Stories from my iPhone + 2 AMAZING People.

Thank you thank you thank you for all of the incredibly sweet comments yesterday.  I loved each one and feel so lucky to be a part of this incredible community.  It sure is crazy how much life has changed from when I first started blogging and I love that I get to keep sharing it all with you.

This bump has showed up this time much sooner than it did with Brooke and Skye:)

The timing of starting to run with my sister during this time has been perfect.  Our paces are the same (we usually range between 8:45-9:20) and I made her promise she can’t get any faster throughout my pregnancy;)

Haven’t done a garmin shot in a while.

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My family is thrilled that smells don’t bother me as much as they had been and they can now enjoy eggs in the mornings:)

Skye likes to pretend she is reading the morning newspaper as she eats breakfast.

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We were able to go to the school’s drive-thru for Brooke to pick up everything from the year and to say goodbye to her teacher.  We loved her teacher so much this year and really hope that Knox is able to have her this next school year.

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My niece came over to watch the girls while we went to a doctor’s appointment.   I already feel out of breath all day from being pregnant and then add a mask and I don’t know how so many of you wear masks for extended periods of time.  You are amazing.

I have a female doctor this time and I absolutely love her so much.  She does an ultrasound for us at each appointment and makes us feel like she has the whole day to answer any questions we have and talk to us.   I’m grateful that in the future if I do go into labor while Andrew is at work, I can just drop off the kid’s with my sister and Andrew can just pop up a few floors to come be with me ha.

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Parks have opened up here (as long as we practice social distancing there) and it has made my kid’s lives.

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Just a few pictures from my phone:

*Skye said about 20 times on Sunday, ‘mama, RUN’ and it melted my heart.


*Anybody remember this friend of mine?  When I lived in California she and I were very good friends (she had a little girl named Brooklyn just 2 weeks older than Brooke so we did all of that first time mom stuff together). She was on Shark Tank last week for DreamLand Baby.  She inspires me in so many ways.

PS for a few weeks there even reading made me too sick to do so the amount of television I watched is unreal.

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*After weeks (ehhh months) of my sister dropping off meals and having us over for meals we made them a big dinner on Sunday and had them over.  We also had hamburgers and hot dogs because my nephew refuses to believe a salad bar could be a meal ha.   Fresh foods/veggies/fruit have sounded better to me than anything.  Also, roasted sweet potatoes in olive oil and salt make perfect croutons.

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*Andrew made these rolls too and they were the best homemade rolls I’ve ever had.

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*Everyone here is so beyond happy that it is officially summer.

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These next two people are incredible.  They told me in the comments about the amazing things they have been doing and I asked them if I could share them here too and they said yes:

Alex shared this with me on Saturday:  “I ended up finishing the 600K ultra that I was doing. I finished yesterday at about 5 pm. I finished 2nd overall, and I ended with 43 miles yesterday. I will give a quick breakdown of mileage/day and potentially some insight on my thought process through the runs. I will say though, this race started last Thursday, May 7th. I signed up for on May 6th, and kind of signed up as a after thought since I just ran a marathon on April 26th. If I had a running coach, they would probably be yelling at me right now for running such a big race and not letting my legs recover. I came out injury free though (I am very lucky). Sorry for the rambling I’ll break down mileage/days now.

Thursday 7th- 38 miles. I ran 4 miles that morning at 7:35 pace. At this point I didn’t know how seriously I was taking the competition, but then ran/walked 34 miles for the rest of the day.

Friday 8th – 29 miles. It was raining and the rain killed my phone :( I spent half the day replacing my dead phone :(

Saturday 9th – 60 miles. I had to get back into the competition. I was behind 16 miles starting this morning, ran 15, then was up for about 15 hours straight running and walking the last 44 miles.

Sunday 10th – 35 miles. I woke up this morning 15 miles behind, and my motivation was just killed. I felt utterly defeated and sorry for myself this entire day. I was in second and I didn’t think I could catch up.

Monday 11th – 43 miles. I snapped out of being a sad angry version of myself, and decided I was going to give this race my absolute all even if I didn’t win.

Tuesday 12th – 43 miles.

Wednesday 13th – 40 miles.


Friday 15th – 43 miles. Also it was 85 again, but all I could think about was finishing.

Prior to this race, the longest I had ever run in a day was a marathon. My general strategy was to run about 8 miles, some days it was 15 miles, and these were my normal morning training runs. My pace was generally between 7:40 to 8:30 minutes/mile. The rest of the day I genuinely had no clue what I was doing. I would run walk for the majority of the miles, but I have never done that type of running before so I was truly winging it. I had watched youtube videos of people doing ultras before though and knew they ate a lot of candy so that is what I did. I have a serious sweet tooth so eating a full bag of gummy bears or a full bag of bite sized chocolate was so easy for me hahaha. I had never fueled like that before and running while eating solid food was so weird! Fortunately, I never had a day of stomach issues or anything like that. I really never had any issues with my legs too, and my feet were fine except for the blisters. I think the best thing that came out of this though is that the guy who won and I are friends now. He is an extremely nice person and I am so honored/ glad to have met him, even though he beat me hahaha.

Sorry for the extremely long post, I just thought I would give anyone interested an overview/recap. I ran 4 miles this morning just to make sure I still had some energy left in me. I ran 4 miles at 7:27 pace so I guess I got faster from doing all of this (??????). Its been a wild journey since I started running in June of last year. I started losing weight May 28th of last year, and so this is like a big send off from being over 300 pounds.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and I hope everyone stays safe out there!!! (Sorry if this incoherent, I don’t have the energy to proofread.)”

He started couch to 5k last June and look what he has accomplished, so inspiring!


On Saturday, Karen shared with me: “I’m only doing one thing today: running 3.21 miles every 3 hours from 0300 to 2100 to honor my two kids with Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome).  I’ve done 6 legs already and only 1 left in less than an hour.  So excited to complete this challenge.  It’s the longest distance I’ve run in a day since doing the St. George marathon in 2016.

She did it! Absolutely amazing.  “I am so happy to have been able to honor my kids in this way – doing something I love for those I love.”

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How hot is too hot for you to run outside in?

Any other Shark Tank fans?  Who is your favorite Shark or your favorite product you’ve seen on there?

When did you start running… I’d love to hear your answer!

What are you most looking forward to opening up again now where you live? 

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I didn’t start running til college—I wanted to try it and I had a friend who was a seasoned runner but recovering from injury, so I kept her from going too fast and she was a great motivator. She definitely did more for me than I did for her! So grateful I started.

You all look so summery! I’m still so happy for your baby news—it just made my day yesterday!


SO thankful that you had that friend to start with during college! It makes all the difference to have someone next to you. Thank you so much Kristin, that means a lot to me. I hope your Tuesday is a wonderful one and that you get in a great run!


Wow – Alex and Karen, you are both amazing! Well done to you both.

Janae, that is a very cute bump! Hope you are enjoying your runs with your sister, it sounds perfect.


Thank you SO much! It really has been the perfect timing. I hope you are doing well and having a beautiful start to your day. Thanks Helen!


I am so excited to follow along with your pregnancy! Skye was born a few weeks after my daughter and now I am 17 weeks with my second so I guess we are on the same schedule! :)


NO WAY! AHHHH Anna, this is so fun! We are on the same schedule and please keep me updated with everything going on with you because I’d love to chat about it. Have a wonderful Tuesday!


Excited to hear you are pregnant and to follow along! ? I’m 20 weeks along so just ahead of you. Glad to have another runner along the journey and the post baby return to running.


Amazing job Karen and Alex!! You both are amazing!!

Grew up running! My dad is a runner and he would bring us to 5ks a lot- we would win our age groups because most people didn’t bring their kids to actually run the race back then haha. I think it’s more popular now for kids to run too.


Hey Mariah! Oh I love your story and hearing about you having that special time with your dad. SO fun you would both win your age groups, I love it. I hope your day is a beautiful one:).


Well I once ran am ultra in 104 degrees celcius. wouldn’t recommend that hahaha. Yesterday I ran in 20 degrees celcius weather and it was glorious if a bit warm at the end.

I saw your friend on shark tank!

um.. I need a haircut but we will see. Not sure how that will work.

Have a great day mama :)!


104 degrees. Okay, I cannot even imagine?! How did you survive that!? You are so physically and mentally strong! Thanks Kristine, you too!


So amazing! Congrats again on your pregnancy. I am really excited for movie theaters to open :) It’s a childhood thing for me and I miss it!!

Do you have any recommendations for a pre-natal vitamin that doesn’t make you queasy?? I’d love any tips.


Thank you SO much Brooke and I am right there with you… I cannot wait to go to a movie again and get a big tub of popcorn. Pre-natals are SO so hard. I have just been using the chewable ones from Costco but they still make me queasy. I usually take them first thing in the morning when I feel the least sick for the day because there is no chance that it is staying down if I take it at night. I hope you have a beautiful day!


Your bump is adorable! And I love your salad bar meal, great idea!

I coach high school xc and we are allowed to run outside up to 99 degrees (short distance though). Me personally, I would prefer anything below 75 degrees.

I started running when my youngest was 2 1/2, he’s almost 13 now. It was such a challenge and I think that’s what drew me to it.
I am probably most looking forward to going on a date with the hubs when things open so dinner and a movie :)


99 degrees… I can’t imagine running in that and I’m with you, under 75 please. I am SO glad you’ve had running the last decade and I love people that love a good challenge. I can’t wait for you to get dinner and a movie with your husband too. Have a beautiful day, Marissa!


My dad made me start running in middle school, then i had to take a break because he made me be in the marching band. when the marching band disbanded (school was too small, not enough kids), i went back to cross country and track. i was so happy!
it’s never too hot to run outside. my favorite runs are the really early long summer saturday runs. when i’m done and the sweat dries, there’s a fine layer of salt left on my skin. that’s how i know it was a good run. the after run breakfast is top notch, too: watermelon, iced tea, eggs, and toast.

congrats on the new baby!!!! i’m very happy for you and your family.


SO glad you went back to cross country and track and have had it ever since. TEACH me how to run in that heat. You are amazing! Now I need some watermelon ha. Thank you so much and I hope you have a really great day, Lee!


Oh wow you have so many amazing friends through your blog! Both Alex and Karen are incredible! That’s so much running.

I cannot wait for outdoor pools to open up, and also to be able to travel to see my family. I haven’t seen my parentssince they got back from their ordeal at sea when I wasn’t sure they’d make it home alive, and because they live almost 500 miles away, it really might be a while before we can visit in person at all.

The outdoor pools are probably coming first, but at least we have videochat for family!


Seriously, so many amazing humans inspiring us all! I cannot wait for you to have your pools back again too. I hope that visit is able to happen sooner than we think and so incredibly grateful they made it home okay. That was such a scary time! I hope you are having a great morning, Victoria!


I saw that episode of shark tank! Looks like a great product- you’ll have to get one for the new baby!
The thing I want to open up most right now is the LIBRARY- I’m running out of books! Have a great day Janae!


I totally need to get one for our baby (and I want her to make an adult version for him. Oh going to the library sounds amazing right now and I really hope you are able to go again soon. Have a beautiful day, Jenny!


Hi Jenny – I’m with you on the library! One thing you might consider is Libby – it’s an app that uses your local library card to give you access to free e-books. I much prefer a paper book, but I’ve read some great books on Libby during quarantine.


Holy moly! Seriously impressive both of them but Alex…what an incredible year!!!!


They are so inspiring! I hope you are having a great day so far, Donna!


I want to hear how you told the family about being pregnant? Anything fun?
I started running in 7th grade – the track team! My older sister ran. I guess that’s why I tried it too?
Our parks aren’t opened yet – I miss that and the library.


Oh I wish I had any cool stories ha… I just told them:) I’m not very creative with this stuff! I get it, we just wanted to be like our big sisters:) I hope that your parks and libraries open soon. Have a wonderful day, Mary!


Alex and Karen – you guys are awesome!

100 degrees when I was younger and lived in Kansas, but it would depend on the dew point and humidity more now.

I don’t watch Shark Tank a lot.

I ran a bit in middle school and ran sprints in track in high school I did not run distance until I ran cross country my senior year in high school (1983).

Easy answer – hair salons! I need a haircut badly. Some of us guys at work were thinking we could mullets or rat tails pretty soon!

Janae – You said to let you know when I finished Andrea Barber’s book. I finished it a few days ago and loved it. I won’t leave any spoilers for those who have not read it, but I can relate in so many ways. Very inspiring the way she battled. Also – my new sports DPM is sending me to get my legs measured – he thinks my right leg could be a bit shorter than my left – and be causing all my issues. We shall see.


Alex and Karen are amazing! It was fun following along with his story!
I didn’t start running until I was 38! My husband started running a few years earlier to help with his sleep and to get back into shape (he was a water polo player jr. high through college). After his 1st marathon, just a little over a year after he started running, he convinced me I could totally do a half…. Long story short, I fell in love with running! It’s been 10 years, I’ve done 5 marathons and so many half marathons that I’ve lost count. I wish I had discovered running earlier, but so thankful I did eventually. Running has helped me find/create the best version of myself, it has given me a great community, and through lots of challenges it has taught me that I am strong!
So happy for you guys that your parks are open. What a relief for you and the kids, ha. This is funny, but I can’t wait for stores like Home Goods and Pier 1 to open again. Home Goods may be my 1st stop when that happens.
Have a great Tuesday ?


I LOVED reading what brought you to running, Wendy! I love getting to know you and you have accomplished so so much. Running is just the best. I can’t wait for Home Goods to open for you too and I can’t wait to hear about your first trip back. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Hey John! 100 degrees.. I would melt! So awesome that you started back in middle school and I hope you are able to get a haircut asap! Okay, so crazy that you are talking about Full Circle because I literally just brought it over to the couch to read this afternoon! SO happy to hear how much you loved it and related, Andrea Barber is amazing. Let me know what they find out! Have a wonderful rest of your day!


So fun reading your pregnancy update!
Wow! Alex and Karen really crushed those amazing goals! What great stories :)
The “backyard ultra” is a new concept to me, but I’m even more inspired now.
I’m not sure how hot is too hot for me to run. I’m one of those…uh…”different” runners who likes to run in the heat.
I began consistently running after grad school, so 1993. I don’t want to do the math on how many years because that always makes it sound so long ago ~haha~


Thanks so much Corey! Yes, the Backyard Ultra stories have just blown my mind… so inspired! Teach me to like running in the heat please:) Hahah you just sound like you have loved running and know your stuff! Have a beautiful rest of your day.


Cutest bump ever! I am so glad that Andrew can come to appts. In Rhode Island only the woman can go in, my friend is having her second but her new husband’s first and it is sad that they cannot share all the first together. So glad you are feeling better.


Thank you so much Allison! Oh that is so so hard, I wish so bad that he could go with her and I hope that things change soon for them. Hope your Tuesday has been a great one so far!


I think my ideal running weather is under 50 degrees and cloudy. I do not like the sun when I am running. I am not a hot weather person even when I am lounging around–unless I am by the lake and in the shade. Sun is ok if I am on a boat or in the water;-) I will run in anything 80 degrees and under and just know it will be miserable.

I love when my kids have the same teacher! We currently only have 1-2 teachers per grade level so the odds are pretty high:-).

I started running in 2007. My sister was a runner and I thought it was something fun (?) I could do. I had just moved back to the town where I went to college, started a new job, lived with new roommates and I needed something to do. I joined a gym and ran on the treadmill. I instantly fell in love with running and haven’t stopped since (besides injury and post-pregnancy).


Oh Becky, I’m right there with you. I could run forever in those temperatures. Hopefully you have some really shaded routes for this summer! Oh that is fun that your kids probably have the same teachers a lot and you probably know them all very well through substitute teaching too. SO glad you tried running and fell in love with it… we both have our older sisters to thank. Hope you are having a great day!


Love the first pic of you – Look at your cute baby bump!!

I live in Tampa so my cut off temp for running outside is 90 degrees…if it’s 89, I’ll do it, but 90 – NO WAY! It’s ridiculous, I know, but I’ve been running for the past 15 years or so and the 90 degree cut off seems to work.


Thank you so much Toni! I think you are very smart with that 90 degree cut off! 90 just sounds miserable… plus all of the humidity?! I can’t imagine. I hope your Tuesday is off to a great start!


I’ve become a hot weather runner because of all the time we spend in Hawaii. It was 50 degrees this morning in So Cal and I wore a light jacket.

I didn’t start running until I was in my 30s! It’s been over 20 years, so I’m glad I wrote about it on my blog here –

I am ready to go back to church and see my church family. Talking on the phone, texting and email just aren’t the same as seeing everyone. I especially miss the little ones. And I really miss Hawaii and all our friends there!


I loved reading your story and so cool that your company gave money for a gym membership. That time when you lost your mom must have been so hard.
50 degrees and I’m in shorts and a tank ha. I can’t wait for you to be with your church family again and to go back to Hawaii. I hope it is all sooner rather than later. Enjoy the rest of your day, Kathy!


So awesome that your parks are open again. I don’t know what phase that is for NYS. I am hours from the city so we are opening sooner than the city. There is hope we can start phase 2 (hair salons, massages and restaurants at 25%-50% capacity) by June 1st. I can’t wait to get a massage again. I will be really happy once I can get back to the gym, but that is phase 4 so I feel like that is far away still. I am still loving working from home though. I also treated myself to a new pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS and now that the weather is getting better, I would like to try the couch to 5K program again. I went for a walk/run this morning and it was so nice.


Oh I really hope that phase 2 starts for you guys on June 1st. PLEASE keep me updated and keep enjoying working from home. Oh the Adrenaline GTS are just the best. So happy you got out this morning and I’m cheering you on Alicia. Have a beautiful day!


I ran cross country in high school but had some big ankle problems. I gave it up my freshman year of college. Around a decade later when my son was born I was looking for a way to lose some of the baby weight and found it again. My ankles seem to have healed and now it’s my sanity!


HALLELUJAH about your ankles. I am so glad they are happy now so that you can get out and run! Hope you are having a great Tuesday, Kristin!


Hi Janae! Those are some awesome stories, thanks for sharing! Humans sure are incredible!

I started running in middle school when I wanted to get better at the mile run (I could barely finish). Little did I know that just running one mile is actually very hard! I’ve learned so much along the way and am looking forward to a lifetime with running.

Happy Tuesday!


Lifetime with running… oh how I love hearing that. We are so lucky to have this sport. Thank you so much and you too!


That’s amazing that you can get an ultrasound with each appointment! Is Andrew allowed in with you? In my state, partners are no longer permitted- I am bummed my husband will miss our 20wk ultrasound next month but grateful that technology will allow us to have him join via video. Will you find out girl or boy??


Hey Katie, that is so so hard. I am so sorry that he won’t be able to be with you… I wonder if there is any chance that things will change by then? Keep me updated and I hope you are doing well. You and I aren’t that far apart, we will have to keep in touch with everything! Have a beautiful day.


YAY on the baby! Congratulations! I was able to guess when you were pregnant with Skye but for some reason it never crossed my mind at all in the past few weeks! Ha! (p.s. it feels a little bizarre to say that to a “stranger” whom I only know of through her blog but ya know, I’m very happy for you!)

My sister in law is about to have her first and I love that weighted baby swaddler so I’d like to get one for her. Question though… what age is best to have this? I think if a newborn is constantly waking for nursing and diaper changes it might be a pain to have a weighted sack. Maybe 6-12mo is better because they sleep for longer stretches? Any help by you or another reader is much appreciated! You’re like a baby expert now ;)


Hey Susia, you are just the best! I feel like we aren’t strangers ha so it’s not bizarre at all! Congrats to your sister-in-law! That is so awesome. So I do know that the weighted baby swaddler unzips from the bottom too to make diaper changing easier but I’m with you and I think the 6-12 months might be more useful! Anyone else know? I will text Tara and ask too! Hope you have the best day!


I started running in middle school. I loved volleyball and played wednesday nights at church, but we didn’t have a school team in middle school and I wasn’t coordinated for basketball, ha! So I started running. I was never the fastest, but in high school I had an amazing coach who made everyone feel a valuable part of the team. In fact, myself and one other girl were the first two kids to graduate after running all 4 years (the team started my freshman year). I sort of lost the running bug a bit during college because I don’t like the treadmill and Idaho winters are not fun, (Rexburg winters SUCK.). I rediscovered my love for running after college and did my first half in 2008. I love it!!

I need a haircut…salons are open by appointment only, I may make one soon, ha!

Again, super happy for the new baby!!


Wait a second, were you at BYU Idaho?! How did I not know you were in Rexburg for college? I cannot imagine running there in those winters! So happy you had such a great coach, that makes the biggest difference! Thank you so much, I can’t wait.


Your bump is so cute and that salad bar looks like a dream (including about 4 of those rolls!!). And such inspiring stories from Alex and Karen! I started running in college. It was torture in highschool PE, but I met a great friend in the dorms the first day of college and she invited me running and clued me in to the wonders of a jog bra and there was no looking back! Some places opened this past weekend in our area and i was so excited to go get a coffee after a long run. I met a friend there, ordered from the take out window and we sat outside on separate benches in the sun. It felt glorious! Restaurants are open at 50% capacity for dine in, but most people seem to be doing take out still.


Four of those rolls are very necessary when eating the salad bar ha. Oh I am so happy you had that friend and the right bra makes all the difference:) YAY for getting a coffee after your long run with your friend in the sun. I bet that just felt like heaven. Enjoy the rest of your day, Michelle!


I just love your blog. Reading here is such a bright and happy part of my day. :)
Congrats on your pregnancy. I’ve been reading since before brooke was born!
Also, thanks for featuring your reader stories. So cool to see people doing such amazing things.


Wow. I can’t thank you enough for your comment and for being my friend over the years! Keep me updated with how you are doing! Have a beautiful day!


Congrats Janae and family on your baby news! So excited for you all.

I hate running in anything over 80 which is hard here in Nevada – lots of early morning running. At least there’s almost no humidity. We are looking forward to the playgrounds opening here – my kids really miss it.

Thanks for sharing my story.


Thank you for sharing your story. You inspire us all and I am so excited about your accomplishment! I hope that you get plenty of cooler runs this summer and that those playgrounds open asap!


I am not a heat runner *at all.* A dry heat is more bearable than humidity, though and sun beating down just makes it miserable (unless it’s winter and 30 degrees, then it’s fantastic) I’m one of those weirdos that tends to decrease my running mileage in the summer( unless there’s a fall marathon) and increase my cross training by cycling and swimming because of the heat!

I started running around age 10 for fun runs, then actually running more than once a month when I was 13. My mom was a competitive runner, my brother was in HS cross country, and my dad and I got tired of the conversations only being about running. So, he and I would run when he got home from work. Part of me thinks it was a “if ya can’t beat them, join them” thing but I loved that my dad was NOT competitive so he made it more of a habit/fun thing. Eventually I stuck with it and did cross country and track all through jr. high, high school, and college. I’m 50 now and my mom STILL RUNS (she’s 76) and so does my brother. My dad cycles. Sometimes I forget I’m a grown up because we still have the same lifestyle as growing up-just with out own kids now!

Happy Tuesday to you and the baby bump!!!


A family of runners… I love your story so so much! So great to hear that everyone is still active (76 and still running… that’s going to be us!!) and what amazing things you have passed on to your kids. I hope you get plenty of cooler mornings for your runs and enjoy all of the biking and swimming too! Thanks Kelly!


Congratulations on your news of another little one on the way! You sure timed it well since there are no races to be run ;) Wishing you and your family the best. Also, kudos for keeping that bump a secret in all your photos leading up to your announcement….sneaky :)


Thank you thank you thank you Hillary and Andrew and I were just talking about that. If there is any year to be pregnant with my running, this is the year. Hahah I sure tried hard… angles are so deceiving!

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