1st Trimester Talk… Round 3!

In early March we found out we were expecting another little one in early November!

I knew I was pregnant before we took the above test because I was at day 32 of my cycle without a period.  Pregnancy tests don’t work for me until a few days after the first day of my missed period should start.  I have a 28 day cycle and I took a test on day 28, 30 (both negatives) and then got a positive on day 32.   I basically knew that I was pregnant when my period didn’t show up but it’s always REALLY exciting to see the positive test.

A few of my first trimester symptoms:

*I didn’t have the weird headaches that I had with Brooke, Skye and my miscarriage years ago… Those headaches were so bad that my vision would go blurry for a few hours and I would see stars.  It’s been nice to not have those this time.

*I’ve had a few random cravings like popcorn with butter and salt:

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*ORANGES.  I have eaten so many oranges and drank so much orange juice over the past few months it’s ridiculous.  I’ll wake up in the middle of the night thinking about oranges and won’t be able to go back to sleep without eating one.  Some days I just dream about a big pool of orange juice to jump into ha.

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This last Sunday I was going through old blog posts to remember what things I craved/hated during my other pregnancies and came across this post from when I was pregnant with Brooke.  I had completely forgotten my love for orange juice the first time around too!

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I wish I had cravings for really fun foods but those actually sound terrible most days.  I have LOVED anything and everything fresh and I have found myself snacking on leftover salmon many many times.   There was a week or two that I couldn’t eat any vegetables and had pizza or mac and cheese most nights but other than that I’ve wanted fresh food more than anything.   Oh and tacos ALWAYS sound good no matter what time of day.

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*Just recently I have started to really want froyo often with as many fruity options as possible.  Nothing like a $7 cup of froyo as soon as Yogurtland opens.

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*I called my brother that is a doctor pretty much every day for a few weeks just so concerned about getting Covid while pregnant.  He reassured me that everything would be okay and I just did my best to not go anywhere at all and when Andrew would get home from work (even though he is now on the clean floor) he would strip down in the backyard and go straight to our guest bathroom to shower.  I’m definitely not as concerned now due to Utah’s very low numbers and being out of the first trimester (a fever during the first trimester scared me a lot) but I probably need to pay my brother for all of the time he spent calming me down ha.

*I haven’t been abnormally tired with this pregnancy!  With Brooke and Skye I pretty much napped every day of my life and never felt rested.  I’ve taken a few naps but nothing crazy.  Maybe it’s because we are home so much and I was on the couch a lot so I don’t have a lot to be tired from but I actually feel less tired now than I do even during normal life and especially during marathon training life.

*I was humbled quickly.  For the first few days of quarantine I felt like a million bucks.  I was 6 weeks and feeling better than ever.  I killed it with activities, work and the kid’s schooling and then I remember sitting on my couch when I was 7 weeks and the nausea hit like a ton of bricks.  From weeks 7-14ish (and I still have nausea at night) I have never been so sick in my life (Andrew said it has been way worse with this pregnancy vs Skye’s and I agree).  In the mornings I am usually pretty good but once eleven or noon hit, I was done for.  I tried every combination of things to see what would help… ie eating different foods/smaller meals, unisom/b6, not exercising, ginger, a few prescriptions from my dr etc but nothing helped that ‘noon until bedtime sickness’ from happening.  Zantac is something that helped me out when I was pregnant with Skye but it’s no longer on the market which made me very sad.  Luckily, I have been able to get a lot of my work/kid’s school/things done in the morning but then the nausea hit so hard and I’d be on the couch for hours and hours. The timing has been interesting because I really don’t think I could have gone to any of the normal after-school activities etc so it’s been nice to have zero expectations for myself other than to stay home during the time I was at my worst.  It’s also been really nice for Skye to have the big kids to follow around all day since they have been home.

6 weeks and just so naive to what was up ahead because I was feeling great ha:

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*For about two weeks I couldn’t open our refrigerator without losing whatever I last ate… So for two weeks I had the kids or Andrew getting things out that we needed and not going within 2 feet of that thing.  I just couldn’t handle the smells or all of the different foods staring at me ha.

*We told our kids very quickly we were expecting, just a few days after we found out.   It just felt right to have them included and I knew with how sick I was with the girls, they would need to know why.

*I fall asleep every night before 9 pm (sometimes even 8) because nights have been so hard so I force myself to try to sleep through it.  Because I go to bed even earlier than normal, I end up being awake from around 2-4 so if anyone else is awake during that time just send me an email and we can talk ha.  Every night I would go to bed thinking there is no way I would ever run again but luckily I would wake up in the morning feeling better.

*With both girls I started wearing maternity pants later into the pregnancy than this time.  At 10 weeks I started to wear my maternity pants this time and they are the most comfortable things on the planet.  I either wear these, dresses or stretchy shorts/pants and am more than okay to avoid anything that buttons near my waist until 2021 or 2022 ha.

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*I haven’t felt any more emotional than I normally do during this pregnancy.  With Skye I remember crying all of the time and felt so out of my head and while this time is very hard in the world and I’m emotional over that, I haven’t felt pregnancy mood swings like I did with Skye.

*I love Tums a lot and they help me with heartburn big time.

*I’ve washed my hair more than ever during this pregnancy… the reasoning =  if my hair smells like food in the slightest, I’m washing it.

*I’ve never thought it was possible to hate water as much as I do right now ha.  Each sip is a chore and so is brushing my teeth.  I drink a lot of vitamin water, crystal lite or gatorade to get in water each day without the terrible taste of plain water.

*I’ve still been running most days of the week.  For some reason running helps me feel closest to normal and doing it in the morning before I feel too sick has helped my mental health out a lot during this time.  My doctor is more than happy for me to continue to keep running as many miles as I want so I’ve been at around 45-50 miles per week on average.  I went to a team workout the first week after I found out (before quarantine started) and was shocked at how quickly I was a mile behind my team.  It felt really weird at first to go from being side by side with everyone to barely seeing them up ahead but I just reminded myself that in addition to getting a new baby I love with everything I have… with each pregnancy I’ve gotten faster and in 2021 I’ll be back with my gang again.

*We are very excited and feel very lucky to be able to grow our family again.  I remember those years so clearly when I was a single mom with Brooke and longing for more children so badly it made my heart explode.  I remember when I sold her crib I cried the rest of the day.  I really thought I would never get the chance to have more children during those years when I wanted them so badly. I am very grateful to get the chance to do this again.

*Thank you for being so great over the last few weeks.  Your comments have made my day and no one has complained once about my lack of interesting posts;)  Thanks for being my friend and for helping me through whatever I’m going through at the time.

*This little one will be my parents’ 26th grandchild and Andrew’s parents’ 25th grandchild.  SO many cousins!

*Here is the baby bump at 15 weeks:

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Share any first trimester thoughts/experiences you’ve had with me?!  Did you find anything to help with the nausea?

Have a lot of cousins in your family?

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I have 4 cousins, and they are siblings. My two kids have 7 first cousins and then a set of cousins that technically are second cousins, but are so close they count 9 cousins.

Pregnancy seems so long ago now, I just remember being so sick the second time around. And I HATED chicken.



I love that they are so close with their second cousins too, that is awesome! Interesting on being so sick the second time around… was it a girl or boy? Thanks so much! Have a great rest of your day, Mary.


Girl, I am 31 weeks and still battling nausea. I had to take a month off of work in order to do IV fluids daily at home. It’s been rough but my little girl will be here around July 21rst. I’ve been following along with your journey since you were pregnant with Brooke. I’m so happy to see you doing well and that life is blessing you! You deserve all the best in the world! ???


EMILY! I can’t even imagine. That is such a long time to be so sick and IV fluids too… wow. You are strong. I am so thrilled for her to get here and you’ll have to keep me updated. Thank you so much and so do YOU! I hope you start getting some breaks from the nausea soon.


I thought I was so weird for hating water while pregnant! It’s comforting to hear other people struggle with that. I had sooo many popsicles, fruit and juice to try and compensate. I had my daughter a month ago and drinking water is STILL a struggle. Congratulations and hope everything goes well :)


Your headaches sound like migraines. I had the worst migraines of my life when I was pregnant and nursing my daughter. My doctor told me that they were triggered (for me anyway) by hormones. I had significantly fewer with my son. Maybe your little one is a boy?!?!


You had them when you were nursing too?! Oh wow, that is so hard! VERY interesting to hear you didn’t have as many with your son because I’ve been wondering if that was the case because they were so strong with Brooke and Skye. PS you are so right, definitely migraines! I hope you are having a great day, Lisa.


You are definitely not alone and I really hope that you start liking water again soon! Congratulations to you and your new daughter. Thanks for the popsicle idea, I will totally be copying you. Thanks Susan and I hope you have a great night of sleep!


I am SO SO excited you are expecting again!! Ugh I was so sick in the first trimester of this current pregnancy. I would get super nauseous at night and nothing really helped. It finally went away at about 13 weeks. But my heartburn was so bad that my doctor gave me a prescription for lansoprozole/Prevacid which you can also get over the counter. Are you going to find out the gender of this baby or keep it a surprise??!


Thank you so much Melissa! That first trimester is just nuts and I wonder how in the world people do it so many times! So glad you were able to get the prescription to help with the heartburn! We are still in debate about this haha. Hope you have the best day Melissa!


You and your family are so very blessed! I really enjoy reading your blog. You bring a touch of positivity to my day. You have got to be one of the cutest pregnant women I have ever seen! Can’t wait to follow along on this exciting journey.


Thank you so much Kimberly! This means A LOT to me. Keep me updated with how you are doing!


I’m 28 weeks and all the digestive issues are starting to come back! During the first trimester, I had lots of nausea but no vomiting so I lived in fear of needing a sudden bathroom break in the middle of class (I teach middle school). I just ate whatever sounded tolerable and didn’t further aggravate the nausea and then begged/pleaded with students to keep their snacks out of my room. I could have used distance learning back in January and February! Instead I transitioned straight from foot surgery recovery to pregnancy issues…I’m still working on the foot thanks to constant weight gain due to my (well-loved, but ill-timed) little one.

This baby will join 4 other cousins, all boys, and will even have one just a few months older than him so he will be in good company (and have hand me downs!).


THEY ARE BACK!? OH NO!! Christina, I totally did that when I was pregnant with Brooke… I said no snacks allowed ha. I really hope that you start feeling better again and that your foot heals properly. Keep me updated on how you are doing and I hope this third trimester zooms by for you! So exciting to have a cousin so close in age. Have a great night and sleep well.


Hi and congrats!!! <3 I've never been pregnant, but I have a suggestion for hating water…I was having some GI issues and my doctor had me drinking lots of water with electrolytes in it. The issues are long gone, but now I HATE the taste of regularly-filtered water. I HAVE to have water with electrolytes!!! It tastes amazing and so much better than normal water. Give it a shot, and maybe it will help. :)


Leslie, thank you so much for your help! I am SO happy that your issues were figured out. This may be a stupid question but did you buy water with electrolytes in it or mix them in? Thanks for your help and I can’t wait to love water again:)


I actually but water that has electrolytes in it. Smart Water is an example, but my grocery store has a lower priced brand that does the same thing. I buy the largest amount for the cheapest price. I get sooo disappointed when I run out! LOL


Awesome! Thank you so much for helping me and I can’t wait to try this! You are the best!


I’m also pregnant (11.5 weeks!) and have been even more sick this time than last time. I’ve tried all the med combos and finally a week ago I decided to pay for bonjesta and it’s actually helped me be able to function enough to take care of my 19 month old. Still not feeling good enough for exercise but at least I’m not a zombie mom anymore. Mostly. So excited for you!


I will have to talk to my doctor about bonjesta. Thanks so much for sharing and I am so glad you are feeling a bit better. Keep me updated with how you are doing and CONGRATS Hailey!


I’m 10 weeks with my 3rd and the afternoon/night time nausea is sooooo brutal!! I was hoping you’d say it’s gone for you so I have something to look forward to :( haha So happy for you guys!


Julie!! I am SO so sorry! It is so much better now it’s just nighttime for me so look forward to at least some amazing days sometime soon. Please keep me updated and congratulations. It will be fun to do this together!


My doctor told me that I OD’d on tums when i was pregnant with my first. the heartburn was so bad. when i was pregnant with my second and third, i had different doctors. they introduced me to zantac and mylanta. i took all three but tums were the last resort. i still can’t take them and my oldest is almost 16.
i had late in the day sickness with my son (my third). a lady i worked with was the same way when she was pregnant with her son. it was weird. she kept telling me that i was having a boy because of that.
the only thing that helped with the nausea was running. i got on my treadmill and ran as fast as i could until the doctor told me to stop. and meat. for a while, i only wanted lunch meat and doritos. my doctor told me that one of the things they recommended for nausea was salt and vinegar chips. i didn’t try them because i thought they were gross and pregnancy didn’t change that.
i have 6 siblings. my parents have 17 grandkids and 3 great grandkids so my kids have a lot of cousins. family get togethers are a lot of fun!
i’m glad you’re feeling better!


Oh no! That sounds absolutely miserable. I need to make sure I’m not going overboard on Tums! Maybe this is a boy! Knox will be so happy if it is:) Your get togethers sound amazing and six siblings, I bet that was a blast growing up together. Thanks for sharing with me and I hope you have a great night!


Hello Janae ! I’m so so happy for you !! That is a great news !
26th grand child ? Whouah ! How many brothers and sisters do you have ?
I don’t have sister/brother. I’m all alone !
Will you want to know if you will have a boy or a girl as soon as possible ? Or keep the surprise until the end ?
(I don’t have kids but i’m sure i couldn’t wait. I don’t understand how people can wait ! Haha !)
Have a nice day ! And i hope nauseas will go away soon !


Hey Ingrid! I have 3 brothers and 1 sister! We are still not sure but I’ll keep you updated. Thank you SO much friend and I hope you have a really great day!


Hey congratulations on your pregnancy! I work in a hospital in Maryland that has a lot of COVID patients. I had a lady on my floor who had it and was 23 weeks pregnant with twins. She recovered and went home. The babies are still growing well. Others have given birth while positive and the babies were ok. I hope that is encouraging in these difficult times. Hugs!


Thank you so so much Danielle for telling me this. It really brought me a lot of relief. I am so glad they were all okay and I hope you have a really great night!


I am just a little ahead of you (17 weeks) with my second child! It is so fun to be able to go through pregnancy “together” :). I swear I could have written this post myself! I got hit hard with nausea at 7 weeks and I am finally feeling better. I also had strong popcorn cravings for awhile and could not drink plain water (literally made me get sick). I am a nurse practitioner so I have been so worried about Covid but I am praying I am kept safe during this time, and that all of us can get through this. Please keep the pregnancy updates coming, I hope you continue to feel better!


You’ll have to keep me updated with how you are doing Erica and it sounds like we are a lot a like! I am so happy you are finally feeling better. Praying that you stay healthy too and thank you for doing what you do! I’ll be posting each week and I look forward to hearing how you are doing too. Have a wonderful day, Erica!


Congratulations! I’m so happy for you all!


Thank you so much Katrina. I hope your Thursday is a great one!


I have Zantac where I live!! I have some in my cupboard right now… email me if you want me to send you some, no problem!!


YOU ARE JUST THE BEST! I just got some Tagament because my brother said that should help but I’ll let you know if it doesn’t and email you. Thank you for being so kind. I hope you are having a great day so far. Thanks Andrea!


Hi there! I’m about 22 weeks pregnant now and finally purchased my first pair of maternity work pants. They were long overdue!! hahaha I was wondering if you had a link or recommendations for your maternity pant favorites! I’ve only bought one pair for work but I know I will need a few more for every day use. Thank you so much and congratulations!!


CONGRATS AMY! I am so excited for you! I just went with Madewell this time because I knew I would be in them a lot more than previous pregnancies (and I got them when they were 40% off)… https://www.madewell.com/maternity-over-the-belly-skinny-jeans-in-black-sea-G7394.html?dwvar_G7394_color=DM0702&cgid=apparel-jeans-maternity#start=12

I love their maternity stuff but you have to wait for a good sale. Have a beautiful day, Amy!


I remember with my 4th I felt so good at 6 weeks and then I had a bunch of friends over made them lunch and told them and they asked how I was feeling in that exact moment the pregnancy nausea started.


Isn’t it crazy that it just hits SO hard! Thanks for sharing so I feel like I’m not the only one ha:). Have a beautiful day, Liz!


My baby is 32 years old with a beard and tats now, but I still remember how sick I was. I wish I had known then about ginger pills – it’s just ground up ginger root (the stuff that goes in ginger ale) and it’s sold at drugstores, Target/Walmart, etc. It’s good for nausea from morning sickness or travel or for heartburn or whatever. I always have a bottle in my cabinet, even now.



I have definitely not tried the ginger pills, I’ll get some today. Thanks Laura and I have a feeling I’ll never forget how sick I am with this one either ha. I hope you have a wonderful day, Laura!


Nothing like morning/all day sickness, but I’m glad the headaches and fatigue haven’t hit you this time around. I couldn’t tolerate any drinks besides Propel when I was pregnant with my son. Maybe it was the added vitamins? Hope you keep feeling better and better!


Well, now I really need some Propel. That sounds amazing. Thanks for the idea Corey and have a wonderful Thursday!


Omigosh I’m so excited for you and your sweet family! I’ve loved following your past pregnancy journeys and look forward to hearing all about this one. I have two (3 & 5) and hope to add a third (I just have to work on getting my husband to come around on this idea ha). I was all about the orange juice during both my pregnancies—what is it with oranges?? And water…blech


Hahah good luck with convincing your husband. Andrew is sure this is our last so I might have to take some of your tips in the future;). Good to know I am not alone with the need for oranges and hatred for water. Have a beautiful and busy days with your two little ones. Thanks Kristen!


I was very, very lucky to not have bad morning sickness with either of my pregnancies, but one thing that did help when I was feeling nauseous was sucking on tart candy, like jolly ranchers. Especially the green apple ones. Strange, but it worked.


Off to get some green apple Jolly Ranchers. THANK YOU JANICE! Have a wonderful day:)


Ugh I am so sorry you’ve been feeling sick so often. That is the worst!

How did you tell the kiddos? Were Brooke and Knox excited? :)

Also I LOVE the dress in the last pic. Where is it from?

Have a great day Janae! Thanks for sharing all of this!


Thank you SO much Katrina, we can’t wait. I wish I had a good story but for Brooke I showed her the test and she got so excited when she saw it! With Knox we told him all together when he got back and the first thing he said was, is it a boy?! Here is the dress and hopefully she gets more sizes soon:



My dad’s family is huge and he has over 100 first cousins! I don’t have quite that many haha I have 57 first cousins. They were my best friends growing up! My husband has 2 first cousins. 2!!! I cannot imagine. My little boy has three cousins, my brother’s kids but hopefully more of my siblings have babies and he gets more!


Over 100 first cousins?! That is incredible. How fun to grow up with so many instant best friends! I hope you have a wonderful day with your little boy!


I survived on toast, plain noodles and cheerios for a few months…and like you ORANGE JUICE was life! I would wake up in the middle of the night almost every night and need a glass. For nausea I took a lot of B6 and that seemed to help, though it could very well have been in my mind. I also drank a lot of ginger ale, went for runs or would close my eyes for a couple minutes and just breathe. Sounds silly, but sometimes that was enough to take my mind off of it. I hope your sickness subsides soon, there is nothing worse!


What is it about Orange Juice!? There must be something because so many of us NEEDED it. I know a ton of people that B6 helps a lot. Going to close my eyes and just breathe on my next run, that sounds perfect. Hope you have a great day, April and thank you so much for helping!


Tagamet or Pepcid are alternatives to Zantac that are safe for pregnancy and don’t contain NMDA (which was the problem with Zantac) of you wanted something for heartburn. (I’m an anesthesiologist/ICU doctor)
Your little baby bump is so cute!


THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Melly! I am going to try Tagamet today! I hope you have a beautiful day and that everything is going well at your hospital.


I’m a gynecologist and was going to make the same comment :)
Also that if nights are rough, taking unisom/b6 specifically just before bed might be helpful since unisom is sedating and may help you sleep through it (and fwiw diclegis and bonjesta are both just unisom and b6 packaged in a single pill, although bonjesta is supposed to be slow release, which could hypothetically make a difference- don’t know of any studies showing one way or the other).


Thank you thank you thank you Teresa for your help! I should have reached out to you guys even sooner ha… I need this!


My first pregnancy was with my son and there was so many similarities to what you went through, especially the oranges. I ate 1-2 every single day and if I didn’t have any I’d make a special trip to the store to get some. Similar sickness timeline too. Are you guys going to find out if it is a boy or a girl?

I’m so thrilled for you and your beautiful family. God is so good. <3


REALLY!?!? Maybe it is a boy then! We still aren’t sure yet (I need to convince Andrew ha). Thank you so much Jessica, and you are so right… God is so good.


I’m so excited for you all!! Yay babies! Thankfully I haven’t been sick yet, but the nausea game is REAL that first trimester!! I drank decaf peppermint tea! ALLLLL day long! I also had peppermint candies at my bedside table for the nighttime yucky-ness! Only thing that worked. I also ate a ton of salt, which is not like me at all! (yuck!) I couldn’t even think about eating a fruit or something sweet for a long time! It’s so funny what our bodies want and do not want!


Congrats to you and I am so glad you haven’t been sick yet. I need to try some peppermint and I’m just like you, I’ve been reaching for chips a ton lately which is not normal. SO sad that you didn’t like fruit though. Hahah it really is and there is no way around doing what our body wants at this time!


Congratulations, Janae! I am so happy for you guys! I am super excited to follow along on this journey with you! Morning sickness is the worsttttt. With my first (girl), I had debilitating nausea for 3 weeks (weeks 5, 6 and 7) and then around week 8 I started to feel a little better and by week 10 I was back to myself. With my second (boy), the nausea didn’t start until week 8 and was relatively mild but lingered until almost 18 weeks! Nausea is seriously the worst! I hope it ends for you soon. Have a great day!!


Thank you so so much and thank you for sharing with me. It’s just nice to have others that get you and give you hope! I can’t imagine the nausea you went through with your daughter in the beginning. Those hormones are just all over the place. Thank you so much friend and I hope you are doing well!


congrats!! that is so fun. where is your dress from in the last pic? I need!!


Thank you SO much Erika! Have a great day and here is the dress and hopefully she gets more sizes soon:



I was wondering when you guys were going to have another baby :) haha! So excited for you! I recently bought this powder you add to your water called “Liquid IV” and they are flavored and drinking it is the equivelent of drinking 2-3 bottles of water! Costco sells it and you can also order online. It does have some sugar in it which is the only downside but can help out on those days you are struggling to stay hydrated!


I. Need. This. Right. Now. THANK YOU for helping Stephanie and you wondered right:) Have a beautiful rest of your day.


Congratulations! So exciting. I have a little girl about Skye’s age, and with her pregnancy I also had terrible night nausea – i just tried to eat as much as I could earlier in the day, and stopped eating by 2-3pm (otherwise I would throw it up). I’m not sure if you’re just nauseous or actually vomiting – I never found anything that helped with the nausea (also tried all the recommendations, prescriptions, etc) but nausea inhalers (search on amazon) helped for a while to keep me throwing up when I felt like I was about to. I threw up every day from about week 6 to week 36. I hope yours is over quick and you have a healthy pregnancy!


Molly! Thank you so much for sharing this with me and helping me out. I am absolutely going to get a nausea inhaler now. I was throwing up every night for a while but now it is like 2 times a week. I don’t know how you did that for 30 weeks, you are a strong strong woman. Wish we could get our girls together for a play date!


I’m so sorry about the nausea. I had it pretty badly all day but never figured out a real fix. Mostly, my stomach could stay level with a steady intake of saltine crackers. Ergo, I ate all the saltine crackers. These days I will no longer eat them.

Cousins- biologically, I have six cousins. However, my grandpa had remarried before I was born and my step grandma (who has always been just grandma to me) had her own tribe. The total number of cousins is around forty. I’m unsure of the final count. My brother and I are the oldest and the age range is so wide we didn’t get much of the benefit of the cousin crew. However, the kids in the middle had a riot! Your kids are so lucky to have so many friends at the holidays!


Hey Kathy! Thank you so much and I am SO sorry you had it bad all day. I bet you will never look at saltine crackers the same anymore. That is a lot of cousins! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


I didn’t know you had a miscarriage – have you shared about this before? I’ve had 2 and am always so interested to hear others experiences. Really miss those little babes


Oh Micaela, I am so incredibly sorry. How are you doing? I’d love to chat! I have talked about mine a little but if happened a few weeks before filing for divorce (not the cause of my divorce obviously) and so my life was kind of an explosion at that time. The pain was so intense. I wish I could give you a hug! I’m here whenever you need to talk!


Oh my word that sounds so rough that it was at that time. Goodness that would be difficult. Mine were my first and third pregnancies so it was a very hard experience for everyone and honestly my first true experience of grief. I actually had counselling specifically about this as I found myself unable to get past it alone.
I have forced myself to be super honest and open about it and I cannot count the number of people who have said “oh yeah me too” or “I’ve actually never told anyone this but that happened to me too” etc. it truly is heartbreaking and something people go through in silence.
I found the book safe in the arms of God by John Macarthur really helpful.
Trust your nausea isn’t too bad today xo thank you so much for your kindness to me x


Hi Janae! Congratulations! I’m 7 weeks pregnant with my third and the nausea just hit hard a few days ago. I’ve also noticed more cramping or pelvic pain than my other two- I wonder if it’s just my body going into “go mode” quicker this time around! I’m already expecting to need my maternity clothes a lot sooner :). But it’s so funny that you mentioned orange juice. I don’t love orange juice but I can’t stop thinking about orange Gatorade!


I have followed you for years and this post honestly made me tear up I am so happy for you! I’m so glad you’ve found happiness with Andrew and I am so excited for you for another baby! Is it weird to say I think it’s another girl??


Congratulations on your pregnancy!! So exciting!


Hi!! Long time reader here! I even was on your blog once because I made your piñata costume haha!

Any who! I’m currently 30 weeks pregnant with our first child. Very exciting! The first trimester was so. So. So. Awful. I was nauseous and exhausted all day every day. Second trimester was so much better and actually even felt better than I do normally haha! Now coming into the home stretch I’m getting the exhaustion again. But I am just so excited to meet our little man that I’m just dealing with it!
I really couldn’t find relief from the nausea. I just gave in to the exhaustion and slept as much as possible!

My family is definitely much smaller. I’m the first of my siblings to have a baby so this is grand baby number one for my parents. I am one of ten cousins on dads side and one of seven cousins on moms side. My husband is from a smaller family. He only has one sibling who has one kid. And only a small handful of cousins. His family live in England which is great but going to be so hard after our baby arrives.

Ok I’ve rambled! Can’t wait to hear more about how your pregnancy goes.


I’m late to the game in reading this post, but I just had to comment. Have you heard of true lemon, lime and grapefuit? They’re these little packets you add to water, they don’t have sugar but are just concentrated fruit or something like that. They’re amazing. They’re the only way I could drink water while I was pregnant. I still love them now! Congrats!


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