d love if you shared anything at all about yourself today with me!

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You are doing so well protecting your family’s privacy and letting them share however much they are ready to!
I would love a Friend to Friend about your dad’s illness, if it feels ok with you – I lost my mother to cancer when I was a young child and I’m trying to deal with such things more openly as I get older (it’s just a part of life and you can’t afford to shy away from hard topics).
So glad your parents are doing ok despite having covid! Sending lots of love.


That has to be hard dealing with your dad and knowing there’s not really anything you can do to prevent cancer. It sucks. I say if writing about it may help you, then do it! We will read it, but ultimately it’s your choice to share, and if it might help you then I say do it!

Something about me: I too hate heights…..mostly when flying. I can’t do it, stresses me out. And the ONLY way I would get in a hot air balloon is if was STRONGLY tethered to the ground. STRONGLY.


I just want to send you a huge hug and lots of prayers. Your family is so strong and I love how positive you all are. I truly think it makes a difference.
I don’t have much to share today except I wish we were also going on a Yellowstone adventure! You’re going to have such an amazing time! It’s spectacular up there.


So glad to hear that your parents are doing well!


Enjoy vacation Janae and stay safe! Sounds like your mom and dad did everything they could to battle Covid and so happy it turned out so well for them. You have quite the role models, so no wonder you can do tough things!

Pack lots of bandaids for Skye, I bet Yellowstone will give her even more opportunities to fall or scrape her arm. ;)


Janae: All my best, positive thoughts, and prayers for you and your family! I am amazed and touched that you go through the trouble of putting out a blog everyday without us knowing anything but the happy things! It is a testament to your professionalism!


I’m so glad your parents are better! The walking 10k steps a day is such a good idea and I’m so glad they did that. I have a lot of vascular issues and my vein dr said its important her patients even if healthy don’t Netflix and couch during this work from home time of life

I’m so sorry to hear about your dad but he looks great! I’m glad he is responding well to treatment. My parents both had cancer in 2017 and 2018 and luckily now are in remission but I can partly understand how scary it is. Prayers for your dads continued health


Thank you for having your mom share their experience. So glad that they are doing better. And, I am so glad your dad is doing well with his treatments. Having someone close to you go through a health battle is so hard.
Sending you all huge hugs!
Have a wonderful trip! Can’t wait to see pictures.


I’ve missed your Friend to Friend posts! One about your experience with you dad would be so helpful to people I think. That’s assuming it’s something everyone is comfortable with you sharing :)

So here’s where I’m at: still looking at apartment but I have a few I really like that I want to see in a video tour (since I’m in Chicago with my parents and it’s crazy to drive back to Philly unless I’m moving in). Is it too early to start looking at furniture to buy if a lease isn’t signed?! Now my biggest dilemma is deciding which area of the city I want to be in. Do I be selfish and spend some extra money (less than $100 a month) to live in an area I love or save that money and live somewhere I still enjoy but am not as familiar with? Would love anyone’s thoughts on that!


Live somewhere you love. Hands down.


I vote spending the extra cash to live in an area you love – especially if you think it will give you more peace of mind in the future.


Spend the extra money to live somewhere you love it will be so worth it in the long run!!


Wow this disease is so strange in so many ways, it is really odd that your parents got it despite being pretty isolated for so long.

I want to put “drive through chocolate milkshake” on my to-do list for today, now.

Have a fun trip with the family!


So sorry to hear about your dad :( Glad he is doing well though! Super impressed your parents walked 10k steps a day too with COVID! They are so strong!

Funny story- the other day you talked about running in the road because you don’t want to trip on the sidewalk. Yesterday I tripped while running (for the first time in forever!). Totally tore up my legs and hands. But after that I ran in the road the rest of my run, sound advice haha.


Oh so sorry to hear about your dad’s cancer! If you feel up for it, please write a post about it. That’s a lot to deal with in your family. Sending lots of love and prayers to you guys.

Also, enjoy your trip!


My heart and positive love to your whole family and especially your parents! I feel like they are my family too :) Your parents’ upbeat nature is so clear and I can feel it emanate from your Mom’s words and the pictures of your parents.

Have a great, relaxing, fun trip Janae! Thanks for all you do.


What!? We are going there today too! I hope we run into you!


Janae, I’m so glad you and your mom consider us all close friends. I’ve loved being a part of the community you’ve built and appreciate your friendship! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! So, so glad they recovered from COVID and are doing well.


Oh Janae- all the prayers, love and positive thoughts to you and your family. I was stunned and saddened reading that. But your parents sound like fighters and warriors! I can’t even imagine the stress on all of you! You are a prime example of ” grow through what you go through”.


So happy that your parents have recovered and are doing well!!! Your dad has worked so hard to get healthy the last few years so I am sure that is helping him greatly as he continues to thrive through his cancer diagnosis.

All of my prayers! And have fun at Yellowstone!! May you have perfect weather. :)


Did your parents get an actually COVID test taken or just knew this was COVID because of symptoms?


I was wondering that too…. it seems like they were pretty darn careful and still contracted the virus somehow.


Yes, I wondered about this too, as it was not mentioned. My MIL thought she had COVID back in April, but when she got an antibody test it was negative. So she had to start being super careful again (she was careful all along, but like Janae’s parents she started seeing family again) . Testing is soooo important, so high risk people don’t let their guard down too early.


I’m sorry to hear about your dad – prayers to your family.
I love that Brooke is playing football in her dance leotard!
I remember reading how much ginger helped you during your ultra – I struggle with stomach issues when I do long runs – I am usually sick to the point of throwing up for a good hour or two after. I’ve tried just about everything to solve the problem, but not ginger. I finally picked up some ginger capsules and some ginger gummy chews…excited to give them a try and see if that helps. I am very prone to motion sickness, so part of me wonders if that’s what I’m experiencing?


I would love a Friend to Friend post about it if you’re up for it. Cancer is the absolute worst. My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer April 2019 and passed September 2019. Everyone’s story is different but a lot of us can relate in some way unfortunately. SO SO happy to hear that he’s doing so well and we’re all here for you when you want to chat (write) about it. :)


So sorry about your dad that’s so hard. So glad he is doing well though!

Does your sister still go to bootcamp? Just wondering if she does and how she balances it with running. I think I asked this before sorry.

Have a great trip!


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family–especially your mom and dad! Your mom sounds like the BEST mom to have around!

Have a wonderful time on your trip!!! Also, what is it with the fear of heights?! I never knew I was afraid of heights until we went on the tram in Palm Springs 2 years ago. I was seriously considering walking down the side of the mountain. I couldn’t didn’t even enjoy the time at the top because I was so scared about going back down.

Enjoy your vacation!!!


So glad your parents are doing well..Must have been such a scary experience!

Something about me. I cry at everything lol. Sad movies cute puppies etc.

Have a wonderful trip!


Thank you HRG-mom for your post. I always feel so calm reading your words. I think it is your Mother’s wisdom and perspective.
Please, please please do the friend to friend post on your dad.


Wow, yur parents have been through so much. They must be incredibly strong people. Covid is such a crazy disease! Your parents got it in Utah where the numbers are low and they hardly went anywhere! But I’m so, so glad you can see them again now. Would love a friend to friend post about your dad- I think it would help a lot of people.
Have an amazing trip! Can’t wait to hear all about it.


Janae, I’m so sorry to hear about everything your parents have been through. As a follower for years, I was shocked to read about your dad. I’m so happy for you and them that they’re now doing well and are on the road to recovery! What a scary time that must have been for you and your siblings too! Sending prayers for good health to you and your family.


Sending so much love to you and your family! Thank you for being such a beacon of positivity for others, even when you’re going through such tough things.


I’m so sorry to hear about your dad’s cancer diagnosis, Janae, but really glad for you all that he is doing well right now. I would love a friend to friend post on that if you don’t mind!

Some things about me:
1. I hate mini golf.
2. Cake cones are gross to me.
3. As a teenager, I lived at 5 different houses in 6 years (neither of my parents were in the military).
4. I am currently working on a novel just for fun.
5. I cry when I am angry but not when I am sad.


First off , I love outfits that kids pick for themselves at that age.
Second, have so much fun at yellowstone. It’s an amazing place and your kids will have such great experiences.
Third, I’m so sorry your parents got sick. I’m hopeful your dad’s outcome will be ok. It sounds like your family was bending over backwards to keep them safe while still giving them the love and visits that clearly help keep them so positive. I miss my parents and being able to see them so I’m glad you get to see your parents again now that they are on the mend.


Thank you for sharing your family’s experience with Covid. There is so much we don’t know about the virus so it’s comforting to hear from people who have had it and recovered. I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad’s cancer, but thankful he and his doctors are able to manage it. I’ll be sending extra prayers and healing thoughts!
Hope you have a fun vacation! Can’t wait to see the pics :)


My Dad’s cancer was diagnosed at Stage 4. Despite treatment, he was only with us for one year after diagnosis. Now my Mom is battling Alzheimer’s. With my Mom, this will be a long goodbye as she slowly slips away. It has been tough the last few years.

My husband has been caring for COVID positive patients so we have been really careful. Zoom is great, but I sure do miss seeing people!


My prayers and strength go out to you and your family as your Dad continues to fight and win his battle with cancer. I lost both my Mom and Dad to cancer and I know what an emotional roller coaster it can be for all involved. My husband was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer just one year after we lost my Dad. I am happy to report he is a cancer survivor and has almost 2 years of a clean bill of health. That fact restores my Faith the battle can be won! Kudos to your dad and his amazing team of doctors and love to your family for fighting this disease!!


I had a pretty positive experience with run-breaks. For me, instead of just not running when I had to stop during both pregnancies – I switched my normal runs (at the normal times and all that!) to simply be walks/trail hikes instead (once in a while I’d throw in a little .1 mile run in here and there, for fun). That shifted a bit once babies arrived to some days off entirely or walks with babe. It made me grateful for my runs, once I could return! If you get to take a temporary running break, I hope you can enjoy whatever that looks like for you, too!

That is so nice of your mom to share some details from their personal experience. I can relate to being protective of parents! Mine are totally social people so keeping them at home at ALL is nearly impossible. I would love to hear more about your parents, like your dad’s cancer, if you’re comfortable sharing. I will keep you guys in my prayers for continued strength fighting cancer!


Thank you for sharing. That must have been so stressful for all of you and I’m glad your parents are ok.
Right before we were officially quarantined my mother found out she has lung cancer (she’s doing great) but it meant that I couldn’t be with her during treatment because she had to limit the number of people she was exposed to. I was so afraid she would be exposed to Covid-19 because she had to go to the hospital every day for 6 weeks, but she finished treatment in May and although still tired, overall she’s fine and we have so much to be grateful for.

Enjoy your vacation! Take lots of photos!


Just want to tell you again how glad I am that the Hungry Runner Parents got through their COVID infections without being in the hospital. They (you all) will be in my thoughts as your dad continues to fight cancer.
And I also want to send big hugs because it seems that comments sometimes seem to push revealing personal or family information that you may not be so glad about sharing. You’re so personable and open your heart so much, which is wonderful, but I think lots of your readers understand completely that certain boundaries are necessary, so I hope you don’t feel that kind of pressure too often.
Hope you all have a wonderful trip!!


Just an internet stranger sending extra love to your sweet parents today ❤️


Hi Janae, so glad your parents are recovering and doing well now. How scary that, despite taking so many precautions, they still got sick! Safe trip to Yellowstone!


Many thanks to your mom for sharing their story. Its a scary thing and when we mostly only see or hear about some of the worst cases on the news, its simply terrifying. So, I appreciate the real life experience and their courage. May they have many more happy and healthy years together facing obstacles and sharing joys.


Hi Janae, thanks for sharing so much of your life with us. My Mom was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer a little over a year ago, and we thought she was on the way to recovery when she started feeling terrible. Little did we know that Stage 3 was actually Stage 4. We learned about her terminal diagnoses a little over 2 months ago, and she passed away 2 weeks ago today. It is so hard learning to live life without her, but I am happy that she no longer is suffering. Give your parents an extra squeeze for me – I’m so glad that they are doing well after COVID.


I was going to comment on Janae’s post and saw your comment above the comment line. I am SO sorry for your loss. I lost my mom to breast cancer in 1998 and there are still days that I want to talk to her, hear her voice, and share life. I know you’re still feeling very raw and my only advise is to feel what you feel. When his son committed suicide, NFL coach Tony Dungy said, “there are no typical stages of grief.” Sending love your way.


I’m so touched at your response – thank you. It is definitely raw, and hard to navigate. Breast cancer is the worst (that’s what my Mom had as well), and I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss too. I agree with the stages of grief thing – I think we should call them waves of grief instead of stages, because that’s really how it’s been hitting me.


My dad passed away from cancer a little over 5 years ago. I miss him dearly every single day, but I had a lot of take aways from his illness. He taught me what true strength was as I watched him fight with a smile every single day. He showed me what it meant to have true character, guts and determination. His battle left a lasting impression on my sons, his grandsons, on what it looks like to be a true hero….he was also retired state trooper. He faced death by not welcoming a pity party, but by becoming the very best version of himself. They gave him weeks to live and he laughed at his doctors and he gave us two plus years. Cancer is a very nasty, ugly disease, but I am sure your dad is fighting it in much of the same way. I can be angry that he got the disease that ultimately took his life, but I choose to be proud of the man cancer molded and in awe of how he chose to live every single day until he left us.


Thank you, HRG Mom, for sharing with us today! So glad you are both doing well. I’m guessing Janae’s mantra probably came from you, not the other way around.

Have a wonderful trip! Les and I are in the early planning stages of a trip to Southern Utah! We hope to go to Bryce and Zion. We’ll take our bikes and plan to do some hiking. Is October a risky month weather wise? As we get closer I’ll be scouring your blog for tips, especially restaurant ideas ;)


Hi Janae, and HRG Mom! – So glad everyone has recovered from COVID. I am so sorry to hear about HRG Dad, but I’m glad to hear that he is doing well! I hope you have fun in Yellowstone – can’t wait to see all your photos!


Thinking about you and your family and sending all of the comforting vibes I can Janae.
Have a wonderful time on your road trip.


I’m so glad that your parents are both okay after having COVID. My thoughts and prayers are with your family as your dad continues to fight cancer, it sounds like he has been amazingly strong and is doing really well! I would say share what you feel comfortable with but don’t feel obligated, we will all still support you either way. Sending lots of love to you and your family!


I am so glad your parents are doing well! Sending prayers! Yes, I’d love to read a friend to friend on cancer. I too had stage 4 cancer in 2009 and I’m still here! Your mom is the sweetest ! Have a safe trip!


Hi Janae, thanks for being vulnerable and sharing about your parents experience. My parents are high risk too and I worry and so I am really happy your parents got over it. Also, your mom shows so much strength and grace, I really admire that. I am sorry to hear about your dad’s cancer. Everyone’s experience is different but unfortunately cancer is way too common, so I think if you wanted to write a Friend to Friend about it it would be a good resource.

Take care and enjoy your trip!


It was interesting to read your parents’ experience with COVID. Losing sense of taste must be so weird! I’m glad they are both doing well. They seem like the sweetest, and I always enjoy their updates.
Yellowstone is awesome! My favorite area was the ‘grand canyon’. I do recommend getting to big sites early in the day- parking lots get full and things get crowded (though it could be less of an issue right now). Can’t wait for all the pictures!


Hey lady – so sorry to hear about your dad’s cancer. My dad has multiple myeloma (not staged but it’s terminal). He’s had it for 5ish? years and is doing better than we initially thought and are hopeful he also has years left thanks to new treatments that were approved during the course of his treatment. The pace of research is amazing. It’s been difficult at times, and I’m so sorry to hear that you and your family are dealing with these challenges as well. Thoughts and prayers.


Thank you to you and your mom for sharing. I am so happy your parents are doing well and that your dad is fighting hard and strong against cancer. I would love to read a Friend to Friend post about it! Keeping you guys in my thoughts <3


Thank you for sharing some personal stuff with us about your family! A few years ago you had a post that seemed really heavy-the family gathered together and cried/prayed/hung out. Perhaps that was why? (you don’t have to answer, I just remember that post). Your dad is one tough cookie-the cancer diagnosis and that horrible fall on the ice!

Janae’s mom, thanks for sharing your experience! I always enjoy when you appear on HRG.

Have fun in Yellowstone!!!


Your family’s strength, love and faith is so inspiring! I will include your parents in my prayers.

I would love a Friend to Friend post, when you feel you are ready to share. My husband has cancer and we keep it (mostly) private, so I understand the need for privacy, and also for support and understanding.

Much love to all of you!


Lots of wonderful posts today from this community.

I just want to let Janae, HRG Mom and HRG Dad know that ya’ll are definitely in my prayers. I REALLY admire HRG Dad being able to keep up his spirits – that is true courage and he is a hero to me.

I also recently lost my father – he was in hospice since last December and passed away in May. He is in a greater place now along with my mom.

Peace of spirit to you all!


I’m so happy to hear your parents are doing better. I’m so sorry to hear about your father, but it sounds like he’s doing great! I’m glad you shared this so he can have so many people praying for him. I will pray for him weekly! Take care.


dear Janae’s parents,

I am SO glad to hear that you’re doing okay now. Thank you for sharing your story. This virus scares me ? out of me because it’s so contagious. Sending you all the love and prayers. Please continue to be safe and take care.


Lots of Love to you and your family Janae xxxxxx


So glad your parents are recovering! And I consider us friends even though we’ve never met and your family is my family?


Happy to hear your parents are doing well and recovered from Covid and SO IMPRESSED they still managed 10K steps with their symptons! Way to go HRG Parents!


So happy your parent are feeling better! Sending lots of support to your Mom.


So glad your parents are doing well! Have so much fun in Yellowstone. It’s one of my favorite places I’ve visited!!

My district decided to start 12 days later than what was planned. We were supposed to start next week and our admin and union had no idea that our board members were going to push our start date so it was quite surprising. Good news is I have longer to work on my online classes and I get to teach from home so I don’t have to get a sitter for my own kids!


I know this is a silly question and maybe you already answered it, but we’re your parents tested to confirm that they have Covid 19? I only ask because I am an ICU nurse and we have patients with all the same symptoms as our Covid patients that “we swear” have Covid 19, and they test negative multiple times (with different types of tests)! It ends of being a different virus or bacterial pneumonia that “looked” just like Covid. I only ask so that if they are basing diagnosis on symptoms, that they remain careful and limit exposure to others in case it was another illness they’ve been battling vs. Covid 19.


Hey! Sorry I haven’t been answering comments today due to travel! Yes they were absolutely tested to confirm and have been under a doctors care for each step of the way! Thank you for doing what you to do help others through this time!


Thanks so much for sharing your family’s experiences! It’s such a nerve wracking time, glad they are OK and your dad is doing well.

Have SO MUCH FUN IN YELLOWSTONE! I went there back in 2015 and there were so many amazing hikes and beautiful scenery!
You have to go sit in the boiling river! the hot springs are all way too hot to get into, but on the north park/mammoth entrance you can get into the river and wade over to where the hot springs flow into it, the closer you get the hotter it is. We ended up going twice even though our campsite was well across the park. Also be prepared for it to get COLD at night real fast. We went in september and it got into the 30s at night. I’m from texas so i definitely wasn’t expecting that, but luckily brought a great sleeping bag. Also i had no idea but, BISON ARE SCARY! I’ll take bears and wolves anyday.


Your family is so strong! I would love a friend to friend post on your dads experience with cancer…my mother in law was diagnosed with cancer this week and we are all so anxious and worried


Thank you so much for sharing this and the news about your dad. My mother-in-law was diagnosed earlier this year with cancer, and I also haven’t posted it on my blog, etc. Would you share what kind of cancer at any point? Thinking of you !!


oh janae! i teared up reading your mom’s account. i’m SOOOO thankful to God that they got through it so well. what a blessing! that seriously was the BEST NEWS EVER that they got it & came through it well. you guys are always in my thoughts & prayers. love you so much!!


Prayers to you and your family! Thank you for brining joy and happiness into my life!
We recently adopted a new puppy, and he’s been a handful! :)


Zinc, and walking, (primarily) – I LOVE it!! Thank you so much for sharing!!! I was really wondering especially because we are getting so much about what is happening in hospitals. Yet, the # of confirmed cases is so much higher than the deaths. So, there is a large number NOT going to hospitals. I don’t take in A LOT of #covid19, but I didn’t get this type of input, yet. This is the type of information more people need, IMO.

It’s not easy, but in these cases it was not major drama. Oh, just recalled the handy-dandy blood oxygen monitors, did Mom & Dad incorporate those measurements at home?


Longtime reader here. That must have been so incredibly scary to see – from a distance – your parents get covid. I’m so, so glad that they’re okay now. What a relief.
I’m also so sorry about your dad’s diagnosis. Since he’s related to you, I know I can safely assume he’s a fighter, and he must be so grateful for all of his children and grandchildren who are supporting him and rooting for him. I’m glad he can spend his golden years surrounded by all of you.

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