Too Eager + NOT Allowed to Run…

I loved the fact that we were wearing pretty much the same color in tank tops.

7.5 miles on my own (well, with the baby;) @ 9:09 average pace.  When my sister started running with me we were both a little TOO eager and she jumped her mileage up fast.  Now she is taking more rest days (not because of injury but because she could just feel that it was too much too soon) and runs 3-4 days a week with me and I catch up on my podcasts when I’m not running with her like I did yesterday.

Day #2 of tennis!  So far Brooke says she likes it better than soccer and ballet and I’m enjoying watching her try all sorts of different activities as she finds the things that she is most passionate about.  I wouldn’t hate it if she wanted to move forward with tennis though because then I could play with her all of the time (tennis is what I played growing up and in high school).

I brought my strawberry, banana and peanut butter 32 ounce smoothie to drink while watching her:)

I am really into eggs lately and this veggie, egg, cheese and avocado scramble was amazing.

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I’m also really into this summer skillet lasagna and made that again yesterday too.    As you can tell, food is becoming very important to me again ha which is so nice after a few months of not wanting to even think about it.

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Followed by a walk!

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And now for my usual random topics!

*For dinner on Monday I made Pinch of Yum’s Creamy Shrimp Pasta with Corn and Tomatoes and it hit the spot.  If you like the below ingredients, please try this recipe.

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*Skye wants to join in on Brooke’s new tennis hobby.  She actually makes a wonderful ball girl and runs and grabs the ball for me because bending over isn’t my favorite task right now.

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*We are getting a few more things from our garden which is beyond exciting because I have never kept a plant a live in my life until now!

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*I had been searching for a really good snack type recipe and when I saw Becky’s Almond Joy Energy Bites, I knew I needed to make them.  Skye helped me.

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The verdict:  They are amazing.  I put them in the fridge and just grab them from there.  Andrew has taken some to work too and loves having them to snack on.

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*A reader suggested I make a collage of all of Skye’s different facial expressions so I’m working on that… I just need to find a collage app that will allow me to include 300 pictures in one;)

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*At the water park last week Skye set up the GoPro and started posing for it… I am afraid she has seen me take too many self-timer pictures in her two years of life.

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*Candice sent me this photo yesterday because it popped up as a memory for her from June of 2014!  This picture was from after a marathon where I pool ran (I was injured so I didn’t run) for 5 weeks leading up to the race and then decided to run the marathon.  It was probably one of the most painful experiences of my life ha… not sure I would ever do that again.

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*Andrew is officially not allowed to run on the trails at night anymore.  He said he saw way too many shining eyeballs while he was out.  He had Beretta with him and called my BIL (I was asleep) to let him know where he was and then got down from the hills asap.


Scariest animal or thing you have ever seen on a run?

-A snake that was so long it went across the entire trail and a moose… both were way too close for comfort.

Have a summertimeish recipe you can share with me to make (I’m currently into cooking so I’m just rolling with it and all of the fresh ingredients available right now)!?

Most painful running or racing experience?  Details please!

How many rest/cross-training days are you doing a week right now?  Do you ever get too eager with your mileage?

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Due to my knee issues I have always run every other day, or at least if I don’t it is 2 lower mileage days back to back. I cross train on the other days. I try to increase mileage slowly but sometimes I think backing off of mileage is important. I am dealing with the dreaded plantar fasciitis after my knees have been GREAT. I am beyond upset as this apparently could sideline me for a long time. I am hoping not but I have had no improvement in 5 days and I can’t even walk normally.

Due to COVID, doctors offices are just now taking non-emergency appointments and are backed up, I can’t get in to see anyone for awhile. Anyone have suggestions for me??? I want to get back to running ASAP. I worked so hard to build strength around my knees. I am not sure how this happened, I am so careful…


Have you tried a plantar faciitis night splint? That might help. Good luck!


I agree with Lee, have you tried these… they always help my plantar a ton:

I am seriously so sorry that you are going through this. You have worked so hard! Try the splint and let me know what you think!


Yes, I agree also..the night splint helps SO much. Also, ice your arch off and on all day as well as stretching…those 3 were game changers for me. Good luck…PF SUCKS….hope it improves soon for you.


Thank you! Funny, I just ordered that same exact one last night. I am on my second type of night splint and it just doesn’t hold my foot straight enough and so I looked for one that would be more like a boot. I can’t last the whole night with them yet but I wear it for a good 3 hours + and then before I go to bed. I am also doing stretches, using a frozen water bottle, aleve, and tennis ball under my foot… Basically trying EVERYTHING except staying off of it because my family isn’t letting me… I just want to see if I devoted 1 day to staying off of it if it would make a difference. At this point I just want to make it through walking normally without pain. Not to mention my 12 yr old is training for a virtual race and we were supposed to do it together… first time she has taken an interest in running.


Having come off plantar fasciitis surgery about 8 months ago, I can tell you that lacrosse balls are better than tennis balls for your arches—and the inside of your calf (you’ll know when you find the right spots). Good inserts for your shoes are key too. If your orthopedist recommends a walking boot, do it! It’s annoying, but helps so much in taking off the pressure while allowing you some mobility. Barefoot walking is so tempting in the summer, but is a quick ticket to horrible lingering pain, so stay in supportive shoes—even going so far as to put inserts in slippers if you’re opposed to shoes at home. And, above all, remember you only have one set of feet and if the pain is too bad, then your family should understand that you need some time off your feet. I was stubborn in continuing to run and in trying to push myself to please everyone else. Recovery after larger interventions (I.e. surgery) is no fun and has been a long road that I have not yet reached the end of.


Hey Christina! Wow, plantar fasciitis surgery?! Thank you so much for helping out Carrie with amazing tips! Keep me updated with your recovery and you are doing so well!



What I have found out is that none of the above advice will help you unless you first have a gait analysis done and look for any imbalances you may have. If you can’t afford a PT then you can video yourself running in slo-mo with just about any cell phone and watch yourself frame by frame with the Coach’s Eye app. Then check YouTube to see what proper form looks like. For instance, if you are over-striding you will have a lot of lower leg issues since you are more or less bypassing your hamstrings and glutes and overloading your knee joints.

I certainly wish somebody had suggested this to me YEARS ago, lol.

Perhaps you have already done this? Let me know if you have any questions.


That pasta looks amazing!

This weekend a fox ran in front of me while I was out on my bike. That was a little scary! But the fox just ran off. Normally I just see a lot of deer while running.


I didn’t know you saw deer out there and a fox would freak me out big time… my kids would have loved seeing it though. Have a great day friend and here’s to hoping Idaho trip is rescheduled soon.


Smitten Kitchen Corn Chowder Salad is one of my current favorites! It’s so good! I usually double the potatoes since we love them. It’s really fantastic with a fried egg on top! Also her warm green lentil and potato salad. Mel’s kitchen Cafe Confetti Rice and Bean Salad is awesome, as is her Mexican Street corn salad and the Sweet potato and lentil salad.


100% going to be making the corn chowder salad, THANK YOU! And then I’ll be making Mel’s recipes, thank you SO much and have a great day Monique.


It can be scary running at night! I’ve seen rattlesnakes, coyotes, bobcats, etc on runs before (grew up in AZ and my family still lives there).

I run 3-4 days a week and rest the others. But rest now a days looks different because I love getting out for walks! I walk way more than I used to before coronavirus kept me at home.


MARIAH…. NO MORE EVER RUNNING at night when you visit Arizona. All of those things sound terrifying, so glad you were okay during those experiences. I love hearing about how much you are loving walks and I think we are all walking so much more now… I would love to see some infographic or something about exercise and how much more we are all doing now. Have a great day friend.


Omg that picture from Andrew is so creepy!!! What did he think it was? Glad he and Beretta got out of there okay!


I’ve seen a lot of snakes and I don’t know enough to know who’s who so they all scare me! I’ve also seen alligators but fortunately they’re all far enough away. (Yay Florida!)


ALLIGATORS!? I am pretty sure I would have a heart attack if I saw one on the run.. even if it was far ha. Have a great day Kristen and I hope you don’t see any more snakes or gators.


The thing that really scared him was that he thought those eyeballs were following him for a bit which sounds like a cougar but he also told me it could have been a deer SOOOOO I am just going to keep thinking it was a deer ha. Never again is he allowed to do this. Have a great day Julie!


Swans! One of the paths we run on is along a creek and there are swans. If we see them out of the water and on the path, we stop running and very slowly walk around them – they can be nasty!


That’s good to know… I had no idea they could be so mean! Keep staying away from them. Thanks Kathy and have a great Wednesday!


Have you tried “Our Best Bites Southwest pasta salad”? It’s full of fresh veggies and beans! It’s a great summer recipe and kid friendly.

My IT bands were acting up badly prior to my first half marathon. The pain that IT bands can bring you…I had trained with my brother and it was a road trip race destination for us so I felt like I “had to” run it. I know I know not ideal but other than that I had the best experience in that race :)!

Ok get your hubby out of there lol. That is scary!!


I haven’t tried that one yet but now I will absolutely be trying that… Sounds perfect! Oh IT band pain is the worst and I don’t know how you ran 13.1 miles with that. I totally see why you wanted to go through with it and I am glad you had a great experience. Haha seriously, NEVER again is he allowed to do such a thing. Have a wonderful day Gillian.


Skye’s facial expressions are the best!

We had a fairly large coyote go between me and my husband on the bike path in town. He was a bit ahead of me and it crossed between us. Creepy. I’ve ran up on several skunks and that’ll make me stop dead in my tracks. Thankfully I’ve never been hit by one!

Right now, I’m trying to do 1 rest day and 1 cross training day. Many weeks will just be 1 rest day though but as I get closer to race day, it will probably be closer to 2.


Definitely the most painful was a 5k I ran ten days after surgery. I was cleared to run, but . . . ow. Why did I insist on running the whole thing?? I spent all day in bed after. :-)

One day this spring a turkey vulture swooped down SO close to my head. I’ve never seen one that close to the ground, and boy, are they huge. It was very startling and I nearly turned around then and there!

Still resting my hamstring–so frustrating! I was running a lot more this spring but felt really good, and it just strained/pulled/whatever without any warning. Trying to be patient, but I’d rather be running!


My husband and I used to run in the pre-dawn hours and I got really good spotting skunks (they tend to hang out at the same time in the same general area). My scariest was like Andrew’s. I was running the Colorado Ragnar 2 years ago and my second run was at night. There were no other runners anywhere around me (I wasn’t even sure I was going the right way) and my headlamp caught eyes coming down a hill next to me. I was so panicked. As I was passing it I dared to look it’s way and it was a deer looking as terrified as I felt. Haha.


I love garden-fresh veggies. This recipe is really good

My worst running experience was 2 years ago at a July 4th run. The run was at 8:00 in the morning but it was already super hot and humid. One long stretch of the run was on a trail that ran along the bottom of a hill with a lot of trees so there was no breeze at all. I made it to the end of the run but got sick afterwards and was super dizzy the rest of the day.


If burgers sound good to you during this pregnancy, you’ve got to make these:

We’ve been making them for years and they are the best. We add more cilantro than what it calls for, and a little extra adobo sauce too.


I have never encountered an animal during a run however when horse back riding I am forever running into black bears, especially in the spring with cubs, moose, deer, and any other crazy array of animals (raccoons, possums, bees, snakes etc). I am much more confident on an animal that can outrun them, but still nerve-wracking when they want to give chase!


Probably the scariest thing I saw on a run was a skunk. It was early in the morning and still dark…I ALMOST stepped on it. EEK! I think I got my fastest sprint time getting away from it..LOL! Other than that, mostly just deer. (I live in WI).

I just had a cortisone shot in my knee for swelling behind my kneecap. It was like magic…it is 100% now. I am so thankful. So I’m trying to ramp up smartly and slowly as not to irritate any other issues…getting old is not fun.

Skye is ADORABLE….I love all her expressions…looking forward to seeing your collage.


I didn’t see it, but one time I mis-timed my trail run and it got dark before I finished. Something very close to the trail started making a noise similar to a woman screaming. I’m sure it was just a fox, but I was alone in the woods at dark which made it 1000x scarier.


I routinely see black bears on my run (in my neighborhood, not even trail running)! They are way too comfortable with people, unfortunately. Most are tagged and being tracked by NC State. They usually just watch me from someones yard as I run by and I smile at them – not sure they can tell I’m smiling but I hope it sends a “I’m your friend message” regardless.

I just got cleared by the doctor to start running after twisting my ankle three weeks ago while running. I’m so excited!


I have had quite a few close encounters with wildlife, including bears (our neighborhood is adjacent to a state forest). The scariest, however, was a recent run in with a turkey. I was running down the road and I saw a turkey hen up ahead crossing with her babies. I slowed down and began to run nearer when I thought they all had crossed to the other side. When I was about fifteen feet from where they had crossed, mama turkey and I both realized at the same moment that she was short two chicks when they popped out of the grass ahead of me. I froze. She hissed and then without any other warning flew feet first straight at my face. She hovered in the air two feet away from me, while I yelled to try to scare her away. She backed down, and then did it again. This time, I think I did startle her because she let me back away. I definitely got my adrenaline up during that run!

My favorite summer recipe right now is a variation on the run fast eat slow pasta salad- grilled red pepper, eggplant, yellow squash, and zucchini plus pasta, fresh herbs (whatever we have a bunch of in our garden- oregano, parsley, basil, etc.), lemon juice, olive oil, and parmesan cheese. I like to add a bit of crushed red pepper to mine when I eat it. It is great as a side, or add a protein to it and you have a whole meal (grilled chicken would be great mixed in, as would cannellini beans, or even canned tuna).


Great topics today so I had to jump in.

First of all Skye looks like a tennis pro in that picture!

I have not seen too many scary animals on my runs. There is the famous owl on a local trail that attacks people now and then but I have never countered it. When I was at the University of Kansas I got attacked by some grasshoppers while running on a trail on a river levee. They would fly up and attach themselves to your legs, lol. I did not bother running that trail again.

I run 3 days a week, 2 rest days, 1 cross training/strength day, and 1 strength only day.

Most painful running experience – probably just nasty shin splints while running high school track. I would have to push the accelerator/brake pedals while driving with my left foot they got so bad on my right leg.

P.S. I went to the doc yesterday. My leg length discrepancy is only 5mm, not .5″. I will just place a small shim in my right shoe and continue to run in Hoka’s to help my arthritic big toe. We’ll see how it goes.


Where I run I am much more afraid of the animals I might encounter than people. I see deer and unleashed/unfenced dogs on nearly every run, I came across a mamma moose and her baby once (I stopped and hung out for a bit to wait for them to leave), pretty sure I caught the tail end of a mountain lion as it headed back up the hill (yikes!), I saw a coyote once, but hear them all the time, I see garter snakes every once in a while, but my least favorite are skunks! I have gotten way too close to them for comfort, but thankfully they have never seemed to care.

Right now I run 3/4 days a week, I wish it was more, but with early mornings for work I just can’t make myself get up and running after a 10 hour day just isn’t going to happen. On non-run days I go for a walk around the neighborhood after work.


That Skye of yours sure has a lot of personality!!
The scariest thing(s) I’ve seen are a bear, coyotes, a white owl that stared me down and Halloween decorations! Andrew is BRAVE for attempting a trail run at night! I can barely stand to do a trail run at sunrise anymore with all the cougar sightings on my local mountains.
I can’t seem to get above 25-30 miles a week & 3-4 runs/week comfortably. I have noticed though that incorporating more trail runs in with road runs makes all the aches less achy.
Have a great day!


-So scary about the eyeballs on the dark trail! I recently learned we have bears near my trails, so I have to figure out if I avoid them altogether or just after dark. Or bring a whistle or something.. Glad Andrew got home safely!
-Skye’s faces are amazing. :)
-Here’s a summer recipe you might already have some version of:
2cans black beans(rinse,drain),chopped red onion, 1 bag frozen corn, 4-5 chopped tomatoes, about 3 limes(juice of), 1-2 chopped avocados, hot sauce (optional), a big handful of cilantro(chopped – OR sub italian parsley), and salt&pepper to taste. Mix it up and let it sit at least until the corn thaws. Or if you sub fresh/canned corn, let it sit in the fridge for a bit – it tastes better, even overnight. I eat this as a meal as often as possible in the summer & it’s also good to add to green salads or sweet potatoes – especially if you add hot sauce.
-Those almond joy energy bites look aMAZEing!
-My injuries are always lack-of-strength-related (frequently hips!), so I have been working hard to not forget about strength training. I try to run 5-6 days a week (off on Sun) because I like consistency.


Ok, eyeballs staring at you and following you, too scary! We get a lot of coyotes in our area, so I have had a couple of way to close encounters with coyotes, especially early, early morning runs. One early morning, I had just crossed a bridge and turned a sharp corner and was face to face with a coyote who had a raccoon in his mouth. We both froze for a moment, then took off in opposite directions. Scary!
I love the idea of creating a collage of Skye’s facial expressions! It would definitely make me smile every time I saw it!
I am absolutely loving salads right now! This week, I’ve made a BLTA and chicken chopped salad, a cilantro lime and tomato orzo salad, Shalane’s quinoa salad is a constant, then I just add some grilled chicken or steak or salmon. So good.
I’m back to running again, wahoo! Keeping my mileage low and rebuilding my base, so right now running every other day. I have found a great pilates You Tube channel, that I have been doing almost daily. It’s called Movement with Cailin, or Pilates with Cailin. She also does a few classes with her kids that you might like. It’s so good!
Hope you have a good Wednesday. I just saw your IG… 44° again! Buurrr!


Growing up on a ranch and having to train for long distance running I was always on random gravel roads. I always had music in my ears (walkman…anyone remember?) but one day I happen to catch a shadow behind me and it was a badger. That made me kick it into high gear. Needless to say I stayed away from that area.


Oooh, GREAT, questions today!
I love seeing wildlife on my runs! I’ve seen snakes, foxes, deer, rabbits, groundhogs, skunks, turkeys, and coyotes during my runs. They’re usually fine, but a big coyote was the scariest because it crossed within 20 feet of me and my dog.
Most painful race was definitely my first half. You know how they say “nothing new on race day”? Yeah, they’re serious. I ran in a big destination race in a strange city, in a different part of the country, different terrain, different climate, and at a time of day when I would normally be sleeping. I had also lost all interest in training about a month before the race so I was under trained. ‘Agony’ does not even describe the level of pain I was in. I don’t even remember crossing the finish line; someone just handed me a medal. I think I walked/hobbled through 10 miles of that race but I did finish…and then had to hobble back to my hotel because the streets were closed to traffic.
I’m coming off an injury so I’m doing VERY low mileage every other day. It’s frustrating, but necessary right now and I’m happy to be able to run at all.


Generally the scariest thing I run by are rattlesnakes. But during one memorable Ragnar Relay, we learned W ran by a bear (without seeing it in the bushes – the guy running behind her saw it, stayed by her, and told us at the exchange), S ran through flying bats, and K worked her way gingerly around a very large, very not moving out of the way cow.

Besides the painful trail run where I tripped, fell, and broke my hand rolling down the mountain (short term pain), I had an allergic bronchiospasm reaction to pollen and pesticides/herbicides during a marathon (long term pain). By FAR the worst 16 miles of my life to finish…It was so hard to breathe that my ribs were sucking in and I kept getting full body, calf to neck, curl inward cramps. I stopped a LOT to stretch and breathe and walk and even hid out in the port-a-potty at mile 21 until the aid station volunteer banged on the side and told me I had to leave so others could use it. I think I laid on the ground, curled in a ball, in the middle of the sidewalk for 20ish minutes after I finished. It was awful.


A rattlesnake would seriously freak me out but then a BEAR during a ragnar? That is nuts! And how in the world did you finish that marathon? I cannot even imagine. You are tough! That better never happen to you again. Have a beautiful day!


All the pool pictures make me excited for (1) pools and swimming ponds (-google translate, not sure this is the correct term but you will get what I mean hopefully :p) to open again here by the end of June-beginning of July and (2) for the weather to improve enough so I can actually go!!!


AHHH YES! I am SO thrilled that they will all be open again and that it will be warm enough to go. Best news! Enjoy the rest of your day Nina.


I’ve run up on a opossum once at night on a sidewalk and it scared us both–he hissed at me! Let’s just say that mile ended up being much faster than my others, lol. We also had a family of coyotes set up camp in our backyard last year(at the edge of our property–about 50 yards from my back door). We live in the middle of a small town, but there are wooded areas and they liked our back yard. It COMPLETELY freaked me out. They would stalk back and forth in our yard at night and I was leaving early morning for runs. We tried loud noises and clapping to get rid of them and they didn’t even startle. Thank goodness they moved on a few weeks later.

I love anything with fresh veggies and fruits right now. Shalane’s superheromuffins and kale recovery salad are on repeat. My family’s favorite strawberry dessert is this:
First, make a strawberry glaze(so easy and better than store bought: take 3/4 cup sugar, 2 T cornstarch and mix until combined. Add 1 cup cold water and cook over medium until thickened, stirring constantly. Stir in a small box of strawberry jello and whisk constantly until smooth. Set aside and let cool.
Meanwhile, mix 8oz softened cream cheese with 1 1/2 cups of sugar. Fold in one small container of cool whip. Tear apart one angel food cake(Kroger’s are the best but I don’t know if you have those where you live) and fold in to cool whip/cream cheese mixture. Spread in a 9×13 pan. Top with sliced strawberries and pour glaze over the top. Store in the refrigerator.

I am wearing a knee strap right now, basically as a security blanket, but it seems like I can go without it for about a month and I start having pain again. Maybe summer is a good time to test it out again:)

I upped from 32-35ish miles a week to 40 since the stay-at-home orders, and bumping my long run from 10 to 12 miles, with one day off a week. I’ve been by myself and I’m getting kind of tired and bored, lol, so I might be backing that up to 10 again with the heat coming in strong.


Seeing an opossum and hearing that hiss would have made me run a crazy fast mile too haha. I bet your heart rate jumped quickly when you saw him! That is crazy about the coyotes too and I wonder what finally made them move! I hope that never happens again. Literally that strawberry dessert sounds like my current DREAM! I must have that asap! Thanks for sharing. I hope your knee is happy this summer! I hope that things start getting better in your area soon Jen! You are amazing!


I’ve seen bear tracks, but no bear while trail running. We’ve also had a mountain lion on our street. The scariest thing for me was about 20 years ago – 3 people were killed in a home about a mile from our house and the suspect was still on the loose. I was pretty freaked out about running my normal route. Fortunately, he was found many miles away a couple days later.

I need to do a roundup of summer time recipes on my blog. I know I’ve got a bunch. I did make a no bake Lemon Eclair cake this week using this recipe I substituted lemon pudding and lemon frosting. It is SOOOOO good!

I did 16 miles on the Revel Canyon City marathon route 9 weeks before I ran the marathon. There was so much downhill. My legs/knees were fine, but I got HUGE blisters on the heels of my feet. Fortunately, I did a good job putting lube on them for race day and they were fine.

I’m cycling as many days as I’m running right now. I had a nice 9 miler on Saturday, so overall I’m happy with my fitness.


BEAR TRACKS would freak me out and a mountain lion on your street in S. California?! I am so glad that man was found and that must have been terrifying. YES to the summer time roundup, I would love that. Oh send me that chocolate eclair dessert, it looks so good. Oh I bet that downhill was so rough on your feet but so glad you learned what to do for race day. You are rocking it with your running and cycling, keep it up Kathy! Enjoy the rest of your day.


That is a huge NOPE on the bright eyes on the trails! What does he think it was? Are there mountain lions around there?! One year when my brother and I were doing a long training run along the PCT in Oregon we were nearly finished and at the Willamette Pass ski area. A couple was hiking towards us and let us know they had seen a large mountain lion across the hwy. I was terrified and when I said “well, I am guessing it wouldn’t cross the highway” my brother was *silent.* I was really wanting to just be done instead of doing this add on and then I tripped and fell on gravel. Luckily we turned around shortly after. (He wanted to make it an even 5 hours so hence the add on out and back which was like heading straight to mountain lion-ville!)

Skye has the tennis stance nailed!!! I have a hunch she’s going to be tearing up the ball fields and courts (with her ruffly socks and bandaids) very soon.

Best summer salad. Now, don’t freak out until you try it: boiled and cooled cheese tortellini, sliced strawberries, blueberries (a pint of fresh, less if blueberries aren’t your fave), canned mandarin oranges, slivered almonds, and bottled poppyseed dressing (Brianna’s is best!) Mix all together gently. I’ve also used grapes if there are no blueberries. This salad appears at all spring and summer baby showers, picnics, family gatherings. We make sure *someone* is bringing it. If you have questions, just ask.

most painful race was high temps/high humidity. BLECH!!!! And last november at NY marathon I got a random blister on my big toe that stung so bad-so what I did was finagle my toe a bit and changed my gait briefly to max pressure on it to pop. Temporary solution that got me through the remaining 17 miles of the race!

I’m loving cross training with mountain biking and strength training right now. Summer is usually when I lower my running miles (unless doing a fall marathon, which I am registered for but figuring it’s cancelled) and increase my cycling, swimming, yoga, etc. I know it’s weird but I really do not love running in the heat.

Happy Mid-Week! I don’t know about you, but I have to remind myself what day of the week it is!

You’ll have to share Skye’s expression while in binky weaning………We’re here for you!!!!


He was worried that it was a mountain lion (AHHH!). Oh I am SO glad that those people warned you about the mountain lion and that you guys were okay (besides the fall).
Haha you are so right about Skye and that tortellini salad sounds like my dream right now. We will be making that, THANK YOU!
Okay, your NY experience for 17 miles of changing your gait because of your stinging toe… ouch!
I think you are smart to train like that, keep doing what you love and those fall races of yours are probably amazing from being so strong.
Thank you so much and I will… as of right now she just yelled NOOOOOOOO to me when I asked her if she should try napping without one. I think I’ll wait until Andrew has 3 days off from the hospital in a row so we can do it together ha. Have a great rest of your day (and thanks for reminding me that it is mid-week because I forget too:)


This salad sounds AMAZING! Do you have amounts for each ingredient??? I must make this ASAP.


Jenny-after decades of making this I know longer have exact ingredients! But, a rough estimate for a large batch of tortellini is a pint of blueberries and strawberries (remember you’re slicing them) and 1-2 small cans of mandarin oranges, and about 1/4-1/2C of the slivered blanched almonds. For the dressing, it takes a bit because the cooked tortellini will soak up some of the dressing. Maybe half a bottle? You’ll be able to gauge how much. Also, it’s not the best to make the day before if taking to an event because it will turn a pretty pink/purple because of the fruit. It tastes great the day after but for visual appeal, make it same day or just boil the pasta the day before.


Those glowing eyeballs are terrifying!! I’ve never seen anything like that but there are a family of swans near one of my routes and I have to avoid that route when they’re nesting/having babies. They come out and hiss and flap their wings and make these awful noises haha. It’s scary.

Most painful race was an 8 mile race I did with a stress fracture in my foot (I didn’t know I had the fracture at the time). It was years and years ago and I was new to running and so under-trained. I had a lot of injuries back then!

With quarantine and kids home I just get out as much as I feel up to with the huge double running stroller :-) It’s about 4 days a week.


I had no idea until today that swans could be so mean! Keep doing a good job staying away from them. Oh I bet those 8 miles were so cray painful. I can’t imagine! Running with a double running stroller = you are actually doing double the mileage your watch is telling you. You are incredible. Enjoy your Wednesday Torrie!


Came across a wolf once when I was on a trail… it was a small distance away but nerve-wracking for sure! I posted one of my favorite veggie pastas this week – zucchini is my favorite addition and the goat cheese takes it up 5 notches. — — hope your pregnant tummy agrees with this! :)


A wolf! That is my worst nightmare. I am so glad you were okay. Yep, that pasta looks perfect for me and goat cheese sounds amazing right now so thank you for the help. Have the best day!


As a rural runner I see wildlife often. Most commonly coyotes and snakes. But the scariest was a dark early morning run on my empty rural highway when all of the sudden there was a huge set of eyes on the road shoulder!!
I stopped, then used my headlamp to identify a very large black cow. She had gotten out of our pasture!

Have avoided dark runs ever since-haha!


Oh I bet that scared you SO so bad… my heart would have stopped! Hahaha I’m glad you are running in the light now. Have a great day Rachelle.


This morning I saw a mountain lion on my ride. We live in the mountains so it is not totally unexpected, but it was in the middle of an open field and crouched down in the grass. Only slightly terrifying and happy I was on my bike and not on foot. I rode faster after that!


OK, I’m really really rooting that Brooke and Skye want to play tennis with you. My whole family played all the time growing up and it’s one of my fondest memories of spending time with my Mom! I saw that pinch of yum recipe, it looks so good, can’t wait to try! And eeeeeek Andrew, no more night trail runs! Thank goodness Beretta was there.


I have – thankfully – never seen anything scarier than garter snakes… but I still get scared!
Best fresh summer food is, without question, caprese salad! Fresh garden tomatoes, fresh basil, fresh mozzarella, drizzle of olive oil, dash of salt and pepper. YUM.


Oh my goodness I remember your pool marathon training! I cannot believe it was that long ago! ?‍♀️

Thanks for sharing your recipes! I have been stuck lately! ?

Happy to see you out and about! ?


I found the most delicious bowl recipe a couple days ago! The sauce is incredible! Mojo black bean bowls: Roasted, quartered potatoes (I used mini gold ones), sauteed swiss chard and then stir in a drained can of black beans once it’s all wilted, and brown rice, then top with a sauce you blend: 1/4 cup olive oil, 1 jarred roasted red pepper, juice of 1 lime, 1 tsp smoked paprika, 1/4 tsp garlic powder (or a roasted garlic clove), 1/4 tsp salt


Scariest thing on a run- in Park City, at around 11pm at night, up in the mountains, I was running into the cul de sac we were staying at and right in the driveway was the biggest buck I have ever seen. I swore it looked like a moose. Of course, no lights in that area so I was probably 10 feet away when I saw it. I was terrified it was going to think I was charging him. I dove in the house and of course, told the story to everyone that was up.

I feel your sister’s pain. I’m currently limited to 5 miles due to posterior tibials tendonitis. I also went up too quickly and came down. She has my sympathy.

My most painful running experience- many options here, but I’ll suggest the time I ran a 50k without running more than 12 miles for a long run in advance. I’m brilliant.

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